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a form of extorsion

Started by ChillyWilly, June 02, 2009, 04:24:50 AM

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by trying to force us to vote just to get rid of that annoying shit, you just guarenteed I will never again vote for DN


is the only way they can make us vote since they like there

Full Hellbound OFF,x5 x10 x15 x30 x200 rates, over 7000 players! 99% uptime. Custom potions,stackable sub system. Never wiped over 5 years.

Oct 23 2008 4:56PM   B3st   120   28 October 2008, 2:56 pm   ^Elcharro^    insult me
Nov 23 2008 4:24PM   brokie   1200   12 January 2009, 3:24 pm   ^Elcharro^    l2w


voting is not something you should try to MAKE someone do
if you want people to vote for you, give them something worth voting for
annoying them is just a way to convince them to vote for someone else
which I'm considering doing every day untill that crap is gone


1 click from 1 IP in day. 5 clicks = coin (automatically add to charname u write before click). Buy our votes! Like we buy your pixels!
Guarantee 2-3 weeks and Dragon-network in 1-st place. And this is be helpfull to new players in servers. Rich players already have a lot of coins, they don't vote every day, new players recieve additional chance to get good equip, and stay on server. Revival of game process...


Quote from: ChillyWilly on June 02, 2009, 04:24:50 AM
by trying to force us to vote just to get rid of that annoying shit, you just guarenteed I will never again vote for DN
i have to disagree, this vote is necessary for servers so. even if it's annoying.. vote !


Quote from: ChillyWilly on June 02, 2009, 04:24:50 AM
by trying to force us to vote just to get rid of that annoying shit, you just guarenteed I will never again vote for DN
Tbh chillywilly i didn't except so unmature comment from a really nice and mature woman, since you know when we put the vote button on forum and in loader (just aside of all) no1 voted and we have been on position over 50+ which is something that we don't deserve, cause believe it or not our HB client is one of best clients you can find atm, all rest are crap as well as "gracia final! which is lol!!!!", so this is not force or anything this is just a reminder to vote 1x per day which is tbh not hard at all if you are playing on this server and willing to support somehow, posts like this wont help us go any further . About a reason i think we gave you the reason to vote , we are working to make DN a better place updates/fixes and everything but it is a slow process we just need time and everything will fit on right place , but words of support five us hope and more positive energy to do it even more faster , so please try to understand other side then flamers side and you will see we are not that bad. Thanks for reading and hope for understanding.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Quote from: -JM- on June 02, 2009, 05:16:22 AM
is the only way they can make us vote since they like there

Full Hellbound OFF,x5 x10 x15 x30 x200 rates, over 7000 players! 99% uptime. Custom potions,stackable sub system. Never wiped over 5 years.
Yes it is Hellbound OFF (we need tweak up some shit but major things does work as well as security issues), and yes whole DNet have over 7k players . If you was just pointing with big letters then my mistake , ignore me. Cheers
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


You should make the vote banner follow the cursor instead. Now that would be annoying :P

Anyway, since everyone here is lazy as hell i think it's necessary to do something like this. Hope it helps and brings us more players.



I agree with the dorf.... On nm they got gm that can make event and who make it worth theire bread.... on DN what we got? god dam idiots who cant difference spam and theyre own opinion of something... if they disagree? topic moved to spam (thats a modo job, but problem is that this shit reflect on game as well...) if they get pwnd ingame? BAN! Event? its only event for European players... wich is retarded ... let evryone play... juste make it 3-4 hours later if they want to play that bad let them play at midnigth!
The last of his kind
Tk/Es 80 -> sorc 76
Quote from: Brownxtown
he pwns ppl, they see his pink poney and there like OMG GHEY PONEY and they dont hit it then the pony uses its pro pink powers and they die and the dead ppl go WTF PONY HAX



Quote from: TrackZero on June 02, 2009, 12:27:16 PM
Yes it is Hellbound OFF (we need tweak up some shit but major things does work as well as security issues), and yes whole DNet have over 7k players . If you was just pointing with big letters then my mistake , ignore me. Cheers

track, we stilll have the 10x server?

The Ketchup Abuser!


Locking my topic, removing post, how to solve this annoiyng "vote" just shows administration knows, that ppl don't vote not because they are lazy. Some other posts show the reasons.
But always - trying to MAKE someone do something leads to opposite result
For me it's not annoying any more, the rest will post their opinions and you can't delete all of them.


Why would Dragon players vote for Dragonnetwork?
Of course we know that there are on going bug fixes. but have we been told so? No.

We didnt get any information. All the informations are not official, its just rumours.


I accepted that Drake himself changed the rules, to encourage now even more L2walker on dragon. (Feel free to check the weak rules on Dragon yourself Trackzero)

We on Dragon  tolerate weak rules, we tolerate more l2walker users and violations of the rules.
Most tolerate even that we are not Hellbound yet(which youself say, is the best out there and yet Dragon isnt running on hellbound).
And Administration wants sympathy now?

This nuisance is forced upon us. We log the Forum hoping for any news.
We dont care if its Bad News or Good News, as long as its News.
Administration demand some sort of gratitude, while we have every reason to be upset.

I can understand those, who are offended by this new Ad.
Keeping in mind, that we tolerate on Dragon so much allready, i am not surprised if some players wouldnt vote.

In conclusion, the question stays: Why would dragon players vote?
No news, More L2walker, No Hellbound.

Nightmare players should vote though.
They are running on Hellbound, got an active gm giving news that he can provide, got strong rules too.