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Titan x10 my statement

Started by HiddenEnemy, February 01, 2015, 11:06:01 AM

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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 11, 2015, 12:29:12 PM
Dont state such things, because you are just talking out of your ass then. We are not looking for money at all, just an normal cycle covering expences.
Titan costed a fortune and was huge investment with 3 figures+the machine + the protection. So closing/merging titan is the last thing we want to do, but im sorry i cant stuggle in this moment.

Cut your trolling , its not a time nor the place for it.
track looks like all try troll u,  NO, since u made post for 2days, no1 trolled u. pharanoja? )
p. s.  u can safe titan,  but u need more time/work and some changes, also money.  more info in pm)


Quote from: HugeTits on February 11, 2015, 12:53:25 PM
track looks like all try troll u,  NO, since u made post for 2days, no1 trolled u. pharanoja? )
p. s.  u can safe titan,  but u need more time/work and some changes, also money.  more info in pm)
Let me know then and write it to me.
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 11, 2015, 12:29:12 PM
Dont state such things, because you are just talking out of your ass then. We are not looking for money at all, just an normal cycle covering expences.
Titan costed a fortune and was huge investment with 3 figures+the machine + the protection. So closing/merging titan is the last thing we want to do, but im sorry i cant stuggle in this moment.

Cut your trolling , its not a time nor the place for it.
Hold your horses cowboy, I'm not trolling, just said what the fact is. Look you guys still about to open he'll bound, if yes that enough proof for me.

When nothink goes right, go left


Quote from: ozyn on February 11, 2015, 02:12:12 PM
Hold your horses cowboy, I'm not trolling, just said what the fact is. Look you guys still about to open he'll bound, if yes that enough proof for me.
Hellbound is announced and PLANNED same day as Titan. Same goes for Tarantulas upgrade to HB. Therefor your comment is not on place nor intention is fair.
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 11, 2015, 02:19:59 PM
Hellbound is announced and PLANNED same day as Titan. Same goes for Tarantulas upgrade to HB. Therefor your comment is not on place nor intention is fair.
wish you best with your future projects.

When nothink goes right, go left


personally i must admit that i like idea of making titan stacksub server, it would be worth a try in worst case still u can marge it with dragon


Quote from: Calisa on February 11, 2015, 03:19:58 PM
personally i must admit that i like idea of making titan stacksub server, it would be worth a try in worst case still u can marge it with dragon
yes people in dragon dont have for what to fight there oly is empty too all have ++++ sets +++wepons ++++ boss jewels sets last fun there was oly last times when i signed to oly 30 min waitning
and nothing you need to make like in official h5 server need to have 15 matches to take bogs from oly not 9 like dragon this stimulate more people to reg in oly ,and bog prices will be normal because will be 2 time harder to take bogs from oly . i like verry mutch oly system with matching with same points farmer meet farmer low chars meet low chars . if you make it on new substack server will be super i will join with my friends to have fun again .i play now on retail like 3x h5 server and is hard work to progress there and is funy.

if you can make subs to can be lvl up to 85 will be grate
Tarantula   IL     Dragon H5          Hellraiser         Gaia         Infinity

BUFFSONG         BUFFCAT            SHAMANA         SHAMANA              NE/PP
sws/ee               best pp/wk ever       WC/OL         WC/OL        


Quote from: ozyn on February 11, 2015, 02:12:12 PM
Hold your horses cowboy, I'm not trolling, just said what the fact is. Look you guys still about to open he'll bound, if yes that enough proof for me.

As Track said both servers were announced and advertised the same time, you should understand also that it's not easy to manage all..
yet we were and we are still putting a lot effort to provide somewhat unique, comfortable gameplay and what we get back in return is hate on forums, trolls (not pointing at you exactly). When server started the only pms I got were 99% about online players, it matters of course .. the more the happier everyone, but it seemed ppl are only concerned about numbers.
At the end I just wanted to reply to HB thingy. Since it's long term being in closed beta, being fixed eventually, it would be a huge waste if nothing happens to that work, however right now Tarantula is in focus regarding HB.
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Quote from: ^Alannah^ on February 11, 2015, 04:22:38 PM
As Track said both servers were announced and advertised the same time, you should understand also that it's not easy to manage all..
yet we were and we are still putting a lot effort to provide somewhat unique, comfortable gameplay and what we get back in return is hate on forums, trolls (not pointing at you exactly). When server started the only pms I got were 99% about online players, it matters of course .. the more the happier everyone, but it seemed ppl are only concerned about numbers.
At the end I just wanted to reply to HB thingy. Since it's long term being in closed beta, being fixed eventually, it would be a huge waste if nothing happens to that work, however right now Tarantula is in focus regarding HB.

Guys, you must undesrtand that online counter is most important in l2. Noone want to spend half a year on server exping and after that there is noone with who you can fight. What for exping then ? If there is 500 online at start...next day will be 400, and day after 300, thats normal, this will stabilize somewhow in 250 online lets say. Its too low for lineage to have fun. If serwer would start with 2k ppl, then it would stabilize with 1500 and that preety good to play. More ppl -> better market -> more stuff -> cheaper -> easier. More ppl...more donate... but dont ask me how to gain more ppl because i dont know :)


Quote from: ^Alannah^ on February 11, 2015, 04:22:38 PM
As Track said both servers were announced and advertised the same time, you should understand also that it's not easy to manage all..
yet we were and we are still putting a lot effort to provide somewhat unique, comfortable gameplay and what we get back in return is hate on forums, trolls (not pointing at you exactly). When server started the only pms I got were 99% about online players, it matters of course .. the more the happier everyone, but it seemed ppl are only concerned about numbers.
At the end I just wanted to reply to HB thingy. Since it's long term being in closed beta, being fixed eventually, it would be a huge waste if nothing happens to that work, however right now Tarantula is in focus regarding HB.
u guys said titan is about to close, cause no donation what you expect. wondering how much u exepct after 1 week.

When nothink goes right, go left


Quote from: ozyn on February 11, 2015, 05:12:55 PM
u guys said titan is about to close, cause no donation what you expect. wondering how much u exepct after 1 week.
Ozyn, its more about players online amount which doesnt move up than donations itself. We can even extend titan for few months , but im telling you now that it wont change much since we are able to check and cross data.
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1st of all I never logged Titan so I'll not comment of server itself. I'd like to point out some other things that got my attention:

-making huge buzz before you were ready to launch server, and then losing potential players attention by postponing OBT launch for weeks. It is very unprofessional. Sadly, that kind of failures of meeting deadlines is not exception here, and this time was no different. To be precise, it is not bad to promote server launch month before, it is bad to give false impression that server will start soon and later postponing it for few weeks.

-overestimating peoples interest in next (maybe better in terms of bugfixes, solutions etc) h5 retail type server. You already have one h5 server, with let's say, acceptable online. Nothing to share on two servers though.

-unnecessary statements about Titan donations, what were you thinking? that you will motivate people for being more active and donating after such statement? People got scared that their time on farm, their donations will be lost, cause you will close server. You wanted to close server? If yes, just close it before saying anything about it, merge it with dragon or tarantula, save cash. Don't spread panic.

-loosing resources on fail projects. I wish you best Track with Hellraiser, but for me it looks like it will be same situation like with Titan. You and your team are wasting time and money on it. You'd better do something with Tarantula and Dragon (here I've sent like 20 ideas public for improvements, other 20-something to other GMs, answers are always like: "cool, but we need wait Drake, Drake's busy, maybe in few months").

-lack of constant advertisement. You claim that voting system is exploit-friendly, you tested it before here that you are that sure? Or you just have no idea how to implement it? Are you advertising hellraiser or you expect that people remember about it?


-"waves of hate" on Dragon in time before launching Titan (also hate on other GM). You don't need to like each other, you don't need to have good PERSONAL opinion about Dragon but you can't publicity criticize other GMs or their work. IT IS TOTALLY UNPROFESSIONAL.

-expecting donations from servers where you don't put your interest in. I saw complains about Dragon donations going low, but what stuff did for this players recently? We ask for some new stuffs for months. Even some PVP masks would give some fun for a while which is not such a big deal for developers like opening two new servers.

-expecting great success on new servers and forgetting about older ones. First things first. Make sure that Dragon and Tarantula are fine, then work on other projects. Unsatisfied players give you bad advertisement, you need to understand it before you will success with new projects.

Of course I know that you claim that you have nothing to do with Dragon, we have other GM etc. but face it, you are still listed there as GM, some people believed that you actually can do something, and most important, you are a part of Dragon-Network staff, which in general is responsible for all servers. So maybe close this Titan, move players to Dragon, upgrade their eq so they can have any chance to continue their play, focus more on old servers, ask someone for help with marketing stuff, advertise, ask players for improvement ideas, analyse, implement, enjoy donations and satisfaction for good work. Cheers.

Burlesque sh/ps