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12. 1. 2008 Aden Castel

Started by Blondy, January 12, 2008, 10:20:17 PM

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really good CS for all.... gz for defenders..
and maby lesson for TEMP... dont come to not your CS if cant defend your own castel...

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on January 13, 2008, 11:54:32 AM
Lol Tzuc, he was talking about rebellion/inspire or whoever was registered to the attack of aden, that if they would be organized just a bit they could kill you and take the castle.. ;)
Well atleast thats how i understand it..  :P

lol man a little bit organized?
Everyone know how siege should be. All was good (we did mistakes the same like fearless, playboys and temp). We had almost prepared 3 rush but temp start came on aden. PPl dont u see? we counted for that! so we did resignation from 3rd rush and 50 ppl in 5 min > nobless from defrent clans and allys > left for goodard siege to takee castle. Our plan was sucsessfull. Even if temp dont came on aden we had prepared last rush for aden. As u can saw only 6 clans was registered on aden .. no1 asked why? u see only what u want see. And why u still call us zerg? if playboys have some clans from temp and temp as well was on siege offcourse later. but clans for defend aden = 14 registered for attack = 6. So was 2 ally vs 2 ally and some clans from fearless side to defend.
 Anyway track zero thx for baium near aden gate gg.
And vendetta u helped sins when our partys was everywhere becouse (our fault) nobless from our partys was on goodard so we didnt have heal in pt and cp becouse we wanted goodard and not nobless just try to go again on aden to keep sins.  V3 u still coming after 1,5 hour during siege for > as u said:" kill everything"< pfff> if u are so strong and u are always inside throne room why u dont take castle? u are not registered? why? u was attacking gludio u was registered so what u can say now? u wasnt enough strong to take gludio? some temp comes on giran so u had free way to do this... So pls stop write that u are the best of the best and u are always inside becouse u are heros.. i hate this u come always when clans which defend castle are in w8ing room and clans attacking prepare rush again > so every1 can go inside becouse way was free.
  Anyway i heard that playboys killed u inside and as u can see on screens a lot of ur ppl have silence so this is true or no?
last thing..
... guys .. some1 from ws wrote that they come from venezuela and their inet was down or smth> they couldn't walk and bla bla. Man everyone had bigg laggsss so " u are not alone"  everyone had party everywhere our healers was somewhere becuse lags so stop write this al the time. Always defenders and attackers have problems with online lags critical errors and only u write this..pff.. im not say that inspire is the gr8test ally. our ally is not full, new clans (less experiance) in clans 20-30 ppls so We ARE NOT GooD  as u say.
 heh first 30 min on bridge. Inspire did rush inside :) only me, rush was beautiful :) we still learning heros.. cya in game
siege was good


Quote from: strawb3rry on January 13, 2008, 12:29:11 PM
And vendetta u helped sins when our partys was everywhere becouse (our fault) nobless from our partys was on goodard so we didnt have heal in pt and cp becouse we wanted goodard and not nobless just try to go again on aden to keep sins.  V3 u still coming after 1,5 hour during siege for > as u said:" kill everything"< pfff> if u are so strong and u are always inside throne room why u dont take castle? u are not registered? why? u was attacking gludio u was registered so what u can say now? u wasnt enough strong to take gludio? some temp comes on giran so u had free way to do this... So pls stop write that u are the best of the best and u are always inside becouse u are heros.. i hate this u come always when clans which defend castle are in w8ing room and clans attacking prepare rush again > so every1 can go inside becouse way was free.
  Anyway i heard that playboys killed u inside and as u can see on screens a lot of ur ppl have silence so this is true or no?
last thing..
We went to Aden to help nobody, just to kill everything, to find PvP, and we did.
We rushed in castle, killed everything, cleared entire throne room (yes your ally was entering room at that moment, they were everywhere, but they didn't count on us comming from side) we rushed in room, killed everyone in engrave room and went back to throne room, there was nobody left. lol
Than some Rebbelion and others started to come to entrance and we just started to PvP them, than after like 5 minutes the defenders spawned and we got rushed from front and from the back. So we died.
And yes we weren't signed! Because we don't care for a castle at first place, signing is nice just for the flag, but our leader wasn't on the week before, and server was also down on Wednesday etc, so we didn't sign, still we came for the PvP and the fun of it.
v3 wasn't strong enough? lol Your words dude, v3 is just 1 clan, only just remade, we still lack organisation sometimes, but we kicked your ally out of Aden castle xD But no clan is strong enough to defeat 1 ally from the front and 1 ally from the back, with 3 parties alone ^^

QuoteAnyway track zero thx for baium near aden gate gg
This proves how dumb you are :/
He didn't spawn baium, it's called Polymorph.
TrackZero = Baium, he only changed his skin, that hardly increases the lag really, since you (TrackZero) is still the actuall TrackZero, his still a character in Baium skin...
All my devotion betrayed
I am no longer afraid
I was too blinded to see
How much you've stolen from me

As the countless numbers hunger for worldwide renown
All the pimping sons of plunder will roll up their sleeves
All searching for the answers they don't even care to know


Quote from: Suicidal on January 13, 2008, 12:48:15 PM
He didn't spawn baium, it's called Polymorph.
TrackZero = Baium, he only changed his skin, that hardly increases the lag really, since you (TrackZero) is still the actuall TrackZero, his still a character in Baium skin...

u think am i  stupid?
Look what i wrote. thx for baium not thx that u bring baium near aden gate. First try to read with understanding , and u call me fool? pff i ment laggs man lagss..
U are so happy that 2 parties v3 killed 15 ppl or 20 ppls. man try imagine 20 players without partys and one good party with full buff heals and cp who will be winner? u think that this is prof for call u winners?
Fair pvp is always with good the same partys, if u dont have this u must count for lucky, for mistakes enemy, or good organization in pt if enemy have less. Im happy that u came siege was more extreme speccial for fearless, and why u didnt answer about playboys? they killed u ? no more post thx for siege every1.


i would say nobody kills V3, nobody know on which site they are


Quote from: strawb3rry on January 13, 2008, 01:02:53 PM
u think am i  stupid?
Look what i wrote. thx for baium not thx that u bring baium near aden gate. First try to read with understanding , and u call me fool? pff i ment laggs man lagss..
U are so happy that 2 parties v3 killed 15 ppl or 20 ppls. man try imagine 20 players without partys and one good party with full buff heals and cp who will be winner? u think that this is prof for call u winners?
Fair pvp is always with good the same partys, if u dont have this u must count for lucky, for mistakes enemy, or good organization in pt if enemy have less. Im happy that u came siege was more extreme speccial for fearless, and why u didnt answer about playboys? they killed u ? no more post thx for siege every1.

Yes I think you are stupid.
I am happy? Ya kinda, I had a wonderfull siege, like everyone I think, but your the one that spoiled the good words already, if you can read page 1 and 2, there were hardly any flames, just gf and good siege, nice screenshots.
I did answer your question about Playboy's or whatever, you just didn't read it, they didn't kill us, the attackers who were rushing throne room, and the defenders who spawned behind us, killed us, that is just Playboys right in your eyes? lol
And you said your ally and nobless people was at Goddard when v3 rushed you, maybe, maybe not... Since v3 was at Goddard first, we got overrun, went Clan hall (it's in Aden), went Aden siege, rushed inside, killed your ally, cleared throne room, artifact room etc, rest you know...

And your other question;
YES! I think v3 are winners! Not because we won siege, or because we owned all, cause we didn't.
We are the winners in our own way, we went for PvP and we got some really nice PvPs, we had an awesome siege, we really had fun, this siege proved for us (v3) that NM isn't dead, we had fun.

Quotei would say nobody kills V3, nobody know on which site they are
That's why the "kill everything" sentence ;) we are alone atm, only SM is friends. (SM = v3)

Like I said before, nice siege, we had fun!

PS: If you still don't understand, maybe look at the screenshots I posted before, or the ones tzuc and zthrx posted...
All my devotion betrayed
I am no longer afraid
I was too blinded to see
How much you've stolen from me

As the countless numbers hunger for worldwide renown
All the pimping sons of plunder will roll up their sleeves
All searching for the answers they don't even care to know


Quote from: strawb3rry on January 13, 2008, 01:02:53 PM
U are so happy that 2 parties v3 killed 15 ppl or 20 ppls. man try imagine 20 players without partys and one good party with full buff heals and cp who will be winner? u think that this is prof for call u winners?
The winner is all the people who get to read your posts each day, and get down on there knees and thank god that they where given a fully functional brain


Gz for Feralles,PlayBoy,Immortalz and LittlePigs
Good defend cuz Inspire & rebellion so big zergs to take aden


This aden siege was so crazy... one of my best for a loong time !

During the first 20 minutes we thought nobody would attack than a huge rush came from the west and we went to stop them.
Unfortunately they already had passed the small bridge  at the limit of the siege zone so we couldn't hold them on a small corridor. they were omfg sooo much that during we were fighting, the next enemies passing the bridge continue running to the castle and we got surrounded. I remember when we were running back to the castle i turned my Cam to see the way to castle and then i saw i was in the middle of the enemy lines, i was like  'wtf they were all around us :/'
We were 57 fearless online + playboy/immortalz/LP so maybe 80 defenders max and i don't know how many attackers were there but my FPS has NEVER been soo low :)

Then was a long (30min) and nice fight to the main gates, there we could hold the hordes because of the small space available. We even pushed them back having some party that went outside the castle to attack their flags and we had good team work on gates.
Then we were again in the gardens of aden, chasing the enemies and THERE was our mistake, while we were killing the rest of some rush away from the castle, a big new rush came directly in the middle and there was only a feww fearless on the gates, so we lost this strategic place and there was no way for our little number to take the lost ground again.
That should have make us losing the castle, because after the main gates there is no more place where there is only 1 way to go on. In the main room was 3 entrance and we couldn't hold them outside of the room and defending main crystal aswell.

So we lost the main crystal and when we died 1by1 we had 8 minutes to wait ftl.
Hopefully v3 chossed this moment to get into the castle and killed every attackers :D
Then we respawned, killed v3 and the remaining rebellion. But we were rushed once more and were fighting in the main room when Temp came and raped the flags from outside - that kinda saved us. So the never-interrupted line of rebellion coming to main room was interrupted and we could push them back for the last time.
Then there was not much people on aden siege and we tried to help Temp to get goddard back but it was too late.

Very nice siege :)
My L2 Movie Library ---> http://www.dragon-community.net/forum/index.php/topic,74815.msg852689.html#msg852689


Quote from: Moule on January 13, 2008, 02:07:16 PM
hah i remember when you ran into our party and started to debuff and seal x_x
that was awesome x)
the delicious cake is a lie


Quote from: tzuc on January 13, 2008, 11:28:44 AM
what a fcking fagget .. go freak yourself. we were slow ? unorganized ? we didn't reg for any siege ... we played for the pvp, you know what .. next time we'll make sure we actually don't make the mistake of helping fearless (because it was a mistake) and actually focus on loosing the castle.

we are soo scared... belive me..


If you consider global strategy, v3 did actually helped us a lot =o
RobinBlake - On a little break.