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Voting / old server with almost no new players, etc.



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Voting / old server with almost no new players, etc.

Started by tyrrande, August 26, 2014, 09:11:42 AM

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Ola pals, especially Drake and Track

Since i am playing here already 6-7 months i wanna add my 2 cents to a core problem of DN: missing new players or for the FED ones: Why there is missing pvp action. Its old and obivous problem called "butterfly effect". That means with the actions u doing on high level and almost 0 interest about new ones the impact u creating on someone who come here as new is almost unbearable.

For u Track(Drake): Lets imagine i am new player and i create a char, i start to play and i realize very soon whats happeing. A grade sets cost over 600kk now, there is non-existing manor (seed prices r lower then on x1 rate server), S grade + SA = 2 bil. Unless i am forced to create armada of spoilers/crafters, or i didnt donate there is almost no chance i can get any of that in normal time/normal way. U can tell ye its PVP server not farm but thats not true. A PVP server got GM shop with everything. If u have to craft/farm raids/drop any kind of equip needed for pvp its farm server and pvp is only part of it. I seriously reccomend u to remove this site with RB spawns - for me u created a huge advantage for clans/allys that are already on TOP of server and the new low clans/allys r strugling. Now the situation is something like this: U came at RB spawn site, u see something is spawning in  minutes (+/- 30m) so u go there. In 15 minutes there is a summoner from (its example) EXCI, FC, Synd and he leaves u message: "leave or die". This is the way how the raids looks now. So the ones who actually need it dont get, the ones who already fed getting just more and more fed. I know u created it for good purpose but thats ideal only when u have balanced server, on the other side we had unbalanced sides here and creating this spawn site u just made the "gap" even bigger. And now tell me, when i am new player and i see all of this what should me hold to stay on server or even more: vote for it. Votes are used for getting more people but people dont wanna vote for server thats so hostile to news.

For old ppl/fed clans/allys: U guys still crying ppl dont wanna accept wars, u r bored of non-existing pvp. Seriously, what do u did for creating any kind of opportunity for news? Oh u think u dont have to ? And here is the stumbling block. Thats what called butterfly effect: Its not just carying about myself but also a bit about rest of server. I dont tell u had to drop S grades in giran now, or letting ppl farm RB when they come 1st, but at last u can setup serious manor with serious prices - thats the way new players can farm a bit adena for A grade, S grade. U can buff them when they ask for it in giran. U can answer when they ask about something. Let em win over castle siege if u dont need the castle (having castle on bot clan just coz i can have it is breaking economy down also). Give adena reward by passing ur academy, etc...
Let noobs and newbies rise with u and u get new, fresh ppl, more PVP or allies in. Its mostly on u to create opportunity for new players not Track od Drake. Their job is filling holes by EVENTs and trying to stabilize server whenever its needed.

So this are my 2 cents to this stagnation, so guys plz be patient with the comments ok? I tried to look at it from 3rd view, its actually not the way i faced (coz i created armada of spoilers :P) and dont look after any offense in this topic. Before u judge me try imagine how whould u feel if u had to join this server by knowing noone starting from absolute 0. Tell urself what should be the reason to stay here.

We are the community, we r the ones who create opportunity for the others, so lets raise this server together.

Sorry for my english, the point is there.
With regards, Tyrr


Quote from: tyrrande on August 26, 2014, 09:11:42 AM
Ola pals, especially Drake and Track

Since i am playing here already 6-7 months i wanna add my 2 cents to a core problem of DN: missing new players or for the FED ones: Why there is missing pvp action. Its old and obivous problem called "butterfly effect". That means with the actions u doing on high level and almost 0 interest about new ones the impact u creating on someone who come here as new is almost unbearable.

For u Track(Drake): Lets imagine i am new player and i create a char, i start to play and i realize very soon whats happeing. A grade sets cost over 600kk now, there is non-existing manor (seed prices r lower then on x1 rate server), S grade + SA = 2 bil. Unless i am forced to create armada of spoilers/crafters, or i didnt donate there is almost no chance i can get any of that in normal time/normal way. U can tell ye its PVP server not farm but thats not true. A PVP server got GM shop with everything. If u have to craft/farm raids/drop any kind of equip needed for pvp its farm server and pvp is only part of it. I seriously reccomend u to remove this site with RB spawns - for me u created a huge advantage for clans/allys that are already on TOP of server and the new low clans/allys r strugling. Now the situation is something like this: U came at RB spawn site, u see something is spawning in  minutes (+/- 30m) so u go there. In 15 minutes there is a summoner from (its example) EXCI, FC, Synd and he leaves u message: "leave or die". This is the way how the raids looks now. So the ones who actually need it dont get, the ones who already fed getting just more and more fed. I know u created it for good purpose but thats ideal only when u have balanced server, on the other side we had unbalanced sides here and creating this spawn site u just made the "gap" even bigger. And now tell me, when i am new player and i see all of this what should me hold to stay on server or even more: vote for it. Votes are used for getting more people but people dont wanna vote for server thats so hostile to news.

For old ppl/fed clans/allys: U guys still crying ppl dont wanna accept wars, u r bored of non-existing pvp. Seriously, what do u did for creating any kind of opportunity for news? Oh u think u dont have to ? And here is the stumbling block. Thats what called butterfly effect: Its not just carying about myself but also a bit about rest of server. I dont tell u had to drop S grades in giran now, or letting ppl farm RB when they come 1st, but at last u can setup serious manor with serious prices - thats the way new players can farm a bit adena for A grade, S grade. U can buff them when they ask for it in giran. U can answer when they ask about something. Let em win over castle siege if u dont need the castle (having castle on bot clan just coz i can have it is breaking economy down also). Give adena reward by passing ur academy, etc...
Let noobs and newbies rise with u and u get new, fresh ppl, more PVP or allies in. Its mostly on u to create opportunity for new players not Track od Drake. Their job is filling holes by EVENTs and trying to stabilize server whenever its needed.

So this are my 2 cents to this stagnation, so guys plz be patient with the comments ok? I tried to look at it from 3rd view, its actually not the way i faced (coz i created armada of spoilers :P) and dont look after any offense in this topic. Before u judge me try imagine how whould u feel if u had to join this server by knowing noone starting from absolute 0. Tell urself what should be the reason to stay here.

We are the community, we r the ones who create opportunity for the others, so lets raise this server together.

Sorry for my english, the point is there.
With regards, Tyrr

If you feeling so bad,pm Kabally in game,he is from that called Sindy,he will help u out.
SesameStreet2 4 ever
Kabally : He / Wk  6900
Moir : PR /WK 3500

When someone hatez you boy,means your doing something right.

"Having your own haterz make you famouz"

SS2 till i die


Quote from: Kabally on August 26, 2014, 09:15:27 AM
If you feeling so bad,pm Kabally in game,he is from that called Sindy,he will help u out.

buddy i was talking from 3rd person view, i got my S-grade so i am fine. I am trying to see it from new ones view and how to help them out of that hostile start to a point where they can start fight with us unless they dont have to donate or create armada of spoilers (like me). I am sure there should be also another way. Seriosly how u can get like 2,2 bil Adena (atlast Tallum set - 600kk, DB+F for example min 1,5kkk) without donating or doing dwarfs. Manor is broken, Raids r broken coz of site, farming AAs maybe? Ye but thats extremely boring right? Droping adenas ? not at all :))) Maybe opening boxes?

Told u, imagine u r new, u dont know anyone. U dont have crafter/spoiler, u had to create or own buffer (so u already have to exp 2 chars min.) and now u know u already at the part where u need atlast A set. How to get 600kk or even more for weapon ? U like it or not, this situation here is very hostile to news.


Quote from: tyrrande on August 26, 2014, 09:28:39 AM
buddy i was talking from 3rd person view, i got my S-grade so i am fine. I am trying to see it from new ones view and how to help them out of that hostile start to a point where they can start fight with us unless they dont have to donate or create armada of spoilers (like me). I am sure there should be also another way. Seriosly how u can get like 2,2 bil Adena (atlast Tallum set - 600kk, DB+F for example min 1,5kkk) without donating or doing dwarfs. Manor is broken, Raids r broken coz of site, farming AAs maybe? Ye but thats extremely boring right? Droping adenas ? not at all :))) Maybe opening boxes?

Told u, imagine u r new, u dont know anyone. U dont have crafter/spoiler, u had to create or own buffer (so u already have to exp 2 chars min.) and now u know u already at the part where u need atlast A set. How to get 600kk or even more for weapon ? U like it or not, this situation here is very hostile to news.

I will take giran for me,and i will setup there a manor as u wish.
SesameStreet2 4 ever
Kabally : He / Wk  6900
Moir : PR /WK 3500

When someone hatez you boy,means your doing something right.

"Having your own haterz make you famouz"

SS2 till i die


Quote from: Kabally on August 26, 2014, 09:45:46 AM
I will take giran for me,and i will setup there a manor as u wish.

IT doesnt matter what town u take, for the news its better low manor then high manor but take ur time and look the prices between 20:00 - 20:05. 1st of all, u ll realize there is manor in 3-4 townz only. What about stuttg., goddard, dion, heine. There is manor only in giran, oren, aden, gludio, rune but in most towns only few sort of seeds. And the prices r ridiculous low :))) The server i played before (was x2 rates) got better prices on seeds and there were 10x less adena in economy :D

But its not only manor, its also about rewards for academy - why u dont give ppl like 5kk for completing academy ? U get CRP points, he get starting vallue - both sides happy.

And this RB spawn site on web, thats something what can change only Track or Drake :))) ANd only if he finds my oppion valid


Quote from: tyrrande on August 26, 2014, 09:11:42 AM
Ola pals, especially Drake and Track

Hello Tyyr, thank you for your post and feedback. Im always glad when someone make such mature and reasonable review.I will try as much as i can to help.

Mainly you are right about everything you said, except maybe the spoilers/crafters part. They are kinda a MUST for servers like this, if you want to work everything on your own of course. I will compare adena graphs a bit, analyze them and eventually if needed raise a bit adena drop. In addition to that we will consider other ways how players could earn adena in game. I will also check this manor thing , if we can reward more greatly. However you have to understand that we kinda tend that players keep up the market and that everything is/should be created by the hands of the players, else (it would be even big + to our own benefit) we could just add all in donation manager (like everyone else does) and problems solved. But no , we prefer oldschool way, where you work out for your items. But as i said earlier i will see what we can do about mentioned problems.

Regarding RB info at homepage, you might be right at the current force rates on the server. Therefor , starting next month, we will do as asked until further notice. (if not sooner!)

However , i would also advise players to organise better, make their own clans and join other sides except current winning clan/ally. If everyone join the top one, well whats the point then? How players expect to see some pvp if everyone are in the same clan?
I were born in l2 time, where clan's rules do matter instead of its power on the server. Players should join the clans because of their philosophy and people that are inside, not because they can be top by belonging to clan A or clan B. Also clans who tend to recruit random players around just to have "numbers" do not wish good to server either. So my message to new/old players, build your clans , join other clans except currently strongest one, and you will be surprised how competition makes pvp and gives life to a server.

Even you all think that we are sitting and reading forum all day, thats far from the truth (although , reading forum and answering takes a lot of time too), we are constantly developing new things to bring you new dimension in your l2 adventure. Same thing happens as we speak, for past 2 months we are developing something that will (i believe) be interesting for you players and it should bring tons of pvp and other actions. Once it is near to be released , you will all be informed what is it.

I hope i manage to reach some of you and make them understand that joining top clan isnt always a good thing, from the pvp and competition perspective.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Track thanks u lot pal, didnt even hoped for reaction like this. This topic was even created more for players but i had to add u in there also, so dont take it personaly. I am already 31y old and i seriously played on many many L2 servers. I am not some kind of L2 legend, i count myself as an average player that only want to have fun - dont need to be 1st or best but so far i know there is less fun on less populate server. More then u i am trying to inspire players coz from 80% its on players to create conditions for new ones so its on our backs, not on backs of admins.

It might cost a bit of ur time, or maybe adena also - from top players and top klans but guys u need to see more into future. Invest ur time and strenght to raise comunity up, help noobs, set up manor, buff newbies. And in the end u will get what r you mainly looking for - missing PVP part coz ppl will raise with u, learn with u, they stay here coz it wont be so negative and hostile place to stay. Its almost completely on us if we raise server or not. If u help to new one, he might call friends, those friends call more friends - this system is verified already by years and years of any MMORPG. Its even better then voting. And maybe they wont, but its still worth a try instead of this stagnating situation.

Track buddy: u made me a smile on my face, u r right we need to do something with this 0 interest for castle sieges. They are almost non-existing and this facts make me crazy. CS was always a core pvp action, one of the best if not best in Lineage. Here fight clans vs clan, allys vs allys. Enviroment, walls, gates, corners - everything was used for a fight strategy, its not just a simple "varka" pvp style, its about strategy where even less fed clan can win over more using good strategy. Missing this fights is huge blow to gameplay so ye Track if u have idea how to make CS important again plz do it as soon as possible.

With regards, Tyrr.


Quote from: tyrrande on August 26, 2014, 10:06:52 AM

And this RB spawn site on web, thats something what can change only Track or Drake :))) ANd only if he finds my oppion valid

This is the best thing that happened in 10 years here.All have equal chance since that was implemented.Who do you think has time to camp for days xx hours rb's? Like 10 years back when all were kids with no family / work / university and so on and didn't cared about anything, but even than it destroyed social life instead to make it relaxing.
Want to kill a rb's do a clan / ally and fight the others or join an other clan simple.Rb's=pvp it's always been like that but the ones who lose will always qq and find excuses seen enough in 10 years.

The only thing that bothered / bother me for years is that ppl always find the easiest way / excuse vs other good clans = qq If you can't beat enemy what you do? You start qq the lowest thing of all instead to get stronger and fight back.
When server started we were random normal clan on Tarantula in 1st month there were already top clans while we were just low lvl not subbed ppl running in c grade while others were subbed noblesse running in s grade already.All were laughing look at that random clan they don't even pvp just grind ( seriously? you wanted pvp with random low lvl clan ppl in c grade while you had clan ppl subbed and running in s grade just to make your e pen/is bigger really pathetic ).Guess what we said the day will come and Karma turned back on you.
After months of hard work we start growing bigger and stronger and reached the top and you know the funny thing all competition start qq when we grew stronger and beat the sh1t out of them most clans even left server.Really pathetic I tell you.

Any clan can achieve this but that means team play / good friendship / ppl working like a family / and skill.

Instead of qq when they lose a pvp they should do a good clan / ally with skilful ppl and kill your competition.Neither me or any other don't need to learn ppl how to organize they're clan or ally and how to recruit good ppl that know the real meaning of Team Play.This game is all about Team Play if you want to beat the other side and some should get that in they're heads.No team play no win.And that's why most of the clans fail in every game vs the competition because they don't know what Team Play means.

A short flashback:

"On x15 we had good times,memories,friendships.With 1 pt during il / hb we achieved to beat 3-4 party 1 ally in sieges they had way more better gear than us red lollipops and +++++ weapons and in pvp we won always 1 pt vs 2pt +++.And 90% of the time we had war with all server rarely we had ally and that just for 1 / 2 weeks max :D We had no red sh1t or lollipops (we had just 1 random guy in clan with lolly and because of him they made our clan look like sh1t calling us cheaters lol while we rarely took him at pvp mostly playing solo.I joined again the clan in HB when he was already gone since long ) just normal gear and that means real Team Play.While others after they got hard pwned in pvp they started throwing sh1t on us like they throw sh1t on other good clans to, like SG and so on ."

And about adena / stuff and other things n/c

I started here like many others when server opened it was 10x harder than now low adena, low exp hard to level and still I managed to lvl alone 2 chars 1 main and 1 buffer in dual box casual player 2-3h per day most days didn't even played and get a grade gear and even s weapon it was real pain in the ass.With help of no one.My 1st sub I got with help of cl than next chars I subbed alone.Retail quest I got it with help of wars and most of the ppl did retail quest here with help of clan/wars etc.
And many ppl did the same like me lvling / getting geared  when server was 10x harder and they can confirm it.
I'm not rude but ... n/c now when it's 10x easier than it was when server started ppl still complain.You got even buffer now in town when we the rest had to lvl buffer in dual box for buffs n/c
Some ppl want in 1st month top char weapon ++++ full rb's jewels wtf seriously.... then this server is not for them.You as new player want compete with other top clans who play since january than work months for it.Nobody was top as player when server started all were equal.You want something you work for it simple as that like others did.

And these are my 2 cents no flame just real pure facts.I rarely do big posts but this had to be said.

Peace and a lovely day to all!
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


+1 to this post.
Yesterday, I saw at least three obviously new players in giran, asking about server population, rules and ways to advance in server's economy, or in their words, how to earn a living in tarantula. I saw two things here: the good thing, new people is joining to server (even to give it a try); and the bad thing, no one was answering them about how to make their lifes in here.

I bet some of you have, for example, a lot of majestic ring recipes in your warehouses or any other item which can be useful to new players, or can encourage them to play more and better. Just help new people, give them advices, give rewards for academy members. This community had been too agressive for long time, in game and in forum. Besides, if you are not the good kind of person, just think this is about BRINGING FRESH MEAT AND THEN SMASH IT IN PVP  ;D , so, think about it.


Quote from: tyrrande on August 26, 2014, 09:11:42 AM
I seriously reccomend u to remove this site with RB spawns - for me u created a huge advantage for clans/allys that are already on TOP of server and the new low clans/allys r strugling. Now the situation is something like this: U came at RB spawn site, u see something is spawning in  minutes (+/- 30m) so u go there. In 15 minutes there is a summoner from (its example) EXCI, FC, Synd and he leaves u message: "leave or die". This is the way how the raids looks now. So the ones who actually need it dont get, the ones who already fed getting just more and more fed.

I'm agree with you, at this part, also I was saying this, since server go down for a month.

In old times (Dragon/Nightmare), we not got this Spawnlist at website, and all was fine, I know that the times change, if you wanna help new or old players with retail or nobless quest, just put info about Cabrio, Hallhate, Kernon, Golkonda, Baium and Barakiel on website.

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on August 26, 2014, 10:38:24 AM
However , i would also advise players to organise better, make their own clans and join other sides except current winning clan/ally. If everyone join the top one, well whats the point then? How players expect to see some pvp if everyone are in the same clan?

Make more events, but focus on new people on server

Like PvP event for Horn (4 vs 4)

Focus on Players (50 - 65 lvl) with C / B grade items +3  - Reward quest horn, every week if is possible
So you enforced that 4 winners, to reach lvl 76 and do 3 class, to use the horn.

PvP event for Armor / Weapons

1 Focus on that (50 - 65 lvl no sub) with C / B grade items from 0 +3 - Reward: A grade set (Sealed ) / A Weapon + Crystal LvL 12
So you improve the winners at least to farm AA to unseal items or put SA on weapons

2 Focus on (66 - 77 lvl no sub) with A items from 0 +3 - Reward: Weapon Grade S no SA + Horn Quest

3 Focus on ( 78 - 80 lvl ) With A / S items from 0 +3 - Reward: 2 Parts of S grade sets (example IC Breastplate + IC Gaiters or Draco Armor + Draco Boots. etc) or Weapons S + SA

So with this, you give same advantage to all levels here, without giving a High price reward

Also, if you do this every week, you enforce new people to stay, and at the same time you put more items on market, so price for items will go down and be more accesible to everyone.


BTW Track, put PK guards on Golka quest zone (Dark elf village / Dwarf Village / Orc Village / Talking Island), because is sad to see, how big clans, pk new players or low level clans just to get horn for his own bot chars, or for take Horn shards to his own profit, I know is part of the game, but for that you got Golka ToI or at least take the horns shards, but without pk new people there. 
xFiorellax Hierophant/SoulTaker <3 Dragon
Fiorella Hierophant/Phoenix Knight  Tarantula
Not me anymore
Thks Kotenka <3


Quote from: reddragonjr on August 26, 2014, 10:02:26 PM
This is the best thing that happened in 10 years here.All have equal chance since that was implemented.Who do you think has time to camp for days xx hours rb's? Like 10 years back when all were kids with no family / work / university and so on and didn't cared about anything, but even than it destroyed social life instead to make it relaxing.
Want to kill a rb's do a clan / ally and fight the others or join an other clan simple.Rb's=pvp it's always been like that but the ones who lose will always qq and find excuses seen enough in 10 years.

The only thing that bothered / bother me for years is that ppl always find the easiest way / excuse vs other good clans = qq If you can't beat enemy what you do? You start qq the lowest thing of all instead to get stronger and fight back.
When server started we were random normal clan on Tarantula in 1st month there were already top clans while we were just low lvl not subbed ppl running in c grade while others were subbed noblesse running in s grade already.All were laughing look at that random clan they don't even pvp just grind ( seriously? you wanted pvp with random low lvl clan ppl in c grade while you had clan ppl subbed and running in s grade just to make your e pen/is bigger really pathetic ).Guess what we said the day will come and Karma turned back on you.
After months of hard work we start growing bigger and stronger and reached the top and you know the funny thing all competition start qq when we grew stronger and beat the sh1t out of them most clans even left server.Really pathetic I tell you.

Any clan can achieve this but that means team play / good friendship / ppl working like a family / and skill.

Instead of qq when they lose a pvp they should do a good clan / ally with skilful ppl and kill your competition.Neither me or any other don't need to learn ppl how to organize they're clan or ally and how to recruit good ppl that know the real meaning of Team Play.This game is all about Team Play if you want to beat the other side and some should get that in they're heads.No team play no win.And that's why most of the clans fail in every game vs the competition because they don't know what Team Play means.

A short flashback:

"On x15 we had good times,memories,friendships.With 1 pt during il / hb we achieved to beat 3-4 party 1 ally in sieges they had way more better gear than us red lollipops and +++++ weapons and in pvp we won always 1 pt vs 2pt +++.And 90% of the time we had war with all server rarely we had ally and that just for 1 / 2 weeks max :D We had no red sh1t or lollipops (we had just 1 random guy in clan with lolly and because of him they made our clan look like sh1t calling us cheaters lol while we rarely took him at pvp mostly playing solo.I joined again the clan in HB when he was already gone since long ) just normal gear and that means real Team Play.While others after they got hard pwned in pvp they started throwing sh1t on us like they throw sh1t on other good clans to, like SG and so on ."

And about adena / stuff and other things n/c

I started here like many others when server opened it was 10x harder than now low adena, low exp hard to level and still I managed to lvl alone 2 chars 1 main and 1 buffer in dual box casual player 2-3h per day most days didn't even played and get a grade gear and even s weapon it was real pain in the ass.With help of no one.My 1st sub I got with help of cl than next chars I subbed alone.Retail quest I got it with help of wars and most of the ppl did retail quest here with help of clan/wars etc.
And many ppl did the same like me lvling / getting geared  when server was 10x harder and they can confirm it.
I'm not rude but ... n/c now when it's 10x easier than it was when server started ppl still complain.You got even buffer now in town when we the rest had to lvl buffer in dual box for buffs n/c
Some ppl want in 1st month top char weapon ++++ full rb's jewels wtf seriously.... then this server is not for them.You as new player want compete with other top clans who play since january than work months for it.Nobody was top as player when server started all were equal.You want something you work for it simple as that like others did.

And these are my 2 cents no flame just real pure facts.I rarely do big posts but this had to be said.

Peace and a lovely day to all!

Non of the top clans left due to other clans growing... in fact it was the opposite. FC left cos after 4 months we only had two war's up, enclave and Excidium.
Then excidium left cos all they had to pvp was FuriousWolfs and even they were a bit innactive.
And after that server just died :)


Quote from: tyrrande on August 26, 2014, 09:11:42 AM
Ola pals, especially Drake and Track


With regards, Tyrr

My clan just set up the manor with high rewards of mats (Goddard) i think it's like when Aden was 3 weeks ago, 571 M.Alloy, 500 DMP per day, Just try to exchange your seeds first.

Also i usually recruit in my academy and i give 3-5kk i think this help a lot for new players
