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19-01-2008 Giran Siege - Discuss - Page 12



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19-01-2008 Giran Siege - Discuss

Started by tzuc, January 19, 2008, 10:05:25 PM

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Quote from: tzuc on January 20, 2008, 11:21:37 PM
that is not bob marley ><

Hah lol yeah... There was someone that posted a link to "red, red wine" and i thought your the one, and i quoted you >.< (didnt even click on the link to check it out)

Oh btw... Isnt this the picture of Bob Marley on the link?
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


This is kinda interesting: somo ppl probably dont know what they want or dont know what they are saying...;)  enjoy this small storry:

Quote from: prophecy on January 05, 2008, 10:30:27 PM
Gratz to Inspire+Rebellion+DOI and rest of server you beat us and got Giran, next week you get Aden and then what?? We like all that attention but face it its pathetic to regroup all server to attack us, CUZ OF US SERVER IS NOT DEAD AND I HOPE YOU KNOW IT Fearless doesnt care about castle anymore, we have tons and tons of books in reserve and all our skills are +10 and more....we just want some fun. We will defend aden just for that fun but after that im anxious to see what will happen....

Quote from: Panatix on January 13, 2008, 01:45:20 AM
we just copy you >>>  Fearless, Temp + Playboys + Immortalz + + + + + + + (now also V3) ..... when we created opozition to your pacts you only start to cry and only the word that a lot of Fealress know is : ZERG  (doesnt matter if somewhere is only half of us than you....you always scream this word)

so stfu pls, stop crying ;)

Quote from: Suicidal on January 13, 2008, 01:55:09 AM
Since when v3 is friend of Fearless?

Quote from: Panatix on January 13, 2008, 01:59:56 AM
lol   :o

Quote from: Suicidal on January 13, 2008, 02:14:52 AM
Actually it is important.
As you were writting that post to get "your" point across.
But as you don't even know what you're talking about, the entire post doesn't mean much anymore than does it?

Quote from: Renzo on January 20, 2008, 06:35:24 PM

As Moule said, v3 wouldn't have done much without Fearless, and Fearless wouldn't have done what they did without v3. The point is, both v3 and Fearless were relevant to the situation, and therefore none were better than anyone.

And now go to bet, get sleep children, story is done. If they didnt die, they lived together until the end of their life.

-former vCL of CZH
-"father" of Rebellion ally
-now "v duchodu" :)


Well as far as i heared you kept the castle just becouse Fearless and V3 didnt work together, so i didnt really get your point Panatix  ;)

Oh, well they worked together outside, but do the math why... sins+ws+immortalz+lemonsquad+v3+temp (theheroes, sheva, who else?) vs how many clans were there from inspire +rebellion? ;)
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


From inspire 8 clans + czehhorde+ after half siege 1 pt from ftr + 1,5 pt duxel + few clans more
Siege attackers 14 clans + maybe 1-2 pt from temp after
Siege defenders 14 clans - Soulless clan

But we are without orgaznization i think devil star said this after aden siege.


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on January 21, 2008, 08:39:56 AM
Well as far as i heared you kept the castle just becouse Fearless and V3 didnt work together, so i didnt really get your point Panatix  ;)

we keep it beouse you didnt have strategy after your engraving, when crystals were destroyedy by a ...... we make decision better to lose castel as defend them, it was no chance to defend castel with broken crystals, time for us was great 25min till end CS, so you go the castel, few minutes left morw3n was in engraving room and starts engraving, after that come inspire and helka, he canceled engraving and let the castel for helka, your problem was, you dont know what to do, and you dont had time to another engraving, someone must use traitor for get castel, same one use brain to keep castel ;)


Quote from: strawb3rry on January 21, 2008, 09:03:49 AM
From inspire 8 clans + czehhorde+ after half siege 1 pt from ftr + 1,5 pt duxel + few clans more
Siege attackers 14 clans + maybe 1-2 pt from temp after
Siege defenders 14 clans - Soulless clan

But we are without orgaznization i think devil star said this after aden siege.

You cant count the clans that are signed for attack/deffense... Count the clans that are actually there. I bet there were alot of unknown 1 man clans signed for the siege on attack, that just signed and didnt even bother to come, or some alt chars clans like sinz,winters0ul... Cuz you cant count em as a clan since those clans are usually 1,2 guys  ;)

KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on January 21, 2008, 10:12:06 AM

You cant count the clans that are signed for attack/deffense... Count the clans that are actually there. I bet there were alot of unknown 1 man clans signed for the siege on attack, that just signed and didnt even bother to come, or some alt chars clans like sinz,winters0ul... Cuz you cant count em as a clan since those clans are usually 1,2 guys  ;)

ehm, and why you count such clans on the oponent site ?  ::)


Quote from: Blondy on January 21, 2008, 11:48:32 AM
ehm, and why you count such clans on the oponent site ?  ::)

cause some of your side may play as if they were only few. means: you have 12 but they play as 3 good ones, but for you it counts cuz we waste mp  :P


Quote from: Suicidal on January 19, 2008, 10:37:30 PM

PS: +1 to tzuc though, cuz no, v3 aren't doggies, and like some SINS said "all those clans that aren't in our ally, are dogs, we simply use them". v3 isn't one of them.


i dont feel like dog when i should listen tzuc's commands, cuz hes rly good leader and he know what to do, if u want anarchy np but then u cant win anything ;p and then u can play alone , just make your own clan and join V3 in ally :-O
most of time V3 members does not listen any leader cuz most of us know what to do, every1 with brain should know what to do, its not hard . i just lag somethimes ;D
V3 like clan are not dogs ofc :-P, now all can see V3 dont need ally to take castle
what u want from me(suport only) , no1 never asking me for nothing i have to listen commands all time :-)

about CS. was nice; i logged late, i didnt know about situation, i was castle and shino told me to sleep that engraving nab, i was confused . 10 seconds of thinking and we was ported from castle, my bad sry ;(
pp/bishop - only one
any1 can teach me english ? please :-))




Quote from: Bogar on January 21, 2008, 12:22:29 PM
i dont feel like dog when i should listen tzuc's commands, cuz hes rly good leader and he know what to do, if u want anarchy np but then u cant win anything ;p and then u can play alone , just make your own clan and join V3 in ally :-O
most of time V3 members does not listen any leader cuz most of us know what to do, every1 with brain should know what to do, its not hard . i just lag somethimes ;D
V3 like clan are not dogs ofc :-P, now all can see V3 dont need ally to take castle
what u want from me(suport only) , no1 never asking me for nothing i have to listen commands all time :-)

Nice try, but you will notice that it doesnt matter how you explain, or what you say, you just simply CANT change other forum warriors opinion about us. We cant change it, i faced it a long time ago, hence I didnt react to the flames.

PS: Bobo, get a mic and talk at vent, I know you know decent english, you are just shy to speak ;o

Astramael      [db/tr]


devilstar U always know what to do, u r so smart in all this posts, NM dont have another player like u .. can u share ur mind with us pls


Quote from: strawb3rry on January 21, 2008, 12:30:25 PM
devilstar U always know what to do, u r so smart in all this posts, NM dont have another player like u .. can u share ur mind with us pls

hes the german perfectionist he knows everything better ya know what i mean?
he even tryed to correct my german grammar but failed hard - like in his life
what can i say? just a selfish whore
the delicious cake is a lie