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kiddin me with this exp rate?

Started by stanxoo, January 18, 2014, 06:32:03 PM

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I'm just to old, dont have that much patience  for harcore server, cya'z :P


It's not rly about the sp, wasent it suposed to be higher rates at start? Still lvl 14 and i learned wind strike lvl 4 and freezing strike lvl 1( where are those higher rates at start?)


Quote from: szmucik on January 19, 2014, 01:39:07 PM
It's not rly about the sp, wasent it suposed to be higher rates at start? Still lvl 14 and i learned wind strike lvl 4 and freezing strike lvl 1( where are those higher rates at start?)
Get this guy off our forums! :P Or better, where is Polsilver! We need you, fight them! I'm not the royal spammer, you are.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: szmucik on January 19, 2014, 01:39:07 PM
It's not rly about the sp, wasent it suposed to be higher rates at start? Still lvl 14 and i learned wind strike lvl 4 and freezing strike lvl 1( where are those higher rates at start?)
Stop trolling or ill remove you. I dont have patience anymore for liars and negativities from such forum users.
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I can't understand whats going on with exp.
Just yesterday night I was getting 40-50k with duo in cemetery , this morning with duo again i get 20-30k.?! . My lvl didn't change since yesterday so the exp just got halfed?
This 25% increase in party exp is real? You say from 125% to 150% but its completely false .


Quote from: Pebamama on January 19, 2014, 02:18:13 PM
I can't understand whats going on with exp.
Just yesterday night I was getting 40-50k with duo in cemetery , this morning with duo again i get 20-30k.?! . My lvl didn't change since yesterday so the exp just got halfed?
This 25% increase in party exp is real? You say from 125% to 150% but its completely false .
Actually it was 170% before rr. Curently running 150. However there is big fuzz created about this party exp thing. We will soon come with the most stable solution and fair for everyone and it wont be low at all.
The reason ur recieveing lex exp in party is because party exp dropped since yday.
But be patient we are working on few issues.
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Stop complaining about rates, they are just fine.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 01, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
There will be no armors nor weapons at donny. Spoil/craft them.


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 19, 2014, 02:21:46 PM
Actually it was 170% before rr. Curently running 150. However there is big fuzz created about this party exp thing. We will soon come with the most stable solution and fair for everyone and it wont be low at all.
The reason ur recieveing lex exp in party is because party exp dropped since yday.
But be patient we are working on few issues.

To me it seems that party exp boost doesn't work for duo . (Or am I completely wrong? I mean , getting half exp suddendly?!)


Quote from: kalli8iotis0 on January 19, 2014, 12:33:08 PM
u mr smartguy u will pvp in no grades? so much fun.

PvP in no grades is pretty rad thing, what'cha want? ;]
Yes...! For PvPing while exping on selfbuffs, just to defend very own spot!
And yes...! For some hard months of work to get B grades, not mentioning of A grades, not dreaming of S grades even...!
Challenging fun to play! I'm so happy for thos rates...
There's always something behind nothing.


rates are good right now, no need any changes, do you want pvp server ???


I belive some of U here are mising 2 things...
No one is whining about the XP rate cuz thats high enough... I mean I'm almost lvl 60 after few days of playing and I didn't play 24/h.

The issue is the XP bonus in party which is ridiciolus.... I get 50k + exp on Timak Orcs in a Duo with a  buffer.
I took 2 more ppl to party and went for a bit higher lvl mobs and we were all getting 2X k XP...

So the issue is U have less exp in party than solo - SO WHAT IS THE freakING POINT OF GOING IN PARTY...?
It's a MMO game and solo ppl get more exp than in party... dumbest idea ever, just raise the party bonus to a resonable level....

This is funny, Drake running various L2 servers so many years and can't set a freaking party bonus like it should be, ridiciolus...
Gotham PS/SK NW Clan
Quote from: greenyWich is the best mage pvp char(i mean with sub)?
Quote from: flexcubeThe one with skilled player behind  :D


Nope, ur just a dumb 13 yo retard that didnt read my post
Gotham PS/SK NW Clan
Quote from: greenyWich is the best mage pvp char(i mean with sub)?
Quote from: flexcubeThe one with skilled player behind  :D