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2007-10-13 Giran Siege

Started by StingerSK, October 13, 2007, 10:20:50 PM

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hahaha, i was on fenix on my newbie times thou  :D


Quote from: Glacius on October 15, 2007, 06:15:56 PM
hahaha, i was on fenix on my newbie times thou  :D

^^ nub! :P
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: Glacius on October 15, 2007, 06:15:56 PM
hahaha, i was on fenix on my newbie times thou  :D

I prefer being a newbie with some fun instead of the s*** politics from now. I've learned too much with Darkwinters and Sarlangas (Drunk Bit ches). I remmember when we entered Antharas with a lot of fighters ~80 and didnt killed him :D.

Quote from: tzuc on November 08, 2007, 04:58:29 PMoh great jedi master the force is strong within you .. teach me how you do that xD


[URL=http://www.ff-fan.com/chartest]Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?[/URL]


Quote from: Soviete on October 15, 2007, 07:33:12 PM
I prefer being a newbie with some fun instead of the s*** politics from now. I've learned too much with Darkwinters and Sarlangas (Drunk Bit ches). I remmember when we entered Antharas with a lot of fighters ~80 and didnt killed him :D.

U were u are ull be NOOB!
ty^ ^
Nothing Else Matters


Quote from: Knock on October 15, 2007, 07:42:52 PM
U were u are ull be NOOB!
ty^ ^

And u still loving me.... ye ye... no news xD

@siczor: Mi comida!!!!!!!!

Quote from: tzuc on November 08, 2007, 04:58:29 PMoh great jedi master the force is strong within you .. teach me how you do that xD


Quote from: Khaot on October 15, 2007, 04:52:32 PM
Tomek: in DeathCrush ally are almost 3 clans active.No more.Others clans has only few ppls.So u are wrong with ur number clans.
saddly it is true...same thing happened when chz were in fearless,Na,sins anchz were the only clans attacking aden...ohh i forgot wh was in fearless also in that time,but maybe they were watching a movie or something,never came to that last aden siege,yet still sin fought with chz and keep ws,even when czh were ppl that always helped them,always were at the siege that asga said it was important,i admired that loyalty and friendship that those 2 clans had....greed...is fatal you know?Na was a small clan yet still we always knew that alll our clan members were loyal to us and to our ally mates,j33t told once something that happened a long time ago with sins...maybe it was truth....i cant know since it was not asgaluz who made this war between sins and chz,it was members from sins too greedy...
glacius...your clan never went with fearless (in that time)to a siege...the only time 1 of you went he was asking in ally we are in a siege?rly??where is it?...you cant rly think you can compare with any of this players either from sin or czh....and you never stoped to be a newby,you still are you just got better equipment thats all.
Xoltan pr/sk
Clan Noobattack


Only active clans were sins, ftr and wh,  CH was never comming to pvps even they had 20ppl online , they said they aint comming into pointless pvps
Quote from: Furesy on September 24, 2008, 03:24:21 PM
One more thing, good to see you finally posting with your own name again


Quote from: cthon on October 15, 2007, 04:34:11 PM
i was away for a while
question : who are panic? :O

Ask that in Dragon section : >

i miss this photo session ... but nvm ... here are Panic's


 [TH/PAL] AristoCat       
[BS/WK] Hipocrat
[SH/SE] zLi
[SR/TK] Hipo



Quote from: Hipo on October 16, 2007, 11:36:36 AM
Ask that in Dragon section : >

i miss this photo session ... but nvm ... here are Panic's


lolz, it is like "searching the one who is wrong" in that pic ^^
-> the one with theca of course XD


Quote from: Quido on October 16, 2007, 10:51:35 AM
Only active clans were sins, ftr and wh,  CH was never comming to pvps even they had 20ppl online , they said they aint comming into pointless pvps

He was talking about sieges - and CH was always active on all sieges Fearless have been to.
PanzerKatze, DE//WL/OL 78
ThePanzer, TY/OL 78
PanzerelleJr, WS//TH/BH 78
CzechHorde Clan, Rebellion Alliance, Nightmare


Quote from: Quido on October 16, 2007, 10:51:35 AM
Only active clans were sins, ftr and wh,  CH was never comming to pvps even they had 20ppl online , they said they aint comming into pointless pvps
we need time to get better gear, and get "fearless" in pvp :D
every clan need time before he says: "now we ready to go in war with everybody"  :P

when asga invite us in fearless, we wear B grad, c jew, only 3 players has A grad set and SOM+a, now everbody has A grad, S grad in wh, arcana + acu, boss jew etc. we make decison and starting to get our know-how in pvp
SINS show us many beautiful "thinks" in L2 world, now we are on own legs, on our own way, making own decisions...
ty SINS, you were our biggest friends, atm you are the bigges enemys, things come, thinks gone, so is the life

peace with you (on forum  8) ) and see you IG  :)