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Started by wildpussy, May 13, 2009, 09:13:58 PM

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topic is made for find fast answers for what most ppl of infintiy / dragon are instered
post here questions, i try update topic! people from nightmare answer pls :D

QuoteAugments, single target went to mass target  => prominence's power droped from 110 to 55, same with solar flare.
However, mana burn augment has same reuse as the normal skill manaburn (=nerfed), still single target, same with shadow flare (110 power).

Dyn's bonuses reduced (not 100% sure but 12% c speed, 12% matk etc, reduced right?)?

dyn jew set donny = 20 coin
dyn weap donny = 125 coin
icarus weap donny = 200 coin

forgotten scrolls (needed for new HB's skills third class) not at donny, yet.
Crystals are at donny, till lvl 15, if i remember good stage 13 = 18 coins, stage 14 24 (or 28) coins, stage 15 32 coins.
skill enchant rates lvl 81+ are of 34% concerning third class's skills.

Instant mana pots. (bug) (ftl :>)
Tatoos aren't working. (bug)  <- fixed

And RBs....boosted big time?

songs' duration, while being enchanted to +9, is 3 mins.

Summon lore skill can be enchanted on two ways : power and .... power.
unholy resist can be enchanted 3 ways : time/ power / cost.

Can't see the success rate enchanting skills under lvl 80, but i tried, i tried 8 times to +1, failed 8 times  Wink

Hero weap... working fine  Cool The monk's one hand row has 226 matk for instance, and AM+A+8 = 227 matk.
New masks at oly monument, for healers / Tanks/ daggers/ Bow users/ sumoners/ etc.
Can only be worn by heros and according to your class ( tank can use the tank mask only etc), canniot be traded.
price of eas/eab/eaa ews/ewb/ewa beab....well, same price as in IL, actually the only item that had his price changed at oly monument is bog.
Had no lag at all, no even the small delay i had all the time on IL  Tongue

Wondering about :
So promised subsystem on retail by drake
Mutants' max lvl
Effect of mana burn active augment
Top ls's drop rate, tynranosaure's respawn time
-fist fury works only with fists
-clan royal guard / order leader now works UPDATE: it's again bugged/disabled
-raids have much bigger pdef
-trigger augments (the ones that give buff) have a huge starting reuse, and low duration :<
-command channel works

im interested in:
how FOI / other lvl 80 class skills works now?
does OL have clan buff and BP have clan mass-ress instead of ally buff/ress?
lvl 9/10 alliance level exists? any new clan skills?
magic critical rate?
mirage fixed?
anything new on raids?
frintezza is there?
fist fury work with all weapons or fist only?
trigger augment (buff) is now only 2 minute? how much is reuse once u equip weapon ?(i heard 8 mins lol)

anyone has any new skills from lvl 78+ yet? (song of archery resist, 81 skills...)
do i need lvl 80 to wear dinasty armor now?
are lethals in any way changed?
do lvl 70 and above characters get more accuarcy, evasion,... (see dag's post)
can kamael's be subbed with other races?
is there a bug in elemental protection? (somewhere i found that prophecy buffs remove it...)


lvl 9/10 clan may be you mean - probably, but havent enough rp and items for check.
fist fury - only with fists
raid boss - very big boost in p def

for other your question i cant answer you atm.
p.s. set of leader on royal guards and order of knights now work well.


Nothing work normal. HB is a piece of sh*t in DN... Nothing more to say... :-\


Quote from: SyD on May 13, 2009, 09:37:05 PM
Nothing work normal. HB is a piece of sh*t in DN... Nothing more to say... :-\

fock you .... so why you the hell you play here??

you dont like it gtfo.... Easy

[url=http://tnij.org/poprawnie]Piszę poprawnie po polsku[/url]


Quote from: digunan on May 13, 2009, 09:33:43 PM
lvl 9/10 clan may be you mean - probably, but havent enough rp and items for check.
fist fury - only with fists
raid boss - very big boost in p def

for other your question i cant answer you atm.
p.s. set of leader on royal guards and order of knights now work well.
thx for some info :)



ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


couldnt kill golky with 30 ppl......

Armaggeddon bish/necro
Glock  PR/bd
Pr0phecy  TH/pp
and 5 more subbed char...


Quote from: wildpussy on May 13, 2009, 09:13:58 PM
trigger augment (buff) is now only 2 minute? how much is reuse once u equip weapon ?(i heard 8 mins lol)

Seems as if the reuse time differs between the augments... but yeah the reuse is much longer, so if you like me have diffrent trigger augments on c-grade weapons they are completely useless now since you have to stand there for like 3 minutes with a c-grade weapon in hand for the augment to even charge up.



wild u forgot something :)

lethal landing rate increased?
rapid fire still have 900 range or decrased to 600 now?
copy paste: The following combat stats have been increased significantly for players who are level 70 and higher:
* Accuracy & Evasion
* Critical Rate
* Magic Resistance
These stats will increase even higher for players who are level 78 and higher........ true?

An additional effect for Aggression and Hate Aura has been added. This new effect has a chance to lock your enemy's target onto you for three seconds. (pls tell me NOT implemented :D)

and: trackzero said that dynasty jewels from shop have no bonuses, the ones dropped by epic raids have some bonus .....
anyone dropped them? or have news about what kind of bonus is applied?
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Quote from: Alex on May 14, 2009, 01:39:06 AM
"mirage fixed?" ???

пиздец я его ещё даже не выучил его уже пофиксили, куда дальше дагерщиков фиксят пидары.
Tarantula - on
Sinatr - sr\...

Dragon - off
Pizdec - ty\pal+n off
Olman - pr\bd+n off



Quote from: Dag on May 14, 2009, 01:11:49 PM
and: trackzero said that dynasty jewels from shop have no bonuses, the ones dropped by epic raids have some bonus .....
anyone dropped them? or have news about what kind of bonus is applied?
The Dyna jewellery set from Donny are the original jewels, they give the max M def possible and the MP bonus etc.

The Special Dyna jewellery dropped from Raids can give additional bonusses (such as +20% stun resist, +20% poison resist etc.) but the M def of these jewellery is extremely low (close to D grade ones) so personally kinda useless.


Quote from: Dag on May 14, 2009, 01:11:49 PM
rapid fire still have 900 range or decrased to 600 now?

i was decreased x months ago...
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