
Archive => Infinite Nightmare 20x server => Obsolete => General => Topic started by: Kwas on June 19, 2009, 10:28:19 AM

Title: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Kwas on June 19, 2009, 10:28:19 AM
Every day loging less and less ppl ;/   i dont see new faces.....  if  ppl have problem sell horn and i dont see ppl on quest golkondas ( before u have 4-7 pt of ppl sometimes)   it means we dont have fresh blook and old players dont care anymore ;/  on ftr and bm TS i see 3 ppl and they are not on Holyday !!! stop talking about holiday as an excuse !!! holydays starting in few days and ppl stoping play naw. They simply dont like what they see. No GM , no events , all time changed stuffs ( one day enchant rate is 5% other is 66%)  buged skills , buged quest, buged RBs , all time downs , AND ALL FOR DONATION ( its bull shit about ICarus rec quest. GMs turn it off and after 1-2 montchs of hard work u can take dynasty recept LOOOL and parts)  Drop is 10x times worst than on retail afte all  weaks of playing hellbound we buy/ have adamantine to craft heapest weapon ( ofc its field) ( probably craft rate is 0% for weapons ) if u need to Have some nice items Donate. DONATE.  olympiad is unbalanced.   and all ofthis made ppl leave server . u made helbound with buged kamaels , hb with no quests ( ofc ppl can craft only dyna shield gj) :]   still all rbs buged, buged skills ( shield of revange dont work since IL) and becous of freaking DOnator weapons  freaked up economy.    all who have some coins use it to take it from dony and coins desapear.   OK nad track will close this topic log  to the game and  will lfame some ppl do nothing and tell he is tierd ot busy. ofc he only flem ppl on hes shout.  GL  and probably bb NM ;/ its no sens to play on serv with 3 clans 200 ppl online and no things to do.  no craft / no spoil/ no rb / no events/ lol freaked sieages ( 11, 15,21 gtm+1) / lazzy GM / no economy/ no quests/ no camaels / no new ppl / no old ppl /. plx tell me what we have to do ?   

have all a nice day
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: tzuc on June 19, 2009, 10:40:06 AM
i feel your frustration, i started playing again with HB, thinking of ... seriously playing and farming HB , but i gave up and only playing PVP / siege (not even that since my laptop broke last week).

seriously track, you know I support you in what you do ... and I know as long as the server gets paid for no one really cares. but fix the droprates / spoil since that is easy, fixing the skills is probably harder but .. it's actually more fun to play Arena 200x when not sieging or pvp'ing on NM.
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: lFreak on June 19, 2009, 11:35:40 AM
You have 100% right. Day by day ppls leaves server. When i logged to game and join to TS i always hear that there is still nothing to do and serer is boring. Before we have 10-15 ppl online. Now 3- max4  :((
What we as a clan has to do now? We can not even kill the weak RB ! :(
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: BassSultan^^ on June 19, 2009, 12:25:06 PM
To community

i understand the situation on both side but loook tihngs from track side if day by day more people disapier for what should he move on his work on fixing stuff reparing skills implate new things and so on..... you just should be patient as you was when you w8ed for hellbound. Its is just like by all our updates you miss the old one want it back pls rollback enacht skills .... not working new update sucks but if you dont give the tihngs time to get rdy 100 % then you jsut should leave quitly and stop flame everything.

This part to track

Look i know that new updates fixes and so on neeed time to run i was gm myself on a 20 x server so i know what i m talking about, but you should hear sometimes what the community wants as i see in the forum most of the people want to spoil get recipes and kill raidboss. You should work on this things first and not nerf chars nerf skills repair skills because this is not so necesary for playing. With the recipe part i understnad track it shouldnt be to easy to get them but if you dont even can get the mats wich you need for and you dont even get the recipe and if you try to craft it after weeks farming thats jsut frustrating you should jsut chancge it a bit.

Thats all for now peace BassSultanHengzt ,
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Kwas on June 19, 2009, 12:48:26 PM
i think NM community have a lot of patient.  we wait for HB so looong that when it come other serv have gracia final.   
When it come we have only HB in loader.  1/2 of HB island working  1/50 of quets.  and 1/100 of them are usable.  plx if u have 0,05% drop of 1 adamantine try to get 400 of it :)   and chimeras are strong as mini rb.  a sry o forgot probably craft rate is 0,1% becous if u want have dyna weapon donate it. Icarus quest wos ok but track changed it :) becous no donation no icarus :)
All new and some old rb dont drop. 60% of skills dont work.  for what is tank is agro dont work ?  ok i understand 10 x times stronger rbs . reflect dmg. but same shity drop ? u use more adena for ss and pots than u have it from drop.   Dificult to get is for example  20 deys of farming .  but on NM we have impossible .   Try to craft dyna armours ( round 350 orichalcum wneu will be 100% succes ) :)
or 400 adamantine ( i try crafted with clan 1st dyna weapons on NM ofc field :) 
we dont have frintezza ( be patient 1 rb for 1 y )  and otychers are buged/ dont droping.   
U can craft only S . for S80 donate.   
when u see any event ?   2 y ago ?
and even apella and SA on weapons are not working.
and its after 1,5y of waiting hellbound ?  we have 2% of it
a ofc on parnaseus white and black seeds dont trop :)  and u dont have rb to have it.
so if u are rly addicted u can kill mobs in fog like u do it since 2007 y or try craft Imperial/arcana/draco sets :) super hiper fun :)
on market u have some pots shop and mats for agathion ;) thats all
so pls tell me one new thing we can do on nightmare nawdays ;/

pece and i know is not easy to be GM but if u have money from it ( plx x * 200 + y * 125+ z ) wher x is number of icarus weap y number of dynasty on serv and z - other donation crystals 13/14/15 some stones , blessed enchants , and coins to trade on marker :)  its not small ammount of cash :)
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: tzuc on June 19, 2009, 12:56:04 PM
think 300 + dnet dynasty sets :) and convert that into $, nevermind the crystals, icarus, oe weapons + rb jewelry :)
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: TomekAlmighty on June 19, 2009, 01:03:47 PM
Things shoould be hard to get but making them too hard to get isnt good too since people that dont play here too long will soon leave.

Lets just look from the point of a new player and lets say hes making an archer. He can easy get A grade here, after some time he can get S grade too pretty easy but here comes the first problem. The golky horn is hard to get and many players already leave the server cuz its too hard for them to get subed and without the sub they simply have 0 chance in pvp.
Ok lets say the guy gets lucky and gets his sub but after hes gonna be done with lvling hes gonna notice he still sucks cuz without rb jewels he still sucks and even if he somehow gets the 50 coins for QA+ Baium (witch is reaaaaaally hard for a new player) he will see that its still hard for him to pvp against people that have DNET sets and icarus bows -> since those items are just overpowered
So what can he do in this case? Nothing, he can continue playing with his bad gear shooting an archer for 500 while the guy hits him in the same time for 2x 2k dammage hes gonna leave the server. OR he can think about donation and here comes another problem: How much does he need to donate to be as powerfull as these guys. Hmm rb set without valaks is already 150 â,¬ and a DNET set is 80 â,¬ and cuz he wants to shoot as fast as his enemy he needs to donate another 230â,¬ to get an icarus bow witch is 460 â,¬ (without the extra 350â,¬ that a valakas costs). So i guess he will leave insted of paying 500 â,¬ to atleast have a chance against most of the people on the server.

My point is that this server is already really old and for the new people its just pointless to play here cuz they have totally no chance in pvp here becouse its just too hard for then to get the same gear as we have.  DNET sets should be spoilable, also icarus/dynasty weapons or should be droped by raids or something (cuz now its really useless to kill normal raids cuz you dont get any profit from them) or by quest but those things shouldnt be like its now when you need to farm even longer than on official servers while we have 30x rates here. People came to play on a 30x server to get best gear 30x faster than on official server and enjoy the PVP instead of farming 24/7.

Im not saying Drake/Track arent working hard with fixes and everything, actually they are working better than ever imo, but the fact is that new players have 0 chance to play here and sooner or later the ammouth of online players will fall down.
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Kwas on June 19, 2009, 01:33:12 PM
i agree with u but on Nmx30 we have lower drop rate than on officials and mobs are 20 times stronger ;/   even farming will be funn for some ppl but on NM farming is usless. and try to farm on HB withour dynasty + 2 super botys ( pp/bd sws/ee bd/pp ee/sws) so its 2 subed chars . and after 1 montch u can be able or even no try craft dyna shield thats all :)

work  efectivity > work hard     

made tank tank ,  tyr/des  tyr/pal mobs killer ,  all class have chances on oly ( dont know npc with full buffs for all) spol --> spoil craft --> craft  right naw dwarf can craft ss :)   se is bot for emp and pots   spoil ok u can spoil ews :) thats all, tank is one big shit ( espectialy DA)  on last 2 sieages we have 1 pt Oo clan with 140 ppl ;/    becous old players l;eave ( nothing to do) new dont come  ( 1 person on full buff kiling 1 pt of new players)
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Rudi on June 19, 2009, 01:38:12 PM
you know that admins/GMs need just money and there is company that will always donate cuz they have money, so drake/track dont need to take care for other ppl, cuz they getting money all the time and thats all what they need.
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: iNs on June 19, 2009, 02:04:16 PM
Quote from: tzuc on June 19, 2009, 10:40:06 AM
i feel your frustration, i started playing again with HB, thinking of ... seriously playing and farming HB , but i gave up and only playing PVP / siege (not even that since my laptop broke last week).

seriously track, you know I support you in what you do ... and I know as long as the server gets paid for no one really cares. but fix the droprates / spoil since that is easy, fixing the skills is probably harder but .. it's actually more fun to play Arena 200x when not sieging or pvp'ing on NM.

+1 Ovi, Kwas

Nothing personal track, dont feel upset once again that I admit when someone is right.
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Diver on June 19, 2009, 02:18:03 PM
Abaout no ppl on golys. No pint to go on golky if draks or frenda kill all and don't let ppl make quest.

Abaut weapon cratf. Yesterday one my friend craft dynasty bow.

Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: seboulba on June 19, 2009, 02:36:07 PM
Quote from: Diver on June 19, 2009, 02:18:03 PM
Abaout no ppl on golys. No pint to go on golky if draks or frenda kill all and don't let ppl make quest.

Abaut weapon cratf. Yesterday one my friend craft dynasty bow.

Imerlin from sheva ? he was farming with his tyr/de during XXX days ....
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: ohaem on June 19, 2009, 02:55:22 PM
hmmm ppl have right... coz now when ppl not farming on hb(mobs to strong) pvp dead there and will dead on varka for sure coz its no sense all the same place and point of go hb if u cant farm mobs... and helloooo nowdays after "update" ppl bored and plx i dont wanna hear go with all pt to kill chimeras rly ppl were there with full parties rdy for farm and pvp thx temps for hb pvp maybe we will have back this hb pvp so... this update was not good and why? hmm as i know no1 craft icarus bow so server didnt lose money but lost good place for pvp...
cya!Q! sry litlle drunk and my english sux atm :P
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: leobruno on June 19, 2009, 02:55:46 PM
I think track/drake have your own reasons to slow down the spoil/drop/craft/enchat rates cause they work to fixe the bugs and several ppl try every day find exploits in the game ... but i most agree with all in here. The game become almost impracticable to play with this low rates.  :-[
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Morbid_Angel on June 19, 2009, 03:21:29 PM
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on June 19, 2009, 01:03:47 PM
Things shoould be hard to get but making them too hard to get isnt good too since people that dont play here too long will soon leave.

Lets just look from the point of a new player and lets say hes making an archer. He can easy get A grade here, after some time he can get S grade too pretty easy but here comes the first problem. The golky horn is hard to get and many players already leave the server cuz its too hard for them to get subed and without the sub they simply have 0 chance in pvp.
Ok lets say the guy gets lucky and gets his sub but after hes gonna be done with lvling hes gonna notice he still sucks cuz without rb jewels he still sucks and even if he somehow gets the 50 coins for QA+ Baium (witch is reaaaaaally hard for a new player) he will see that its still hard for him to pvp against people that have DNET sets and icarus bows -> since those items are just overpowered
So what can he do in this case? Nothing, he can continue playing with his bad gear shooting an archer for 500 while the guy hits him in the same time for 2x 2k dammage hes gonna leave the server. OR he can think about donation and here comes another problem: How much does he need to donate to be as powerfull as these guys. Hmm rb set without valaks is already 150 â,¬ and a DNET set is 80 â,¬ and cuz he wants to shoot as fast as his enemy he needs to donate another 230â,¬ to get an icarus bow witch is 460 â,¬ (without the extra 350â,¬ that a valakas costs). So i guess he will leave insted of paying 500 â,¬ to atleast have a chance against most of the people on the server.

My point is that this server is already really old and for the new people its just pointless to play here cuz they have totally no chance in pvp here becouse its just too hard for then to get the same gear as we have.  DNET sets should be spoilable, also icarus/dynasty weapons or should be droped by raids or something (cuz now its really useless to kill normal raids cuz you dont get any profit from them) or by quest but those things shouldnt be like its now when you need to farm even longer than on official servers while we have 30x rates here. People came to play on a 30x server to get best gear 30x faster than on official server and enjoy the PVP instead of farming 24/7.

Im not saying Drake/Track arent working hard with fixes and everything, actually they are working better than ever imo, but the fact is that new players have 0 chance to play here and sooner or later the ammouth of online players will fall down.

+5213477824 to that

problem is that the official answer you'll have is "you don't like it >>> go to an other server"

i thought i had a normal conversation once with Track at that topic he posted,asking to vote for DNetwork...but dunno why he deleted it  :-X

when i said..you(GMs of the network,and among them,you Track)don't listen to the community the answer was "ofc i listen to them"
well seems you don't...

when i said you should rase the spoil/drop/etc rate to fit a x30(or x5/x15) server the answer was "you want to play in a pvp server where you get everything too easy...go there"

and how this conversation ended..by deleting your own topic!!!!well..gratz!!!wise move...

it's pretty obvious you(GMs,Drake) have no clew of what marketing is!!!
you might be pro at coding..but have no idea what the 4 P's of marketing are!!

Product   in this case your servers,are unreachable for new players,even after 1 year where you should have fixed/tested everything or almost everything(didn't Drake say something like ..."we have IL but in few(lol) month we're moving to full HB"), we have a HB with only the 10%-20% working!!!
conclusion Product sucks

Price   in this case the price you have to pay to be able play and enjoy the game.what is it?HUGE!!!!Tomek before said that you need about 500eu to play here..which is just LOL!!!or just quit your job/your life/break up with your gf-bf/become a nerd so you can get some coins in game!!
conclusion Price sucks

1)you're trying to force players to vote you..personaly i voted just once!i got used that annoying thing and i voted just cause NM is a
good server...but as a network we suck!!first and final vote from me!
2)you're giving false information "Full Hellbound OFF,x5 x10 x15 x30 x200 rates, over 7000 players! 99% uptime. Custom potions,stackable sub system. Never wiped over 5 years." ,cause last time i checked Shadow was down,the rates x5/x15/x30/x200 apply only to exp/sp and the drop/spoil/and other things rates are worse than OFFICIAL x1 servers, and most important?we are 10%-20% OFF Hellbound not Full(there are skills reported as bugged since IL and all you do is nerfing classes)
3)or should i mention that you give us no information of what's yet to be fixed,what has been fixed,what you're working on now..etc...
that section of Follow the sick Rabit..why you keep it if you don't use it?and other things that i'm bit bored to write now...
conclusion Promotion sucks

as for Place,last of the 4 P's   we can say that in your case is the datacenter maybe,which i dunno if you paid for better machines but the lag is a bit less than IL(for me at least)..so +1 to that

how about you start actually do something  for the community/servers? look at this for example

how about you understand that ppl play here and not to official so they don't have to pay to ncsoft or e-bay to have some proper gear?

how about you understand that ppl that play in a x30 server expect to have spoil/drop rate a bit more than x1 (x2?x3?or some might say x30?) and not less than x1(as it is now)

p.s. why i think this topic will be deleted?  ::)  ;D
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Kwas on June 19, 2009, 03:23:27 PM
yes me and him with big clan help get  all mats needed we farm / and friends ( becous many ppl wos sitting on farming accounts) and yesterday we try craft i field he made :)  but its normal 1 dyna weapon  Icarus> 10x dynasty   for 2 montchs . and we farm 95% of mats when mobs wos no uber strong. and buy mats from all server players .   after this one craft i am to tierd to try next rly becous 2 montchs to have 60% is not normal.  and this weapon is like db+f+7 slow attack speed  icarus have normal ;)  so  he only look cool :) i want to craft dyna coughel becous of its cool looking not super stats :)  
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Sephiroth on June 19, 2009, 03:27:42 PM
Quote from: Kwas on June 19, 2009, 03:23:27 PM
yes me and him with big clan help get  all mats needed we farm / and friends ( becous many ppl wos sitting on farming accounts) and yesterday we try craft i field he made :)  but its normal 1 dyna weapon  Icarus> 10x dynasty   for 2 montchs . and we farm 95% of mats when mobs wos no uber strong. and buy mats from all server players .   after this one craft i am to tierd to try next rly becous 2 montchs to have 60% is not normal.  and this weapon is like db+f+7 slow attack speed  icarus have normal ;)  so  he only look cool :) i want to craft dyna coughel becous of its cool looking not super stats :)  

Icarus,indeed,has Slow A.Speed,even tho in the description it says normal.
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: lucifsg on June 19, 2009, 03:59:37 PM
Quote from: Morbid_Angel on June 19, 2009, 03:21:29 PM
+5213477824 to that

it's pretty obvious you(GMs,Drake) have no clew of what marketing is!!!
you might be pro at coding..but have no idea what the 4 P's of marketing are!!

Wanna add Mintzebrgs 5th point : perspective. I dont know if drake even has one but if his strategy is to farm some euros now , server soon ll die cause thats not a long term strategy. He is supose to build on our relationship with him and i never saw a step like that from him. We got problems since IL and thoose problems are growing bigger day by day. As u can notice players dont have problem to donate as far as they get some fun .
Fun is getting lost daily so do the maths... I thought voting would help the situation but nothing . Nothing sounds normal if u consider what tomek said. What can a new player do around us? Nothing. I thought of it many times actually.

The good think is that we all see the problems around us , i hope track will notice and agree as well and pass em to drake.
The important think is what we can do about em. Many of us got nice ideas , i think we should start by giving better chances to ppl getting subbed.
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: zthrx on June 19, 2009, 04:18:15 PM
I think Drake and Track knows all this problems, so no need to write a book here ;)
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: chlipus on June 19, 2009, 04:22:13 PM
track/drake don't anything for normal ppl, he isn't reading what people are writing, and he have it in ass, he need more $$ from donny,that's all what I can say in this matter, old dragon-network now is donate-network  8)
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Kobra on June 19, 2009, 04:27:41 PM
i was bored last day i try spoil in fog with ty/spoil and for 2hours of spoil i take 1 ews and only parts and some recipe on SS, lol. so what to do ? as kwas wrote there , drop of orichlcum and adamantine is too low....and mobs stronger................ maybe if u want see server alive make any quest for Coins!  :D and ppl will spend it for items at donny!

sry for enghlish ...
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: BassSultan^^ on June 19, 2009, 07:28:56 PM
i fear just one tihng that drake/track will do sometihng for the server when it already died but it shouldnt be hard to make the community a littel happier =)  because i see most of us are frustredted about the situation.

Zthrx about you you siad we shouldnt write a book maybe you should pull your ego back and watch the tihngs from other palyers side like new players people who wanna play rmpg not pvp (best example is duska ) and wanna spoil craft and so on but this tihngs actually you cant do ............... here cuz of the rates wich are lower then 1x

p.s dont take it personally Zthrx you know i m just a silly es/pw ;)

regards BassSultanHengzt
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: seboulba on June 19, 2009, 08:25:00 PM
Quote from: DogsAreSoCute on June 19, 2009, 06:56:44 PM
some old players are still there .
the donators are still there .
The news players aren t there anymore .

That means if you are a new players , u are pwned cause u can t do anything exept farming ms and being pked ... That s Nightmare 30x  

Nothing will be changed so don t think NM will bring more players ...

try to farm MS now lol i killed 20 shaman i got 9 regeat pouch 2 moonstone gz ;) and one horn its 50 lunargents ?
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: zthrx on June 19, 2009, 09:53:59 PM
Quote from: BassSultan^^ on June 19, 2009, 07:28:56 PM
i fear just one tihng that drake/track will do sometihng for the server when it already died but it shouldnt be hard to make the community a littel happier =)  because i see most of us are frustredted about the situation.

Zthrx about you you siad we shouldnt write a book maybe you should pull your ego back and watch the tihngs from other palyers side like new players people who wanna play rmpg not pvp (best example is duska ) and wanna spoil craft and so on but this tihngs actually you cant do ............... here cuz of the rates wich are lower then 1x

p.s dont take it personally Zthrx you know i m just a silly es/pw ;)

regards BassSultanHengzt

I do care about new ppl more than you think, and I help them (the real ones, not next alt chars of some old peepz)
btw: track is doing shiitload of work all the time, just to let you know... and he reads forum and know all problems
and yes, there is alot of good ideas in this topic, also all the situation described....
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: lucifsg on June 19, 2009, 10:03:45 PM
Quote from: zthrx on June 19, 2009, 09:53:59 PM
I do care about new ppl more than you think, and I help them (the real ones, not next alt chars of some old peepz)
btw: track is doing shiitload of work all the time, just to let you know... and he reads forum and know all problems
and yes, there is alot of good ideas in this topic, also all the situation described....

We should discuss thoose matters as "community". With polls , questions , discussion with players and so on...
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Mohit0 on June 19, 2009, 10:09:18 PM
already down
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Khaot on June 19, 2009, 10:14:57 PM
Quote from: lucifsg on June 19, 2009, 10:03:45 PM
We should discuss thoose matters as "community". With polls , questions , discussion with players and so on...

for what? do u really think that this polls, questions, discussion mean something?How many times was there told by many ppls: fix bugs, fix exploits, we want working skill, fix spoil, rate.. (and much much more).
Doesnt this sound like waste of time again repeat where is mistake?

If something will not changed very fast (i do not count with that) server will be dead soon, because only what u can do (stronger clan, i dont count now weak clans) kill Golky, epic and PVP on Sieges (really bored and sometimes lagging) and thats all, even Fortress are bugged.

When DN going to update to NEW Chronicle seems like more problems then FUN.Why always they cant fix basic problems?All the time when is update i see message like: FULLY WORKING... thats lie and everybody know that only fools can believe this message.

PS. there was a TERM when ppls stopped DONATE for ignoring players and update.After a while Drake show your face a did many updates.May be ppls stop DONATE and update(fix) will be soon :D
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Chaplin on June 19, 2009, 10:29:19 PM
delete this f***ing droppable horns from golkas and thats all... there will be no point for golky farmers to kill them and new players will have chance to get subclass
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Khaot on June 19, 2009, 10:33:20 PM
Quote from: Chaplin on June 19, 2009, 10:29:19 PM
delete this f***ing droppable horns from golkas and thats all... there will be no point for golky farmers to kill them and new players will have chance to get subclass
and strongers clan can kill newbie players again and take horn for their 12234243242x char for sub again.

This is not solution.
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Chaplin on June 19, 2009, 10:43:06 PM
Quote from: Khaot on June 19, 2009, 10:33:20 PM
and strongers clan can kill newbie players again and take horn for their 12234243242x char for sub again.

This is not solution.
but this is better then nothing...
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Khaot on June 19, 2009, 10:57:01 PM
Quote from: Chaplin on June 19, 2009, 10:43:06 PM
but this is better then nothing...

better make new strong quest for only one person without chance support from other chars.If ppls will be have many chars with SUB they gonna be bored soon, believe me.
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on June 19, 2009, 10:57:15 PM
Quote from: Kwas on June 19, 2009, 10:28:19 AM
Every day loging less and less ppl ;/   i dont see new faces.....  if  ppl have problem sell horn and i dont see ppl on quest golkondas ( before u have 4-7 pt of ppl sometimes)   it means we dont have fresh blook and old players dont care anymore ;/  on ftr and bm TS i see 3 ppl and they are not on Holyday !!! stop talking about holiday as an excuse !!! holydays starting in few days and ppl stoping play naw. They simply dont like what they see. No GM , no events , all time changed stuffs ( one day enchant rate is 5% other is 66%)  buged skills , buged quest, buged RBs , all time downs , AND ALL FOR DONATION ( its bull shit about ICarus rec quest. GMs turn it off and after 1-2 montchs of hard work u can take dynasty recept LOOOL and parts)  Drop is 10x times worst than on retail afte all  weaks of playing hellbound we buy/ have adamantine to craft heapest weapon ( ofc its field) ( probably craft rate is 0% for weapons ) if u need to Have some nice items Donate. DONATE.  olympiad is unbalanced.   and all ofthis made ppl leave server . u made helbound with buged kamaels , hb with no quests ( ofc ppl can craft only dyna shield gj) :]   still all rbs buged, buged skills ( shield of revange dont work since IL) and becous of freaking DOnator weapons  freaked up economy.    all who have some coins use it to take it from dony and coins desapear.   OK nad track will close this topic log  to the game and  will lfame some ppl do nothing and tell he is tierd ot busy. ofc he only flem ppl on hes shout.  GL  and probably bb NM ;/ its no sens to play on serv with 3 clans 200 ppl online and no things to do.  no craft / no spoil/ no rb / no events/ lol freaked sieages ( 11, 15,21 gtm+1) / lazzy GM / no economy/ no quests/ no camaels / no new ppl / no old ppl /. plx tell me what we have to do ?   

have all a nice day
I said ill fix everything u said after july pass, now i am just trying to maintain server and have a life a bit (like it or not i need life for some days) but when july finishes ill be again with events and fixes and everything (most of  things u requiered  not all ofc), but then again if you are thinking about easy icarus give up on start. Anyway  as i said u can write a book about all this ill just tweak some things after july finishes and ill make each week 2x events ill even add npc for auto events (<< All this when time pass as i said above). So like it or not thats how it will be . I didnt even read ur whole topic since u are making every 2 days topcis with same subjects , so if you are tired with me simply leave it, cause i am tired with you a lot. KK bb
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: TomekAlmighty on June 19, 2009, 11:00:04 PM
Here are some things that could improve the server:

-put C and B grade armor and weapons in shops, B grade gear is useless anyways since its easier to buy A grade than B grade, newbies will have it easier on the server.
-make something with the quest to gain Golky horn, maybe add that 2 persons per party can get the quest horn or just remove the dropable horn from them and there will be no old school people killing it. There will still be lots of people killing it, but atleast its gonna be easier for them to get it. Or add an extra quest that can get you an quest horn. Also decrease the Lunargents needed for horn to 25 or even lower.
-Increase the drops from Raid bosses (not epic bosses),  i mean that there should be a higher chance that they drop S grade weapons/armor or maybe edit them to drop S80 materials (and to not make it too easy, make it that it drops like only few materials -arround 5). This will make more interesting to kill raids since now whats the point killing them when you have 5% chance to get an S grade item that is worth max 3 coins.
-increase the SPOIL rate!  Nowdays the only thing thats worth spoiling is EWS. Add S grade weapon/armor recipes to spoil at HB mobs and increase the nubmer of materials that you get by spoiling (basic materials like mithril ore, stone of purity....)

And offcourse make it easier to get atleast Dynasty (lets say that icarus can stay the way it is -> so these weapons will be rare). If you wont do that all the new players and also average geared players will never get that and will leave the server before you will see them donating soo much for it, believe me. Making things to hard for new players will make em leave not donate over 300â,¬. Its gonna be better if 20 new players will donate each 50â,¬ each (=1k â,¬) than 3 of em donating 300â,¬ and the rest of em will leave.

Seriusly Track lots of friends i know hawe no motivation to farm anymore becouse its simply to hard for them to get anything. I was thinking about playing a little more at the end of jully to get me an antharas earing but i noticed that there is simply no way i can get the 70 coins i need for it and decided i wont even try to get it and will just continue playing for sieges and sometimes some pvps.
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on June 19, 2009, 11:27:54 PM
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on June 19, 2009, 11:00:04 PM
Here are some things that could improve the server:

-put C and B grade armor and weapons in shops, B grade gear is useless anyways since its easier to buy A grade than B grade, newbies will have it easier on the server.
-make something with the quest to gain Golky horn, maybe add that 2 persons per party can get the quest horn or just remove the dropable horn from them and there will be no old school people killing it. There will still be lots of people killing it, but atleast its gonna be easier for them to get it. Or add an extra quest that can get you an quest horn. Also decrease the Lunargents needed for horn to 25 or even lower.
-Increase the drops from Raid bosses (not epic bosses),  i mean that there should be a higher chance that they drop S grade weapons/armor or maybe edit them to drop S80 materials (and to not make it too easy, make it that it drops like only few materials -arround 5). This will make more interesting to kill raids since now whats the point killing them when you have 5% chance to get an S grade item that is worth max 3 coins.
-increase the SPOIL rate!  Nowdays the only thing thats worth spoiling is EWS. Add S grade weapon/armor recipes to spoil at HB mobs and increase the nubmer of materials that you get by spoiling (basic materials like mithril ore, stone of purity....)

And offcourse make it easier to get atleast Dynasty (lets say that icarus can stay the way it is -> so these weapons will be rare). If you wont do that all the new players and also average geared players will never get that and will leave the server before you will see them donating soo much for it, believe me. Making things to hard for new players will make em leave not donate over 300â,¬. Its gonna be better if 20 new players will donate each 50â,¬ each (=1k â,¬) than 3 of em donating 300â,¬ and the rest of em will leave.

Seriusly Track lots of friends i know hawe no motivation to farm anymore becouse its simply to hard for them to get anything. I was thinking about playing a little more at the end of jully to get me an antharas earing but i noticed that there is simply no way i can get the 70 coins i need for it and decided i wont even try to get it and will just continue playing for sieges and sometimes some pvps.
1) OK
2) OK
3) OK
4) OK

Ok tomek np, i will really fix those but gime a brake some time i really need and i promise ill fix those . And as i said ill sort things out i just need some rest after a long year , hope all u can understand and also once july ends ill make really nice events whitin fixes. Ill be here to maintain server and meanwhile ill work on those fixes and ill apply 1 by 1 and post in announce. You know that i care for all of you guys but i just need some rest now then everything will be on its place.
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: TomekAlmighty on June 19, 2009, 11:36:57 PM
Quote from: TrackZero on June 19, 2009, 11:27:54 PM
1) OK
2) OK
3) OK
4) OK

Ok tomek np, i will really fix those but gime a brake some time i really need and i promise ill fix those . And as i said ill sort things out i just need some rest after a long year , hope all u can understand and also once july ends ill make really nice events whitin fixes. Ill be here to maintain server and meanwhile ill work on those fixes and ill apply 1 by 1 and post in announce. You know that i care for all of you guys but i just need some rest now then everything will be on its place.

Thnx, its great to see you really care for the community. Im busy till the end of jully too so i understand you and its already enough for me (and probably for alot of others too) to see that your gonna try to improve the things that we players suggest you even if its gonna take some time.  ;)

Enjoy the holidays!  ;D
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on June 20, 2009, 12:37:30 AM
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on June 19, 2009, 11:36:57 PM
Thnx, its great to see you really care for the community. Im busy till the end of jully too so i understand you and its already enough for me (and probably for alot of others too) to see that your gonna try to improve the things that we players suggest you even if its gonna take some time.  ;)

Enjoy the holidays!  ;D
Thx tomek for understanding and whole community, also im not on holiday kinda but  i just need rest a bit from l2 -.-, and however ill not try to improve it i WILL DO IT, i just need go away from it  :-X
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Mohit0 on June 20, 2009, 12:43:43 AM
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on June 19, 2009, 11:36:57 PM
Thnx, its great to see you really care for the community. Im busy till the end of jully too so i understand you and its already enough for me (and probably for alot of others too) to see that your gonna try to improve the things that we players suggest you even if its gonna take some time.  ;)

Enjoy the holidays!  ;D

licking non stop  :P :P :P
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Rudi on June 20, 2009, 01:29:19 AM
i would really like if you can make that some raid bosses will have a little chance to drop a dynasty items. its gonna be really crazy pvp for them :D
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Dar3k on June 20, 2009, 01:37:50 AM
Its simple, that's all cause of icarus and dynasty set, ehh...
I want time back, when price of draco set was 60 coins....
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: TomekAlmighty on June 20, 2009, 01:42:51 AM
Quote from: Mohit0 on June 20, 2009, 12:43:43 AM
licking non stop  :P :P :P

I believe with being friendly i can achieve more here than with stuff like "omg wtf track you suck dn sucks" like some people spam, same goes for everything else in life. But you obviously don't give a shit since your fully geared but if server wont improve you will soon cry for your donated gear cuz you wont have any1 to play with.  ;)

I'm just trying to make the server better so i can enjoy playing on it  :)
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: cofo on June 20, 2009, 01:49:15 AM
My opinion, It needs a miracle to bring that server to the state from c3, c4 :p I mean players online number.

Or a good marketing action, like u 2 said above.

Also new server would be nice, not 200x but around x15 to be challenging, I bet it would attract players. But I dont think anyone wanna put effort into making new server ^^
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Mohit0 on June 20, 2009, 02:17:55 AM
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on June 20, 2009, 01:42:51 AM
I believe with being friendly i can achieve more here than with stuff like "omg wtf track you suck dn sucks" like some people spam, same goes for everything else in life. But you obviously don't give a shit since your fully geared but if server wont improve you will soon cry for your donated gear cuz you wont have any1 to play with.  ;)

I'm just trying to make the server better so i can enjoy playing on it  :)

well cry me a river like all do, u cant avoid it as i see.  call me donator  make me famous
and about my post i was joking :-*
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: chlipus on June 20, 2009, 02:24:15 AM
Quote from: TrackZero on June 20, 2009, 12:37:30 AM
Thx tomek for understanding and whole community, also im not on holiday kinda but  i just need rest a bit from l2 -.-, and however ill not try to improve it i WILL DO IT, i just need go away from it  :-X

we will se  ;)
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: TomekAlmighty on June 20, 2009, 02:47:46 AM
Quote from: cofo on June 20, 2009, 01:49:15 AM
Also new server would be nice, not 200x but around x15 to be challenging, I bet it would attract players. But I dont think anyone wanna put effort into making new server ^^

But should be c3 xD

Quote from: Mohit0 on June 20, 2009, 02:17:55 AM
well cry me a river like all do, u cant avoid it as i see.  call me donator  make me famous
and about my post i was joking :-*

I have nothing against donators dude and nothing against you. I would donate also something since im playing here for a long time for free and this server gave me more fun than any other game till now, but i have no job and my scholarship is just too small for this xD
Your post was just stupid  ;)
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Mohit0 on June 20, 2009, 03:16:13 AM
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on June 20, 2009, 02:47:46 AM

I have nothing against donators dude and nothing against you. I would donate also something since im playing here for a long time for free and this server gave me more fun than any other game till now, but i have no job and my scholarship is just too small for this xD
Your post was just stupid  ;)

k if you say so...
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: JTKnight on June 20, 2009, 03:35:23 AM
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on June 20, 2009, 01:42:51 AM
I believe with being friendly i can achieve more here than with stuff like "omg wtf track you suck dn sucks" like some people spam, same goes for everything else in life. But you obviously don't give a shit since your fully geared but if server wont improve you will soon cry for your donated gear cuz you wont have any1 to play with.  ;)

I'm just trying to make the server better so i can enjoy playing on it  :)
I have to agree with you. Common courtesy goes a long way. Track is a pretty darn good GM.  He tries to help out and has even been trying to help us out over on Dragon with the spoil rate.
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Sali on June 20, 2009, 03:57:05 AM
Quote from: zthrx on June 19, 2009, 04:18:15 PM
I think Drake and Track knows all this problems, so no need to write a book here ;)
seems like they dont know after i see no changes, i would even say they dont give a fico about changing smthing. I gave up after reading 2 pages but its not hard to notice noone is happy from that whats going on here. So zthrx plx stóp give some bullshit or soon we wont even see ur legs...if u know whati mean  . And about new players and their gear, fact that they gant get any good item w/ o dc its flustrating and from the begining they feel like they have no chance here... That thing can be changed by admins only, but as i said b4 look like they dont care. About horns, its our problem to fix it but since we have ppł like draks or frenda who cares only about themself nothing will change. But still worst thing is not that new ppł are not comming but fact that most of old players leaving, not bcos of weak gear or lack of sub but bcos of totaly lack of action, and in my opinion its gm's fault, with whole respect to track for his work as a prooly one of best gm that nm ever had, from some time every decision he make turn server to less atractive...
Ok thats all from me since its late and im writting from iphone :P
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Mohit0 on June 20, 2009, 04:29:38 AM
Quote from: JTKnight on June 20, 2009, 03:35:23 AM
I have to agree with you. Common courtesy goes a long way. Track is a pretty darn good GM.  He tries to help out and has even been trying to help us out over on Dragon with the spoil rate.

Quote from: Mohit0 on June 20, 2009, 12:43:43 AM
licking non stop  :P :P :P

add 1 more to list :P
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: JTKnight on June 20, 2009, 04:38:12 AM
Quote from: Mohit0 on June 20, 2009, 04:29:38 AM
add 1 more to list :P

I'm sorry for you if your parents forgot to teach you manners. ::)
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Mohit0 on June 20, 2009, 04:41:36 AM
Quote from: JTKnight on June 20, 2009, 04:38:12 AM
I'm sorry for you if your parents forgot to teach you manners. ::)

i am sorry for you if your teachers forgot to teach you how to use yr brain :-X
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: selis83 on June 20, 2009, 08:10:33 AM
if dnet armor will be spoilable or easy to craft, the correct will be a new armor, like titanium on other servers, buyable from donny

i don;t know if u saw on dragon 15x that many ppl are b=a grades, not so many dynasty

here we all , like 70% have dnet armor.. isnt;t kinda strange?

yeah,server is kinda boring,but i wonder rly if ppl are bored of farming or pvp? as far as i see it, few pvp, the other farm...  so, how to see shops of all just farm?

for lillte ones

little clans should organize spoils in hb..but why don;t they do that? because everyone wants all ews for himself... normally all ews should be splitted equally.. and lets face it, in 2 weeks u can get a horn, but is easier to complain.

gate chanting works in toi,why don;t u go make reagents for hellfire? - i can asnwer, some of u are too egotistic and don;t wanna split antthing,work in teams, that is the key

in hb i have the best time of l2,like in c4... i have lots,in short time, with friends
let;s not complain about hb mobs..what u ppl want - to kill 1 train with 1 player? ews spoil rate is so big, mobs should be hard.. u all want easy easy easy... even icarus at spoil or craft, common ppl, get to ypur senses... if something very good from donny comes to spoil, immediatly something far more better should be implemented

but i have to agree that track rly doesn;t make any event

Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: seboulba on June 20, 2009, 09:05:35 AM
Quote from: selis83 on June 20, 2009, 08:10:33 AM
if dnet armor will be spoilable or easy to craft, the correct will be a new armor, like titanium on other servers, buyable from donny

i don;t know if u saw on dragon 15x that many ppl are b=a grades, not so many dynasty

here we all , like 70% have dnet armor.. isnt;t kinda strange?

yeah,server is kinda boring,but i wonder rly if ppl are bored of farming or pvp? as far as i see it, few pvp, the other farm...  so, how to see shops of all just farm?

for lillte ones

little clans should organize spoils in hb..but why don;t they do that? because everyone wants all ews for himself... normally all ews should be splitted equally.. and lets face it, in 2 weeks u can get a horn, but is easier to complain.

gate chanting works in toi,why don;t u go make reagents for hellfire? - i can asnwer, some of u are too egotistic and don;t wanna split antthing,work in teams, that is the key

in hb i have the best time of l2,like in c4... i have lots,in short time, with friends
let;s not complain about hb mobs..what u ppl want - to kill 1 train with 1 player? ews spoil rate is so big, mobs should be hard.. u all want easy easy easy... even icarus at spoil or craft, common ppl, get to ypur senses... if something very good from donny comes to spoil, immediatly something far more better should be implemented

but i have to agree that track rly doesn;t make any event

not so strange since many ppl got 5545452 coins on they wh since Hydralisk
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Mohit0 on June 20, 2009, 09:40:20 AM
Quote from: seboulba on June 20, 2009, 09:05:35 AM
not so strange since many ppl got 5545452 coins on they wh since Hydralisk

Shame u cant do what he did  :-\

Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: zthrx on June 20, 2009, 09:49:42 AM
Quote from: Sali on June 20, 2009, 03:57:05 AM
seems like they dont know after i see no changes, i would even say they dont give a fico about changing smthing. I gave up after reading 2 pages but its not hard to notice noone is happy from that whats going on here. So zthrx plx stóp give some bullshit or soon we wont even see ur legs...if u know whati mean  . And about new players and their gear, fact that they gant get any good item w/ o dc its flustrating and from the begining they feel like they have no chance here... That thing can be changed by admins only, but as i said b4 look like they dont care. About horns, its our problem to fix it but since we have ppł like draks or frenda who cares only about themself nothing will change. But still worst thing is not that new ppł are not comming but fact that most of old players leaving, not bcos of weak gear or lack of sub but bcos of totaly lack of action, and in my opinion its gm's fault, with whole respect to track for his work as a prooly one of best gm that nm ever had, from some time every decision he make turn server to less atractive...
Ok thats all from me since its late and im writting from iphone :P

too bad you gave up after second page, coz Track posted answers in 4th...
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Kwas on June 20, 2009, 11:55:17 AM
thx Track

all anserws wos short  but perfect :)

u won 1 000 000 $ :P
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: WindPhoenix on June 20, 2009, 01:10:15 PM
Quote from: tzuc on June 19, 2009, 10:40:06 AM
i feel your frustration, i started playing again with HB, thinking of ... seriously playing and farming HB , but i gave up and only playing PVP / siege (not even that since my laptop broke last week).

seriously track, you know I support you in what you do ... and I know as long as the server gets paid for no one really cares. but fix the droprates / spoil since that is easy, fixing the skills is probably harder but .. it's actually more fun to play Arena 200x when not sieging or pvp'ing on NM.
fully agree.
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: JTKnight on June 20, 2009, 01:49:52 PM
Quote from: Mohit0 on June 20, 2009, 04:41:36 AM
i am sorry for you if your teachers forgot to teach you how to use yr brain :-X
Thanks for the insult. Truely a mature response. ( Do you even know me to talk like this?) I didn't know that saying thank you or extending courtesy to someone meant you were and ass licker or no-brainer.
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Sali on June 20, 2009, 05:51:16 PM
Quote from: zthrx on June 20, 2009, 09:49:42 AM
too bad you gave up after second page, coz Track posted answers in 4th...
well ye to bad but its annouing when vote window take halfof my screen... And about track answer, its normal ppł need some rest but this topic isnt only about what track should do but also about that changes what he did, - delating icarus from craft, overpowering mobs etc . It clearly shows he is a lil artful, and as proverb say " artful loosing twice"
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on June 20, 2009, 05:58:28 PM
Quote from: Kwas on June 20, 2009, 11:55:17 AM
thx Track

all anserws wos short  but perfect :)

u won 1 000 000 $ :P
Can i lock this cry me a rive topic?
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Sethpwnz on June 20, 2009, 06:42:47 PM
Quote from: seboulba on June 20, 2009, 09:05:35 AM
not so strange since many ppl got 5545452 coins on they wh since Hydralisk
You wrong. Track do his job good. So, only 5% (or even less) of coins that made Hydrallisk stayed at server :p
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: wawa1234 on June 20, 2009, 07:00:56 PM
Track is only one normal gm in all dn. Look gms at dragonx15 100% corrupted and nothing doing, only showstropper want to due something but not all times duing good :D (banned my clan in barakiel bcoz we pk his clan members  ;D ) anyway good job Track join to dragon x15 we need u  ;D  ;D :D
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Furesy on June 20, 2009, 07:01:17 PM
Quote from: selis83 on June 20, 2009, 08:10:33 AM
i don;t know if u saw on dragon 15x that many ppl are b=a grades, not so many dynasty

here we all , like 70% have dnet armor.. isnt;t kinda strange?
lol, nice joke :D
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Neozinhu on June 20, 2009, 07:02:10 PM
Quote from: Furesy on June 20, 2009, 07:01:17 PM
lol, nice joke :D
It can be true....

but how many red weapons they have there...and how many have here? :DDDDDD
Title: Re: Help NM or it fall down!!
Post by: Kwas on June 21, 2009, 12:32:31 AM
ofc u can u are GM .
and its no cry topic . is more fun for all topic .
gn all