
Archive => Infinite Nightmare 20x server => Obsolete => General => Topic started by: Kishin on August 19, 2011, 11:38:06 PM

Title: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Kishin on August 19, 2011, 11:38:06 PM
Hey track
Thx for nice update with jewels it is rlly helping with that crazy succes rate.
But 2 things:

Arcanas dont drop jewels , so we cant get holy and water .

What about energys? Do U plan anything similar for them? For now only way to get them is from donny. So tell us if u are panning to make them dropable or tradable from jewels like before or anything else.


Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on August 20, 2011, 12:05:42 AM
Quote from: Kishin on August 19, 2011, 11:38:06 PM
Hey track
Thx for nice update with jewels it is rlly helping with that crazy succes rate.
But 2 things:

Arcanas dont drop jewels , so we cant get holy and water .

What about energys? Do U plan anything similar for them? For now only way to get them is from donny. So tell us if u are panning to make them dropable or tradable from jewels like before or anything else.


They should or will drop duno if server rebooted. About energies no plan for drop they will stay donny exclusive.
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Gonzal on August 20, 2011, 01:36:00 AM
Quote from: TrackZero on August 20, 2011, 12:05:42 AM
They should or will drop duno if server rebooted. About energies no plan for drop they will stay donny exclusive.
hey track maybe can be the possibility to trade XX jewels for 1 energies with fortress or castle, like it was in hb...
it could be interesting  ::)
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Evolution on August 20, 2011, 10:14:38 AM
or WTT simple Water -> Fire / Holy -> Dark in Fortress or NPC in Town.  btw. +1 Arcanes don't drop jewels i spend there 1h+ and nothing...  ::)
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: violetpl on August 20, 2011, 04:02:34 PM
soon ;D
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Triuferkkk on August 20, 2011, 04:40:39 PM
give finger youll want take a hand, good that we have so nice jewels drop rate that every1 is able to get them, i agree to stay with energies at donny, if you want get them get coins and doesnt matter in what way donation or farm ( im not donator)
unfortunatly xD i have to agree with evolution, its good idea to make jewels avilable to exchange at fortress
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Darkmanic on August 20, 2011, 05:54:35 PM
+1 for exchangeable jewels like it was before gracia and pls reboot server if that's gonna fix jewels' drop from arcanes
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: EvilPL on August 23, 2011, 03:48:01 PM
"Trackie" answered - it will stay donny exclusive. I dunno if u know ppl, one clan before gracia update had thousands of energies. Now this clan is only one I guess who have 300, 400 + resists in sets. I wanna notice other players wasn't even abble to get info on forum in simple question: what is max possible attribute resist.
We asked twice, no answer, mby coz AoD members asked ? We asked coz we had unconfirmed rummors about there is 600 possible in each part.
Now questions:
1. why "one clan" gathered so many energies before gracia update ?
- because they knew how will be attribute system after update.
- they had a feeling energies will be available only from donny, and they had feeling there will be possible to make very high resist with energies.
What u think, which answer is more probably ? XD

2. Did "others" have any info ?
there is only 1 answer: NO.

3. How they feel now ?
- pissed
- don't care, they never donated, they don't need competition, they don't play in top clans or don't need to have top items

4. This is private server and need donations, can't exist without money. So what will happen now ?
- ppl don't care they was fcked and will donate like crazy idiots  to buy lot of energies at donny to reach gear level like "one clan"
- ...................... I won't tell u second option. Just think "Trackie", 1 little clan will donate enough for whole server ? Do you still thinking they deserve special treatment coz they donated a lot in the past ? For your info: we donated a lot on infinity too. Personally I bought few ica and dnets when this was more expensive than verpers now and I know ppl who bought much more. I had really nice fun for long time coz there was no special tratment on infi for no1. Games are for fun and I have nothing against spending money for fun coz I got enough money for it. I'll repeat: for fun, not something like we have here now. And to be honest I found another game to spent money and have fun, here logging rarely and only coz I'm vcl in my clan and I know our ppl deserve to be with them. But don't need to buy anything here so in  the business point of view of  I'm useless one for server. And how many ppl like me are here now ? We are still clan with biggest online on whole server, but we are still losing ppl. They don't go to other clans - they leaving server. And as I see other - ally or opposite clans have still lower online too. After update should be better activity, so looks like someone fcked something... I wrote all this here because attribute case is good example for all what is going on server now. And I've taken  it bit from business point of view because this is what I'm doing in rl, I know most kids who will create here xxx posts about crying can't get it, this is not text for them.
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: zenice on August 23, 2011, 04:09:03 PM

Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on August 23, 2011, 04:28:30 PM
Quote from: EvilPL on August 23, 2011, 03:48:01 PM
"Trackie" answered - it will stay donny exclusive. I dunno if u know ppl, one clan before gracia update had thousands of energies. Now this clan is only one I guess who have 300, 400 + resists in sets. I wanna notice other players wasn't even abble to get info on forum in simple question: what is max possible attribute resist.
We asked twice, no answer, mby coz AoD members asked ? We asked coz we had unconfirmed rummors about there is 600 possible in each part.
Now questions:
1. why "one clan" gathered so many energies before gracia update ?
- because they knew how will be attribute system after update.
- they had a feeling energies will be available only from donny, and they had feeling there will be possible to make very high resist with energies.
What u think, which answer is more probably ? XD

2. Did "others" have any info ?
there is only 1 answer: NO.

3. How they feel now ?
- pissed
- don't care, they never donated, they don't need competition, they don't play in top clans or don't need to have top items

4. This is private server and need donations, can't exist without money. So what will happen now ?
- ppl don't care they was fcked and will donate like crazy idiots  to buy lot of energies at donny to reach gear level like "one clan"
- ...................... I won't tell u second option. Just think "Trackie", 1 little clan will donate enough for whole server ? Do you still thinking they deserve special treatment coz they donated a lot in the past ? For your info: we donated a lot on infinity too. Personally I bought few ica and dnets when this was more expensive than verpers now and I know ppl who bought much more. I had really nice fun for long time coz there was no special tratment on infi for no1. Games are for fun and I have nothing against spending money for fun coz I got enough money for it. I'll repeat: for fun, not something like we have here now. And to be honest I found another game to spent money and have fun, here logging rarely and only coz I'm vcl in my clan and I know our ppl deserve to be with them. But don't need to buy anything here so in  the business point of view of  I'm useless one for server. And how many ppl like me are here now ? We are still clan with biggest online on whole server, but we are still losing ppl. They don't go to other clans - they leaving server. And as I see other - ally or opposite clans have still lower online too. After update should be better activity, so looks like someone fcked something... I wrote all this here because attribute case is good example for all what is going on server now. And I took it from business point of view because this is what I'm doing in rl, I know most kids who will create here xxx posts about crying can't get it, this is not text for them.
I understand your conspiracy theory, and i understand you are mad because well for some things coins have to be spend, but at least with last update everyone can gather up jewels .
About other things you mention i also have to disappoint you , because believe it or not, even myself didn't know for energies nor jewels drop or no drop , donny or not donny, generally speaking donny is fully drakes right to change it or mod it on all servers, he most of cases never consult us or ask us about it he just do it. So there wasn't anyone , including myself who got those info , and since i didn't know there was no way that others could know it neither, honestly speaking there are much more ppl from x15 who are more close with drake then myself so if even them didn't know the info .... About other people getting jewels in bigger amount the others, what shell i do if someone is interested to buy xxxx coins, refuse or what? And honestly speaking is not only 1 clan nor 1 person there is a lot of people here from various clans who don't have much time to grind, so they buy coins and they transfer them in something useful from donny, quite normal you agree?
Now to tell you something honest, i stopped following situation on server regarding allys and clans , so personally i don't even know nowadays who is vs who or who dominates the server who is FTP,AOD, who is infinity and who is NM, you are all same to me aka unknown to which side you belong, therefor from your post i could guess you are from some clan AoD who came from Inf and u were big clan there etc... thats quite nice and i have no intention to change that, but i just want to give u a friendly advise here , do not be a puppet who is fed by some "pro" persons from NM cause they cant get what they cry for, cause in the end you are just used by them and u do exactly what they want.
I never had anything against any clan nor ally on this server thats why don't start the flame without reason and try to see other side of the coin too. September is coming, we are back active , a lot of things are incoming too game play wise , and so on.... If you ever wanna talk to me , advise, flame, consult, you can PM and ill be gladly here to answer you as i always did to normal messages .

I hope you will understand some of this , and start listening yourself.

Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: windoo on August 23, 2011, 05:17:32 PM
Quote from: TrackZero on August 23, 2011, 04:28:30 PM
I understand your conspiracy theory, and i understand you are mad because well for some things coins have to be spend, but at least with last update everyone can gather up jewels .
About other things you mention i also have to disappoint you , because believe it or not, even myself didn't know for energies nor jewels drop or no drop , donny or not donny, generally speaking donny is fully drakes right to change it or mod it on all servers, he most of cases never consult us or ask us about it he just do it. So there wasn't anyone , including myself who got those info , and since i didn't know there was no way that others could know it neither, honestly speaking there are much more ppl from x15 who are more close with drake then myself so if even them didn't know the info .... About other people getting jewels in bigger amount the others, what shell i do if someone is interested to buy xxxx coins, refuse or what? And honestly speaking is not only 1 clan nor 1 person there is a lot of people here from various clans who don't have much time to grind, so they buy coins and they transfer them in something useful from donny, quite normal you agree?
Now to tell you something honest, i stopped following situation on server regarding allys and clans , so personally i don't even know nowadays who is vs who or who dominates the server who is FTP,AOD, who is infinity and who is NM, you are all same to me aka unknown to which side you belong, therefor from your post i could guess you are from some clan AoD who came from Inf and u were big clan there etc... thats quite nice and i have no intention to change that, but i just want to give u a friendly advise here , do not be a puppet who is fed by some "pro" persons from NM cause they cant get what they cry for, cause in the end you are just used by them and u do exactly what they want.
I never had anything against any clan nor ally on this server thats why don't start the flame without reason and try to see other side of the coin too. September is coming, we are back active , a lot of things are incoming too game play wise , and so on.... If you ever wanna talk to me , advise, flame, consult, you can PM and ill be gladly here to answer you as i always did to normal messages .

I hope you will understand some of this , and start listening yourself.

I like your answer ;)
And about all at last we can farm damn jewels, make few attri instead.. of whining here we should farm a bit make some pvp somewhere... and get some fun from that game.
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on August 23, 2011, 05:21:47 PM
Quote from: windoo on August 23, 2011, 05:17:32 PM
I like your answer ;)
And about all at last we can farm damn jewels, make few attri instead.. of whining here we should farm a bit make some pvp somewhere... and get some fun from that game.
I am making pvp tournament , will be on forum in <48h  (5v5)
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Alex on August 23, 2011, 06:11:56 PM
Quote from: EvilPL on August 23, 2011, 03:48:01 PM

Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: EvilPL on August 23, 2011, 08:08:32 PM
Quote from: TrackZero on August 23, 2011, 04:28:30 PM
U're wrong, I'm not mad. I don't care this game enough to be mad, I got family, my own company, few hobbies... I played here intensive some time coz I liked it - mostly finding solutions against different situations and gathering knowledge about this game. Also I was always to lazy to farm and bought all I needed. So I'm not going to tell any bad word about donators and never did.

Now I'm playing rarely so all I said here I said from far distance to game. My clanmates gathered lots of info  about gracia, but we wasn't able to get info how it will be on DN. We killed all rb as first, we are still strongest clan on this server, many of us have good gear, all new skills, fs etc. But we can see one clan still have something more. And one of reasons for low dmg on char is attribute resist. Thats why we asked: why did they know and we didn't. Reading your answer I'm going to conclusion THEY KNEW MORE THAN YOU !!!

You can call it conspiracy theory, I'm calling this facts. I mean they did know, not you told them, I dunno that. And I told you where it is going - this can be fact too, we will see it in some time, for now it is only theory but there is no conspiracy, just my business experience. I'm wondering WHY there was so hard to get info about max attribute value ? You are GM here, you care about money incoming, why didn't you tell ppl when we asked about attr f.e: "max is 600, u can buy energies and get huge resist, go and buy". And you answering in less than 1 hour to my post here and it is not 1 simple sentence but long answer... Did I touch some sore subject ? There are topics with not working shots on skill and other important things from weeks w/o answer, and you answering me so fast....

We both know even if all is truth you can't tell here "yes I told them, sorry" or something like that, so honestly you got opinion, ppl have opinion, it has been written here and will change nothing.... Anyway thanx for answer.

and 1 more:
Quote from: TrackZero on August 23, 2011, 04:28:30 PM
..... and start listening yourself.
well... when I will need advices like this I will go to specialist, not l2 game master ;)
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on August 23, 2011, 08:48:44 PM
Quote from: EvilPL on August 23, 2011, 08:08:32 PM
U're wrong, I'm not mad. I don't care this game enough to be mad, I got family, my own company, few hobbies... I played here intensive some time coz I liked it - mostly finding solutions against different situations and gathering knowledge about this game. Also I was always to lazy to farm and bought all I needed. So I'm not going to tell any bad word about donators and never did.

Now I'm playing rarely so all I said here I said from far distance to game. My clanmates gathered lots of info  about gracia, but we wasn't able to get info how it will be on DN. We killed all rb as first, we are still strongest clan on this server, many of us have good gear, all new skills, fs etc. But we can see one clan still have something more. And one of reasons for low dmg on char is attribute resist. Thats why we asked: why did they know and we didn't. Reading your answer I'm going to conclusion THEY KNEW MORE THAN YOU !!!

You can call it conspiracy theory, I'm calling this facts. I mean they did know, not you told them, I dunno that. And I told you where it is going - this can be fact too, we will see it in some time, for now it is only theory but there is no conspiracy, just my business experience. I'm wondering WHY there was so hard to get info about max attribute value ? You are GM here, you care about money incoming, why didn't you tell ppl when we asked about attr f.e: "max is 600, u can buy energies and get huge resist, go and buy". And you answering in less than 1 hour to my post here and it is not 1 simple sentence but long answer... Did I touch some sore subject ? There are topics with not working shots on skill and other important things from weeks w/o answer, and you answering me so fast....

We both know even if all is truth you can't tell here "yes I told them, sorry" or something like that, so honestly you got opinion, ppl have opinion, it has been written here and will change nothing.... Anyway thanx for answer.

and 1 more:well... when I will need advices like this I will go to specialist, not l2 game master ;)

Obviously your conclusion is quite bad and very much wrong.

If you follow a bit of my actions, you would notice im recently fully back in game and forum , thats why i am super active (as back in past tbh), and thats why you got such reaction, not cause you touched something or blabala in fact i replied you as i would do to any serious post . And if you didn't notice , i will tell you, just after we migrated to GF i had serious issues for month or so, and i couldnt really test myself some things, and thats why i didn't replied to people and in the end more bigger number in max attribute goes to my interest to tell people don't you agree? Think about, why would i "hide it" when its in my interest that people buy energies from donny? Fact?

Its not truth once again , and well i told u all things honestly and in my opinion.

P.S What if i am GameMaster and therapist? Stop being stubborn and listen to me for once. If you don't want? NP. Ill just stop bother giving you an answers

Cheers mate
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: EvilPL on August 24, 2011, 01:21:34 AM
I'm "listening" all time, carefully.
Quote from: TrackZero on August 23, 2011, 08:48:44 PM
Think about, why would i "hide it" when its in my interest that people buy energies from donny? Fact?
No, theory. Theoretically it's in your interest.
Fact: there was no info.
Theories: u hide, u forgot, u had more important things to do etc.

But this is not important thing. Important is you answered me fully and now I - and ppl here (this is forum not pms discuss) can consider my questions and your answers, and we all can believe or not. I told clearly what are facts and what is theory for me, so I didn't blame you. I didn' t tell you lie, I told we have only your words vs some doubts so we can't be sure nothing. And this is main problem: trust. As you for sure know trust is one of most important thing if you got business and... almost every kind of business. Example: will u buy a car made by some unknown company from Africa ? I bet no, coz u will not trust their technology... Will u buy meat on street ? Will u donate (buy items)  on server when you have doubts even if u get same stuff and skills like some owners they will still kick your ass coz they will still have some info or other privileges coz they are close to gm ? I'll repeat: DOUBTS not facts. So some ppl  will buy prolly, and some not coz of lack of trust. And from where are these doubts ? Here can be a lot of examples...

Gracia update: few months before some ppl started to selling dnet sets and ica weapons. First ones for good price ofc, later there was rummors about update, and after next months official info.... It was example one - information for chosen ppl. I'm playing some other game, and there was update and announcement like : ppl if u wanna buy item xyz do it now coz in 7 days will be higher price. Can I trust them ? yes. See difference ?

And ppl from "some clans" now can try laught about "conspiracy", but they are source of doubts too. They was talking before update "we are testing new server, we are close to track/drake/someoneelse./ and we will kick your asses after update. Ofc we could take it as bullsh1t, and we did. But after update we could notice they are much stronger than other chars. Later we found why - attribute case and question what I ask upper.

Kamael example: some clan permanently flamed my wife playing on kamael and between flame informed steal divinity will be nerfed. So we checked kamaels on other gracia final servers and hmm.... kamaels was still nice, for sure better than our kamaels b4 update. (steal divinity nerf is from another update, not GF) And 1st change comparing to other gracia fin serv was nerf steal divinity cos like you said: it was overpowered skill and who got more kamaels winning pvps. Btw try compare kamael to sps nowdays XD

I think no need more examples. Is this prove anything ? No. But can you see here any reason for trust you ?
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: wildpussy on August 24, 2011, 01:46:41 AM
there was the same with frintezza update
*some* clan bought a bunch of frintezzas when it was crappy jewel
oh and i heard a +7 jewel set, +7 armor set, and +7 icarus weapon when enchant rate was horrible was a donation of 700â,¬ (regards from LayMeDown ^^)

and dunno what retards believe that +15 icaruses, +8 dnet armors and whatever now with vespers comming from normal enchanting


p.s. when merge with dragon ?
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: joroboro on August 24, 2011, 11:52:42 AM
Quote from: EvilPL on August 24, 2011, 01:21:34 AM

Kamael example: some clan permanently flamed my wife playing on kamael and between flame informed steal divinity will be nerfed. So we checked kamaels on other gracia final servers and hmm.... kamaels was still nice, for sure better than our kamaels b4 update. (steal divinity nerf is from another update, not GF) And 1st change comparing to other gracia fin serv was nerf steal divinity cos like you said: it was overpowered skill and who got more kamaels winning pvps. Btw try compare kamael to sps nowdays XD

I think no need more examples. Is this prove anything ? No. But can you see here any reason for trust you ?
LOL  on HB kamaels on mass pvp go to target "steal" and go back in the flock , they just spam "steal" and kill pvp - nothing more for info check pvp statistic 
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Alex on August 24, 2011, 02:09:30 PM
About kamaels: blind whiners see only what they want to see. Steal divinity nerf came in pack with serious nerf on bluff's stun land rate and probably some other "surprises".

But for you its easier to spam about donators and gm frands rather than to think a bit.
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: VforVanilla on August 24, 2011, 02:15:03 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 24, 2011, 02:09:30 PM
About kamaels: blind whiners see only what they want to see. Steal divinity nerf came in pack with serious nerf on bluff's stun land rate and probably some other "surprises".

But for you its easier to spam about donators and gm frands rather than to think a bit.

Shhh  he may find out now that frenzy was nerfed from the beginning of Gracia about 40%. My orc has approx 7k patk less now from what should on full buff  ;D
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: dodqns on August 24, 2011, 02:35:03 PM
@Alex and joroboro....
You are not so smart, uh?
Evil don't talk about the nerfing of kamales... He talk about that how some ppl knows something before everybody on the server.
It's so interesting how you see only what you want to see. He posted 4 or 5 long long posts, and after everything you post comment about kamaels and that they was so strong on HB.
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: zenice on August 24, 2011, 03:12:46 PM
Those damn GM friends and their HOLY sets!!!
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: PainMaster on August 24, 2011, 04:52:25 PM
Quote from: zenice on August 24, 2011, 03:12:46 PM
Those damn GM friends and their HOLY sets!!!

haha  :D
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Alex on August 24, 2011, 07:00:47 PM
Quote from: dodqns on August 24, 2011, 02:35:03 PM
@Alex and joroboro....
You are not so smart, uh?
Evil don't talk about the nerfing of kamales... He talk about that how some ppl knows something before everybody on the server.
It's so interesting how you see only what you want to see. He posted 4 or 5 long long posts, and after everything you post comment about kamaels and that they was so strong on HB.

Whats your problem about my comments? I comment only what Im sure about Im not spreading b/s and tears around for no reason unlike someone else. As for *SOME PEOPLE* having more knowledge about incoming updates than others I'll tell you this:

I know about the story with tezza necklaces on NM in this case someone surely informed players about it so they could make a lot of money speculating boosted tezza same story unsurprisingly happened on dragon too. With energies its different, basically nobody knew they are useful for something and nobody knew you can make 600 attr with them I assure you all the energies around are gotten by donations. GMs also didnt know you can make 600 attr xD From my points of view this 600 attr thing is gamebreaking at least because you cant make weapon above 450

I suggest you being happy with what you have, there are no perfect GMs on any server and track is really doing what he can do.

On dragon GMs ban without a reason, have their own chars in game where they get 600 attributes and OE items (and still suck), they make retarded rules about hero chat and limit the amount of heroes you can make, recently dragon GM said he will ban everybody who will use {PVP} dagger. They make up fake ban reasons for their own profit and they go extremely mad about losing oly/pvp that they start banning players who killed them. They use GM panel to check players' attributes and later whole server knows which attribute is one specific player using, etc etc... I gave enough examples if you want more just imagine what bullshit you can do if you are a retard with GM panel.

On nightmare its not that bad really...
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: loXol on August 24, 2011, 07:09:21 PM
from my point of view

all who were on beta server known about attributes....
and known about all tricks with updates....
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Alex on August 24, 2011, 07:17:08 PM
Quote from: loXol on August 24, 2011, 07:09:21 PM
from my point of view

all who were on beta server known about attributes....
and known about all tricks with updates....

but with ur point of view u can gtfo back to kesy's ass
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: sirSethan on August 24, 2011, 09:01:20 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 24, 2011, 07:00:47 PM
As for *SOME PEOPLE* having more knowledge about incoming updates than others I'll

Omg who said that..

Track can u tell us what nick u got in BlackHand when u play there xx-2007 ? :D
I check some things and its really strange that after kotenka incident (she was delegated to x200 as GM)
and person who do that (LessPain) stop play and few weeks leter  we got new GM: TrackZero  8)

Quote from: loXol on August 24, 2011, 07:09:21 PM
from my point of view

all who were on beta server known about attributes....
and known about all tricks with updates....

agree :)

Quote from: Alex on August 24, 2011, 07:17:08 PM
but with ur point of view u can gtfo back to kesy's ass

huh kesy u said ?:D
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: eagleye on August 24, 2011, 10:02:02 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 24, 2011, 07:00:47 PM
Whats your problem about my comments? I comment only what Im sure about Im not spreading b/s and tears around for no reason unlike someone else. As for *SOME PEOPLE* having more knowledge about incoming updates than others I'll tell you this:

I know about the story with tezza necklaces on NM in this case someone surely informed players about it so they could make a lot of money speculating boosted tezza same story unsurprisingly happened on dragon too. With energies its different, basically nobody knew they are useful for something and nobody knew you can make 600 attr with them I assure you all the energies around are gotten by donations. GMs also didnt know you can make 600 attr xD From my points of view this 600 attr thing is gamebreaking at least because you cant make weapon above 450

I suggest you being happy with what you have, there are no perfect GMs on any server and track is really doing what he can do.

On dragon GMs ban without a reason, have their own chars in game where they get 600 attributes and OE items (and still suck), they make retarded rules about hero chat and limit the amount of heroes you can make, recently dragon GM said he will ban everybody who will use {PVP} dagger. They make up fake ban reasons for their own profit and they go extremely mad about losing oly/pvp that they start banning players who killed them. They use GM panel to check players' attributes and later whole server knows which attribute is one specific player using, etc etc... I gave enough examples if you want more just imagine what bullshit you can do if you are a retard with GM panel.

On nightmare its not that bad really...

agree... fighters can deal with this - but mages sux vs 600 attr in armor. would be nice to have 180 attr like was before - no1 complained about this in HB  ;)
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: loXol on August 24, 2011, 10:11:31 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 24, 2011, 07:17:08 PM
but with ur point of view u can gtfo back to kesy's ass

just shut ur mouth ,and ask beta testers if u know some.....
and btw as i know x15 GMs didnt test a lots....
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: flamingAwe on August 24, 2011, 10:12:49 PM
Quote from: eagleye on August 24, 2011, 10:02:02 PM
agree... fighters can deal with this - but mages sux vs 600 attr in armor. would be nice to have 180 attr like was before - no1 complained about this in HB  ;)

fighters, mages, same shit.
the only difference you know what attribute mage uses, and you don't know what attribute fighter uses (generally for archers/daggers)
didn't make full tests, but there is only 1 thing i hope, that attr defence doesn't lower damage below numbers of attack w/o attribute (i hope, but by observations i've doubts....)
anyway, would be cool to get current attribute breakpoints curve,
ive already seen that from 75 to 150 there is no hole, as should be, damage increases almost on every +10 after 100 till 150 (didn't test further)
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: EvilPL on August 25, 2011, 01:19:45 AM
Quote from: Alex on August 24, 2011, 07:00:47 PM
With energies its different, basically nobody knew they are useful for something and nobody knew you can make 600 attr with them I assure you all the energies around are gotten by donations. GMs also didnt know you can make 600 attr xD From my points of view this 600 attr thing is gamebreaking at least because you cant make weapon above 450
Yep, nobody knew but some ppl gathered few thousands of energies. Coincidence. Or they went to some fairy for advice.

We moved to gracia on begining of june. We noticed there is something wrong with dmg and found this is attribute case, and started to asking around july 23, so after 1,5+ month. And started asking. Proof:
Quote from: flamingAwe on July 23, 2011, 10:22:23 AM
so, what is max attr on each armor part now?
On official can be 120, but they don't even know about jewels/energies.
And it was confirmed at this topic after next month... Yes, basic informations are available for all players from server in same time XD And this is ofc next conspiracy theory !

Btw, mby some1 share here confidential information how is all case of attributes atm:
stones max too:   (weapon/armor)
crystals:     (.../...)
jewels :      (.../...)
energies:   (.../...)
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: VforVanilla on August 25, 2011, 01:31:00 AM
crystals:     (300/120)
jewels :      (450/180)
energies:   (450???/600)

I don't put my hand on fire for energies on weapon  :D
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Vinny on August 25, 2011, 02:22:46 AM
Yes, 450 in weapon is max.
But 600 in armor is just n/c even 200 or 300 in each part is just lol.
And btw. this tournament 5vs5 will be funny coz fight with ppl's who get 600 attr is... xD
Go go show your power !!
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Phonex on August 25, 2011, 02:42:12 AM
Lol from 180 to 600 with energy and with rate of 5%, lol that suxs, that means that donny got the power :s cuz u can get 420 pts with donny energy :S damn taht suxs ;D
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Alex on August 25, 2011, 03:47:36 AM
Quote from: loXol on August 24, 2011, 10:11:31 PM
just shut ur mouth ,and ask beta testers if u know some.....
and btw as i know x15 GMs didnt test a lots....

beta testers obviously didnt do shit, and x15 gms are the worst possible creatures to become gms ever so u told me nothing new

Quote from: EvilPL on August 25, 2011, 01:19:45 AM
Yep, nobody knew but some ppl gathered few thousands of energies. Coincidence. Or they went to some fairy for advice.

as I said energies were gotten by donations, the only way you could get energies w/o donating were custom events on fantasy island and u couldnt get a lot energies from there obviously
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Kastro on August 25, 2011, 11:29:54 AM
Quote from: Alex on August 25, 2011, 03:47:36 AM
beta testers obviously didnt do shit, and x15 gms are the worst possible creatures to become gms ever so u told me nothing new

as I said energies were gotten by donations, the only way you could get energies w/o donating were custom events on fantasy island and u couldnt get a lot energies from there obviously

not only  funtasy island was also avalible  in fortreses  by changeing 5-6 jewels for 1 energys  ... but still i dont know why ppl think that they are many ppl  who have over 180 attributs in armor  the only energys  who was avalible was from donation  and who have it finish it  the set`s was selling the energys on market   so nothing special drama  that somone know it early before updates  that will be 600  in armor what is more then stupid  to have 600 when wepoan is 450 so  also in armor 450  is more then enough  to have  and is from dony   avalible for all  and same rate for all ....
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: EvilPL on August 25, 2011, 11:49:31 AM
Quote from: Phonex on August 25, 2011, 02:42:12 AM
Lol from 180 to 600 with energy and with rate of 5%, lol that suxs, that means that donny got the power :s cuz u can get 420 pts with donny energy :S damn taht suxs ;D
.. and some ppl got resists ~400 or more for few attributes - mby all - I tested once 3 weapons with different attributes during 1 oly fight with dmg less than 100 from all of them from my orc XD  and it was on first days of oly, so almost 2 months ago. So with 5% rate.... hmmm... Around 30 energies needed to good resist 1 part, including shirt will be x6 =360, 5% rate so x20 it will be 7000+ energies.... 3 for coin if I'm not wrong... it will be 2400 euro.... Even if 50% of this is truth, it is still 1200... Yes, I belive you guys, you didn't know, you didn't have energies before update, and you are fair, you just spent such money to get your resists :)

Quote from: Alex on August 25, 2011, 03:47:36 AM
as I said energies were gotten by donations, the only way you could get energies w/o donating were custom events on fantasy island and u couldnt get a lot energies from there obviously
Fail, what about exchange in fortress ? stone->cry->jewel->energy  ? Obviously...
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: loXol on August 25, 2011, 11:55:02 AM
Quote from: Alex on August 25, 2011, 03:47:36 AM
beta testers obviously didnt do shit

they were testers, not coders......
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: flamingAwe on August 25, 2011, 11:55:27 AM
i don't think those who had 600 attr on gracia start used even 1 energy themselves, same as i will never believe someone made vesper over +10  using any bews himself
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: zenice on August 25, 2011, 12:02:40 PM

I cant make dmg on GM friends and their HOLY sets, and my wife cant play more with kamalol!!!
plz GM do something!!!!! plzzzzzzzzzzz
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: flamingAwe on August 25, 2011, 12:04:34 PM
Quote from: loXol on August 25, 2011, 11:55:02 AM
they were testers, not coders......

well, since they even missed sub system failure, i must agree with alex, they did nothing on those tests
wanna list of what they missed?
-subclass system incl mutants (who thinks all mutants wiped/fixed? xD)
-olympiad (start time, pots)
-golkondas(resp only on server restart)
-quests (not working HTML)
-clans (not working HTML)
-custom skills
-terrain bugs

so what did they test? 600 attr in armor? enchant rates? xD
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Alex on August 25, 2011, 12:31:26 PM
Quote from: EvilPL on August 25, 2011, 11:49:31 AM
Fail, what about exchange in fortress ? stone->cry->jewel->energy  ? Obviously...

wait a second, you knew more than me, I never heard u can exchange energies in the fortress... apparently you are BIG DONOR and GM FRAND
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: andreww on August 25, 2011, 12:35:06 PM
Quote from: flamingAwe on August 25, 2011, 11:55:27 AM
i don't think those who had 600 attr on gracia start used even 1 energy themselves, same as i will never believe someone made vesper over +10  using any bews himself
pffff since u know its 600 max atri now :P  start accept it grind your way to it , buy coins on market buy energy from donnie

or just simply donaite a year work :) poor ***  to make a 600+ atri set

have a nice day

and quit the cry about donations plz all have same chance,u have much free time , i work a lot we all make dessisions in life u made your i made mine

Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: EvilPL on August 25, 2011, 12:50:04 PM
Quote from: zenice on August 25, 2011, 12:02:40 PM

Quote from: EvilPL on August 23, 2011, 03:48:01 PM
.... I know most kids who will create here xxx posts about crying can't get it, this is not text for them.
Plz try do not prevent next time when adults talking... thanx.
Quote from: andreww on August 25, 2011, 12:35:06 PM
and quit the cry about donations plz all have same chance,u have much free time , i work a lot we all make dessisions in life u made your i made mine
Next smart one.... You can't understand english or what ? WHERE u see crying about donations tell me plz ? Read again use translator if need then you will find for sure there is no crying, I called donation fair way and I doubt they/you/whatever used it. Ppl start using brains, I won't explain simple sentences to you, I bet you are not 6 years old.
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: flamingAwe on August 25, 2011, 12:56:37 PM
Quote from: andreww on August 25, 2011, 12:35:06 PM
pffff since u know its 600 max atri now :P  start accept it grind your way to it , buy coins on market buy energy from donnie

or just simply donaite a year work :) poor ***  to make a 600+ atri set

have a nice day

and quit the cry about donations plz all have same chance,u have much free time , i work a lot we all make dessisions in life u made your i made mine

what can i reply to big ego-on-web-little-brain-in-head? xD
unlike you, i don't need to donate even 1 sec of my work to show anything about myself xD w/o your donations noone even would notice your puni rat existence mr-3rd-dagger-on-server, that was hillarious xD
and for all retards like you, where did you see me cry about anything here? opinion is not a cry, judgement is not a cry, and since my return i asked only for 1 fix: subsystem, to rest i'm getting used and use it,  ok, you may call it cry, if it makes you happy, cause unhappy you'll leave, so who would make me laugh so much xD
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: sirSethan on August 25, 2011, 12:57:25 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 25, 2011, 12:31:26 PM
wait a second, you knew more than me, I never heard u can exchange energies in the fortress...

u are good lier :)
Then tell me why  urs bot clans got always 1-2 fortress, and your clan bots always on chimera upper?  ;D
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: EvilPL on August 25, 2011, 01:07:18 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 25, 2011, 12:31:26 PM
wait a second, you knew more than me, I never heard u can exchange energies in the fortress... apparently you are BIG DONOR and GM FRAND
I donated a lot in the past, so I guess I'm big donator. Information about exchange stones and energies has been announced on loader or/and forum, so my best friend GM foked this case and told all what he should tell only me :(
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Alex on August 25, 2011, 01:39:27 PM
Quote from: sirSethan on August 25, 2011, 12:57:25 PM
u are good lier :)
Then tell me why  urs bot clans got always 1-2 fortress, and your clan bots always on chimera upper?  ;D

you're speaking too much for some1 being a non-factor

Quote from: EvilPL on August 25, 2011, 01:07:18 PM
I donated a lot in the past, so I guess I'm big donator. Information about exchange stones and energies has been announced on loader or/and forum, so my best friend GM foked this case and told all what he should tell only me :(

oh bad for me that i didnt use loader then qq
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Madmanic on August 25, 2011, 01:51:09 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 25, 2011, 12:31:26 PM

Alex .. i back from my vacation & i read lot pms from ppl to help, lot pms with good ideas,good suggests, good analysis of bugs to fix etc ... but i still look for ur pm with inside ur suggests, ur awsome advises . i try to find it too in forum but the most of time i only find flames & trolls. Probably i did a mistake ...  i imagined u helped & supported us by giving  some money ... even 10 or 15 euros since the last 4-5 years u played ... but here....  the desert also
I remember well the diferent times we spoke together & i don t find any free infos where inside u didn t got anything to win.

Find other target if u have some personal problem, we arn t responsable of ur hate. In DN all works in progress even in turtle speed . we try to  help ppl who wanna find free fun & mind .U will never find our hate here,  do the same pls enjoy ur summer , the winter will be more rude   :P

Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: VforVanilla on August 25, 2011, 01:56:02 PM
Quote from: andreww on August 25, 2011, 12:35:06 PM
pffff since u know its 600 max atri now :P  start accept it grind your way to it , buy coins on market buy energy from donnie

or just simply donaite a year work :) poor ***  to make a 600+ atri set

have a nice day

and quit the cry about donations plz all have same chance,u have much free time , i work a lot we all make dessisions in life u made your i made mine
You know there are two types of people. There are some that work hard in order to obtain goods to make a better living for themselves, others that work hard to make a better living for their boss. So, tell where should i put you among these? Honestly i don't believe how the hell  people like to donate money while they know that 90% of them go to Gms pocket and not server's needs (Doesn't need anyway more).
You are one of those that make server owners act like they are some kind of special ppl (Gods?) when making fun, insulting or ignoring people that ask some things cause they believe that they are not threatted equally (indeed they aren't) like the donators. The most common answers to those are:
1)fack off i will go vacations for one month
2)fack off i want time for my rl
3)fack off i am not in the mood

You know what is my answer to these? NO, you will not have any of these as long as you take money for services you offer which does not work / does not exist / work sh1tty and need immediate fixing. Track and crew should really be happy to have clients like you that gives money every time they invent some new way to get donations but at least say to them when they go get drunk with your money next time to drink a cup in the name of donators (suckers actually, sad but true...).
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Alex on August 25, 2011, 02:15:44 PM
Quote from: Madmanic on August 25, 2011, 01:51:09 PM
Alex .. i back from my vacation & i read lot pms from ppl to help, lot pms with good ideas,good suggests, good analysis of bugs to fix etc ... but i still look for ur pm with inside ur suggests, ur awsome advises . i try to find it too in forum but the most of time i only find flames & trolls. Probably i did a mistake ...  i imagined u helped & supported us by giving  some money ... even 10 or 15 euros since the last 4-5 years u played ... but here....  the desert also
I remember well the diferent times we spoke together & i don t find any free infos where inside u didn t got anything to win.

Find other target if u have some personal problem, we arn t responsable of ur hate. In DN all works in progress even in turtle speed . we try to  help ppl who wanna find free fun & mind .U will never find our hate here,  do the same pls enjoy ur summer , the winter will be more rude   :P

personal problems? hahaha this sounds like what kesy says when he bans someone because they raped him "relax its just a game"

stop trying to blame your retardness on other people's problems its your own problem at the first place that giving GM panel to people like you is the most retarded thing someone can do, you are forcing retarded updates and stalking players all the time to suit your own needs while you dont even have 10% of knowledge necessary to bring updates to the game, not speaking that nobody gave you rights to destroy the game for others

dont make me tell here how you asslicked kang and begged him for cheats, he helped you only to make GMs leave our clan alone and than when he couldnt stand your company anymore he told you to gtfo because you and kesy are horrible people wanking on their gm panel than you both got mad at him and started to threat us and ban our chars for no reason again

and once again there are people who did much more for dragon without GM panel than all 3 of you with GM panel in total, all what you, kesy, glasy did was just decreasing server population with your idiocy and destroying the server
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: andreww on August 25, 2011, 02:44:16 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 25, 2011, 02:15:44 PM
and once again there are people who did much more for dragon without GM panel than all 3 of you with GM panel in total, all what you, kesy, glasy did was just decreasing server population with your idiocy and destroying the server
for use x15 people :) x20 is heaven :)  no bullshiited strange rulles no bans because gm dislike u ,no perm ban because gm's lie about sell items on alegrio since i life in holland

on x20 is much less, 

x15 is dead because   the gm's elcharro bigcat glasy madmaniac and italiannecro came ,the didnt add totaly nothing , yes that donatiors like me quit the game becase the got hacked by those idiots

no merge  whit x15 i would say because the lagg on knowadge ,those gm's know how to kill 1 server dont let them take x20 down

Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: zenice on August 25, 2011, 03:37:30 PM
Quote from: EvilPL on August 24, 2011, 01:21:34 AM
And ppl from "some clans" now can try laught about "conspiracy", but they are source of doubts too. They was talking before update "we are testing new server, we are close to track/drake/someoneelse./ and we will kick your asses after update. Ofc we could take it as bullsh1t, and we did. But after update we could notice they are much stronger than other chars. Later we found why - attribute case and question what I ask upper.

Kamael example: some clan permanently flamed my wife playing on kamael and between flame informed steal divinity will be nerfed. So we checked kamaels on other gracia final servers and hmm.... kamaels was still nice, for sure better than our kamaels b4 update. (steal divinity nerf is from another update, not GF) And 1st change comparing to other gracia fin serv was nerf steal divinity cos like you said: it was overpowered skill and who got more kamaels winning pvps. Btw try compare kamael to sps nowdays XD

Quote from: EvilPL on August 25, 2011, 11:49:31 AM
.. and some ppl got resists ~400 or more for few attributes - mby all - I tested once 3 weapons with different attributes during 1 oly fight with dmg less than 100 from all of them from my orc

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: sirSethan on August 25, 2011, 05:01:46 PM
Quote from: andreww on August 25, 2011, 02:44:16 PM
for use x15 people :) x20 is heaven :)  no bullshiited strange rulles no bans because gm dislike u ,no perm ban because gm's lie about sell items on alegrio since i life in holland

on x20 is much less,  

x15 is dead because   the gm's elcharro bigcat glasy madmaniac and italiannecro came ,the didnt add totaly nothing , yes that donatiors like me quit the game becase the got hacked by those idiots

no merge  whit x15 i would say because the lagg on knowadge ,those gm's know how to kill 1 server dont let them take x20 down

Beter u can said:
We leave x15 becose our friend start be GM on x30 and  now is heaven for us  :D :D
Its funny  and currius  why one  of the best clan on x15 leaving server in best glory.

Im only sad that kotenka is not GM and im sure that she make with some ppl here good job now..
Truth is that on x15  u and your friends was kicked by GM and all change server with  own gm.. just lol.
All who play in this years on x15 and know situation then agree with me :)
Anyway i just wanna see face of Malekh now when he see BlackHand and Alpha in one clan  :D
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: andreww on August 25, 2011, 05:54:07 PM
Quote from: sirSethan on August 25, 2011, 05:01:46 PM

Beter u can said:
We leave x15 becose our friend start be GM on x30 and  now is heaven for us  :D :D
Its funny  and currius  why one  of the best clan on x15 leaving server in best glory.

Im only sad that kotenka is not GM and im sure that she make with some ppl here good job now..
Truth is that on x15  u and your friends was kicked by GM and all change server with  own gm.. just lol.
All who play in this years on x15 and know situation then agree with me :)
Anyway i just wanna see face of Malekh now when he see BlackHand and Alpha in one clan  :D

u talk again total bullshiit
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Blizzer on August 25, 2011, 06:46:46 PM
Quote from: sirSethan on August 25, 2011, 05:01:46 PM

Beter u can said:
We leave x15 becose our friend start be GM on x30 and  now is heaven for us  :D :D
Its funny  and currius  why one  of the best clan on x15 leaving server in best glory.

Im only sad that kotenka is not GM and im sure that she make with some ppl here good job now..
Truth is that on x15  u and your friends was kicked by GM and all change server with  own gm.. just lol.
All who play in this years on x15 and know situation then agree with me :)
Anyway i just wanna see face of Malekh now when he see BlackHand and Alpha in one clan  :D

I played at that time and was in centre of all bigger actions and I can say only one thing - stop spreading this bullshit.
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: sirSethan on August 25, 2011, 08:02:50 PM
Quote from: Blizzer on August 25, 2011, 06:46:46 PM
I played at that time and was in centre of all bigger actions and I can say only one thing - stop spreading this bullshit.

just lol :D Man its shame to talk it. If u  dont know whats going on ask your old leader Bagnietsche...
Funny is that your old clan and ally saw this same what i write and u make fun now :D
Anyway  i see ur DB friends (BH) need some ppl to help  :D
BTW i forget say that Blizzer was in our ally and he betray us for syndikate clan :P
Really Blizzer u  very obiective  :D :D :D

A w ramach ciekawostki dodam gdy ES sie rozpadło  DB zaczeło sie kłÃ³cic między sobą po czym wywalono kotenke a BH polazł na x30 a DevotedSouls odeszło z serwa. Natomiast Syndikate zostało wyrzucone z ally za ugadywanie sie z enemy (Alpha) ktorzy już  byli rozbici na maxa.

Blizzerku moze dałbys jakies konkrety i dowód tego ze to bullsh1t ?:D Bo puki co to ty i twoi koledzy z BH mowicie bullsh1ty i nie umiecie sie obronić przed prawdą :P
Pewnie zaraz w topicu sie zaczną syndicaty udzielac  :D :D :D
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: Blizzer on August 25, 2011, 08:16:51 PM
You mad?

Weź skończ robić z siebie większego pajaca niż jesteś. Widzę wszyscy tutaj wierzą ci tak samo jak to robili na x15  ::)
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: sirSethan on August 25, 2011, 08:22:03 PM
Quote from: Blizzer on August 25, 2011, 08:16:51 PM
You mad?

Weź skończ robić z siebie większego pajaca niż jesteś. Widzę wszyscy tutaj wierzą ci tak samo jak to robili na x15  ::)

Nom , u make me mod :D
U still never learn ?
Me arguments with proofs > your talking

A jak znow zaczne wklejać screeny jak sie szmacicie to znowu do Lotty polecicie by mi bana dała ?:D
Zresztą wtedy dostałem bana za to że oszukiwaliście na wyborach moda (wygrał Kailenaa- jak ktos dalej wierzy ze mowie bajki spytajcie jego, to old aod member wiec moj enemy).
Oboje wiemy jaka była prawda więc po tylu latach wspólnego grania prosze o troche godności..
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: EvilPL on August 25, 2011, 09:02:29 PM
Quote from: Madmanic on August 25, 2011, 01:51:09 PM
Alex .....  i imagined u helped & supported us by giving  some money ... even 10 or 15 euros since the last 4-5 years u played ... but here....  the desert also
That's interesting part... I proved 1200-2400 coins is needed to get resist attribute like you have. And you didn't donate to dn any single euro... So for who you paid ? Or some1 had this amount of energies in wh (like I said before) and has given energies to you for free mby ?

Zenice, I was wrong, you are smart kid, you are able to quote my posts ^^^^ Unfortunately, this still not prove you can understand it... But don't worry, mby some day...
Title: Re: jewels,energys drop
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on August 26, 2011, 12:12:24 AM
Okey 5 pages of randomness is enough, <LOCK>. We have other things to focus atm.