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Started by =^TrackZero^=, September 28, 2014, 11:07:47 PM

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*Small add-on, this Monday , New Heroes should receive more fair hero-token-reward system (SHOULD!). So keep in mind this if voting for option #1
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Keep it Weekly or change to Bi-Weekly

Maybe change the schedule of Olympiad so it doesn't happen at the same time as Sieges.

off topic:

Dragon c3/c4

Twix http://i.imgur.com/ijnOBg4.jpg?1


Quote from: _okazaki_ on September 29, 2014, 12:47:02 AM
Keep it Weekly or change to Bi-Weekly

Maybe change the schedule of Olympiad so it doesn't happen at the same time as Sieges.

off topic:

dats lame
9O21O___sor/pal (hero)
Mia___he/wl bp/xy
Hellx25 Fail Vol 2:


Quote from: _okazaki_ on September 29, 2014, 12:47:02 AM
Keep it Weekly or change to Bi-Weekly

Maybe change the schedule of Olympiad so it doesn't happen at the same time as Sieges.

off topic:

I already stop play here, but really you "LusoLegend" member aka Syndicate bot clan, talk about Quality Hero, when you feed on you're leader?? is no sense, that you post this bullshit, like 2 weeks ago you report insults from Laser, to later you're leader got Ban for insult me.
TBH if I post all the insults that Kabally, told me in this 7 months of play here, for sure, he got permanent Ban, but I dont do it, because (even if I'm a woman) I DONT CRY for each thing happend here, so I sugest you, take this game in sport manner.

Have fun, and my recomend can be, keep the Oly system as now is, I was having so much fun watching how some players try in fair way get some Oly points and fail/won, and how some others try feed some points and fail/won (Syndi, Exci, FC etc.) maybe reduce the time of Oly from 3 to 2 hours and reduce the Noblesse Gate pass winning from Oly also, but reduce the price for BoG from Oly Manager.

**Disable Tatto at Oly, because is ridicoulus (to me) got available at oly 2 augments (1 passive /1 active) and also, Tatto, if you know wich Tatto use in any time, you got OP at Oly.

Track, Try to find the way, to balance Oly system, to give the chance to everyone. just that
xFiorellax Hierophant/SoulTaker <3 Dragon
Fiorella Hierophant/Phoenix Knight  Tarantula
Not me anymore
Thks Kotenka <3


Quote from: _okazaki_ on September 29, 2014, 12:47:02 AM
Keep it Weekly or change to Bi-Weekly

Maybe change the schedule of Olympiad so it doesn't happen at the same time as Sieges.

off topic:

Just no comment.
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The one and only Naiz

Mardun / Vash / SoBOtA



Friends Become Wolves~


QQ admins deleted my previous post ;<

So poll is actually about :
1) 4 days of real figting on oly for like 10 ppl max (only glad/xx or summoner/healer mby some daggers) and 3 days of feeding so like 80% relogs and 20% real fights
2) 25 days of almost no fights (mby like 10 per day and a lot spaming "join oly" by oly farmers) and 5 days of feeding.

And to be clear: I am not crying about oly farmers they are part of this game.
Actually i wonder if there is a single true hero here. I mean didnt get relog from other ppl and didnt relog for other ppl - 100% of true figts.

@Offtop to add some drama on forum :

Use spam section or some other non-serious topic.

Thx by Track

so how is Bilbos screen related to poll ? >.>
Morela - True hero of common people


make relog skill to cant be used on oly :)
Tarantula   IL     Dragon H5          Hellraiser         Gaia         Infinity

BUFFSONG         BUFFCAT            SHAMANA         SHAMANA              NE/PP
sws/ee               best pp/wk ever       WC/OL         WC/OL        


+1 to Morela, it's very bad how Oly system gives possibility to feed, i wohld change it long time ago and i propose these changes. If anyone consider my opinion (i want a fair oly, where even a pr/bd has a chance):

1. Each Player has to register in the beginning of Oly on what Class he will fight for Hero, so he cant change 1 min before ends^^
2. Now each Class has one amount of ppl registered and there is 7 days where these classes can fight each other, it means like this: Player XY can only face 90% of oly his own Class, and the last 15 min of Oly, all other Classes... If this Player is the only on registered for his class during time, he gets every 15 min 1 Oly point
3. Classes that register only for feed and relog, there shouldnt be PTS transfer than... It's tie 0 pts to both ...
4. They should also consider that when you have the ability to face other classes, you can face 1 Player in Oly period only ONCE.. So you dont get feed from Glads or others all the time...
5. Give a NPC buffer near the players so they always can choose max. 2-3 buffs from it, whatever they want.. So on Class vs Class fight it doesnt depend only on items totally, but also on what you choose...
6. Make a Maximum amou t of games 1 Player can make on oly, it means, 9 is needed for Hero... Each 15 min when registered and nobody enters for his class he gets 1 pt and 1 Win for oly... And totally a player can have maximum 20 games, so we dont have OP oly Feeders with 200 pts to transfer..
7. At the end, Pts should make Hero with! Added pts from Wins you habe, it means --> you have 32 pts, made 6 Wins 5 Looses... You get +3 pt... For each win more than loose you get 3 pts, and if you have more Defeats than wins, you should get -2 pts for each loss. More than win...

I think this would made oly more Fair treated, cause what i see on Sundays evening is all  the time ... Come register and feed me... Blablbla..
I fought this time fairly and got 3rd on BD, even winning some oly fights^^

If you have better ideas and suggestions, pls add them here and maybe we can reform this Oly for all to be considered as fair, not only for as Morela said, 10 chars maximum....

If sou think i spam and i want to get only a way to get my weak character for Hero, than consider that many good players never got hero, even if his clan feeded all other ppl well....

Hope we can get some changes and nice system ....

Quote from: Morel on September 29, 2014, 12:19:51 PM
QQ admins deleted my previous post ;<

So poll is actually about :
1) 4 days of real figting on oly for like 10 ppl max (only glad/xx or summoner/healer mby some daggers) and 3 days of feeding so like 80% relogs and 20% real fights
2) 25 days of almost no fights (mby like 10 per day and a lot spaming "join oly" by oly farmers) and 5 days of feeding.

And to be clear: I am not crying about oly farmers they are part of this game.
Actually i wonder if there is a single true hero here. I mean didnt get relog from other ppl and didnt relog for other ppl - 100% of true figts.

@Offtop to add some drama on forum :

Use spam section or some other non-serious topic.

Thx by Track

so how is Bilbos screen related to poll ? >.>


I vote for more hours oly like dragon 5 hours after oly end all goto sleep

Tarantula   IL     Dragon H5          Hellraiser         Gaia         Infinity

BUFFSONG         BUFFCAT            SHAMANA         SHAMANA              NE/PP
sws/ee               best pp/wk ever       WC/OL         WC/OL        


+1 to TheAlbanian!

We need some reforms in olympiad.Here are my toughts... I dont think you will prevent feeding with this system in 100%, coz it will be still possible to log character and let the points to your friend/clan member, but maybe people will be interested more in oly and will stop feeding so much. Also with system like that, you will create waiting line for oly and people will start to wait in cities near monuments - solution: reschedule the oly timing on 1h/day for example, or limit the number of fights/day. Also good solution coul be race vs race fights, because some classes could have really long waiting lines for fights :) And absolutely, this is really good solution, that you could take hero only on stats which you were fighting. With this we will prevent the domination of Powerfull subclasses to take hero status, and create diversity of other classes for hero status.

If this is possible ofc :)

Infinity - BD/SE {Ephroctius}
Valkyra - GL/PAL {Rania}
Dragon - SPS/EE {TheRain}
Tarantula - SK/SE {DoctorOz}
Nova - EE/ES {Ping}