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Enchant System...



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Enchant System...

Started by Ziehen, January 21, 2014, 05:00:21 AM

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Hi there, am i the only one who thinks the enchant system rate is just retarded as hell??? I mean come on, no one like starwars and less if it's even at the very beginning of the server...

The rates should be like this:

Chance to fail depending on lvl (Normal Scrolls)

Weapons: from +4 to +6 (45%) | +7 to +9 (60%) | +10 to +13 (65%) | +14 to +15 (70%) | +16 (75%) | +17 (80%) | +18 (85%) | +19 (90%) | +20 (95%). +20 should be the max enchant allowed i think..

Armors/Jewells: from +4 to +6 (55%) | +7 to +9 (70%) | +10 (75%). For it i think +10 should be the max enchanting allowed.

About Blessed scrolls, just reduce the chance to fail 10% on each lvl, maybe 15%, that's all.

I also would like to ask something about the "Deflect Arrow", when u said all those debuffs by using it, it's just work for Deflect Arrow lvl 4? or also lvl 2 aswell?, i think Archers might be a bit OP with that change...


Enchant failure are cumulative.
Is not that you make +0 to +15 with 1 single enchant attempt. and you get "70%" chances.
To propertly calculate it you have to sum all the chances and then divide it by the amount of attemps.
You will see is easy to reach +6/7 with this system but not so easy to reach the "dark side" of +16

About DeflectArrow:
Higher the level of deflect arrow, higher the drawbacks when used in a NOT tank stance.
The only drawback that is static from lv1 to lv4 is the bow range.


Quote from: =drake= on January 21, 2014, 09:13:35 AM
Enchant failure are cumulative.
Is not that you make +0 to +15 with 1 single enchant attempt. and you get "70%" chances.
To propertly calculate it you have to sum all the chances and then divide it by the amount of attemps.
You will see is easy to reach +6/7 with this system but not so easy to reach the "dark side" of +16

About DeflectArrow:
Higher the level of deflect arrow, higher the drawbacks when used in a NOT tank stance.
The only drawback that is static from lv1 to lv4 is the bow range.

Can u explain this part pls.
What would be considered tank stance? and what not?
My logic is: tank stats + sword in hand = tank stance, and every other weapon in hand or other stats is considered not tank stance and u get the 'nerf'?


Quote from: igi on January 21, 2014, 06:39:54 PM
Can u explain this part pls.
What would be considered tank stance? and what not?
My logic is: tank stats + sword in hand = tank stance, and every other weapon in hand or other stats is considered not tank stance and u get the 'nerf'?
yes pretty much, if u play ur tank with a bow u'll get the nerf from deflect arrow.

Teon     - CrazyApple, xPride
DNet    - LadyMisato, xMisato, SoyFon, Casval, xOdin, Happy
RPG     - CrazyApple


If you dont want nerfs, the only way is to use a sword.
Make a da/wk, its very cool  ::) ::)
Necro (psy)
RedKnights Clan


Quote from: =drake= on January 21, 2014, 09:13:35 AM
Enchant failure are cumulative.
Is not that you make +0 to +15 with 1 single enchant attempt. and you get "70%" chances.
To propertly calculate it you have to sum all the chances and then divide it by the amount of attemps.
You will see is easy to reach +6/7 with this system but not so easy to reach the "dark side" of +16

About DeflectArrow:
Higher the level of deflect arrow, higher the drawbacks when used in a NOT tank stance.
The only drawback that is static from lv1 to lv4 is the bow range.

I'm still thinking that "Enchanting" is a delicate thing to think about in this game, most of the ppl as i said won't like to see another guys with +7/+8 weapons that soon and that easy, you should probably increase the failure rate a bit...

About Deflect Arrow part, what is exactly "Tank Stance"? it means being playing as a tank? or?


i think a ench reduction will be needed else all will be glowing



Enchant is fine as it is.Ind the end it's all about luck...Try enchant ppl or to many fails already?And ppl start qq about other's luck?
P.S. Tried to ench d grades and was fail festival.So enchant system is ok Drake.
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


Quote from: reddragonjr on January 21, 2014, 11:22:14 PM
Enchant is fine as it is.Ind the end it's all about luck...Try enchant ppl or to many fails already?And ppl start qq about other's luck?
P.S. Tried to ench d grades and was fail festival.So enchant system is ok Drake.
I've never seen so many +9++ weapons right off the bat, ofc its fine for you since you are planning to enchant.
From a 50% success enchant rate to 80% and you really think this is fine? get real.


drop the chances 66 for fighter
55 or 50 for mage -.- cmon dont make it starwars network


Quote from: 69 on January 21, 2014, 11:51:59 PM
drop the chances 66 for fighter
55 or 50 for mage -.- cmon dont make it starwars network

A mage CP had 4 HOM+9 on the nukers, i think thats too much