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26.01.2006 A.D Goddart - Page 5



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26.01.2006 A.D Goddart

Started by SoulSaver, January 26, 2008, 01:42:39 PM

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i dont really care about zthr's screenshots because this screenshots doesnt proove anything, his screenshot showing only his side, not all ppls.So if u see his pictures  u will see only what he wants and not true.Thats always time, i dont really care, care only about real life :-)


Quote from: Kamillo29 on January 27, 2008, 10:47:40 AM
I lose my recpect for ya since u were killing guards to lose meh karma in CH..so childish
lol?! :o
Your post looks like: "Mom!!! He stolen my cookie!  >:( :'("
I killed 2 guards near "tzuc" and then just stand near CH (then sit) and go afk :> So dont tell me that i killed your guards coz i didnt even know that "tzuc" was taking ithem for you :-*
Pride - Necro [ON]

BlessedSoul - SK/BP [OFF]
ShowMeYourPower - HE/Pal [OFF]
ShowMeYourMind - OL/EE [OFF]
xPridePLx - Necro/PP [OFF]
PridePL - PR/BD [OFF]


Quote from: Pride on January 27, 2008, 03:25:08 PM
lol?! :o
Your post looks like: "Mom!!! He stolen my cookie!  >:( :'("
I killed 2 guards near "tzuc" and then just stand near CH (then sit) and go afk :> So dont tell me that i killed your guards coz i didnt even know that "tzuc" was taking ithem for you :-*
I just said my opinion ..

Kamillo29 - PP / Sorc
JoinOly - PP / Wk
Kamilllo29 - He / Wl
Kam69 - Sk / Necro


Quote from: Kamillo29 on January 27, 2008, 03:31:14 PM
I just said my opinion ..
and i showed you my :P
I rly dont want to "fight" with you ;)
Pride - Necro [ON]

BlessedSoul - SK/BP [OFF]
ShowMeYourPower - HE/Pal [OFF]
ShowMeYourMind - OL/EE [OFF]
xPridePLx - Necro/PP [OFF]
PridePL - PR/BD [OFF]


Quote from: PainMaster on January 27, 2008, 02:15:12 PM
1mmortalz +LSteam <around +30 ppl maby + many of randoms>

they had 30?? LOOOOL.
immortalz was less than 1pt and i havent seen a single ls ^^


devil take a look for zthrx  ss , and you find them ..  ;D
and about 1mmortalz , how can you know how many they were, you have char in this sh1ty  proclan ? or IemJo... make raport for you ?? :D

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Quote from: Deneb_Dkrz on January 27, 2008, 05:18:27 AM
lol argue with blondy is pointless, i dont wanna "insult" but devil why u think he's the most flamer in his clan, is maybe cause he's the clown ? i respect your View point about we were zerging u, even though the proof say something Totally different and we have it, around 50 fearless most like around 40, and 100 temp, and u had 111 just in one of your 2 ally, yes u say about they werent all at siege, but can u stop to think the same for us?, and in the end we took it, was a nice siege, not big deal imo, was kinda easy take it, even though the bug in the engraving room was really annoying...

well that's all gf to everybody

omg guys, did you count how many Inspire was there? max. 40 so when you count your side, you said that only Temp was 100, with Playboys and so many as lickers like Immortalz etc you had about 200 minimum. 200 against 150 max. Open your eyes omg!!!  You can see it even at pictures lol.

Anyway, gg,gf, good siege.  I dont mind if it was zerg or not (we will not cry for zerg as you do all the time), we did some mistakes, so we had to fall. Not because zerg, just because our mistakes.

edit: forgot V3 attacking, that also didnt help to defenders
-former vCL of CZH
-"father" of Rebellion ally
-now "v duchodu" :)


Tsakalaki ----> Th // WL (working on nobless )


Quote from: Oblique on January 27, 2008, 10:23:02 AM
I honestly want to say respect to CH and FTR fighters group that hold the main front area with 2 parties, maybe 3, for more than 10 mins, against 4x/more attackers. They could stand longer, but V3ndetta unballanced the situation when they came with 2 parties on the left ramp and attacked the gate. This situation made central defenders to split and all became easy to attackers.

this was the brake point of siege, we were like 1 minute thinking if to let them be for those who are inside or to attack them and try to keep gate, but it was really not possible to hold whole situation.

-former vCL of CZH
-"father" of Rebellion ally
-now "v duchodu" :)


Quote from: tzuc on January 27, 2008, 12:59:45 PM
doesn't take a genious to figure that out .. if both aden / goddard would be in same day it would have been most likely that heroes wouldn't have got goddard and even chance that sins loose aden .. so 2 siege .. different days .. 2 allys / castle

and if oren wouldn't have been on same day as aden v3 won't have a castle now... so: better be happy


Quote from: D3V1L5T4R on January 28, 2008, 05:49:35 PM
and if oren wouldn't have been on same day as aden v3 won't have a castle now... so: better be happy
prolly if Oren was on diff day and only Aden on Sunday you would have lost Aden xD


Quote from: Furesy on January 28, 2008, 05:50:33 PM
prolly if Oren was on diff day and only Aden on Sunday you would have lost Aden xD

and who should have taken it?

seriously, on that day there was no chance to take aden... on days before and maybe on following days but for sure not at that day