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GIRAN SIEGE 29.3.2008

Started by TomekAlmighty, March 29, 2008, 10:01:53 PM

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Quote from: Furesy on March 31, 2008, 10:06:05 PM
We? Ring? Wowa, get your facts straight, BH didn't needed any rules, BH got the first 3 Earrings from Antharas lol, 2 were given away to Envy, the 3rd was even given away, but I got it back after we made deal for clear rules.
After rules were made, there was still bullshit about it, and a BH member kept the earring when it was Envy's turn yes, but he got kicked from clan. So maybe stfu and get your facts straight before you even talk.

yeah, you even needed 2h to create that story... and you presented it as shitty as you've stolen it....

get real, no one ever believed your invented "third-man" theory.


Quote from: Devil on March 31, 2008, 10:08:23 PM
yeah, you even needed 2h to create that story... and you presented it as shitty as you've stolen it....

get real, no one ever believed your invented "third-man" theory.
Than you're more retarded than I thought, if you don't believe that, than works for me.
The guy that normally plays on the char that took the earring, isn't the original owner of that char, and the original owner of that took the earring, he sold it, and traded Coins back to Dragon as far as I know.
So maybe just stfu, you really owning yourself with every crappy post you make.
Besides, that you don't believe that story, works for me, I don't give a shit, but hey, don't go spread bullshit.


Quote from: Furesy on March 31, 2008, 10:10:38 PM
Than you're more retarded than I thought, if you don't believe that, than works for me.
The guy that normally plays on the char that took the earring, isn't the original owner of that char, and the original owner of that took the earring, he sold it, and traded Coins back to Dragon as far as I know.
So maybe just stfu, you really owning yourself with every crappy post you make.
Besides, that you don't believe that story, works for me, I don't give a shit, but hey, don't go spread bullshit.

yeah ofc.
it is the lamest attempt to get a drop who was supposed to go to an ally-mate.

that represent blackhand to freaking 100% ^^. trying to get all for yourselves, but trying to keep the "allies" you made, cause you wanted to use them for something else. (aden siege in this case). looks like your plan didn't worked 100% but at least 80%...


Quote from: Devil on March 31, 2008, 10:13:26 PM
yeah ofc.
it is the lamest attempt to get a drop who was supposed to go to an ally-mate.

that represent blackhand to freaking 100% ^^. trying to get all for yourselves, but trying to keep the "allies" you made, cause you wanted to use them for something else. (aden siege in this case). looks like your plan didn't worked 100% but at least 80%...
Wow, retarded reply number 2! Gratz you're improving!
IF BlackHand is so freaking greedy like you say; Howcome BH clan gave away the first 2, and even the third Antharas earring WE got, to Envy? Because Envy made some self made RULE, claiming if you had more ppl on Antharas, you should give away earring! And hey! BH as greedy as we are! We even gave it to Envy, for freaking 3 times! God BH is so freaking greedy!


Yo idiot, just shut the freak up, you making a fool out of yourself with every shit reply you make, I don't give a shit if that ally didn't work out, or if BH isn't what it's supposed to be, but hey! Atleast you proved again you're a complete douchebag!


Quote from: Furesy on March 31, 2008, 10:16:42 PM
Wow, retarded reply number 2! Gratz you're improving!
IF BlackHand is so freaking greedy like you say; Howcome BH clan gave away the first 2, and even the third Antharas earring WE got, to Envy? Because Envy made some self made RULE, claiming if you had more ppl on Antharas, you should give away earring! And hey! BH as greedy as we are! We even gave it to Envy, for freaking 3 times! God BH is so freaking greedy!


Yo idiot, just shut the freak up, you making a fool out of yourself with every shit reply you make, I don't give a shit if that ally didn't work out, or if BH isn't what it's supposed to be, but hey! Atleast you proved again you're a complete douchebag!

no reason to become angry, you just got discovered. but hey, at least you can count on 50% not believing me and another 45% forgetting it after a while. so you can continue


Quote from: Devil on March 31, 2008, 10:27:29 PM
no reason to become angry, you just got discovered. but hey, at least you can count on 50% not believing me and another 45% forgetting it after a while. so you can continue
Is that all you can say? wow nice comeback, guess you ran out of words and actually realized I was right?
Why would I believe you anyway? You only talk shit about your enemies, and next day you praise them to the skies!
But wait! You were right in 1 thing! When you said to me on MSN several things about v3, when I joined them, how they sucked, how greedy they were, how arrogant and shit like that, what kind of a noob Shin was and all that kind of crap, but what now? Times are a changin eh?

Even wait! Remember when you said to me on MSN: "I will never be in ally with v3 again! They are a bunch of low skilled backstabbers!" LMFAO



Quote from: Kamillo29 on March 29, 2008, 11:00:53 PM
zthrx rollin' flags alone, nub!

zthrx is not rolling the flags, hes mererly scratching them.

Quote from: TomekAlmighty on March 30, 2008, 05:04:21 PM
after i showed you the picture with 40 of your ally on it

You were not that badly outnumbered that day as you are trying to proove .... and screenshots can be taken from different angles you know.

Quote from: PvtStuka on March 30, 2008, 08:45:04 PM
You exploited to the ramp you son of a bitch. Im tired of your excuses, you lame freaktard. Everyone knows you wanted to kill anthy that way. [...]

What you are saying is wrong. Even your ally mates confirmed that they didnt wanted to kill antaras this way. They bugged there only to pk sins, not to kill antaras.

Quote from: Diabolical on March 31, 2008, 01:06:46 AM
tell me any ally name that FTR and CH did join and it wasnt zerg :)

Please dont tell me that you consider my ally - FTR - a zerg. Deathcrush was a freaking zerg, even bigger than rebellion but times have changed. And yes ..... Fearless was a zerg at some point aswell.

Quote from: Devil on March 31, 2008, 12:44:53 PM
it's funny, which server is it? i mean, of what server are you talking about cause it can't be nm ^^

Its Nightmare of course and we fought vs. everyone and even forced you to ally yourselves with TEMP. Back then you didnt cried about the fact that there were no interesting sieges, you just enjoyed your farming.

RobinBlake - On a little break.


Quote from: Furesy on March 31, 2008, 10:31:20 PM
But wait! You were right in 1 thing! When you said to me on MSN several things about v3, when I joined them, how they sucked, how greedy they were, how arrogant and shit like that, what kind of a noob Shin was and all that kind of crap, but what now? Times are a changin eh?

Even wait! Remember when you said to me on MSN: "I will never be in ally with v3 again! They are a bunch of low skilled backstabbers!" LMFAO

Ow shit, that's what i call owned lol
Ashk, xWaky : Blackhand


Casually Playing


Quote from: Furesy on March 31, 2008, 10:31:20 PM
Is that all you can say? wow nice comeback, guess you ran out of words and actually realized I was right?
Why would I believe you anyway? You only talk shit about your enemies, and next day you praise them to the skies!
But wait! You were right in 1 thing! When you said to me on MSN several things about v3, when I joined them, how they sucked, how greedy they were, how arrogant and shit like that, what kind of a noob Shin was and all that kind of crap, but what now? Times are a changin eh?

no, times never change. just ppl used to change. but not all and not most of the ones i talked about.
it's not a secret that i'm not a v3 supporter. why? i have my personal reasons, i can't be mad at anyone disliking me either. but the v3 of today isn't the v3 of the past, but you also can't change your roots. i also told some guys a few things about bh and how they will develop on nm.... guess how it happened?  (i'm not any kind of prophet xD, it's just experience). i can arrange myself with v3, as it seems they can with me. actually better than i thought.

you have to learn one thing, the fact that i doesn't comment every word in a conversation you write, doesn't mean in any case that i share this opinion or accept it.


Quote from: Devil on March 31, 2008, 11:01:23 PM
you have to learn one thing, the fact that i doesn't comment every word in a conversation you write, doesn't mean in any case that i share this opinion or accept it.
You were kinda trying hard to convince me from the fact you hated v3, that you disliked them so much, that you didn't trust those "backstabbers" at all.
But it doesn't matter, as you just proved, anything you actually say has no value.
So no need to continue this discussion, imma go to school, laterz!


Quote from: Endorama on March 31, 2008, 05:25:54 PM
we will see ur ally in IL ,half of ur chars will be out ;) and trust me the only reason why u could kill some1 is ur archer/ty's,i wonder what u gonna do when they are gone :)

Big lol again the retard has spoken. I am the only one ty/he in clan and in ally there is only 1 more sixyXely, but usualy i come to antharas as POPIELA he/sws. I hardly w8 to see in IL what u will say after u will be assfacked over and over by my new char :).

P.S. did u elucidate why i keep a homu+acu in my inv???? LOL
Gaellee - game over
Amila - R.I.P.


Quote from: Furesy on April 01, 2008, 08:26:09 AM
You were kinda trying hard to convince me from the fact you hated v3, that you disliked them so much, that you didn't trust those "backstabbers" at all.
But it doesn't matter, as you just proved, anything you actually say has no value.
So no need to continue this discussion, imma go to school, laterz!

school... yeah, lol ^^
i'm not the 17year child from both of us ^^

oh btw: what do you think are charm of lucks for? and from all i've seen from v3, bh is even worse concerning greed. v3 has other problems, but you guys are just greedy as shit.... seems like having a corrupted gm doesn't help a clan in his behaviour ::)