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Started by papaum, June 05, 2014, 08:58:07 PM

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Quote from: xLaserkillerx on June 07, 2014, 08:02:32 PM
dude i played here since a month and 2 weeks,i didint bot,donate ,just played my game, ofc fly helped me coz he is playing since the start,if i would play since the start i wouldnt need so much help from him,just mutual help,already showed u im pro ,i ve been beating ppl who play here with much better gear than mine already ,outside and inside oly.So dont tell me this excuse with fly lol,its normal we are best friends since a long time ofc he helps me, but what does this have to do with the fact that kabally donated and boted like a jerk and now he comes and says ' i pwn,i rock ,i roll, im pro' etc?this is literally pathetic ,nothing more to add.
and btw ,bro,im not kabally ,so dont tell me that w/o help my level would be 68 lmao, i know how to make a train and xp easy, im not kabally "flywithme : bro can i stay in ur party,i need xp on my char.And u know whats more pathetic?kabally wanted free xp from fly's trains and he wanted drops too ,he got really mad when fly made finders keeper party,imagine what a cunt =)))) i have nothing more to add.
Has i can see...you still the same retard with his "im a boss player" and still a freaking homo.serious what a bad end



Quote from: xLaserkillerx on June 07, 2014, 08:19:46 PM
yea im still a retard coz i said the truth about kabally,sorry if the truth hurts u so much.and its funny u tell me 'im a boss player' when thats kavally style roflmao. u can shake d1cks with him,ur brain is as dmged as his ,homo smoking partners xD
cmon man...u want the true??...serious go watch his movies or old ss2 movies...u know u dont have any chance..but hey i know why u act like this...to much butthurt from arrows...DAMN!




Quote from: MyDrama on June 07, 2014, 08:23:41 PM
...serious go watch his movies or old ss2 movies...

right, it was hard to pwn ppl with +24 bow and stacking haste+combat haste pots.
Garn3tt  GS/SS exDN 15x
First Hero GS on server :D


yeah! kabally won some pvp 5 years ago, so he knows how to play !

ss2 !
Morela - True hero of common people



I got 3 videos,my bow was always draco f 13 in past the whole video,and in 2nd 3rd movie plently actions with bow+24 from psyck,witch i used during 2 or 3 weeks,still im giving u the link of first video pure pwnage.

There is not draco +24.

Watch and learn.

Im too old to read your posts laserkiller =)Age aint real age,age is brain age <3

Love you
SesameStreet2 4 ever
Kabally : He / Wk  6900
Moir : PR /WK 3500

When someone hatez you boy,means your doing something right.

"Having your own haterz make you famouz"

SS2 till i die


Quote from: xLaserkillerx on June 07, 2014, 08:45:40 PM
yea yea dude, ur movies are just too small compared to other movies such as cryme's,cheops',and other players who knew how to pvp and were top pvp, u were never a top pvp player, its only u who is sayin that ,thats the sad part, that in fact u were just a midle ranked pvper ,every decent old dragon player knows this, but only u think that ur some sort of god ,when in fact ur pathetic =))) thats the sad part u know,even old pvp rankings from dragon say it 6,9k while i and fly had 8k considering last 2 years of playing we were just oly players =)) and we werent even on the top list like imm0,dobri and other pvp farmers.Just deal with it ,its okay!
Shall i remind u how u were crying that imm0 and dobri were pwning u ,u didint even know they re using might passive/active auguments, and when it was obvious they were he/wk ,u just cried that they play op mutants like pr wl ,pr gl and other sh1ts xD Thats what u know about this game. U didint even realise that it was better to get a + 13,14 bow with passive/active might than borrow psyko's +24 bow w/o augu =)))

Hi gipsy,did i break ur concentration? Yes i dont know what is might and duel might.

When i quit DN,let me tell you i was the player 6th,and before me.


That was the rank when i quit,i quit 5 years ago and i still there.

About this server i didnt pvp nothing at begining cuz i was farming my things.

I started it 1 month ago probably or 2 months max.Got 360 atm or something like.

Be calm gipsy,go to the market try to sell some jeans,oh btw,txill cuz time will tell you lot of new and diferent things

Love you

PS:I started going baium cuz my old crew here in sindy never organized to go before,and in last 4 baiums we did 3 <3

Dont hate the player,hate your race

Gipsy King
SesameStreet2 4 ever
Kabally : He / Wk  6900
Moir : PR /WK 3500

When someone hatez you boy,means your doing something right.

"Having your own haterz make you famouz"

SS2 till i die


Quote from: xLaserkillerx on June 07, 2014, 08:45:40 PM
yea yea dude, ur movies are just too small compared to other movies such as cryme's,cheops',and other players who knew how to pvp and were top pvp, u were never a top pvp player, its only u who is sayin that ,thats the sad part, that in fact u were just a midle ranked pvper ,every decent old dragon player knows this, but only u think that ur some sort of god ,when in fact ur pathetic =))) thats the sad part u know,even old pvp rankings from dragon say it 6,9k while i and fly had 8k considering last 2 years of playing we were just oly players =)) and we werent even on the top list like imm0,dobri and other pvp farmers.Just deal with it ,its okay!
Shall i remind u how u were crying that imm0 and dobri were pwning u ,u didint even know they re using might passive/active auguments, and when it was obvious they were he/wk ,u just cried that they play op mutants like pr wl ,pr gl and other sh1ts xD Thats what u know about this game. U didint even realise that it was better to get a + 13,14 bow with passive/active might than borrow psyko's +24 bow w/o augu =)))
ahahah cheops?oh yeah he didnt have a red bow r?no Boss jewles etc?cry more plox! Again u talking about other players...what about u?damn still remeber silly Ally and clan with GMs..dontfreakmybrain and kotenka..yeah u rocked r?u was a noob a still a noob.so go cry more



omg m8s pls.... 10 years (almost) of lineage 2 everyone who played from begining got skills... For me new chronicles / calculate every each of dye, ressist etc make me nervuse that why I play again with intrelude or less. And everyone got some skills on pvp......... why you crying, arguing about who is the best.... Im titan/tyr i started about 1-1,5 month after 90% of players and im not hero ? why that i dont have skills ? no becouse i dont have farmer and this char on oly witchout farming sux (meybe passive crits, DHA etc) fuk it :D Kabally got skills, fly got skills (and plenty fo time O_o, you dont have wife for sure and if you got give me pls), killer got skills everyone got skills... Stop flaming about that and play guys :) and does pvp top 50, sry for me ? if i see somone on fog jumping around teleports killing bots + 10 pvp ehhh.. it shit... Tell me how many time you see Eryn1e there ? Twice ?? It wasen't me !!!

Eryn1e - Tyr/destr EPIC :P


owl         HE/PP - TH/WL - HE/WK
Killerka    TK/SWS - HE/WK - BP/WK   *Hero*


Quotebeing the best or sh1ts like that ,thats not the point, the point is how pathetic kabally is thinking he is some sort of god,coz he has items from boting and donating ,but in fact he is just a poor char with gear who wasnt able to earn 300 pvps in 4 months xD

Meybe yes? Meybe no? Who cares... sometimes you win sometimes you lose. And I learn something. Never judge somone if you dont know him/her. I judge many time (he is retarded, he is stupid omg... for exampel "ANALOK") and im wrong :) In a game its so fooggggyyy..

Eryn1e - Tyr/destr EPIC :P


Quote from: xLaserkillerx on June 07, 2014, 09:11:36 PM
he had blue bow when he mad majority of his pvps, he had a good pvp squad, he knew how to organise a pvp,how to move,how to juke etc, unlike kavally who just presses F1 and few right clicks in pvp xD btw u were so pro i remember u from severance u had db +f +3 like ur whole life,and majestic set while even noobs had that uber dnet set xD
hate it or love it u hate kabally and thats good.cheops did know how to pvp r?y y i,still remeber when we SS2 owned them so bad that we got giran castle :) oh and btw u remeber me in severance with majestic and d+3+f.but in ss2 u remeber me owning ur ass and kotenka ass with draco set plus draco+5+f and i didnt needed +++wepon.god old times killing that noob elf named laserkiller and ur cryies in fórum. SS2 HOE



Quoteyea u shouldnt judge ppl w/o knowing them ,but ,on kabally case,its different, even ppl from his clan pm me to tell me how idiot he is ,greedy,imbecil,high,etc. xD and he comes on forum and says "Bro, iROCK ,i pwn, im god ,im the best pvper, i got items,i didnt bot,donate" ,thats what i call a real pathetic character.

I heared it.. I dont know what thinking about it. My clan m8, friend i supose, tell me the same. "hypertrophy of substance over form" Kabally :) SOGON if you hear me pm in a game if will start :)
Kabally - hmm meybe he is trollling.... meybe he is to rich. But if i was to rich and want to own serv i will get all +20  :D
Ok now annoucment: PLAY PLAY PLAY !!!!!
p.s. Flywithme bloked me when i talk about dual box and pvp we take.. named me "kido etc. etc." and how about that ? the same like kabally ? many hero, plenty time to play, lot of adena ? :D

Eryn1e - Tyr/destr EPIC :P