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I officially ROFLED xD

Started by Deavon, May 20, 2009, 04:48:35 AM

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Quote from: leobruno on May 22, 2009, 08:01:22 PM
"im bad, im kill pwn all bla bla bla" ... kids.  ::)
you forgot the part: "I don't have a life, a girlfriend, friends, but my char pwnz"


Quote from: Khaot on May 21, 2009, 09:41:05 PM
Asgalus is Asgalus.Emtee is Emtee.
Asga back ? lolololl wtf with this old man ?  ;D
Ex Member of : Stormriders / WarKings / Sins / BlackHand
SoulOfLight Hawkeye/Warlock --Deleted
SoulOfHeaven Necro/Bishop --- Alive but naked
SoulOfHell  BladeDancer/Prophet (best buff bot) --->
work on another player



Bad music choice..... but always fun to see some PvP.



Quote from: our4n0s on May 20, 2009, 01:34:37 PM
that bars of the EB guy recording movie are lame, the way the guy played is even more lame than his bars !
the toogles/ buffs he used are quite lame too !
Apart of that, he s good !
My suggestion? reroll to archer and stick to f1.

Ps : Yoshimo s good, quite a god compared to his mates

About what EB guy r u talking ? Do u see any crest on that guy ? He was there pming me "invite me in party i will help".

Quote from: Deavon on May 20, 2009, 04:48:35 AM
Dudes seriously why u hiding those piece of art from our forum xD
I took a look to a known pvpvideo site and i discoverd this awesome pvp video by TEMPS xDD

Oh yes its real its not any kind of joke XD


p.s:  its funny how that zerg dieing like rats by 1 pt of CB xDDDD
p.s2: that super healer got awesome healing skills ,i would like to pay him to join our side xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

what u understand by 1 party,  enlight me pls ? I told u that u have serious counting problems cos m8.... 15 is not 9. When u say we r 1 party and u upload a movie with u being smth like 13-14 ppl u just prove your counting issues.

Quote from: Diabolical on May 20, 2009, 03:13:24 PM
me , hellzstormer , herza that were the mages and moule i guess .. dont remember the bp tbh we had none .. the mass heals were the SE one :)

pssstttt .. im still challenging u for 9 vs 9 or 18 vs 18 or whatever the number u wanna put, lets get this done for once and stop being a chicken :P

Domacica wasnt with u, right ? :).  I think the "godlike" effect affects your eyes and u cant count your m8s. Could be a syndrome ? :P

So till now i read 1st 3 pages and i saw how "1 party powned the entire TEMP ally" :) I go read more is funny :)


Quote from: Zuluman on May 22, 2009, 10:11:51 AM
Hmmmm show me somewhere I have made a cry topic, flame topics maybe but cry topice definatly not.

Show me a crytopic made by TEMP... but pls stop saying that all unknown players that made here some idiotical topic are  temp unless u have some proofs.... i could easly say the same story :).

Quote from: Diabolical on May 21, 2009, 06:45:44 PM
how about meeting me alone too ?

ye i would like that :D

Quote from: Jednooki on May 21, 2009, 11:01:32 PM
Dont be soo cruel for them.
Thx Temp for  nice  vid.I had a lot of fun  wathing it :D Make more plox

i doubt  any TEMP upload any video, maybe pawciu on youtube, go search them and u will see TEMP :). Ah i forgot.... zthrx did also =)). BTW,where u will be next year zthrx ? :P


Quote from: Mayia on May 23, 2009, 12:03:50 PM
About what EB guy r u talking ? Do u see any crest on that guy ? He was there pming me "invite me in party i will help".

he is in ur clan as far as i know now ??? .. so he is EB.. crest doesnt matter if he was before or after video in EB clan

Quote from: Mayia on May 23, 2009, 12:03:50 PM

Domacica wasnt with u, right ? :).  I think the "godlike" effect affects your eyes and u cant count your m8s. Could be a syndrome ? :P

I was talking about my party .. i actually deleted the video and wont go to see it again .. but Domacica wasnt in my party and we didnt have bp .. i guess what i said is pretty clear .. and the godlike effect or whatever u like to call it says .. we r better pvpers and u r better farmers and organisers, but since HB we r way more organised and i guess u noticed in sieges / mass pvps at epics and u lose 85 % of ur rushes and rounds

Quote from: Mayia on May 23, 2009, 12:18:16 PM

ye i would like that :D

Romantic place ?

and finally u still dindt take the challenge i said about whoever the number u want from ur clan vs the number from my clan or ally or call whoever u like , lets get it done please




3 parties vs 3 parties anytime anywhere name the place. But  again 1 vs 1 would be much more convenient for me wherever u want whenever u want with what buffs u want.

regarding that "1 party" killed all of  us, i hope things r clear now, that u were actualy 15 ppl not 1 pt as some1 said when this topic started. no1 asked  who was in your party, we just said u werent 1 pt, btw kraven was there also.... so count again how many u were :). And i would rly love to enlight me in 1 more matter... from where u have the illusion that we were 3 parties there ?... So.... afterall this topic is kind of a big failure but.... who cares bring it on \thanos u need  more useless posts and topics in here aint u ? :)

PS: 85% of our rounds we failed ? since u made this ally we had smth like: 2x Baium, 1 Antharas, 1 valakas, 3 sieges, and from all these events we lost only 1 siege.... if this means we failed in 85% of rounds... then maths is not my power point :).




Quote from: Mayia on May 23, 2009, 06:14:19 PM

PS: 85% of our rounds we failed ? since u made this ally we had smth like: 2x Baium, 1 Antharas, 1 valakas, 3 sieges, and from all these events we lost only 1 siege.... if this means we failed in 85% of rounds... then maths is not my power point :).

u lost most of all MASS PVP ROUNDS we had .. u lost antharas pvp and golkies pvp .i wont name everything and speaking of sieges now u lost Giran as u said .. and more coming :P


Quote from: Diabolical on May 23, 2009, 08:40:32 PM
now u lost Giran and more coming :P

Look at our online number:
and even so u need those green guys to take it from us and u say u're omagad, if i were in ur place i wouldent had guts to write smth on this forum about how good u are in pvp. Changeing siege hours weekly ftw. Tbh, i doubt u will take other castles from us, unless someone will change again siege hours without any notice as it happeend this weekend.
Gaellee - game over
Amila - R.I.P.


Quote from: SirAlex on May 23, 2009, 08:54:13 PM
Look at our online number:
and even so u need those green guys to take it from us and u say u're omagad, if i were in ur place i wouldent had guts to write smth on this forum about how good u are in pvp. Changeing siege hours weekly ftw. Tbh, i doubt u will take other castles from us, unless someone will change again siege hours without any notice as it happeend this weekend.

and sheva again like in aden need to use smth strange to come into throne room w/o braking any gates w/o fighting,  just simple 7 minutes to the end o siege and oooo all sheva in throne room how is it possible?  i think i know how but dunno exactly... some skills working not like should and u use it

Nightmare (30x)


Quote from: SirAlex on May 23, 2009, 08:54:13 PM
Look at our online number:
and even so u need those green guys to take it from us and u say u're omagad, if i were in ur place i wouldent had guts to write smth on this forum about how good u are in pvp. Changeing siege hours weekly ftw. Tbh, i doubt u will take other castles from us, unless someone will change again siege hours without any notice as it happeend this weekend.

Kinda funny I see you spamming CP all the time in PvP and siege today yet there is no Cp or CP macros in your skillbar..Jus an observastion :/

Quote from: Mayia on May 23, 2009, 06:14:19 PM
PS: 85% of our rounds we failed ? since u made this ally we had smth like: 2x Baium, 1 Antharas, 1 valakas, 3 sieges, and from all these events we lost only 1 siege.... if this means we failed in 85% of rounds... then maths is not my power point :).

Anyhow we are a new ally, in our first weekend we almost took two castles from you but for a bit of luck on your part and bad organisation on ours. We didn't know about Valakas that afternoon so we won't count that. You got owned at Antharas but we gifted it to you (Which WILL NOT happen again) due to the fact that too many people in our alliance didn't have the quest because we were only there for PvP.

In the last two days we have owned you in a mass PvP @ TOI 11 and taken a castle from you (Beleive me you wern't the onlyone suffering due to siege times being freaked). Our ally is now 1 week and 1 day old and we are already starting to giive temps a run for their money... if I was a temp I would be starting to worry :/
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime