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26.01.2006 A.D Goddart - Page 2



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26.01.2006 A.D Goddart

Started by SoulSaver, January 26, 2008, 01:42:39 PM

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Quote from: Panzer on January 26, 2008, 10:38:36 PM
looks like I killed the topic :-/

hahaha  ;D

@eldendor: why did it sucked? cuz u couldnt hide behind anyone? ^^


I missed it, had dinner with friends...

How was it? Who won? Who lost or gained castle =o?
All my devotion betrayed
I am no longer afraid
I was too blinded to see
How much you've stolen from me

As the countless numbers hunger for worldwide renown
All the pimping sons of plunder will roll up their sleeves
All searching for the answers they don't even care to know



lol blondy you are so funny, always have to flame and whine, Pillage has been you for a long time, we where on even number whatever you may think. you had rebellion-inspire-and DOI with you we had temp+playboys, but fearless is only 2 clans. And why you whine, you brought fearless and temp together by attacking aden and goddard on same day, you made us have a depbt with Temp. And is it our fault Poland was killing raid during siege??


playboy=?  tell us
Inspire=?  tell us
DOI=?   tell us


Armaggeddon bish/necro
Glock  PR/bd
Pr0phecy  TH/pp
and 5 more subbed char...


im not crying smart guy, allyinfo is not the solutions for count number, you need to have 111 ppl on batlfield not in status
the siege was equal in power, we make a big fail at the defending, better to say i make a big mistake
but you must say the thru, you was way way more than us but it is not so important, you couldnt rush us even with numbers, after we go the way to BS you killed ppl behind us and we was in a trap, this is why we lose castel, defending castel by wall shoting was imposible, all had wallhacks, they target me even on way from thron room, lool...
you do great job with mega mass ppl, i never would say NM can have so many ppl at siege

but as i say i prefer quality not quantity, temp need fearless, fearless need many asslikckers, many ppl to make shield for "owners" and temp to do smthink, you where got, but we could be better  :-\

/end of flame, i feel so owned on this castel siege for such big fail at defending to call players to defend BS site, i forgot you are attacking from 3 sites  :-\


BerenCZ - HE/WK + SPS
Ecthelion31 - SWS/SR + GL
Sigridka - SPS/EE + NE
Azaghal31 - BH/TY


oooh im in the front of defenders, wow +1 to the scren for you  ;)


Nice siege... im just wondering why topic is called 26.01.2006 not 2008 oO?



really great siege, such a huge amount of ppl from both sides... perfect
Canada Sh/Ol - noblesse - active main
GlamFar Sps/EE - noblesse - nice one :)
Fawarra - HE/PP
Nawarra - Glad/PP - buffer
Mageseen - Necro/Sorc - best debuffer
Gogog - 73 lvl SH - My first char on NM


It was easier than i thought  ;D

Thnx all allies and all friends.

Here is the /siegestatus just before the end of siege

I hope we will have same fun in Aden's siege  :D
Quote from: DePayens on August 03, 2009, 05:11:03 PM
Leave server pls or you'll lose all your castles and good farming very soon.
Your tears won't save you forever.