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Mages+Warrior P Atk

Started by R3mm, June 22, 2011, 06:02:18 AM

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i dont see the point of this topic tbh all mage/fighter combos was a kinde of balanced in the last 2 months before we went in gracia  now with the new choronical they forgot to check the staking masterys anyway  the only unbalance now problem and why the mages are most  OP is coz  the new gracia futher  ressit buffs  nothing els what`s mean  ressit water wind holy unholy and what ever we have songs`s dance now not droping the mage dmg in %  kust simple add attributs in ur stats ye ok gracia futher   yes atributs help alot to drop  dmg no mether fighter mage but is a problem that in gracia final we dont have duble atribut in 1 part armor to can at last make  2 parts each elemental atack + some buffs  to rich aorund 400 what will help alot  but nscoft  did not think on that in gracia they fix it that in epilog  in epilog u can put 2-3 atributs  in 1 part so we all know next new chronical is good dream  so our soulutions is  help by gms to balance this or rerroll on mages  and ofc best mage combo tank/mage who will get  from archers max 600 dmg and will deal 1k-2k normal hits + incrased cirtical rate

So guys injoy in spam topic  and soon all will be solved  cheers


So guys injoy in spam topic  and soon all will be solved  cheers

Im amazed how youre so confident being such an ignorant person, 400 water defense as attribute, 2k+ m def with protection of rune, elemental, holy etc, songs, dances, water def, WATER DEF POT and the normal hit on me was 1k.

While my damage having over 9,000 p atk, queen cat buff, dances, cov, berserker, AQ, Baium, Certifications, IC+8 LVL9, was 2k on an EE/SPS. IF CRITICAL, if not 200.

If you state that this is ok then, my friend you are just talking to yourself.
Now please, GM Team if you are going to balance stuff, why did you literally DESTROYED the mage+warrior subclass combo?, why dont you DESTROY the tank+warrior as well? or why dont you do the same "stacking fix" to any other subclass combo?


Quote from: R3mm on June 23, 2011, 02:43:18 AM
So guys injoy in spam topic  and soon all will be solved  cheers

Im amazed how youre so confident being such an ignorant person, 400 water defense as attribute, 2k+ m def with protection of rune, elemental, holy etc, songs, dances, water def, WATER DEF POT and the normal hit on me was 1k.

While my damage having over 9,000 p atk, queen cat buff, dances, cov, berserker, AQ, Baium, Certifications, IC+8 LVL9, was 2k on an EE/SPS.

If you state that this is ok then, my friend you are just talking to yourself.
Now please, GM Team if you are going to balance stuff, why did you literally DESTROYED the mage+warrior subclass combo?, why dont you DESTROY the tank+warrior as well? or why dont you do the same "stacking fix" to any other subclass combo?

Donno where u read it in my  post that i say  that mage`s not hit u  hard i say it that atributs  in armor   are the only this what can drop the mage dmg  i did not say they will hit u 200 if u have full ressit vs some mage  dude before each elemental ressit was working  20-30%  lowering mage dmg   what`s mean  if u have his attribut + 30% elemental protection +20% water essit  +elemental song 20%  calucalte the dmg  that mage will hit  u  { not sure if  was corect % on  the buffs resist  but was around that numbers } so  there u go ur asnwer  from god dark elf mage u can resive now 2-3k normal dmg not ciritcal if u dont have any atribut in ur armor  so 1 k i wont count it like a high dmg


The fact here:

Subclass Combo
Tank+Warrior result: either the warrior class got benefits from tank class or tank class got benefits from warrior class.
Tank+Mage result: the mage class gets benefits from tank buffs and skills
summoner+mage: transfer of pain, casting speed and reuse delay and cubics are given as bonus due to stacking subclasses.
Warrior+Warrior: same thing, stacking skills or passive skills for example th+he boost atk speed and critical dmg and rate are increased as well as evasion and speed.

But what about mage + warrior?
Havent you realized that you have literally desotryed this subclass combo? the benefits SHOULD be p atk and atk speed as well as m def, thats why many of us picked this particular subclass combo.

GM Team, I know youre trying to balance the clases but put it this way, each subclass combo has its own benefits and what you have done is literaly destroyed the mage+warrior BENEFITS, so what is the point now of having a prophet+warrior?


I didnt read all posts from the last page...but some points

@the guy that got raped by es/sps (u got pwnt bcuz he used light against you, water resist wont save you)
My point is: There are 5 (max) es/sps that i know @ the server, all of them use Light and Water in weapons (2 weapons obviously ;D), but @ pvp, 90% use holy (including me)

@1500 casting cap: LOL'ed... Arcane Agility is already useless for elfs bcuz Summoners can have 2500 with the passives well enchanted.. 1500 is acumen + zerk for me (and i havent dnet/vesper or w/e...but i still do low dmg bcuz of mine itens [not complaining, just dont want to listen "OMFG, all mages are OP" bcuz of this comment])

Archers arent supposed to have 1500 atk all the time lol...bows are slow...what do u want? daggers can easely get it, the points that they'll not gain, not are the same diference that elfs wont, since isnt all daggers who reach it w/o passive cert.

If u guys want to have 2k atk spd / 500 crit rate / 8k p.atk / kill any1 in 3 crit max...go play some wtflol pvp server


Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: R3mm on June 23, 2011, 02:43:18 AM

While my damage having over 9,000 p atk,

And that was normal? ;) Believe, it wasn't at all, compared to other combos, same race.
Where from you got that mistake that PP subclass for HE was intended to add pattack from weapon masteries stack? That was fix years ago, maybe you didn't played here; then you could simply ask on "nooby boards"


Quote from: R3mm on June 23, 2011, 04:43:54 AM
The fact here:

Subclass Combo
Tank+Warrior result: either the warrior class got benefits from tank class or tank class got benefits from warrior class.
Tank+Mage result: the mage class gets benefits from tank buffs and skills
summoner+mage: transfer of pain, casting speed and reuse delay and cubics are given as bonus due to stacking subclasses.
Warrior+Warrior: same thing, stacking skills or passive skills for example th+he boost atk speed and critical dmg and rate are increased as well as evasion and speed.

But what about mage + warrior?
Havent you realized that you have literally desotryed this subclass combo? the benefits SHOULD be p atk and atk speed as well as m def, thats why many of us picked this particular subclass combo.

GM Team, I know youre trying to balance the clases but put it this way, each subclass combo has its own benefits and what you have done is literaly destroyed the mage+warrior BENEFITS, so what is the point now of having a prophet+warrior?
No, these shouldn't be since you already have a masteries that give you those bonuses
And obviously all those ppl who are actually crying for those stacking masteries aren't old player and don't know that they were fixed in past.
Bajchos  Eon  plavusha



Quote from: DarkLoverPL on June 22, 2011, 11:57:02 PM
1,5k cast for mage... hahahahahah!then try make buff with that cast!! just LOL!!
guys:all mages have less p def/m def like wariors so mages must have more cast for use hit/heal in same time...its simply!

less p def?? me mage got 2,7k on self in fokin robe xD
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


Quote from: DarkLoverPL on June 23, 2011, 02:06:57 AM
hit/heal i mean: 1xhit,2x heal..
i play on sps/ee and  IMHO cast 1999 ist good(but since HB 2,5 ...my lovely...:PPPP ).with that cast i can vs archer/dager hit him and heal myself.on cast 1,5 hmm...its  hard stay alive...

You just prove what i meant. On retail you nuke because your a mage or you heal because your a healer. Since here we have sub, the fact that u cannot heal+nuke and kill people is not a reason to not reduce cast speed.


Quote from: Neozinhu on June 23, 2011, 06:07:40 AM
I didnt read all posts from the last page...but some points

@the guy that got raped by es/sps (u got pwnt bcuz he used light against you, water resist wont save you)
My point is: There are 5 (max) es/sps that i know @ the server, all of them use Light and Water in weapons (2 weapons obviously ;D), but @ pvp, 90% use holy (including me)

@1500 casting cap: LOL'ed... Arcane Agility is already useless for elfs bcuz Summoners can have 2500 with the passives well enchanted.. 1500 is acumen + zerk for me (and i havent dnet/vesper or w/e...but i still do low dmg bcuz of mine itens [not complaining, just dont want to listen "OMFG, all mages are OP" bcuz of this comment])

Archers arent supposed to have 1500 atk all the time lol...bows are slow...what do u want? daggers can easely get it, the points that they'll not gain, not are the same diference that elfs wont, since isnt all daggers who reach it w/o passive cert.

If u guys want to have 2k atk spd / 500 crit rate / 8k p.atk / kill any1 in 3 crit max...go play some wtflol pvp server


This cap mostly affect and screw up daggers.

Sure, archers cant have these stats. But a mage can have 2.5kpdef 2.5k cast, 8k matk, and new insane crit rate. We are a like u call "wtflol pvp server"


Quote from: stanko on June 23, 2011, 09:19:51 AM
No, these shouldn't be since you already have a masteries that give you those bonuses
And obviously all those ppl who are actually crying for those stacking masteries aren't old player and don't know that they were fixed in past.

Not all, I remember playing my sr/es in old times, with a carnage bow, gsa and dance had over 1.6k attack speed, and pof was self buff only, so no pof.

Then, they removed the light armor atk speed stack and made patk stack bonus. At that point we were able to use pof. I would say at this time, indeed fighter/mage combo where overpowered.

Then they removed them, imo it was fair.

Then came more resistance against crits/bow attack and now i think something should have been reconsidered


Quote from: Zippey on June 22, 2011, 01:36:08 PM
Stop crying cos ur archer dun kill mages with 2 hits anymore, I can speak from fact here that there are some archer on server who still deal large damage (8k+) to full buffed mages. So not only do you want to outrun & outrange mages you also want 2 hits to kill, how about GM make new skill called Mage freeze for archer, when archer targets mage they freeze and can't hit back.  Will you be happy then???

2 things about OP archers:
1. 4-5 archers with highly enchanted euquipment is not equal with "archers". (on last siege i got 18830 crit dmg from a mage, should i tell from now that the mages hits 18k? not...)
2. when theese nerfs were badly needed, the mages had only maja/dc robes but now all have better sets, better pdef and tons of archer resist buffs what we did not have in C4. Now the archers have only nerfed or non working skills and they lost a lot of attack speed too. I think now they are weaker compared to mages than in the HB, so here is the time to think over it. :)

Quote from: ylim on June 26, 2011, 04:40:35 PM
Sethan u always were a tard and ur parents feel it's bug but actualy its not