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Dagger skills + attribute system

Started by WscieklyWaz, December 29, 2009, 12:55:05 AM

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Quote from: zthrx on December 31, 2009, 11:31:05 AM
the problem is I'm the first TK/pw hero on NM, most active from 2 on server with top EQ. 3 years played active, know this char the best (only Astri knows it as good as me on NM). I have tons of chars, but only dagger is the most fun char which gives a lot of advantages to play solo. So I'm speaking here as the one of the oldest players on NM, playing 1 char couple years actively. I had a time of pwn, but now whats goin on on server is just ridiculous...

so don't bother to give me advices I know everything about daggers every skills, advantages, combos and moves...

I do not speak what should be done with mages (maby in the case related with daggers) etc. I'm speaking here as the couple years (over 4) dagger user....
wowowo hold on with this best pw/tk.... u got big  mouths for sure, but no skill to call urself best, keep that in mind.
Korina is right, daggers started to truly suck at hb, b4 they were totaly playable, and after boost its pure pleasure for a good daggers who can rape  every1, while low skilled fags coming to forum and cry.
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sali on December 31, 2009, 04:54:21 PM
wowowo hold on with this best pw/tk.... u got big  mouths for sure, but no skill to call urself best, keep that in mind.
Korina is right, daggers started to truly suck at hb, b4 they were totaly playable, and after boost its pure pleasure for a good daggers who can rape  every1, while low skilled fags coming to forum and cry.
The winner is......YOU!


Quote from: stanko on December 31, 2009, 03:11:42 PM
Oh mr big ego hello,mr dagger experience or how to call u, as k0rina said he never had problem with dagger coz he knew how to setup and how to play if u cant do the same it's ur problem

Please stick to your pony mage and stop replying to a topic you know nothing about. The thing you and that archer scrub forget is that daggers aren't asking for "extra" power here. We just ask for the same update which was granted to any other class, which also includes your pony mage sub, with the introduction of the attribute system.

I don't even get why you bring up the issue of "daggers not having enough power". In my point of few you are just an arrogant QQ hater.. If you even bothered to read this topic througly you would recognize how ignorant you are. FACT IS, attribute system isn't working for stabs, this is a RANDOM bug like any other, which has to be fixed..
Flatline Delivery:



Ah by the way, as any real dagger lover will agree with me; this update from Track was 'ok'. Sure daggers have more power then before, but like it is now, we do more damage with melee hits compared to stabs. A way of playing we did not make a dagger for.
Flatline Delivery:



Give us back our +30% p.atack boost   cus now we lost lethals 20% resists and 20% form instant death  and we lost p.atack boost so technicly we are nerfed. Dager arent oe attribute system is oe if you can get 200% boost damage from it. And all p atack hateres yea sure you can use normal hits but dont forget about lethals gl with killing tank from normal hits ...or another dager on ue and exiting advanture and with that P.atack we can exp normaly as dagers !!


daggers lost 10% of patk coz of me, sorry dudez :(
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


To be the best, you have to beat the best
I'm undefeated, my style is everlasting
And I'ma never back down, you freaking clown!


Quote from: Alex on January 01, 2010, 03:19:18 PM
daggers lost 10% of patk coz of me, sorry dudez :(

LOL, only 10%?

Quote from: Tiger on January 01, 2010, 01:07:42 PM
Give us back our +30% p.atack boost   cus now we lost lethals 20% resists and 20% form instant death  and we lost p.atack boost so technicly we are nerfed. Dager arent oe attribute system is oe if you can get 200% boost damage from it. And all p atack hateres yea sure you can use normal hits but dont forget about lethals gl with killing tank from normal hits ...or another dager on ue and exiting advanture and with that P.atack we can exp normaly as dagers !!

< Requiescat in pace >

RPG club



pff i remember in c4 7-8k stab crit dmg from aw on archer that was dmg not the sh1t that is now.Give back power to blows, HB=dagger era, but not here in DN what a big joke.
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


Quote from: thehunted on December 31, 2009, 07:47:30 PM
Ah by the way, as any real dagger lover will agree with me; this update from Track was 'ok'. Sure daggers have more power then before, but like it is now, we do more damage with melee hits compared to stabs. A way of playing we did not make a dagger for.
so what for is dagger made? from always daggers was considered as a chars that need biggest skill and knowlage to play them well, after this came up IL with insane lethal rate and every faking newb with no grade dagger could win fight in few seconds. Anyway point is that, all kind of "balance" DN make it even more unbalanced, after all those boosts mages are now monsters, daggers get boost just b4 atribute system what was a failure considering atributes iteselfs should incres their dmg a lot, but now when they get boost just forget about atributes or remove boost.
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sali on December 31, 2009, 04:54:21 PM
wowowo hold on with this best pw/tk.... u got big  mouths for sure, but no skill to call urself best, keep that in mind.
Korina is right, daggers started to truly suck at hb, b4 they were totaly playable, and after boost its pure pleasure for a good daggers who can rape  every1, while low skilled fags coming to forum and cry.

said who? haha dude I'm the only tk/pw on server playing 1 char (actively) 4 years, the second is Astri who didnt play as much as I. I was always waitin for some skilled guy in same class but there in non till now. No1 knows better than me that char. If you show me other tk/pw except me and astri with top EQ, uber skills, balls to rush etc, who was hero min. 1 time I give you all my EQ (ups there is none, only me and Astri matching haha). I pwned 90% chars on this server, as I said I know every tactic, skill etc of this char. So after all those years and pwning time I can happily say I'm the best dagger in that class and NM wont see better (active) dagger/tank (except Astri :)) than me.
That would be all about my super time pwning on countless sieges, masses telling ppl what to do to play correctly ( hi Asgalus, the best tactic CL, the best amazing sieges owning >2x bigger enemy).

So if you don't like my point of view ( I think I know it better than you haha, coz don't rememba you as a active player since 4 years + you know a shiit about daggers) better start to write me some funny disagree note.

I don't like when some says freaking shiit coz I think I made alot nice shiit and "brave actions" during sieges,masses etc  so STFU plz jealous boy.
About hero, ye I wrote it for fun, the meaning of it is I was first, for a long time since ppl didnt start to transfer + none of them could ever pwn me out of town :/ cruel buffs

ty for attention my attention jealous whores (I modestly wont let some faglet to write a shiit about me coz I also modestly think I wrote nice history pages on NM server). U have some flamefood (sad normal and good players are not on this forum, those good ones do not post a shiit :/)

happy new year :))))
I had a foken nice party, hope you had the same :*


Quote from: Sali on January 01, 2010, 10:28:45 PM
so what for is dagger made? from always daggers was considered as a chars that need biggest skill and knowlage to play them well, after this came up IL with insane lethal rate and every faking newb with no grade dagger could win fight in few seconds. Anyway point is that, all kind of "balance" DN make it even more unbalanced, after all those boosts mages are now monsters, daggers get boost just b4 atribute system what was a failure considering atributes iteselfs should incres their dmg a lot, but now when they get boost just forget about atributes or remove boost.

What a load of bullcrap.. The boost is based on how things were before the attribute system. Everyone has more power now due to the attribute system, so the same thing should be granted to daggers as well.

And what for daggers are made.. For murdering characters with powerfull STABS and all their other skills, not with spamming F1.
Flatline Delivery:
