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Started by NunoPitbull, February 22, 2014, 01:00:20 PM

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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 22, 2014, 05:33:33 PM
You all didnt got my point, i said on what you will put those enchants from donation NPC since we dont have (and will not have ) weapons and armors on donation npc. Someone has to craft them and that process isnt 1 click you know...  I hope you understand more clearly.

And PS if someone wants to leave a server just because he sees a XX weapon then he shouldnt even bother playing l2.
Trust me, I got your point, you just missed mine.
I know that you must make S grade stuff ingame so you can use those enchants.
But which way will lead to more unbalance/QQ?
If a very low part of server will have S grade and possibility to enchant them OR if people "who have family and less time to play" are able to purchase their S grade stuff.
Yup, this way is perfect for you, coz people who can't spend big amount of time ingame, will have to donate something else to buy S grade items AND also donate for enchants if they want to catch up.
I'm not saying that you should put weapons/armors to Donny, you shouldn't.
But that still would be a better option than the one we actually have.

Long term >>> short term
steps ins.

I've done wrong but these mistakes will always teach me
To keep my head straight, and find the best way.


There are full oe weapons on L2 official and all enchants in shops... you saw that server fail? And you can't compare official economy with tarantula one.So empty words.All predict here.... like they all are oracles.... "matrix"? dafaq!
And for your info to make oe S grade weapons you need many s weapons so make count how many s weapons you need on server for all people lal.
I want to see you qq when you will shout for 1 month wtb am db cause you can't find 1 on server and you guys qq about blessed enchants lal.
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


Quote from: mlhungary8 on February 22, 2014, 05:44:58 PM
people "who have family and less time to play"
people who have less time to play shouldnt expect to be equally geared as people who have lots of time.


Quote from: Zeelgadees on February 22, 2014, 02:04:54 PM
Ok to be honest max 10 posts. Now tell me i repoted every single post again.

lol u report me? u must be really sad IRL
P00hBear - WK/HE
@ - SesameStreet 2 Forever
$ - PwnServ
8 k+ Club


Sorry for double post, didn't want to edit the previous one.

And trust me, I was very active since I play here so I'm not saying all these coz I'd like to take benefit from it. I'd be happy if there would be no Donny at all. I know that can't happen, but donation should be a choice and feedback for your great work and not an option(only option for some) to get top stuff ingame.
steps ins.

I've done wrong but these mistakes will always teach me
To keep my head straight, and find the best way.


Quote from: pmkaboo on February 22, 2014, 05:49:02 PM
people who have less time to play shouldnt expect to be equally geared as people who have lots of time.
And they will never be unless donation allows them.
steps ins.

I've done wrong but these mistakes will always teach me
To keep my head straight, and find the best way.


Quote from: VOoDOoT on February 22, 2014, 05:49:14 PM
lol u report me? u must be really sad IRL
mb he's just bored to read your shit everywhere.


cry 13 is good , in future dont be that hard get a 13 , right now would be a hard thing maybe

BEWS is a joke coomon change it please. Better , remove BEWS ppl would donate for ews, horn, crystals.  , BEWS would be gained for Raid bosses

u dont want put recipes a grade or weapons but put BEWS?


Quote from: reddragonjr on February 22, 2014, 05:46:51 PM
There are full oe weapons on L2 official and all enchants in shops... you saw that server fail?

Yes i do. Official is a big fail, full of bots, old players left it, and others too, that's why it become f2p, to attract new players.

And by the way, the off servers are 11 years old... they had plenty of time to enchant, of course there is a lot of oe there.
Disconnect HE/WK infinity 5x, BlackArmy (abandoned with the server...)
Farostlemez TK rpg-club federation (abandoned)


You could add Lunargents to GMshop, you could add nick changes/color nicks/etc, put comon, BEWS for 4 DC Coins??? even hats are more expensive lol.

And drake, you said you didnt said how much is worth 1 DC (meaning that if its worth 2 euros, horn will be 80 euros?) And OFC, why not normal horn on donny? lower it a bit in compareced to premium horn and u get alot of donations for that too.

You need to think about carefully about prices. Alot of people I know are already considering on leaving. They work hard to crys 13, and now they are at donny for such a low price, in which in IL case is the last item u get, S wep with acu/focus/w.e.

Think carefully, don't be greedy in short term, or you'll kill the server with Donations. Better get rich slowly then get money in 1 month and dont get nothing after.

ALSO another IMPORTANT thing, this is the begining of the SERVER, not 1 year server. With BEWS like that your giving MONEY PEOPLE the oputurnity to have mroe stuff then the working ones. If this was added later when people had some farm already, wouldn't cause that much impact. Think about it aswell.

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If you want drop me on PM some nice songs 4nextvid


Quote from: NunoPitbull on February 22, 2014, 05:58:21 PM
You could add Lunargents to GMshop, you could add nick changes/color nicks/etc, put comon, BEWS for 4 DC Coins??? even hats are more expensive lol.

And drake, you said you didnt said how much is worth 1 DC (meaning that if its worth 2 euros, horn will be 80 euros?) And OFC, why not normal horn on donny? lower it a bit in compareced to premium horn and u get alot of donations for that too.

You need to think about carefully about prices. Alot of people I know are already considering on leaving. They work hard to crys 13, and now they are at donny for such a low price, in which in IL case is the last item u get, S wep with acu/focus/w.e.

Think carefully, don't be greedy in short term, or you'll kill the server with Donations. Better get rich slowly then get money in 1 month and dont get nothing after.

ALSO another IMPORTANT thing, this is the begining of the SERVER, not 1 year server. With BEWS like that your giving MONEY PEOPLE the oputurnity to have mroe stuff then the working ones. If this was added later when people had some farm already, wouldn't cause that much impact. Think about it aswell.

cu bro
P00hBear - WK/HE
@ - SesameStreet 2 Forever
$ - PwnServ
8 k+ Club


Quote from: NunoPitbull on February 22, 2014, 05:58:21 PM
You could add Lunargents to GMshop, you could add nick changes/color nicks/etc, put comon, BEWS for 4 DC Coins??? even hats are more expensive lol.

And drake, you said you didnt said how much is worth 1 DC (meaning that if its worth 2 euros, horn will be 80 euros?) And OFC, why not normal horn on donny? lower it a bit in compareced to premium horn and u get alot of donations for that too.

You need to think about carefully about prices. Alot of people I know are already considering on leaving. They work hard to crys 13, and now they are at donny for such a low price, in which in IL case is the last item u get, S wep with acu/focus/w.e.

Think carefully, don't be greedy in short term, or you'll kill the server with Donations. Better get rich slowly then get money in 1 month and dont get nothing after.

ALSO another IMPORTANT thing, this is the begining of the SERVER, not 1 year server. With BEWS like that your giving MONEY PEOPLE the oputurnity to have mroe stuff then the working ones. If this was added later when people had some farm already, wouldn't cause that much impact. Think about it aswell.
By looking our donation npc we are greedy? Damn man, i dont know if you are seeing correctly than. Donations are extremely fair for everyone. And do i have to remind you AGAIN, there are no weapons nor armors at donation manager, so do your calculation how "easy" is to enchant anything. Game is not about enchanting , there are so many things that makes market moving and there are so many things that you can sell on market and earn your money.
And as i said earlier , if anyone will leave server because he sees enchanted items then he is definitely playing wrong game because there is no server out there who doesn't have enchanted weapons, if you think is easy, go ahead make 1. Ups wait, you cant, you have to craft it 1st, then if it brakes Q_Q start from 0.

Good luck
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