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PI Lethals

Started by NunoPitbull, February 18, 2014, 04:06:44 AM

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Well when we were in PI tank got 3-5 full lethals in 3 buff rounds and 2 full lethals on a nuker but cp lethals were lot more frequent
but still it is easy manageable...
Dont get me wrong its ok to report things if u think they r not working right...

But I dont like attitude like NinoPitblabla that convinces himself hes right and no1 cant change his mind... and all he does is qq and flame ppl that give different view/opinion.
Im tired of him saying i played here and there and I know cuz u cant know what kind of ink is used to print a book just by reading it...if u know what I mean.

And also I think that u cant measure land rate of lethal when 30 mobs r hitting u cuz there is a lot more chance u get lethal than one mob attacking u


PI working fine we farm there on AOE long time ago there is no problems at all if u cant handle farming there this is not the right section to cry


Quote from: naTiexu on February 19, 2014, 10:16:50 PM
PI working fine we farm there on AOE long time ago there is no problems at all if u cant handle farming there this is not the right section to cry

^ http://www.instantsfun.es/badumtss/

NunoPitblabla flame him fast!! he said the complete opposite thing u said!!


I'am talking about full lethals


Well tonight we were PI and in first 30 min we didnt get any full lethals and after that 3 full in 5 min or so so u r eather lucky or unlucky :)


The problem is not the lethals at all, its the rate. It,s just funny cuz mobs lethal ALOT more then players. And my experience in farming on PI is so different from here that it does not feel right.

Gaia: Misato / Ceres / Green
Nova: Envy
Ayrin: Ceres
Hellraiser: Envy
Shadow: Clonage / Hawt
Frintezza: Hawt
Discord: Mitchel#3748


You are bad and your pt cant handle PI thats all i can say , If u want to buy spellbooks from PI feel free to pm demich/abruzzi .


Quote from: lNecropsy on February 19, 2014, 08:18:44 PM
Igi is just poiting that there are tooooo many QQ.
So much, that this whole forum can drown in tears.

QQ about TU
QQ about mana pots
QQ about spoil
QQ about olympiad
QQ about mob skills.
QQ about quests retails.

Soon there will be a lot more QQ about sub combos... QQ about sps/ee, necro/pp, etc.

Ppl are never happy. Cant you play the game as it is?

Man you have no idea. Yesterday i killed bunch of people, half of those who went on PK were  "I keeeel you later". Im like why later? And they were like  After I'm noble. And then they attempted to explain to me in broken language that L2 (especially PVP) starts after you make top gear and noble.

Lol what a joke. Back in the golden days I never had noble, and the goal was preventing the progress of the enemy. And now what? Cowards everywhere, people dropping wars or leaving clans with wars, sucking each others dks on golky or retail-bosses just for a chance to get it, instead of preventing their enemies to get it.  Its pathetic what happened with the community and this thread is another result.

If I would spawn old Belit here, he would be a war hero compared to the shit that plays these days. Just pathetic.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


I can just /facepalm to some people, like

Quote from: djvancho on February 18, 2014, 09:40:26 AM
PI in ok, this is TOP location in Interlude, so is not mean to be easy ...
And is farmable atm so ...

Quote from: Peorexo on February 18, 2014, 09:59:55 AM
u have everywhere 80lv? i guess no, mobs are above 80lv and their skill will have higher lethal rate on u unless ur 80's

etc, are guys totally newbies in L2 or WTF?? People on retail like servers hunting at PI at lvl 76, but why would you farm at PI in interlude? Is good only for top A weapons, adena quest, hunting t-rex and getting books atm..


Quote from: LadyZENITH on February 20, 2014, 12:44:34 PM
Man you have no idea. Yesterday i killed bunch of people, half of those who went on PK were  "I keeeel you later". Im like why later? And they were like  After I'm noble. And then they attempted to explain to me in broken language that L2 (especially PVP) starts after you make top gear and noble.

Lol what a joke. Back in the golden days I never had noble, and the goal was preventing the progress of the enemy. And now what? Cowards everywhere, people dropping wars or leaving clans with wars, sucking each others dks on golky or retail-bosses just for a chance to get it, instead of preventing their enemies to get it.  Its pathetic what happened with the community and this thread is another result.

If I would spawn old Belit here, he would be a war hero compared to the shit that plays these days. Just pathetic.


Btw there's an NPC selling Primeval potions which provide some resistance to lethals.


Quote from: blblblblblbl on February 20, 2014, 01:49:41 PM
I can just /facepalm to some people, like

etc, are guys totally newbies in L2 or WTF?? People on retail like servers hunting at PI at lvl 76, but why would you farm at PI in interlude? Is good only for top A weapons, adena quest, hunting t-rex and getting books atm..
Stop qq, i made plenty of trains on PI and did exp there here and back in the day 7y ago on our server, nothing changed in that matter. l2p