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Any info about HB?

Started by lasin, May 15, 2014, 04:20:37 PM

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Quote from: tyrrande on May 16, 2014, 08:30:57 AM
Minor things right? So lets count:
1. Overpowered Mages
2. Unbalanced Kamaels (still 100% chance 5 buff steal - goodbye OLY. Steal, teleport, steal, teleport till u 0 buffs - thats what u call balanced PVP system?)
3. Atribute system

U r completely wrong mate, most people prefer IL over HB and thats why they and ME also choose this server. I came here from HB server and i am super glad i dont see Atributes and Kamaels here. What u wrote is only and only ur opinion, but all old players that tryed all kind of Chronicles before (as me) tell u the best L2 for balanced PVP (where the result of PVP is done by ur skill not ur equip or char) were and it always will be C4 and C5

I dont understand why u even talking about this here? Drake announced new server as Interlude. If u dont wanna play on C5 why u join then? U hoped it will change to another chronicle sooner or later? Why u even discussing about this? I, and i think i am talking for many of us, came here only coz its C5 or lower. I am completely fine with S-grade only and balanced PVP system. Jezus i am not blaiming u but why the fack u join C5 server when u dont wanna play it?

With regards, Tyrrande aka. Xabenne (now)
interlude is actually c6


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on May 16, 2014, 12:26:59 PM
Totally dumb and retarded topic.
Where are Mods? Close this shit...

Anyway old (unfixed) c4 is best choice, if we can't get it, go for IL.


I also played all l2 chronicles and for sure il > all
DN x15 - sorc/pp pw/tk sr/tk he/pp(BiA, MM, Excidium)
l2Dex x12 - g khav
l2Phx - tyr/ol (Enclave)
Frintezza x15 - pr/bd, aw/se (Enclave)
RPG Club x15 - domi (OOC)
Innova Core - yul archer (BiA)
Evoke x5 - soultaker (AcheroNN)
DN Tarantula x20 - aw/sk (ElpyKillers)
l2mid - soultaker
l2eu - soultaker


Hpegasus Ne/Wk//Pal/Bp-->Off
xAlfyx Pr/Sk+N-->Off
OoAlfyoO De/ty-->Off
Alfy Soultaker//SH/SE//SR/SWS//DE/TY Noblesse-->Off
Rpg 5x


Quote from: tyrrande on May 16, 2014, 08:30:57 AM
Minor things right? So lets count:
1. Overpowered Mages
2. Unbalanced Kamaels (still 100% chance 5 buff steal - goodbye OLY. Steal, teleport, steal, teleport till u 0 buffs - thats what u call balanced PVP system?)
3. Atribute system

U r completely wrong mate, most people prefer IL over HB and thats why they and ME also choose this server. I came here from HB server and i am super glad i dont see Atributes and Kamaels here. What u wrote is only and only ur opinion, but all old players that tryed all kind of Chronicles before (as me) tell u the best L2 for balanced PVP (where the result of PVP is done by ur skill not ur equip or char) were and it always will be C4 and C5

I dont understand why u even talking about this here? Drake announced new server as Interlude. If u dont wanna play on C5 why u join then? U hoped it will change to another chronicle sooner or later? Why u even discussing about this? I, and i think i am talking for many of us, came here only coz its C5 or lower. I am completely fine with S-grade only and balanced PVP system. Jezus i am not blaiming u but why the fack u join C5 server when u dont wanna play it?

With regards, Tyrrande aka. Xabenne (now)

and why do you spread bullshit? IL is not c5 it would be c6 if there was such a chronicle.
And IL is not even close to balance, but yeah later chronicles goes even more off from that.

Quote from: SizeMatters on May 16, 2014, 01:27:03 AM
I dont agree about attributes, it's one of the biggest shits ncsoft could make, brings only unbalance between those who can farm it and lockdown hb and those who cant.

yea, attribute thingy is a sh1t, but... doesnt all epics bring unbalance? if you lockdown all of them I mean :) on HB you can fight for attributes, same goes for epics, but attribute has less impact and gives you more variaty of armor/weapon building (however we all know most ppl go with standard attributes depending on classes).

I am not for nor against it due to fact I am not playing here, but one thing is true. IL is a boring chronicle and even best servers will not survive long with high population (as we can see - I log in from time to time).

wish you all a nice game :) cheers
DeathAkira - ES member, Dragon serv
emissary - FI member, infinity serv
emissary - FI member, valkyria serv


If IL bores you play on HB server.

Attrib system is what among other few things, killed the game for most.
It leads to army of clones, cause only S can get attrib (aka everythign esle is instant useless and you even dare to call that better variety), and only one of these is always superior, so its army of clones where every single of them tries to have the best attrib, yeah... really nice, I allmost puked.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: LadyZENITH on May 17, 2014, 01:22:40 AM
If IL bores you play on HB server.

Attrib system is what among other few things, killed the game for most.
It leads to army of clones, cause only S can get attrib (aka everythign esle is instant useless and you even dare to call that better variety), and only one of these is always superior, so its army of clones where every single of them tries to have the best attrib, yeah... really nice, I allmost puked.

Out of topic

U almost puked like almost everyone around here everytime they see ur everyfreaking sick paranoid post.


Number of posts 1, ok, I get ya.... that was your 1st post here, very informative.

You may liked the future chronicles. I did not, we joined this server cause it was not HB, not gracia, no HF nnone if this BS, we did join it cause its IL which is the chronicle we like. What you are asking here is to ruin our game in favor of your game, just.... may the door hit you on your way out.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: LadyZENITH on May 17, 2014, 01:38:40 AM
Number of posts 1, ok, I get ya.... that was your 1st post here, very informative.

You may liked the future chronicles. I did not, we joined this server cause it was not HB, not gracia, no HF nnone if this BS, we did join it cause its IL which is the chronicle we like. What you are asking here is to ruin our game in favor of your game, just.... may the door hit you on your way out.

Which part of "out of topic" u did not understand?

P.S. Number of posts : 2    yaaaay!!!


There is no HB. Dot, end of discussion.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


if there will be new server must be H5 or gracia final
Tarantula   IL     Dragon H5          Hellraiser         Gaia         Infinity

BUFFSONG         BUFFCAT            SHAMANA         SHAMANA              NE/PP
sws/ee               best pp/wk ever       WC/OL         WC/OL        


Quote from: djvancho on May 17, 2014, 02:01:18 AM
if there will be new server must be H5 or gracia final
gracia final slb/zerk pls :D
some fun
useless dagger.


QuoteI will tell you why people leave:

They always do. We should care more about incoming people.

Quote1. L2 is old

So what? It's still best MMORPG out there for many of us.

Quote2. Interlude is crap

Very subjective opinion - we don't think so, since we play here.

Quote3. Too low RB item drop chance

It's not x1 as I remember, and people farm them like sickos, so it's still very worth it.

Quote4. Too low RB respawn time

Yes, spawn every 3h would be perfect.

Quote5. Too low spoil rates, too much grind

About spoil I could agree, because I got really disappointed on high level spoil rate of anything.

About grind, please stop fooling yourself. Just so I don't throw empty words:

Screen from DN website of my char:
76 lvl, 36h total playtime, 14 days ago created
36/14 = 2.7h a day, from which ~60/70% is spent in town on being AFK or buying some crap.

Bruce Cambell would be disappointed on you...

Quote6. L2 is PvP game and there is no PvP here, only grind

I'm in clan - not any top one or anything. There's PvP at least every 1h. I got PK'd every day.

Quote7. Dual box allowed - so it is impossible to find some1 to party, so you must create your own buff box

In any freaking at least a bit active clan you can find bunch of people to party with, from time to time you can find among them someone you can call a 'friend' and party with such person everytime you are online - it's only your fault if you can't find a party, so don't blam dualbox for that.

Quote8. Low drop rate and amount of horn. 10 lunargents for horn, are you serious?

HAHAHAHA. Another one who thinks he deserves Horn for free. 250kk for Horn is such a low amount of cash, that only noobs (don't mistake with newbies) can't get that. I, for instance, before getting to 76 can get almost twice as much by farming in cata and tripple than that by doing smart manor.

Quote9. Too low drop rate of epic items - this makes it impossible to get them in a reasonable amount of time (before server dies - and its close to this state).

I won't even comment, I can already see this opinion comes from a high rate lover mouth.

Quote10. High level clan halls should be only available to clans with at least 30 active members (players level 76+)

Who cares...

Ahhhhh, such discussion can never end. I'm not waiting to counter discussion, because it will be again too long. :D