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how to beat ty/de in new oly



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how to beat ty/de in new oly

Started by HelloWorlds, July 14, 2009, 04:49:32 PM

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heal them instead of hitting them
bison with more than 30% hp and they'll hit like babies
then wait for zealot/frenzy over and make sure they dont reach 30%
while waiting u can debuf them etc.




do not work with more thant 30 % HP

with ty/de is over.


Quote from: HelloWorlds on July 14, 2009, 04:49:32 PM
heal them instead of hitting them
bison with more than 30% hp and they'll hit like babies
then wait for zealot/frenzy over and make sure they dont reach 30%
while waiting u can debuf them etc.
1.Bison p attack bonus is same till 60% and crit rate bonus isn't bad.
2.I can feel hitting like baby only vs RB (and I'm ty/wc)
3.do u know how much speed is chasing u on zealot?
4.2 minutes running to save ur live from frenzy?hm u have to change l2 for any running sport.
5.every heal on that kind of char means 0.5-1 sec that means 50% closer to "u lose xx point's"
6.Tnx for the help

@Nosti zealot is working fine even with full HP and frenzy give some bonus,not ful but it's enough to kill someone like u.


usualy ty/de uses Barrier on start, so before you can heal, you need to run ~10 seconds
if ty/de on frenzy/zealot/bizon and less than 30% hp hits you with blunt.... well mage dies in 1-2 hits, fighters usually can't heal
above 30% hp blunt is useless (100-150 crit rate sux)

BP can heal when barrier is on
ty or glad subs can kill ty/de using barrier and having more defence/hp
dagger can 1 backstab (crit) if lucky

use this info and kill them.. or avoid xD


Quote from: flamingAwe on July 14, 2009, 05:22:39 PM
usualy ty/de uses Barrier on start, so before you can heal, you need to run ~10 seconds
if ty/de on frenzy/zealot/bizon and less than 30% hp hits you with blunt.... well mage dies in 1-2 hits, fighters usually can't heal
above 30% hp blunt is useless (100-150 crit rate sux)

BP can heal when barrier is on
ty or glad subs can kill ty/de using barrier and having more defence/hp
dagger can 1 backstab (crit) if lucky

use this info and kill them.. or avoid xD
also correct


ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on July 14, 2009, 09:58:47 PM
1 backstab xD
yea rofl i got pwned on my Ty/des by a 50 dagger rofl that mother was lucky he lethal me :)

daggers do low dmg so they got 12312309340 chances to hit critical before orc can use zeleot+frenzy+bison etc... :P

One StarWars weapon less.


Quote from: zl4y3r on July 14, 2009, 10:16:56 PM
yea rofl i got pwned on my Ty/des by a 50 dagger rofl that mother was lucky he lethal me :)

daggers do low dmg so they got 12312309340 chances to hit critical before orc can use zeleot+frenzy+bison etc... :P

lol? orc can (and good orcs do it) go frenzy/zealot before fight starts, this is what this topic about


Quote from: zl4y3r on July 14, 2009, 10:16:56 PM
yea rofl i got pwned on my Ty/des by a 50 dagger rofl that mother was lucky he lethal me :)

daggers do low dmg so they got 12312309340 chances to hit critical before orc can use zeleot+frenzy+bison etc... :P

I'm talking about high damage directly in HP of enemy since orcs are usually at 30% or less after match starts. Without defensive buff and with rage need just to catch a moment to backstab him once w/o lame lethals to finish that.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: HelloWorlds on July 14, 2009, 04:49:32 PM
heal them instead of hitting them
bison with more than 30% hp and they'll hit like babies
then wait for zealot/frenzy over and make sure they dont reach 30%
while waiting u can debuf them etc.
only works for noobs orks come vs a real pro u can heal me all u want :) ;D


Quote from: S1x on July 15, 2009, 01:35:43 PM

Making Switch/Trick , Running With Tattos Rabbit on Dash Always ...w8 2 min , UE and go :P
even u don't run 2 minutes