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Some Suggestions



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Some Suggestions

Started by kramligz, January 23, 2014, 07:30:29 AM

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Hello guys,

How are you there? I am just want to contribute some suggestions regarding our community. Since there was no official announcement yet about donations and etc. I have some list that comes up on my mind. Please don't hesitate to comment and please no trash talking, I am not QQing here. I'm just wanted to help the community.

   - exp boost bottle, x2 or something like that =  to balance the no-life players and have life players.
   - Hair accessories.
   - custom summon or rides such as dragon, track, motorcycle and etc.

Also, I noticed when the server opening starts the auto pick up is well implemented but several hours or minutes it returns to manual?  Why? Please advise.

Many Thanks and Regards,



When u ask that for dance is needed dualsword, boost exp bottle dont help. Sry mate.


Quote from: stanxoo on January 23, 2014, 08:11:25 AM
When u ask that for dance is needed dualsword, boost exp bottle dont help. Sry mate.

Yeah I know. I am just wanted to suggest if it is good for the community. If not? Well I can handle it to the end game and also BD is not my char mate, The other thread that I posted a while ago is for my friend. Sws here. Thanks for your comment.


You realize that people with more time would use the xp boost too, right?

I mean I'm not against it, but it wouldn't reduce the gap until the "nolifers" get to 80 with their sub. It would make it even bigger if anything.


seriously is not so hard exping here :) u need just patience and spend some time for it with some friends or + buffer bot :)


how u want a grade? :D ppl have a grade sets but no unseal all wait for mammon. so dont talk sh1ts



Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 23, 2014, 12:37:47 PM
Eh, that's what i'm talking about, if all server was in c-b grade for months it would be better, much more fun.
Instead in 1 week already ppl near to max level + b-a equip.

....who told that "by Math" it would've take 1-2months to make 7x+ ? Igi? Or who it was?
LOL why? Now many players and clan just farming. Much more fun after C/B grade. Clan wars, pvp at bosses and so on. If you have a pve clan like old TBL on infinity then you should go to another low rate server you can be a no lifer king there..
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2014, 10:14:08 AM
- There wont be Armor/shields at donation NPC.


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 23, 2014, 01:20:15 PM
I haven't any clan, and i'm not exping-nolifeing, anyway you are wrong: best pvp/masspvp are between c/b grade players... That's why i'm sad seeing what is happening on this server after 6 days from opening
I dont see too much pvp on the server in c/b grade. Best pvp yeah maybe it was in c3.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2014, 10:14:08 AM
- There wont be Armor/shields at donation NPC.


Sadly but server is sux for solo players.And ye i know, l2 is party and pvp based game.But for those whos working?They cant join to any clan because 1-2-3 hours daily(in diffrent times) not so much.There are a lot more way to slower the game, turn off mana pots and low exp rate are one of them.Sadly thats not good for everyone.


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 23, 2014, 01:45:03 PM

C4 too
I think cant be compare when dummies pvping in the early game and when skilled players/clans just farming and preparing for late game.
Imho. You cant force players to pvp in the early game if they dont want to do that.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2014, 10:14:08 AM
- There wont be Armor/shields at donation NPC.


noone will pvp at low lvl, all will rush, just as I said before server start and nothing will change. we simply dont want to freaking pvp @60lvl.  8years ago it was fun. now it's not.