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How do we bring players to the server?

Started by Mordyn, March 31, 2014, 10:20:48 PM

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Well i guess players who truly like lineage 2 on its best , will join Tarantula.
Players who wish everything within 5 days and gm shop with everything and buffs and dances lasting 5 days should avoid this server.

And i dont know what else players could demand what we didnt provide here:
Active gms, fast solving problems and issues, constant updgrades, actve staff on forum answering players, at least 1 pvp and 1 pve event in 7 days,stability, easy progressing in game, bot protection, no corruption, no concpet pay to win, 3 languages in game, etc etc.. I really dont understand how some players prefer trash over quality, just because some server gain big zerg and die whitin 2 months does it make it better? NO! I could give u looooong list of them.
If that would be our goal, we wouldnt bother putting walker protection and you would have 5000 players on daily level.

How to bring players on Tara? Simply for start each one of you who value our work and time should invite friends and mates , there is absolute no reason why real l2 players shouldnt join here.

Thats all
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 02, 2014, 04:43:56 PM
There is no restart without prior notice as you can see in announce section?

About event, speaking quite frankly i solved event issue whitin 48h after i wrote it, BUT meanwhile i discovered something interesting .
And that thing holded releasing it publicly. So what i discovered? I discovered simply that legit players couldnt have keyes (event item) in inventory while ONLY walker users did, so i let "test" mode of event running to gather nice chunk of data from db to get a picture and details who is who. It will be next aditional feature for walker users.
So we are pretty much competent admin and devs but i guess you cant have a clue what happens behind the curtain which makes you enjoy the game. So now you know the background.

Well I really cant see from my position if its restart or game crash, but there was quite few "restarts" without usual "Server will go down in 5 minutes" lately. I understand that its not possible to run private server completely without it, but it was a bit many of them lately. For players which spent last few years at official servers and got used to some standat quality its very annoying.

About event. Make please some official statement at proper thread. It is of course better to put it on when all related problems are fixed but its not good to keep people completely blind at this case. No need to go to details  but just some info to assure players that you are working on it to keep us calm. :)


Quote from: Trp on April 02, 2014, 05:14:54 PM
Well I really cant see from my position if its restart or game crash, but there was quite few "restarts" without usual "Server will go down in 5 minutes" lately. I understand that its not possible to run private server completely without it, but it was a bit many of them lately. For players which spent last few years at official servers and got used to some standat quality its very annoying.

About event. Make please some official statement at proper thread. It is of course better to put it on when all related problems are fixed but its not good to keep people completely blind at this case. No need to go to details  but just some info to assure players that you are working on it to keep us calm. :)
When server announce reboot (5min before usually) you clearly see it in game. Crash has nothing to do with it.... We usually place on forum planned downtime.

About event as i said when it is active it will be annonced , i believe whitin 48h (server needs reboot thou)
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30+ oldies with whom I played in past asked me about that server but when heard end rates are x4 they said 'no thanks' and I get their point. Having normal work + some kind of social life means you can spend like 3-4h max a day, so casual player needs like 4+ months to enjoy the game with finished char and by finished I mean 79 with skills, nobl and some A stuff. x15 was the best server of that community because it wasn't too fast and it wasn't too slow but with current blackmailers it won't do. This x10 idea which drake posted would be a great option and encouragement to spent a month/two on making a char and then enjoying what's the most crucial in L2 - pvping+sieges.
Before dogs start their barking - I'm 78+sub+nobl so blow me with 'omfg learn to exp' xd
The Special One
Blizzer TH/DA 43x HERO - reloaded as TH/PAL
20+ HERO on other dagger classes


Quote from: Blizzer on April 02, 2014, 05:22:21 PM
30+ oldies with whom I played in past asked me about that server but when heard end rates are x4 they said 'no thanks' and I get their point. Having normal work + some kind of social life means you can spend like 3-4h max a day, so casual player needs like 4+ months to enjoy the game with finished char and by finished I mean 79 with skills, nobl and some A stuff. x15 was the best server of that community because it wasn't too fast and it wasn't too slow but with current blackmailers it won't do. This x10 idea which drake posted would be a great option and encouragement to spent a month/two on making a char and then enjoying what's the most crucial in L2 - pvping+sieges.
Before dogs start their barking - I'm 78+sub+nobl so blow me with 'omfg learn to exp' xd

Point is whiting 25 days and casual playing you can reach max . Everything else is myth.

And recent changes made it even more easier sub @ 76 etc...

All those people who decide to play or not to play acording the forum and opinions of few failure wouldnt join seriously (not talking about you bliz)
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 02, 2014, 05:18:26 PM
When server announce reboot (5min before usually) you clearly see it in game. Crash has nothing to do with it.... We usually place on forum planned downtime.

About event as i said when it is active it will be annonced , i believe whitin 48h (server needs reboot thou)

Thanx for info about event.

At other case im not sure if we understand each other. I understand planned restarts and their nessessity. What i ment was situations like yesterday evening. Doing 4s instance with my party, 4th room already, suddenly "boom". All dc, server down. I dont know if its server crash or some of staff doing something and need fast rr. Frankly reasons are not interesting me much. What interest me more is frequency of theese unexpected restarts/crashes.

Im not trying to flame you about it, im just trying to point out some reasons why some people dont want to start or even leave this server. I hope you get it well ;)


Well, it's all about server advertisement and putting info about it everywhere possible (even if it's hardcore spam :D).
What happens on server internally is a secondary thing really. I really doubt anyone cares if Golky respawns every 50h or Deflect Arrow doesn't stack with Wind Vortex before joining the server and playing for quite a time already.
Who cares that some of your friends said "x4? No thx, need at least x80" - on high rates people play much shorter (you do a server jump on another x5035 and you have same char setup in one to couple of days) and server lasts probably much shorter.

Personally what I would look onto after joining a server was how freaked up are donations and how many people running with heavily OEd equipment - while donations aren't here that bad as could be, enchant rate and amount of dark blue weapons is disappointing. But that case is closed, so here's no suggestion, just opinion.


Quote from: Zibo on April 02, 2014, 05:36:45 PM
Well, it's all about server advertisement and putting info about it everywhere possible (even if it's hardcore spam :D).
What happens on server internally is a secondary thing really. I really doubt anyone cares if Golky respawns every 50h or Deflect Arrow doesn't stack with Wind Vortex before joining the server and playing for quite a time already.
Who cares that some of your friends said "x4? No thx, need at least x80" - on high rates people play much shorter (you do a server jump on another x5035 and you have same char setup in one to couple of days) and server lasts probably much shorter.

Personally what I would look onto after joining a server was how freaked up are donations and how many people running with heavily OEd equipment - while donations aren't here that bad as could be, enchant rate and amount of dark blue weapons is disappointing. But that case is closed, so here's no suggestion, just opinion.

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Well, Blizzer is right. I spoke with at least 20 ppl that propably could play here, and only five wanted to join. Mostly answer was "x4? I don't have time for it, if it would be x10 at least i could give a try". That's why i suggested flat exp/sp/adena/etc curve like x20->x10 for exp, because ppl see a high rate on start and then, after 60 lvl it became much slower. Now only one guy still playing because of this - others left mostly after 65+lvl when it became boring with 0,1% exp/mob solo.


Quote from: Painkiler on April 02, 2014, 06:10:00 PM
Well, Blizzer is right. I spoke with at least 20 ppl that propably could play here, and only five wanted to join. Mostly answer was "x4? I don't have time for it, if it would be x10 at least i could give a try". That's why i suggested flat exp/sp/adena/etc curve like x20->x10 for exp, because ppl see a high rate on start and then, after 60 lvl it became much slower. Now only one guy still playing because of this - others left mostly after 65+lvl when it became boring with 0,1% exp/mob solo.
So we should sacrafaice other 2000 souls because of few who will "give it a try".

Once again some facts:
- its not 4 its 5x ONLY ON LAST FEW LEVELS
(Before that its Nightmare, Dragon, Infinity rates)
- you can sub at 76 and use premium horn for minimal loss
- whitin 20 days of CASUAL playing you can reach max level if you know how to play and where to exp.

TrackZero the mythbuster

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Quote from: Painkiler on April 02, 2014, 06:10:00 PM
Well, Blizzer is right. I spoke with at least 20 ppl that propably could play here, and only five wanted to join. Mostly answer was "x4? I don't have time for it, if it would be x10 at least i could give a try". That's why i suggested flat exp/sp/adena/etc curve like x20->x10 for exp, because ppl see a high rate on start and then, after 60 lvl it became much slower. Now only one guy still playing because of this - others left mostly after 65+lvl when it became boring with 0,1% exp/mob solo.

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0.1 % on  lvl 65? You  were killing lvl 50 mobs?:/
dd+se=70 in  three days 3-4h per day.

+1 about random dc's. Last week it was atleast 3-4 on my memory.
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