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Respawn time of epic bosses [Frintenza,Baium,Valakas,Anthatas] - Page 10



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Respawn time of epic bosses [Frintenza,Baium,Valakas,Anthatas]

Started by N!k, April 30, 2014, 08:27:21 PM

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Maybe making the rates x15 or x20, as we curriently have x10 on higher lvl it's do-able and seems fine in my eyes. But was it enough to bring people back that quit cause of the previous low rates? And if the rates would get higher, will the ones that exp'd on such low rates get mad and leave cause of it? I hope not.

If option 1 isnt the right thing to do, maybe announce in advance (a date) that the server will have a serious exp/sp boost for a week or so. Would be good for new/returning players and people that play now would have a chance lvling their buffers or retails. Important to spread the word if such week is coming.

Voting would seem essential, but lets be honest that barely noone does it. Its easy to say that it doesnt give us anything in return but in fact it would mean a more populated server. Still people just wont feel urged to vote, which I can understand somehow. So in the end make voting give a reward. IP/char based items (non tradable) which you can trade at an npc for tattoo's / horn etc etc. Just make it interesting enough that people will actually start voting. One thing I'm not sure if its possible, but maybe place links of pvp movies on the voting website(s) we are registerd too?

Allowing tripplebox, you wont have to depend on ur online in the clan to actually start a pvp. That new "CP" is just wack in my eyes, it just doesnt bring that much pvp's besides on epics. We can all remember varka times with people having 2 buffers that was fine till you get zerged and you can call ur clan mates.

I've heard/noticed that sieges arent really attractive to be at. Maybe there should be some extra reward for a clan obtaining a castle?

May sound stupid and nerdish, but I came across the idea of making some PVP mobile app. In the app, you can select a place / time that your clan will be there to pvp. No chat or something allowed in the app, just the basic stuff. It would be something new which im sure there isnt another server with it. It's just a basic concept and I'm sure someone else can evolve the idea.


Why not make the rates 100x and all stuff by GMshop, and donate for 50+ enchant. I lvled freaking spoiler from 40 to 76 in 5 days of casual play. I mean like its getting too easy by this point. If i was new I would not join cause rates would be too high aka everyone would have everything. And surprise, L2 is not a game about that.

About tripplebox, nope it will not "increase pvp" geez. And I really do not remember people doing that on Varka ever. I remember getting banned on old infi for dualboxing once for 14 days tho.

The same the mobile app... I mean WTF are you smoking/drinking. Your entire post is just.... so wrong.
Considering the fact you want X-boxing and easy high rates are standard for you, I assume you come from Dragon. Pls Drake don't let this place end like Dragon.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: LadyZENITH on May 18, 2014, 02:28:51 PM
Why not make the rates 100x and all stuff by GMshop, and donate for 50+ enchant. I lvled freaking spoiler from 40 to 76 in 5 days of casual play. I mean like its getting too easy by this point. If i was new I would not join cause rates would be too high aka everyone would have everything. And surprise, L2 is not a game about that.

About tripplebox, nope it will not "increase pvp" geez. And I really do not remember people doing that on Varka ever. I remember getting banned on old infi for dualboxing once for 14 days tho.

The same the mobile app... I mean WTF are you smoking/drinking. Your entire post is just.... so wrong.
Considering the fact you want X-boxing and easy high rates are standard for you, I assume you come from Dragon. Pls Drake don't let this place end like Dragon.

Didn't I say the rate we have now is good enough? "casual" play, you mean like 8 hours a day? "L2 is not a game about that..." why are you playing here then? IL isnt really a farm chronicle you know. Explain to us why the majority of server left then.

How you know it wont work when u cant remember people doing that 'ever'? Its the smaller pvp's that lead to larger ones.

Now I understand why ur "sorta" known as an retard on forum. You enlarge things that havent been said + your only thinking about what you want.

If infinity was so great in the end, tell me why it merged with NM/Dragon? And explain why the majority of infinity players now left the server? Rates werent low enough? Are you even sure this is the right server for you? All I can see from you is complains after complains. Anyway enjoy ur frustrations and stress by a game haha.


By casual I understand 3 hours a day. If you are not effective you are a bad player its not a fault of the game.

Infinity merged with dragon years after its demise. The core infinity was killed by Drake in the summer 2007. I remember it totally clearly cause I was there and it was my quit time as well. Server was killed by Hlapex exploit, an adena dupe that completely ruined the economy, which resulted in about 50% of the people leaving.

Those who remained still played until donations became zero (cause none has a need to donate for anything) thus drake introduced DNsets and absurd donations which led to complete death and the server mergig. That.

I alsready explained why most left here, so once more for you. Cause they cannot take it. They suck. You know they cannot take being outgrinded outgeared and slaughtered on bosses they need to progress furter in the game. On old infi mega ally would get formed to overthtrorw "the tyrant" here not, people changed, if they cant get stuff instantly they QQ and leave, so half left like that, second half left by asslicking the best, getting all instantly and then "upps its boring cause I have none to fight" - leave. That's how it happened. Those people left after getting up, not on low levels crying for rates. That only few Dragon players did way later after the mass exodus, and drake served them.

You know what, if we are to build a community we need to do it from the players that play now, that trough all of this remained.
Do not call me a retard I did not call you that way either. I'm not retard I'm just not selfish and I want a fair game, and personal pvp count was never a factor in my book. That makes me the enemy of most, so be it, there is little care, especially for the Dragon players that know nothing.

PS. Yes I will always rage, insult and attack the people that seek to ruin the server, like you.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Zenith/Infinity - Shillien Templar/Ghost Hunter (80/80)
Innova EU Core - Sigel Eva's Templar (99) // Wynn Spectral Master (99)


Quote from: LadyZENITH on May 18, 2014, 02:28:51 PM
Why not make the rates 100x and all stuff by GMshop, and donate for 50+ enchant.

becuz that would be extremely too much.


Quote from: LadyZENITH on May 18, 2014, 03:22:03 PM
By casual I understand 3 hours a day. If you are not effective you are a bad player its not a fault of the game.

Infinity merged with dragon years after its demise. The core infinity was killed by Drake in the summer 2007. I remember it totally clearly cause I was there and it was my quit time as well. Server was killed by Hlapex exploit, an adena dupe that completely ruined the economy, which resulted in about 50% of the people leaving.

Those who remained still played until donations became zero (cause none has a need to donate for anything) thus drake introduced DNsets and absurd donations which led to complete death and the server mergig. That.

I alsready explained why most left here, so once more for you. Cause they cannot take it. They suck. You know they cannot take being outgrinded outgeared and slaughtered on bosses they need to progress furter in the game. On old infi mega ally would get formed to overthtrorw "the tyrant" here not, people changed, if they cant get stuff instantly they QQ and leave, so half left like that, second half left by asslicking the best, getting all instantly and then "upps its boring cause I have none to fight" - leave. That's how it happened. Those people left after getting up, not on low levels crying for rates. That only few Dragon players did way later after the mass exodus, and drake served them.

You know what, if we are to build a community we need to do it from the players that play now, that trough all of this remained.
Do not call me a retard I did not call you that way either. I'm not retard I'm just not selfish and I want a fair game, and personal pvp count was never a factor in my book. That makes me the enemy of most, so be it, there is little care, especially for the Dragon players that know nothing.

PS. Yes I will always rage, insult and attack the people that seek to ruin the server, like you.

I know for a fact that you said you would leave if 10x rates were accepted...


Quote from: remeron on May 18, 2014, 04:01:53 PM
becuz that would be extremely too much.

10x on lv80 is not extremly too much already? :D

from creation 1 nobles char max 5 day if u have bad luck with sub rbs, baium and barakiel


Quote from: LadyZENITH on May 18, 2014, 11:56:23 AM
There is no "immunity" just lower landrate. Well It's up to drake to see the balance I have no clue how real landrateof stuns and debuffs is on people equipped with this stuff anyway, and we can easily be facing a situation that someone here failed to stun 5x in a row (absolutely normal unless it is shield stun) and it gave him tears.

in interlude 15x, I had full rb set all along, my rate of getting debuffed and stunned was too very rare..


Quote from: ZeniT on May 18, 2014, 04:18:01 PM
10x on lv80 is not extremly too much already? :D

from creation 1 nobles char max 5 day if u have bad luck with sub rbs, baium and barakiel

opinions vary depending on person, play-style...its like theory of relativity, as u might have already known..most of community prefer easier gameplay, and I am fine with their choices to a certain, reasonable extent ofcourse, unlike you....and bear in mind, I dont have problems with rates myself, but a lot of ppl had...which ruins it for me since I need to see players to enjoy the game.....

a server's first need is players..and, given the fact l2 is an item-based game rather than exp-based, you gotta ensure customer satisfaction,  to adjust the features according to their choices,their availability...that's where Dnet made the mistake, failed to foresee this, they ignored any opposing ideas and suggestions prior to server oppening...maybe they were feeling over-confident about their fame..
Apparently, gms paid a lot effort to deliver a long-lasting enjoyable server. I'll give em that..but, much to all of our surprise, it backfired...
plz, grow up, and stop constantly  bringing up the rates issues...there is nothing u can do, u never had...


Quote from: remeron on May 18, 2014, 04:15:58 PM
I know for a fact that you said you would leave if 10x rates were accepted...
And I did. I planned to start playing Archeage and the plans changed unfortunately (cause the game has too many security holes and too much stuff client-side based and after consulting players from RU servers that played it I decided to drop it and see what happens here). So I started here a fresh abandoning my old main cause I made it in good belive of remaking my old char from Infi.. well... drake did his tweaks and now.... I do not like that useless nerfed shit that gets oneshotted by anyone with proper jewels and tattoo. Everyone just wants it for the buffs, resists and for PVE well suck my non-existing dk pls. I can log it on trialbox if that is what it takes.

So yep, making new char that is mostly for fun, and those ridiculously high rates actually allowed me to do it cause normally it would be pain to ever lvl up. Ironic right.... the high rates made me leave my lvl 80 completed char with S, noble and 3 retails... yet later they got me back to make new char that would otherwise be idiotic to play. Well it still is, but at least its possible to level. That is a huge paradox I know. But what matters is what  I saw yesterday on Baium. There was long PVP with many sides, it looked great. Also, there were a lot of newbies going for retail. So the leavers left and we got a new players here. Let it be, I think as is the server is doing fine. We need to remove or change the crit damage tattoo and it may even be kinda balanced.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: LadyZENITH on May 18, 2014, 04:55:56 PM
And I did. I planned to start playing Archeage and the plans changed unfortunately (cause the game has too many security holes and too much stuff client-side based and after consulting players from RU servers that played it I decided to drop it and see what happens here). So I started here a fresh abandoning my old main cause I made it in good belive of remaking my old char from Infi.. well... drake did his tweaks and now.... I do not like that useless nerfed shit that gets oneshotted by anyone with proper jewels and tattoo. Everyone just wants it for the buffs, resists and for PVE well suck my non-existing dk pls. I can log it on trialbox if that is what it takes.

So yep, making new char that is mostly for fun, and those ridiculously high rates actually allowed me to do it cause normally it would be pain to ever lvl up. Ironic right.... the high rates made me leave my lvl 80 completed char with S, noble and 3 retails... yet later they got me back to make new char that would otherwise be idiotic to play. Well it still is, but at least its possible to level. That is a huge paradox I know. But what matters is what  I saw yesterday on Baium. There was long PVP with many sides, it looked great. Also, there were a lot of newbies going for retail. So the leavers left and we got a new players here. Let it be, I think as is the server is doing fine. We need to remove or change the crit damage tattoo and it may even be kinda balanced.

long story short, you mean to say you were wrong in strongly opposing rate-increase idea...well, that's what I inferred from your text...so, don't mistake it for a paradox...
and besides, high rates weren't the reason u left, it was your stubborness, it was those useless ideas in your head...
to conclude, I agree that server is doing fine compared to other servers..but not doing fine compared to what it could have been..