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Tried the server, here's my thoughts..

Started by Mordyn, March 31, 2014, 05:38:12 AM

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Quote from: Skarbonka on March 31, 2014, 09:29:46 PM
Imo x15 and subclass at 76.

OMG are u retard? or just go back to ur cave and never come back.
If u dont have dualbox buffer i belive its sux for lvling, but after u got a simple pp/wc/ol/bd or friend/cp/clan/ally i bet u shouldnt have problem with xp/sp/gearing.

if gms would change xp rates higher, that means more nonfactor reaching lvl80, and still being nonfactor like before. What is endgame here? after one month some partys already reached endgame items and characters, pve carebear clans just farming or donating cus they dont have balls or time for pvp...

is this game better with lvl80 characters or that 2lvl is it so far from rest of nonfactors?
"im xping in varka with my friends 30-50k xp per mob, never ever watching xp bar, and already almost reach 80, with this rate." if u need xp just make it like before dualbox powa, or go to PI with party...

let it be like from the beginning..

xp rates doesnt mean you get earlier end game items, just make you higher noob.

Positive post it just means that Censorship is present


If you really want to touch the rates..IMO:

- Keep 76+ as it is atm, until then feel free to make the lowbies happy

- Change the level requirement for sub to 76

This way people can easily get their level needed for sub and yet they have to work a bit more (which will be much more easier with a subbed char)
steps ins.

I've done wrong but these mistakes will always teach me
To keep my head straight, and find the best way.


Don't change not even a hair on XP dynamic rate. It's almost perfect as it is atm, don't fck it cause QQers who can't get organized can't get lvl here. This is suposed to be a long term server, not a x5000 server where you solo your way.

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If you want drop me on PM some nice songs 4nextvid


Dont do it 30x~10x...
Jesus freaking christ.

Gaia: Misato / Ceres / Green
Nova: Envy
Ayrin: Ceres
Hellraiser: Envy
Shadow: Clonage / Hawt
Frintezza: Hawt
Discord: Mitchel#3748



start lvl 80 auto learn skill gm shop pls


Quote from: PetyaHUN on March 31, 2014, 10:07:18 PM
start lvl 80 auto learn skill gm shop pls

and an npc buffer with 1 h buffs


The childish comments help nothing. This is the worst part of L2, noone can voice an opinion without being attacked. Back on topic please.
FallenLegion recruiting! Sick of the children? Tired of getting back stabbed? You no buff buff mengz? Join FL TODAY! Disclaimer: Only FLUENT English speaking players around, join or suffer the consequences...   www.FallenLegion.us


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on March 31, 2014, 10:18:40 PM
this happens when the hopinion is a totally retarded bullshit.

Wanting a Happy player base, populated server and big sieges is bullshit? Sorry you feel that way.
FallenLegion recruiting! Sick of the children? Tired of getting back stabbed? You no buff buff mengz? Join FL TODAY! Disclaimer: Only FLUENT English speaking players around, join or suffer the consequences...   www.FallenLegion.us


Quote from: =drake= on March 31, 2014, 08:57:55 PM
So i dont get it, the issues are the rates or not?
Because the n.1 complain all GMs are getting by PMs is the server rates.

We have this at the moment:

what if the rates would change? for example to this:
NOTE: this curve is not active on server or "going to be" active. Is just easier for me to show you guys a graph than writing random numbers in forum.

Please go on with the discussion as our player's feedback is quite important (even if many thinks the opposite)
Drake you do that and my entire clan (and vast majority of people I know overall) will leave the server instantly and never ever have anything together with any project of yours or donate for it or whatever.

This would be a giant slap to the face for the people that worked hard for their stuff until now, a betray against own community, just cause few idiots cried. Make them some high rate if you want to please them. Do not ruin our server.

Instead of this bullshit topic, react on mine where where 90% of people that reacted on my initial post agreed with me, and no admin yet "dared" to get clear answer there and you answer this cryout here. Solve the real problems people have.

Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Im attempting to address the issue of a dying server. What are you doing? Stop argueing and post a reasonable idea.
FallenLegion recruiting! Sick of the children? Tired of getting back stabbed? You no buff buff mengz? Join FL TODAY! Disclaimer: Only FLUENT English speaking players around, join or suffer the consequences...   www.FallenLegion.us