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Did i install right? Cant login.



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Did i install right? Cant login.

Started by Nekroseth, January 31, 2014, 12:23:35 PM

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Hi. So i downloaded the client from torrent, and dowloaded the dragon network "patch?" that is DNet_IL_2140117 zip, i am not sure how to install it trough, i copyed the whole content to the game folder (ot overwrited some stuff) and started it, did a check, seems ok and start the game.

It does start up, i get the login screen, but when i put in the account name and the password, says its not fitting.
The account name is the Nekroseth i am using here right? I even changed my password here but nothing changed.
Did i install the "patch" right? Do i need to do something more?


Did you created game account or just forum account- two different things?

In case you didn't http://dragon-network.net/

Burlesque sh/ps


Oooooo lol nop. Thank you :D Problem solved.