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Respawn time of epic bosses [Frintenza,Baium,Valakas,Anthatas] - Page 6



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Respawn time of epic bosses [Frintenza,Baium,Valakas,Anthatas]

Started by N!k, April 30, 2014, 08:27:21 PM

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Quote from: kostsuba on May 14, 2014, 05:47:33 PM
i called u idiot cause u did first! u are the only one man u do all this i believe.. but u must believe u will be and tha last u do all this..u want believe or not these old good days  cant come again.. for many reasons.

him ? he is the forum fighter.. or one might say forum idiot, we don't pay him any attention here.


Quote from: kostsuba on May 14, 2014, 05:47:33 PM
i called u idiot cause u did first! u are the only one man u do all this i believe.. but u must believe u will be and tha last u do all this..u want believe or not these old good days  cant come again.. for many reasons.

Just to inform 70% of server are old players from interlude times... and they (as me ) come back looking for old good days... and that times can come back, only if GM's, do something increasing respawn time on epics from 2hrs (Like now) to 8hrs (like was before) deleting Raid Boss respawn list, making bannable using FoI on Low Epic raidboss...
increasing Oly time from 2 hours to 4hrs (at least), making more events (until now we got only 2-3 events and just 1 was about pvp)...
xFiorellax Hierophant/SoulTaker <3 Dragon
Fiorella Hierophant/Phoenix Knight  Tarantula
Not me anymore
Thks Kotenka <3


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on May 14, 2014, 04:46:32 PM
Tattoe system is more advance than mana potions, only difference is that you have to use brain sometimes (speaking generally).

Why in the world we would create a clone of very much existing server like Dragon, explain me purpose of having TWO SAME servers under the same network? And if they all wanted so badly dragon mana potions etc.. well i have news for them : Dragon is still there. So this excuse is everything but valid.

Tarantula is by far most balanced server ever in l2....Instead of talking behind lets focus of changes (reasonable ones) that would bring quitters and qqers.

if it wasn't for the success of your previous servers, you wouldn't have had enough players to fill tarantula.


Quote from: Fiorella on May 14, 2014, 05:40:03 PM
You got a point "Naiz" most of old players that come back to play, was to bring back old memories like mass pvp, siegues, epic fights on every Golka, Baium, Antharas, Valakas...
I can bet that mostly of us come back to play a interlude server, because we think that this "Tarantula server" would be like old Dragon/Infinity/Nightmare Interlude was, with pots and old tatto system, waiting for respawn time of epics, without any easy info like this

Valakas [85]*   2014/05/11 07:13   2014/05/22 00:13 (+/-2hour)

with this info you made a farm server (Just log to kill epic then log off), on Dragon interlude time, we not had this info, and we spend 5/6 hours waiting for epic respawn while we do a mass pvp each epic respawn day.

Even to other normal boss, on Dragon interlude we were forced to put spy player on every raid boss location to see if is alive or not, I miss that times, when ramdons made party to kill any kind of normal boss, low level clans was getting fun in that way, not like now, than only big clans rush every 70+ boss.

"World Boss respawn List on website", freaked up the whole role play (to me), because now people, just watch on Website and just log to kill "ALL" raid boss that drop something important, and the rest of the day the server is almost empty, only Giran got the 85% of server population and most of they are OffShop.

if you wanna help new players with their quest, just put Cabrio-Hallhate-Kernon-Golkonda info on website and you'll see how mass pvp come back again.

Or at least increase random respawn from epics from 2Hrs to 6/8Hrs, like was on Old interlude times.

PS. And please do something about using FoI (Like teleport if try to kill AQ when you are 78+, or just punish with ban for 360hrs) on Low level RaidBoss like AQ - Core - Orfen, because is ridicoulus see how "Heros, and 78+ players, kill AQ in 1 minute using FoI)

Like this

Blame koreans for making mi/foi skills lmao


Quote from: Csenky on May 14, 2014, 05:18:16 PM
Well, I did join because if that (except that I played on Shadow instead of Dragon). BUT, a huge amount of players (the majority I guess) misunderstood the "bring back" part, and they forgot, that back in those days, we had a lot of fun FROM level 1, no grade. I got my first pvp point on Tarantula at level 6, and it was just as much fun, as S grade vs S grade, if not more! Just look at this idiot kostsuba above your post, players like him are killing every L2 server, they can't enjoy the game. They only enjoy the last 5% of it. L2 was always about leveling, gearing up, working towards noblesse etc, with PvP and politics MEANWHILE, not AFTER. WoW is their game, where you reach max level, and actually start to play. But they don't understand, they continously throw their trash on the forums, and ragequitting if the game is not easy enough. LadyZenit has good points about the retarded community. Admins can't do sh1t about this, the forums simply should work as I mentioned in another post: only allow posts for those who has 78/78 noblesse, not these wannabe idiots with new accounts every day. At least, ppl would look less retarded here, or they would play if they can't cry here first.

clone yourself. open a server of your own. play with your own kind.


Quote from: remeron on May 14, 2014, 05:57:18 PM
if it wasn't for the success of your previous servers, you wouldn't have had enough players to fill tarantula.

maybe some people here know the portal game called "TheAbyss" that portal, was getting 3 Lineage2 servers wich diferents chronicle (Interlude/Kamael/Gracia) with the same gameplay in each one, nothing diferent (only the things add directly for the chronicle) and they was running fine, until the Dota time come and they had to close the 2 server with got low amount of players (Interlude 2000+ / Kamael 1500+), and move the Gracia Server to L2 Fog Of War High Five Server wich have now in total 9000+ players sharing in 3 direferents server rates, but.. with the same gameplay.

Server   auth
name      game     status
x3     2523   on   on
x10     2041   on   on
x50     4839   on   on

This is to show you, that here can be the same.
xFiorellax Hierophant/SoulTaker <3 Dragon
Fiorella Hierophant/Phoenix Knight  Tarantula
Not me anymore
Thks Kotenka <3


shame on those who utter the words; "retarded community", how dare u...actual corrupted are ones who call ppl retarded...and over what? over a measley fukin game..


Garn3tt  GS/SS exDN 15x
First Hero GS on server :D


Quote from: Abaddon on May 14, 2014, 06:47:00 PM
dont do it, this game sux xD
i wanna try it before deciding to buy it or not

edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbItL4qcugk  looks hardcore lol
Garn3tt  GS/SS exDN 15x
First Hero GS on server :D


Quote from: remeron on May 14, 2014, 06:10:49 PM
clone yourself. open a server of your own. play with your own kind.
Sadly, there aren't enough good L2 players around the web to sustain a whole server with them, so there will be always idiots to fill the place. However, I definitely wouldn't give them free access to every communication channel, I'll reconsider your idea. Until that, I'm fine with my kind, no need for cloning, we are enough already to have fun. My problem is still your pointless filthy hatred, throwed everytime on my posts without any reason or argument. :/ I could've said the same for everyone crying here nonstop, instead I'm trying to point out, why they are wrong.

Once again: Players crying are those, who don't like the server, and still spamming the forum.
I'm the one, who is spamming here, because I don't like this kindergarten that ppl creating on this forum. I'm fine with the server settings, so think again, who should leave.
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


Quote from: Csenky on May 14, 2014, 09:09:17 PM
Sadly, there aren't enough good L2 players around the web to sustain a whole server with them, so there will be always idiots to fill the place. However, I definitely wouldn't give them free access to every communication channel, I'll reconsider your idea. Until that, I'm fine with my kind, no need for cloning, we are enough already to have fun. My problem is still your pointless filthy hatred, throwed everytime on my posts without any reason or argument. :/ I could've said the same for everyone crying here nonstop, instead I'm trying to point out, why they are wrong.

Once again: Players crying are those, who don't like the server, and still spamming the forum.
I'm the one, who is spamming here, because I don't like this kindergarten that ppl creating on this forum. I'm fine with the server settings, so think again, who should leave.

if u dont like the community, leave it...you gotta understand , this server comes with its own community
there are recently opened interlude non-custom low-rate servers, you may try those, this one gonna be dead soon anyway..unfortunately...
my hatred is towards your kind, the ones that call ppl retarded merely because of their play-style choices,... that don't necessarily make one a retarded, I got a problem with that when u say that...so its not pointless, unlike your arguments...
you don't wanna give ppl free communication channel? who are you? fukin hitler? what's their harm to you? why do u feel intimated? you think drake is being manipulated? you think you know better than developers? grow a pair and be frank. go develop your own server and implement your fukin ideas there..
I am repeating this fact again: you are crying over whiners more than the whiners do.

get this into your head; its not about they are playing wrong or right, its their choice how they play it. deal with it, you can't change it..yet u keep talking and get nowhere..this is what I call pointless....calling commuity retarded doesn' classify as spam in your world? get real....this is the real spam, and, all your arguments, lack solution....you have one suggestion for a solution,......................... and that is to limit forum rights to certain ppl who have 78/78 nobless chars....LOOOOOOOOOOL. man thats a big lol, you have no idea how stupid this idea looks, do you think with that change, a couple of smartass wanna-be elite mr-know-it-all types will put their heads together and will shit serious genious ideas about server future and drake will cheer you and say yes??? get real....%81 %19 poll results must have had an real impact on you....you are a joke...

additionally, how can u be fine with current server settings, as you were strongly opposed to 10x rates idea??? huh? if u were fine with it, why did you strongly oppose it??  these are just words coming from your mouth man...your words don't mean anything, your made up arguments are only to salvage the day, I am sure in real life you are a spineless creature who is not respected by anybody, and you do this all to feel important in a stupid forum corner..well, much to your surprise
this is what u get for calling ppl retarded..

now, I am not leaving or anything, if I am to play L2, I 'll play only here
most likely, I will be temporarily absent in game for a while due to my RL affairs...


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on May 14, 2014, 03:23:53 PM
In all do respect, there is nothing wrong with the server, now its even easier for new/old players. However its YOU (speaking generally) who makes it as a pithole, starting with the forum. What do you think newcomer will think once he see sizematter posts, hungarian crew and rest of the lifetime trolls?
Secondly what did you (speaking generally) did for this server , did any of you bothered to invite friends, vote, spread a good word...?

Big amount of ppl raced to the top to sell gear for euro  then moved to another server doing same, and then is a problem of the server...

Instead of rubishing 24/7 suggest creative reasonable ideas to atract players (old/new).


hungarian crew? :D

anyway if you change every week smth for the casual retards who play 1-2h daily, stop wondering about why serious players left server

server started with 3k+ online, result of changes to "family" ppl = 500 online with shops