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jewels,energys drop

Started by Kishin, August 19, 2011, 11:38:06 PM

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ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: TrackZero on August 23, 2011, 04:28:30 PM
U're wrong, I'm not mad. I don't care this game enough to be mad, I got family, my own company, few hobbies... I played here intensive some time coz I liked it - mostly finding solutions against different situations and gathering knowledge about this game. Also I was always to lazy to farm and bought all I needed. So I'm not going to tell any bad word about donators and never did.

Now I'm playing rarely so all I said here I said from far distance to game. My clanmates gathered lots of info  about gracia, but we wasn't able to get info how it will be on DN. We killed all rb as first, we are still strongest clan on this server, many of us have good gear, all new skills, fs etc. But we can see one clan still have something more. And one of reasons for low dmg on char is attribute resist. Thats why we asked: why did they know and we didn't. Reading your answer I'm going to conclusion THEY KNEW MORE THAN YOU !!!

You can call it conspiracy theory, I'm calling this facts. I mean they did know, not you told them, I dunno that. And I told you where it is going - this can be fact too, we will see it in some time, for now it is only theory but there is no conspiracy, just my business experience. I'm wondering WHY there was so hard to get info about max attribute value ? You are GM here, you care about money incoming, why didn't you tell ppl when we asked about attr f.e: "max is 600, u can buy energies and get huge resist, go and buy". And you answering in less than 1 hour to my post here and it is not 1 simple sentence but long answer... Did I touch some sore subject ? There are topics with not working shots on skill and other important things from weeks w/o answer, and you answering me so fast....

We both know even if all is truth you can't tell here "yes I told them, sorry" or something like that, so honestly you got opinion, ppl have opinion, it has been written here and will change nothing.... Anyway thanx for answer.

and 1 more:
Quote from: TrackZero on August 23, 2011, 04:28:30 PM
..... and start listening yourself.
well... when I will need advices like this I will go to specialist, not l2 game master ;)


Quote from: EvilPL on August 23, 2011, 08:08:32 PM
U're wrong, I'm not mad. I don't care this game enough to be mad, I got family, my own company, few hobbies... I played here intensive some time coz I liked it - mostly finding solutions against different situations and gathering knowledge about this game. Also I was always to lazy to farm and bought all I needed. So I'm not going to tell any bad word about donators and never did.

Now I'm playing rarely so all I said here I said from far distance to game. My clanmates gathered lots of info  about gracia, but we wasn't able to get info how it will be on DN. We killed all rb as first, we are still strongest clan on this server, many of us have good gear, all new skills, fs etc. But we can see one clan still have something more. And one of reasons for low dmg on char is attribute resist. Thats why we asked: why did they know and we didn't. Reading your answer I'm going to conclusion THEY KNEW MORE THAN YOU !!!

You can call it conspiracy theory, I'm calling this facts. I mean they did know, not you told them, I dunno that. And I told you where it is going - this can be fact too, we will see it in some time, for now it is only theory but there is no conspiracy, just my business experience. I'm wondering WHY there was so hard to get info about max attribute value ? You are GM here, you care about money incoming, why didn't you tell ppl when we asked about attr f.e: "max is 600, u can buy energies and get huge resist, go and buy". And you answering in less than 1 hour to my post here and it is not 1 simple sentence but long answer... Did I touch some sore subject ? There are topics with not working shots on skill and other important things from weeks w/o answer, and you answering me so fast....

We both know even if all is truth you can't tell here "yes I told them, sorry" or something like that, so honestly you got opinion, ppl have opinion, it has been written here and will change nothing.... Anyway thanx for answer.

and 1 more:well... when I will need advices like this I will go to specialist, not l2 game master ;)

Obviously your conclusion is quite bad and very much wrong.

If you follow a bit of my actions, you would notice im recently fully back in game and forum , thats why i am super active (as back in past tbh), and thats why you got such reaction, not cause you touched something or blabala in fact i replied you as i would do to any serious post . And if you didn't notice , i will tell you, just after we migrated to GF i had serious issues for month or so, and i couldnt really test myself some things, and thats why i didn't replied to people and in the end more bigger number in max attribute goes to my interest to tell people don't you agree? Think about, why would i "hide it" when its in my interest that people buy energies from donny? Fact?

Its not truth once again , and well i told u all things honestly and in my opinion.

P.S What if i am GameMaster and therapist? Stop being stubborn and listen to me for once. If you don't want? NP. Ill just stop bother giving you an answers

Cheers mate
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I'm "listening" all time, carefully.
Quote from: TrackZero on August 23, 2011, 08:48:44 PM
Think about, why would i "hide it" when its in my interest that people buy energies from donny? Fact?
No, theory. Theoretically it's in your interest.
Fact: there was no info.
Theories: u hide, u forgot, u had more important things to do etc.

But this is not important thing. Important is you answered me fully and now I - and ppl here (this is forum not pms discuss) can consider my questions and your answers, and we all can believe or not. I told clearly what are facts and what is theory for me, so I didn't blame you. I didn' t tell you lie, I told we have only your words vs some doubts so we can't be sure nothing. And this is main problem: trust. As you for sure know trust is one of most important thing if you got business and... almost every kind of business. Example: will u buy a car made by some unknown company from Africa ? I bet no, coz u will not trust their technology... Will u buy meat on street ? Will u donate (buy items)  on server when you have doubts even if u get same stuff and skills like some owners they will still kick your ass coz they will still have some info or other privileges coz they are close to gm ? I'll repeat: DOUBTS not facts. So some ppl  will buy prolly, and some not coz of lack of trust. And from where are these doubts ? Here can be a lot of examples...

Gracia update: few months before some ppl started to selling dnet sets and ica weapons. First ones for good price ofc, later there was rummors about update, and after next months official info.... It was example one - information for chosen ppl. I'm playing some other game, and there was update and announcement like : ppl if u wanna buy item xyz do it now coz in 7 days will be higher price. Can I trust them ? yes. See difference ?

And ppl from "some clans" now can try laught about "conspiracy", but they are source of doubts too. They was talking before update "we are testing new server, we are close to track/drake/someoneelse./ and we will kick your asses after update. Ofc we could take it as bullsh1t, and we did. But after update we could notice they are much stronger than other chars. Later we found why - attribute case and question what I ask upper.

Kamael example: some clan permanently flamed my wife playing on kamael and between flame informed steal divinity will be nerfed. So we checked kamaels on other gracia final servers and hmm.... kamaels was still nice, for sure better than our kamaels b4 update. (steal divinity nerf is from another update, not GF) And 1st change comparing to other gracia fin serv was nerf steal divinity cos like you said: it was overpowered skill and who got more kamaels winning pvps. Btw try compare kamael to sps nowdays XD

I think no need more examples. Is this prove anything ? No. But can you see here any reason for trust you ?


there was the same with frintezza update
*some* clan bought a bunch of frintezzas when it was crappy jewel
oh and i heard a +7 jewel set, +7 armor set, and +7 icarus weapon when enchant rate was horrible was a donation of 700â,¬ (regards from LayMeDown ^^)

and dunno what retards believe that +15 icaruses, +8 dnet armors and whatever now with vespers comming from normal enchanting


p.s. when merge with dragon ?


Quote from: EvilPL on August 24, 2011, 01:21:34 AM

Kamael example: some clan permanently flamed my wife playing on kamael and between flame informed steal divinity will be nerfed. So we checked kamaels on other gracia final servers and hmm.... kamaels was still nice, for sure better than our kamaels b4 update. (steal divinity nerf is from another update, not GF) And 1st change comparing to other gracia fin serv was nerf steal divinity cos like you said: it was overpowered skill and who got more kamaels winning pvps. Btw try compare kamael to sps nowdays XD

I think no need more examples. Is this prove anything ? No. But can you see here any reason for trust you ?
LOL  on HB kamaels on mass pvp go to target "steal" and go back in the flock , they just spam "steal" and kill pvp - nothing more for info check pvp statistic 


About kamaels: blind whiners see only what they want to see. Steal divinity nerf came in pack with serious nerf on bluff's stun land rate and probably some other "surprises".

But for you its easier to spam about donators and gm frands rather than to think a bit.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on August 24, 2011, 02:09:30 PM
About kamaels: blind whiners see only what they want to see. Steal divinity nerf came in pack with serious nerf on bluff's stun land rate and probably some other "surprises".

But for you its easier to spam about donators and gm frands rather than to think a bit.

Shhh  he may find out now that frenzy was nerfed from the beginning of Gracia about 40%. My orc has approx 7k patk less now from what should on full buff  ;D


@Alex and joroboro....
You are not so smart, uh?
Evil don't talk about the nerfing of kamales... He talk about that how some ppl knows something before everybody on the server.
It's so interesting how you see only what you want to see. He posted 4 or 5 long long posts, and after everything you post comment about kamaels and that they was so strong on HB.


Those damn GM friends and their HOLY sets!!!


                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Quote from: dodqns on August 24, 2011, 02:35:03 PM
@Alex and joroboro....
You are not so smart, uh?
Evil don't talk about the nerfing of kamales... He talk about that how some ppl knows something before everybody on the server.
It's so interesting how you see only what you want to see. He posted 4 or 5 long long posts, and after everything you post comment about kamaels and that they was so strong on HB.

Whats your problem about my comments? I comment only what Im sure about Im not spreading b/s and tears around for no reason unlike someone else. As for *SOME PEOPLE* having more knowledge about incoming updates than others I'll tell you this:

I know about the story with tezza necklaces on NM in this case someone surely informed players about it so they could make a lot of money speculating boosted tezza same story unsurprisingly happened on dragon too. With energies its different, basically nobody knew they are useful for something and nobody knew you can make 600 attr with them I assure you all the energies around are gotten by donations. GMs also didnt know you can make 600 attr xD From my points of view this 600 attr thing is gamebreaking at least because you cant make weapon above 450

I suggest you being happy with what you have, there are no perfect GMs on any server and track is really doing what he can do.

On dragon GMs ban without a reason, have their own chars in game where they get 600 attributes and OE items (and still suck), they make retarded rules about hero chat and limit the amount of heroes you can make, recently dragon GM said he will ban everybody who will use {PVP} dagger. They make up fake ban reasons for their own profit and they go extremely mad about losing oly/pvp that they start banning players who killed them. They use GM panel to check players' attributes and later whole server knows which attribute is one specific player using, etc etc... I gave enough examples if you want more just imagine what bullshit you can do if you are a retard with GM panel.

On nightmare its not that bad really...
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢