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ADEN 22-03

Started by kingofchaos, March 22, 2008, 10:28:47 PM

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Quote from: iNs on March 23, 2008, 02:13:50 AM
you talking about loosing respect ? what am i suppose to say that you guys, as an old dragon friend, treated me like a piece of shit just to take over the baium ring which was planend to go to v3,

i completely dont givk a freak about items, ask whole v3 clan when i give out the drops and i dont get any, its nto about that, its about you guys pimping all over here, its not dragon, and it will never be, the whole mess up u had here today worked out because of you and your attitude, not becuz of anything else, there would be no split ups in ally if not barkin dogs like abnox and rest crying that the only clan who should get major drops is blackhand because they are wtfpwnomg lol

ridiculous, especially that im ex memeber of that clan, but i dont regret it, you treat me like a bitch, ill throw you in the mud aswell.

All that done cause of a Baium ring?Omg u sold ur friends for a crappy Baium ring that at last u got it...!
Thats rediculous dude,to finding crappy excuses aka Baium ring  to excuse ur selfs for what u ve done.
Now you are so cheap to my eyes also...sad...!

p.s: Abn0x is just a retarted attention whore, MySin vol2 imo.Never take seriously him.


well im kinda happy that this ally dissolved.
I think (my toughts) that BH's plan was to get a really big zerg ally to get some nice items for the start... well it worked but now everybody has to go their own ways.
onthe first time i tryed to help alot but everything just got fcked up after a time.
I mean u shout in ally baium/anth/w/e is alive so far so good. Now when someone asks for party noone gives a fck (yes you abn0x the almighty)
some secret parties are gathering up to pwn the rb. This shows the whole greedy behaviour
And yes even sins/envy used this lame trick after they broke together cuz they weren't strong enough against the other allies.(aka asslick)
Thats why I've never took part in a epic rb party or smth cause its simply not worth due the rules.
I mean c'mon who invents so stupid rules?
extreme example : U invent a rule... people who are taller than 2m gets all (cuz u're the only one who is taller than 2m)
I guess this is one of the main-points why everything got fcked up (dont know exactly wasnt at any big rb pt)

at the bottom line: Everybody got backstabbed, I don't give a fock anymore, I only helped friends in the ally and I will still be friendly to BH because I have some 'friends' there
and you really dont have to flame and show off how strong u are it only shows how retarded you are and a special message to williams: this isnt Dragon you cant come here and think its your server you cant run into a party and rape them with your +25 bow

Take this as an advice or simply ignore it

Quotep.s: Abn0x is just a retarted attention whore, MySin vol2 imo.Never take seriously him.

the delicious cake is a lie


let me try to sum this up

4-5 hours before siege elesse pm'ed me on MSN:

elesse: " BH invited Katamaran and VIP into ally"
elesse: "well, we kinda tired of them and we have a surprise at tonights siege" + mentioning some things williams said on ally, I have the convo at on my workplace PC
me: ".... tell .."
elesse: "after they take castle we and sins are gonna pk all"

this was thought WAY before this siege, if you remember williams when you were inscribing so was shinoku and all v3 and envy was in throne room .. but we all helped and protected and fought together, no one wanted that castle, this was a thing about pride and respect

you should think what you did to get here, as it was not 1 clan who thought this way, it was 2 and 2 of the strongest clans in ally. I myself am not online outside sieges but if v3 worked together with sins on this ... well that is a miracle in my book as these clans do not like each other very much, 1 thing they have in common .. they both hate the idea of a zerg ally and shows balls making more enemies than they already have

i don't see the point in flaming here, in a way you got punked ... I would show a little common sense trash talking towards v3, I still have the screens where we came in parties to help sub your people and no one asked for anything, we had horn drops that we trade to your members

i can tell you the names of the people that "want" items in v3 (rb jwlry) and i can tell you it's VERY few of them and it's not the siege core, 60% of V3 plays for pvp .. 30% to chat ( .. n/c on this but it's true) and 10% for items

p.s. it will be nice to finally have an active war with people that enjoy to pvp
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


look its hard to say which clan is the best, pvps depends on many things

but: we know how to play, we have the essence of lidership, sometimes we might be arrogants (i dont deny it!), we love to flame (whats the fun without it?)

i dont know what ppl mean with "this isnt dragon", there we had twice more wars against thousands of OE weapons, wlmss had one OE weapon this doesnt means all BH had

now lets see whats going to happen! ^_^


Quote from: Cherokee~ on March 23, 2008, 05:50:48 AM
look its hard to say which clan is the best, pvps depends on many things

but: we know how to play, we have the essence of lidership, sometimes we might be arrogants (i dont deny it!), we love to flame (whats the fun without it?)

i dont know what ppl mean with "this isnt dragon", there we had twice more wars against thousands of OE weapons, wlmss had one OE weapon this doesnt means all BH had

now lets see whats going to happen! ^_^
I mean with "this isnt dragon" that you just can't come here and want ALL (DO WANT MOAAR NAO!)
You have to earn those things and you know what I mean. Everything has his own right time you can't take all at once.
And you know in the ally there were some people who would do all for items... c0t for example
You guys took him to anthy(big mistake imo) where he did that shit again and it made some people angry and this caused many problems.

Quote from: tzuc on March 23, 2008, 05:47:05 AM
60% of V3 plays for pvp .. 30% to chat ( .. n/c on this but it's true)
Do want MOAR spam NAO! ;)

the delicious cake is a lie


talk about gettin rolled!...


(a little more variety in our vocabulary plox.)


DragonNetwork ~ Nightmare 30x ~
* aDv *  BD/SH  
* DiablosII *  TH/WL
* Cracers *  HE/WK
proud member of ImmortalsLegion / Vend3tta / SINS /

a V a t a r s - v-CL
~ Nanaki ~ Celes ~ RPG ~ Arion ~ Asterios ~ Core ~ Hydra ~ DEX ~ Nanaki ~ Nightmare ~ RETIRED

ForTheSugarDaddy - BF4/LoL


WS took down the wall and crystals. We make a huge distraction on one side and sneak with a sps/ee and a dwarf from the other side :D

Just to clarify this, at least here there was no backstab
Retired- Im not using my chars anymore


Quote from: Deavon on March 23, 2008, 04:06:46 AM
All that done cause of a Baium ring?Omg u sold ur friends for a crappy Baium ring that at last u got it...!
Thats rediculous dude,to finding crappy excuses aka Baium ring  to excuse ur selfs for what u ve done.
Now you are so cheap to my eyes also...sad...!

p.s: Abn0x is just a retarted attention whore, MySin vol2 imo.Never take seriously him.

you completely didnt understand my posts,lol
A man can be an artist... in anything, food, whatever. It depends on how good he is at it. Creasy's art is death. He's about to paint his masterpiece.
HR: Eviltwist/Creasy/GotYouWet
TR: Creasy
NM: Creasy/iKeel/Eviltwist/GodGiven/VoxMaris/letmekill
DN: oh boy ...


This is crap anyway :<
Life is a game with unpredictable ending ^_^

KmD4 ps/pr (i bet the last) 79lvl
MogHuK ol/bish (l33t thingy) 79+lvl


Quote from: iNs on March 23, 2008, 09:13:58 AM
you completely didnt understand my posts,lol
Plox dont say nothin more freaking scumer pff 1h befeore siege i gived u pass on my dorf after siege and pvp u tryin log it dunno why oO btw u and me got pass on it  :-*Mby wanna scum ? eh n/c.


smth for me:
-We (v3) gave a lil finger to BH here at start..but after some time they wanted to rape whole hand.

w8 for mutants deletion. =d

Kamillo29 - PP / Sorc
JoinOly - PP / Wk
Kamilllo29 - He / Wl
Kam69 - Sk / Necro