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Few things I would like to adress.

Started by LadyZENITH, March 30, 2014, 05:25:32 AM

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When my made the pipette knife quest few weeks ago, FC have offered to questers that if they pay 5 coins to FC, they won't PK them at baium :) But back then it was possible to reach baium before they killed you( i was PK-ed 30 seconds after i hit baium with the pipette knife, while i was in C grade armor and jewels :DD )
But now with this pvp zone shit, the questers won't even reach the crystal, and the PKers are not need to pk anymore, or fear of dropping when they are red.
So now it's impossible to questers (of course who are not in the biggest clans), to hit baium, just if they pay to FC or excii or whoever won baium.
So this pvp zone is a nice gift from GMs to these clans to become even more richer.

(However seeing the past happenings not the clans will became richer but only the leading ppl in the clan ;D)
Disconnect HE/WK infinity 5x, BlackArmy (abandoned with the server...)
Farostlemez TK rpg-club federation (abandoned)


Quote from: unhandledexeption on March 31, 2014, 03:18:41 PM
When my made the pipette knife quest few weeks ago, FC have offered to questers that if they pay 5 coins to FC, they won't PK them at baium :) But back then it was possible to reach baium before they killed you( i was PK-ed 30 seconds after i hit baium with the pipette knife, while i was in C grade armor and jewels :DD )
But now with this pvp zone shit, the questers won't even reach the crystal, and the PKers are not need to pk anymore, or fear of dropping when they are red.
So now it's impossible to questers (of course who are not in the biggest clans), to hit baium, just if they pay to FC or excii or whoever won baium.
So this pvp zone is a nice gift from GMs to these clans to become even more richer.

(However seeing the past happenings not the clans will became richer but only the leading ppl in the clan ;D)
How to get Baium: Join FW, get party, full buffs, go TOI13, dont flag, when baium spawns kill it.

Oww wait... You cant do that anymore :D

Gaia: Misato / Ceres / Green
Nova: Envy
Ayrin: Ceres
Hellraiser: Envy
Shadow: Clonage / Hawt
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Discord: Mitchel#3748


Quote from: LadyZENITH on March 30, 2014, 05:25:32 AM
Before all, this is not some personal rant. This is +- a result what we concluded on TS with a bunch of friends.

There are a couple of things I would like to point out to the administration. Few weird decisions that, according to us, make no sense. 3 things for now.

1. Random restarts, fixes on the fly, event not working, then event on test phase, or even back then when raid spawns were decresed the "sudden unexpected" respawn of all the bosses. Just... don't you have like a test server? You know, one with the same database, where you can test the stuff before setting it live? I mean drake surely has one, so why test stuff on the live server. Why if it fails miserably and creates some exploit? What will happen then? Rollback?

Beside server crashes (that then are fixed by analyzing the crashlogs) I never did (i talk for myself) random restarts without largely announce them.
All my bugfixes are simply scheduled (imagine windows update) and prepared to be loaded automatically (merged with the live code) whenever the server goes down by one of the crashed or by a largely announced reboot.

It happens really rarely i do a reboot without announce it first on the changelog.
It happened the same day you did this post, in the morning, because i was loading an hotfix of a serious bug (and I announced ingame the restart).
The same hotfix clashed up with the batch of other fixes that was in the queue and that forced me to do a 2nd restart within 15min.
Doesnt happen every time, it was just 1 time so far.

2. Botters. Yep, they destroy the economy, balance, kill the game. Yet, we have here so hard time banning them. GM's act like they have to track them for days to ban them, even when they are on "suspect list". Then instead of permabans we have first jails. Thats just laughing in the face of fair players. And also mains remaining untouched. Hello? Do you know the person lost nothing if you don't ban the main? And i mean ban, not jail or take the botted stuff. Or perhaps it would be radical, someone "important" or some "VIP" may get banned? Just annihilate the botters, do not try to "give them other chance so they may behave next time" they did not learn to do that for 10 years and you expect that to change now? Or what...

Still we cant permaban that easily.
Before permabanning there is jailing because even if is the 1000th botter found, THAT specific player is still the 1st time doing it and for as much we would like to play the "dictatorship" game, it would just be more damaging.
We cant permaban just because "someone else botted before you, now you pay for him". So every report-jail-ban-permaban is evaluated as a single case and not a global "cleanup".

GMs are doing an amazing work, they are checking daily 24/24 but also players are many and is a neverending loop.
It's sad that players dont see all the work/reports/etc... GMs are doing constantly but rest assured, we are working our ass out massively.

3. Whats with those PVP zones on bosses. First we had them. Then we did not have them, then bosses spawn was shortened and now we have them again. What purpose do they serve? I mean, except the way for the nolifer clans to PK the randoms freely without worrying about karma. Do they increase PVP? Nope, factor clans will always pvp for it anyway. It just makes it even more impossible for the non top 3/4 clans to ever get there. None in the clan could understand the meaning of those pvp zones. It blows our mind. What the hell are you thinking. You are making the strong even stronger and weak even weaker. Instead of balancing the things a bit you are making it even more diverse. I mean who will keep the server alive. The 80 nolifers or the 2K rest....

ATM we, for some time, have 2 certain clans that always pk everyone when they can. So this change serves only them. Rest of the server will just bite the dust and now they don't even have to worry about karma and some sort of ambush. I do not criticize the PKing, I would do the same if i was on the dominating side. I kinda had a hope it would push people together you know, make zergs against that. But months pass and nope. They still lay there on the ground and just cry and beg. No signs of cooperated resistance. No sign of anything. I already got the early warning before when I pked better geared players which refused to fight back saying "I want noble first then ill PVP" well now you will never have it. Go bite the dust and cry by your mom.

Shame really shame. If I knew L2 community degenerated so much I may not have returned. Idiots and cowards everywhere. Most try to join the top clans, and if it fails, go solo or with one party, and later cry, beg, leave if that one shitty party is not good enough to give them noble. No real players anymore. I even thought about making out-logged PK chars there myself, just in case SF would not pk them or lose the pvp, so I would kill them myself for being cowards. My friends talked me out of it, for now.... Thank god that did not have to happen cause they are still getting what they deserve.

Even the other big clans. Excidium, FW... they fight each other like ****** instead of cooperating against greater enemy. It just blows my mind where did the brains go. I even tried asking some of them why. They were not capable of answering. I guess none makes complicated decision anymore, that would require brain. Everyone is "lets throw this war to have fun tonight".. yeah right. I guess these days its whatever I or my friends/CP cant do, its impossible and ill rather ragequit then actually try to organize something bigger for a change, that others, not only me, may profit from.. oh... how crazy idea.

Next thing is the stupid web databse of bosses and when they died + shortened random respawn. Who does it help? Nolifers only again. People that work have no way of catching it on off hours anyway, and people that can aka the nolifers concentrated in 4 clans, will know exactly when spawn and can always camp it and none else have any chance to patrol it and kill stuff for once.

Admins, this server is set-up well. Well for the community L2 had in 2005-8. Not for the sheep-shit it has now. And by my observations, they will rather leave then change. Consider that with your decisions. Just consider. Ofc this all can be a nice trick to make them even more desperate and then baaam new items to donate for... lets hope its not the case.

In this part you contraddict yourself stating that PVP zone gives nothing except makes the strong even more stronger but then complains that the current players are coward sheeps and they should set their mind and be more smart and aggressive.

The PVP zones have been put there exactly for that: try to make people a bit more aggressive and avoid the constant peaceful "lets avoid fights" behavior we currently have.
It may have been a bad idea but in case... we will remove them again in the QUEST areas (that is only 1 at the moment: TOI)
Vala/Anta are pretty much OK i guess... (and we solved the bug of debuffing the allies, that was the 1st reason why we disable them: we was working on THIS fix.)


Quote from: LadyZENITH on March 30, 2014, 05:25:32 AM
Before all, this is not some personal rant. This is +- a result what we concluded on TS with a bunch of friends.

There are a couple of things I would like to point out to the administration. Few weird decisions that, according to us, make no sense. 3 things for now.

1. Random restarts, fixes on the fly, event not working, then event on test phase, or even back then when raid spawns were decresed the "sudden unexpected" respawn of all the bosses. Just... don't you have like a test server? You know, one with the same database, where you can test the stuff before setting it live? I mean drake surely has one, so why test stuff on the live server. Why if it fails miserably and creates some exploit? What will happen then? Rollback?

2. Botters. Yep, they destroy the economy, balance, kill the game. Yet, we have here so hard time banning them. GM's act like they have to track them for days to ban them, even when they are on "suspect list". Then instead of permabans we have first jails. Thats just laughing in the face of fair players. And also mains remaining untouched. Hello? Do you know the person lost nothing if you don't ban the main? And i mean ban, not jail or take the botted stuff. Or perhaps it would be radical, someone "important" or some "VIP" may get banned? Just annihilate the botters, do not try to "give them other chance so they may behave next time" they did not learn to do that for 10 years and you expect that to change now? Or what...

3. Whats with those PVP zones on bosses. First we had them. Then we did not have them, then bosses spawn was shortened and now we have them again. What purpose do they serve? I mean, except the way for the nolifer clans to PK the randoms freely without worrying about karma. Do they increase PVP? Nope, factor clans will always pvp for it anyway. It just makes it even more impossible for the non top 3/4 clans to ever get there. None in the clan could understand the meaning of those pvp zones. It blows our mind. What the hell are you thinking. You are making the strong even stronger and weak even weaker. Instead of balancing the things a bit you are making it even more diverse. I mean who will keep the server alive. The 80 nolifers or the 2K rest....

ATM we, for some time, have 2 certain clans that always pk everyone when they can. So this change serves only them. Rest of the server will just bite the dust and now they don't even have to worry about karma and some sort of ambush. I do not criticize the PKing, I would do the same if i was on the dominating side. I kinda had a hope it would push people together you know, make zergs against that. But months pass and nope. They still lay there on the ground and just cry and beg. No signs of cooperated resistance. No sign of anything. I already got the early warning before when I pked better geared players which refused to fight back saying "I want noble first then ill PVP" well now you will never have it. Go bite the dust and cry by your mom.

Shame really shame. If I knew L2 community degenerated so much I may not have returned. Idiots and cowards everywhere. Most try to join the top clans, and if it fails, go solo or with one party, and later cry, beg, leave if that one shitty party is not good enough to give them noble. No real players anymore. I even thought about making out-logged PK chars there myself, just in case SF would not pk them or lose the pvp, so I would kill them myself for being cowards. My friends talked me out of it, for now.... Thank god that did not have to happen cause they are still getting what they deserve.

Even the other big clans. Excidium, FW... they fight each other like ****** instead of cooperating against greater enemy. It just blows my mind where did the brains go. I even tried asking some of them why. They were not capable of answering. I guess none makes complicated decision anymore, that would require brain. Everyone is "lets throw this war to have fun tonight".. yeah right. I guess these days its whatever I or my friends/CP cant do, its impossible and ill rather ragequit then actually try to organize something bigger for a change, that others, not only me, may profit from.. oh... how crazy idea.

Next thing is the stupid web databse of bosses and when they died + shortened random respawn. Who does it help? Nolifers only again. People that work have no way of catching it on off hours anyway, and people that can aka the nolifers concentrated in 4 clans, will know exactly when spawn and can always camp it and none else have any chance to patrol it and kill stuff for once.

Admins, this server is set-up well. Well for the community L2 had in 2005-8. Not for the sheep-shit it has now. And by my observations, they will rather leave then change. Consider that with your decisions. Just consider. Ofc this all can be a nice trick to make them even more desperate and then baaam new items to donate for... lets hope its not the case.

1. Server restarts were never on the fly, they were always pre announced in 90% cases (not counting crashes because they simply happen, right now we fixed around 12 crash errors which you don't know about) so server is pretty much stable and all the reboots are announced (don't count last one we was implementing new .dll with some fixes-features and we had to clear all the errors). Apart mentioned we never do reboots on the fly.
- Event not working, its partially my mistake. Why? because if i checked and tested A i expected B to be working too (as other events do), but seems ONLY this one isn't. So i took time to fix it and it will be running in few days (it wont repeat on other events)
- Raid Boss spawn subject is already discussed and closed. (no changes will happen anymore)
- Test server , well we are preparing business construction for this right now, you know this things cost + expenses we have right now that ain't low at all after all p. thingy.

2. Botters. Believe it or not we are the server with lowest amount of bots around. They are around <15% . How do i know that? There are items that legit players cant have while botters can. I do also agree with you they ruin the economy and as i said many times, i always tend to protect legit players and their time, so believe me when i ban him his dward and all items in WH and his supports on such rate server it hurts more then you think of.
In the end you can never 100% have bot-free server , its mission impossible. Every country have the police but yet a lot of thiefs everywhere, even you jail them they still do same mistake after they are released. Speaking of Tara jail system for walkers never applied, if you see walker is jailed inside the game its only because other GM-s dont have power to ban , so what they do is they jail them and send me a list who to ban.

3. Pvp zones are announced since day 1. They were disabled because of 2 things: Clan wars did not flagged and you had to push ctrl, and debuffs debuffed friends (ally,clan). After both things are fixed we have return them back. For now AQ is inactive because we have to change the area to avoid exploits with it. Lineage 2 is multiplayer game, playing solo will cripple you to try like 50% of game itself. Get a clan, learn to pvp (plenty of tutorials around) gather up and fight... Making a condom server without fights where everyone is safe and protected is rather boring ....
About PKing , its a part of game , its lame yes but thats how it is. Once again , get friends , revenge yourself and your mates.

Dear Zenith, L2 community degenerate x1000 and spoiled x10000^2, thats not news, its like this since 2010+. Thats why i said, we will listen community but cant always decide things regarding this matter, there are really really rare people here who objectively comment and advise! Amen to them!

Random respawn, well random respawn is what name says. This window of 4 hours actually allows EVERYONE to camp or even better PVP. On the other hand , hiding this data will just make monopoly of few to farm it 24/7.
Once again, get clan/ally/cp and enjoy the game fully!

Server is concepted to last long, and wake up real Lineage 2 on the generic level, bringing what was the L2 on 1st place (before spoil of players reached lv99)
Players left for ridiculous reasons in my opinion:

- I got offers "Hey let me buy items for $$$$$$$$$$" rejected (a lot of them) 90% of them sent me back the message "Well then gl with your server my party leave no time to farm".
- No walker working = LEAVE
- Cant dupe nor exploit the server = LEAVE
- No special service from gms , no corruption, no special care nor treatment for old clans = LEAVE
- You are not lv 80 in 10 days = LEAVE
- You fail crafting AM = LEAVE
- You cant have full set spoiled in 2 days = LEAVE
- No potions , while tattoe system is build to compensate them (its even better) = LEAVE

The list never ends, these were just examples of ones i received. So you cant please everyone, but we have to keep consistency , since we are not the server which changes as wind blows, else we wouldn't exist 10 years.

I hope my answers helped somehow, and once again sorry for delay in reply.

+1 for you anyhow.
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Yes it did. Thank you and Drake off course for full and long answers. They cleared most of the things. You see I just sometimes get afraid cause I aint got anything big against the server settings ATM. The thing is I always see some giant cry topic and then I see some changed so I get scared that you are getting pushed by it. So... yeah, that is that. If you are not all is right.

Just 2 things Ill add now.

First is that the second part of my 1st post was a bit more rant then all. I really was disappointed how people became, those damn CP's, those clans from Dragon(mostly), how they play, avoid fights. Its not your fault its the community fault, and I see that you are trying your best to force the fights. Amen to that. 

We will see if you succeed.

Second thing is the ... other botters. Aka the support ones. For example active play with both doing the recharge and heal part. Also giving him visio 4x longer against enemies, ability to inspect exactly what they wear, etc, etc,. You know the stuff it can do.... What do you plan to do against that.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: =drake= on March 31, 2014, 11:12:21 PM

Still we cant permaban that easily.
Before permabanning there is jailing because even if is the 1000th botter found, THAT specific player is still the 1st time doing it and for as much we would like to play the "dictatorship" game, it would just be more damaging.
We cant permaban just because "someone else botted before you, now you pay for him". So every report-jail-ban-permaban is evaluated as a single case and not a global "cleanup".

Ok, I can accept that  you don`t intend to permaban immediately ( even you already stated that lack of knowledge about IG rules is not acceptable as excuse ) even I may say I find it riduculous as 99% of that account are made just as bot account, and I can ( VERY hardly ) accept that this mr. Botter keep the mats or w/e he farmed during his bot days as soon as he gets unjailed, BUT so, why don`t you report-jail-ban-permaban ALL the accounts related to the HWID/IP of the botter?

I explain my position:

IF was the botter, u ban my bot, but I already took daily the mats farmed with it and I`m already selling it in my shop, my main is still exping or whatever freely in the game ( and even no1 knows he`s a botter, I think we should publish name of MAIN char who bots as u publish names of items stealers ) PLUS as soon as his bot is out of jail, he would get immediately some more mats or what ever to sell.

Now, this is really frustrating if u put urself in the position of the player who spent the whole day spoiling to raise few kk instead of questing / exping doing pvp or what ever with the main, add to the frustration the fact that Mr. Botter, seeing somebody else selling the same mats, and willing to get money first, lower the price (cost nothing to him to get those mats).

So, I appreciate the hard job GMs are doing fighting the bots, I really do, but I think their efforts becomes kind of worthless if we keep treat like this botters, things have to change if you want to change the situation about bots IG.


Quote from: borde on April 01, 2014, 02:04:25 PM
Ok, I can accept that  you don`t intend to permaban immediately ( even you already stated that lack of knowledge about IG rules is not acceptable as excuse ) even I may say I find it riduculous as 99% of that account are made just as bot account, and I can ( VERY hardly ) accept that this mr. Botter keep the mats or w/e he farmed during his bot days as soon as he gets unjailed, BUT so, why don`t you report-jail-ban-permaban ALL the accounts related to the HWID/IP of the botter?

I explain my position:

IF was the botter, u ban my bot, but I already took daily the mats farmed with it and I`m already selling it in my shop, my main is still exping or whatever freely in the game ( and even no1 knows he`s a botter, I think we should publish name of MAIN char who bots as u publish names of items stealers ) PLUS as soon as his bot is out of jail, he would get immediately some more mats or what ever to sell.

Now, this is really frustrating if u put urself in the position of the player who spent the whole day spoiling to raise few kk instead of questing / exping doing pvp or what ever with the main, add to the frustration the fact that Mr. Botter, seeing somebody else selling the same mats, and willing to get money first, lower the price (cost nothing to him to get those mats).

So, I appreciate the hard job GMs are doing fighting the bots, I really do, but I think their efforts becomes kind of worthless if we keep treat like this botters, things have to change if you want to change the situation about bots IG.


Perma ban the bots and jail the main 120h, 1200h and then perma.
steps ins.

I've done wrong but these mistakes will always teach me
To keep my head straight, and find the best way.


we keep history of botters and of course after the first jail, ban starts to happen. We already do it. (even on mains)


Quote from: =drake= on April 01, 2014, 02:44:06 PM
we keep history of botters and of course after the first jail, ban starts to happen. We already do it. (even on mains)
i -as botter from the past(not even bothered with tests on this server after 5 years l2 hiatus) going to tell you, if you ban the pet for a botter,it makes ZERO impact in his gameplay. Botters wont spoil, there are no such a thing ok i need 25 cbp im going to bot because i spoiled 3 day and night there and got bored. Theres a megalomaniac complex,i mean-> the -  i can do whatever i want and there will be no problem. And with this policy you support this attitude(120 hour ban on my main is still nothing because alive community will be in my back for the next two week even if i stay offline. Besides epics you can farm everything by your own in a hidden cave( oh hello cata/IT/Varka valley's etc.), or you can farm adena then buy epic from coin - which is kinda sad if you ask me.
TL;DR version:
not banning the main on the FIRST try wont impact anyone's gameplay. Also you promised there will be zero tolerance policy to bots  ,and with this i adjust here a bit and there,you just spit to the real players face (who's making you pocket money because a botter wont donate since they can make everything by their own).


Quote from: =drake= on April 01, 2014, 02:44:06 PM
we keep history of botters and of course after the first jail, ban starts to happen. We already do it. (even on mains)
nop you did not, you wont ban botters since u already lost some players and you are scared if you ban them server will lose next sort of players


Quote from: DaggerIsMyLife on April 01, 2014, 10:35:32 PM
nop you did not, you wont ban botters since u already lost some players and you are scared if you ban them server will lose next sort of players

Ehm... No, we do!


Quote from: DaggerIsMyLife on April 01, 2014, 10:35:32 PM
nop you did not, you wont ban botters since u already lost some players and you are scared if you ban them server will lose next sort of players
Your way of thinking is wierd and quite wrong. Quality over quantity, ALWAYS. If i wanted to create bot network i wouldnt :
- limit dual box
- enable most advance protection around
- perma ban all the walker users

So please dont comment ridiculous things.
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