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Started by dusaka, August 26, 2009, 10:50:55 PM

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1. Any private server players, you have no opinion. You're simply not playing aion. At all.

2. More servers have been added to NA East, Germany, and France. This has immensely aleviated the queues. They've also been doing things server side. Like I said, this happens to every new mmo on launch week.

3. If you've played wow or l2, you know aion isn't much like wow at all. Other than you can tell who used to play wow because the continuously jump everywhere like morons as if it makes them go faster. You have wings dumbass.

4. I can't speak for other DN players, but I play on Azphel due to it being the largest population on NA East. Again, don't play private, or you're not playing Aion....at least not till some years of development.


- Ondall - Xeleth - Gronum -  Anadrol - Aldarrel - Asterisk -


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i have 1 year acc in official for aion and im not playing it , my cousin tkg is doing it , why , that game rox , but i have still fun here , and friends , and more important , enemyes . Once that is over , maybe who know what will happen , if it ever over heheh
so stfu and come pvp noobas


Quote from: LUDPSIHOPAT on August 27, 2009, 03:54:23 PM
i think Aion is sux all woodlike a cartoon serial ....
i think same :D




Quote from: Naujokas on September 30, 2009, 03:12:55 PM
i think same :D

Apperently you play with your graphics turned way down. Most youtube vids and screen shots posted on public sites are pixelated and low quality.



He asked where we play :) that's teh server. And ofc it's preferable to have the graphics up when u play a game


mmm can i ask  one thing.... my friend bought Aion can i use his Cd for instal my computer or i need buy game on my own? is there any clan on israphel with DN players or atleast with some Dn players? is any chance that me and my friend get joined ? we will play archer and assasin!???  :)


Quote from: Kaylaar on October 01, 2009, 05:28:09 AM
He asked where we play :) that's teh server. And ofc it's preferable to have the graphics up when u play a game
dam !
would be hard to upgrade xD


Quote from: Lovroo on October 01, 2009, 01:49:40 PM
mmm can i ask  one thing.... my friend bought Aion can i use his Cd for instal my computer or i need buy game on my own? is there any clan on israphel with DN players or atleast with some Dn players? is any chance that me and my friend get joined ? we will play archer and assasin!???  :)

U can get the client from anywhere but u can't play unless u buy it (u need the CD key for the official server). Dunno about dnet players, i hope not lol (but i dont play often enough to know).