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19-01-2008 Giran Siege - Discuss - Page 10



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19-01-2008 Giran Siege - Discuss

Started by tzuc, January 19, 2008, 10:05:25 PM

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Quote from: WindPhoenix on January 20, 2008, 03:52:10 PM
v3's was at one moment smth like 190/23 ;D

273/30 few secs later , 2 bad i forgotten to do /siegestatus near tha end of the siege. ( was 2 busy getting flammed by everyone in pms :P)
Shizoku he/wlk
Lazy CL of v3

Quote from: Sifacil on June 19, 2007, 04:55:10 PM
Sensei Shin, in exile we all will remember ur teachings, long life to the original BowRapingBiatch-


Lol, so Veterans kept the castle?? i see on the screens only fearless, v3 in the throne room and you couldnt take it from them or what?
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on January 20, 2008, 05:31:18 PM
Lol, so Veterans kept the castle?? i see on the screens only fearless, v3 in the throne room and you couldnt take it from them or what?
yeah, cuz shino is a kid.. it's kinda like that ^^


Dude you guys are stupid, if you engrave in last 5 minutes, you won't be able to finish it anyways, cuz engravin takes 5 minutes. lol


Quote from: D3V1L5T4R on January 20, 2008, 05:33:01 PM
yeah, cuz shino is a kid.. it's kinda like that ^^
childish..calling someone kid just becouse he "don't wanna be sins dog" :(

spam :P

Kamillo29 - PP / Sorc
JoinOly - PP / Wk
Kamilllo29 - He / Wl
Kam69 - Sk / Necro


wow, now i see the hypocrites, you guys should rly stop listening to what everything asgalus says, pretty bad for you're heatlh holmes.

I understand why zthrx acts like a retard and its funny since hes entertaining me but you devil...since tmm got disbanded and u got caught into asga's mindtricks web shiznit u pretty much changed in a bad way only true playgroud/sins players from the start like me knows what asgalus is all about(Jespere ke tu me laissera te visiter mon tiasga :D)...anyways i love you my haters see yall in death row.

Shino tha kid<-- soowoop! new title ftw
Shizoku he/wlk
Lazy CL of v3

Quote from: Sifacil on June 19, 2007, 04:55:10 PM
Sensei Shin, in exile we all will remember ur teachings, long life to the original BowRapingBiatch-


Yeah v3 were at the same spot most of the time... but maybe we were busy taking care of things like this for ex?

You can only see v3 in the pic, cause we were the only ones trying to contain ppl from coming and kicking your ass from behind (Thanx CH once again for the cool fights :P). There were way more v3, you can see at the radar my party behind me....

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.... look now cute the 3 flags together  ::)

As Moule said, v3 wouldn't have done much without Fearless, and Fearless wouldn't have done what they did without v3. The point is, both v3 and Fearless were relevant to the situation, and therefore none were better than anyone.
Renzo - SR/SwS
Renz - SpS/SwS

And.....some other chars you don't need to know, ha!


Quote from: zthrx on January 20, 2008, 06:28:56 PM
oh, you can call everyone act like retart, but you aren't? you are always holly, and this is your only stupid defend "you acts like retard", " kid? only what u can say?" just agree you are young retard, or make some surgery operation and we will call u Daddy....
no prooves, no facts, u just saying shiit to defend yourself and u think everyone will agree with U, didnt know what you even talking about...
(and u will increese your ego, just because ur clanmates will asslick u here)

guess wut Oh, you can call everyone act like retart, but you aren't? you are always holly, and this is your only stupid defend "you acts like retard", " kid? only what u can say?" just agree you are young retard, or make some surgery operation and we will call u Daddy....
no prooves, no facts, u just saying shiit to defend yourself and u think everyone will agree with U, didnt know what you even talking about...
(and u will increese your ego, just because ur clanmates will asslick u here)

same message applies to you sir

p.s i'm selling some english lessons
Shizoku he/wlk
Lazy CL of v3

Quote from: Sifacil on June 19, 2007, 04:55:10 PM
Sensei Shin, in exile we all will remember ur teachings, long life to the original BowRapingBiatch-


Quote from: Renzo on January 20, 2008, 06:35:24 PM
Yeah v3 were at the same spot most of the time... but maybe we were busy taking care of things like this for ex?

You can only see v3 in the pic, cause we were the only ones trying to contain ppl from coming and kicking your ass from behind (Thanx CH once again for the cool fights :P). There were way more v3, you can see at the radar my party behind me....

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.... look now cute the 3 flags together  ::)

As Moule said, v3 wouldn't have done much without Fearless, and Fearless wouldn't have done what they did without v3. The point is, both v3 and Fearless were relevant to the situation, and therefore none were better than anyone.

ohh u died cuz of my arrow xD low damage xD

triuferkkk Necro/Sk - FTR Clan
xwaterclosetx BD/PR
Citizenerased SE/BD
Nausea TH/pp/ sorc


Quote from: zthrx on January 20, 2008, 06:28:56 PM
oh, you can call everyone act like retart, but you aren't? you are always holly, and this is your only stupid defend "you acts like retard", " kid? only what u can say?"

omg niorized????

you can call everyone act like retart but you aren't?
* retard not retart
* holy not holly
this is your only stupid defend
wtf again?
*defence not defend
you acts like retard
*straaange... retard seems to be fine here
* you act not acts. it's not scottish english
only what you can say?

GJ! an 'F'. seems like you need to improve english a bit. those sentences barely make any sense...


Quote from: kola20
ohh u died cuz of my arrow xD low damage xD

Well, what can I do... sometimes you kill, sometimes you die... fast... REALLY fast :P
Renzo - SR/SwS
Renz - SpS/SwS

And.....some other chars you don't need to know, ha!