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3rd occupation quest

Started by kwolu, May 03, 2014, 10:58:21 PM

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Any help ? Track ? Drake ?


Technically you should not be allowed to retake your same class directly as a retail subclass (but you can take it as a dnet retail subclass, in that case you get already 3rd class from it)
I will see what can be done without break up too much the game (because if i do it for you, i must rewrite the code also for all other classes to enable it too)


Quote from: =drake= on May 05, 2014, 12:46:38 PM
Technically you should not be allowed to retake your same class directly as a retail subclass (but you can take it as a dnet retail subclass, in that case you get already 3rd class from it)
I will see what can be done without break up too much the game (because if i do it for you, i must rewrite the code also for all other classes to enable it too)

omg :D i dont want from you to break the game ;P
cant you just make me 3rd class ? i have all needed items, divine wisdom, ice crystal even big white fat fish :)
i dont think there is many ppl like me, if i know there is such problem i would never do this, but now, when im already 78 lvl i dont want to exp all over again :(


any info ? :( i want to play :( tell me at least it will be done or its imposible :(


Quote from: ^Xarion^ on May 04, 2014, 09:43:50 AM
I cannot just add you 3rd job. First I need talk with TrackZero or Drake if is bug or is database doesn't let you because you already made one 3ed on sws.

I wrote about it few times - you wont be able to take second time quest for sword muse because you did it once so its somehow signed as done quest, switching wont help.


Quote from: lol on May 06, 2014, 12:18:17 PM
I wrote about it few times - you wont be able to take second time quest for sword muse because you did it once so its somehow signed as done quest, switching wont help.

I know, i understand everytingh what you wrote, i cant undesrtand that why gm cant add me 3rd class, it will be abusing game play ? i dont know how :( im not playing from 3 days already because i dont know if i will be able to make 3rd or should i delete it ?


Quote from: kwolu on May 06, 2014, 01:17:03 PM
I know, i understand everytingh what you wrote, i cant undesrtand that why gm cant add me 3rd class, it will be abusing game play ? i dont know how :( im not playing from 3 days already because i dont know if i will be able to make 3rd or should i delete it ?


This is what he checks . To not break up the game after he will come with an answer.
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up up problem still exists :(
