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Started by dusaka, August 26, 2009, 10:50:55 PM

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Quote from: XForCE on October 08, 2009, 09:12:15 AM
u know any good l2 gracia server :D ?
uhm, not with stacking subclasses, but if you don't mind,  try Tehgamers.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


OMFG, i bought my aion CD i made acount on PLAYNC but wtf? i dont know how to make game account i tried but after i acept my game acc it just send me to website with payment for play but  on CD it write that i can play for free first 30 days can some one help me pls!


Quote from: vasu on October 07, 2009, 03:44:20 PM
How are you right about it? I stated it: it's actually impossible to learn a language without ever speaking it.
Go on and try to learn a language that way, I'd bet you will fail.

Well if you're gona be a tit and split hairs... OK fine, you have to speak a language to learn it. Yes this is true, and irrelevant to my point. You practice with class mates, friends, family, text books, audio recordings, etc...

My point, yet again reiterated in even simpler terms, is that considering he is not understandable, he should not speak on an english board. Hense why I said "learn english and then speak".

How much simpler would you like me to put it? If I can say a total of 10 words in chinese, I'm not going to make a post on a chinese website. If he can't speak more than 10 words of english, he shouldn't post here.
That is why I am right that people who make no sense when they try to speak english should learn more english before speaking on an english board. That is why am right in saying he made no sense. That is why I am right.

Like I said though, you're only draging this on because I'm me and somehow berating me makes you feel better about yourself.

Quote from: Lovroo on October 08, 2009, 08:39:53 PM
OMFG, i bought my aion CD i made acount on PLAYNC but wtf? i dont know how to make game account i tried but after i acept my game acc it just send me to website with payment for play but  on CD it write that i can play for free first 30 days can some one help me pls!

I would imagine u put your key here:

But i didn't actually buy a physical disc, i just bought it through the site and downloaded it. All I had to do was click "apply serial" after I purchased it.


Indeed. Well, actually a lot of people of this community aren't able to pull out a perfect english, so it's natural for them to grab the opportunity and get to talk to others on an international board. Also it's the fastest way to let others know your opinion, or just find an answer for your question  - since most of the language boards are rather inactive.

So believe it or not, reading texts in english speeds up the method of learning the language, yet it would be rather boring (unless it's a book), if you don't participate in it.
PS.: IE sucks.


I thought it's topic about Aion and L2. Not about English knowledge. :o


Quote from: TheLox on October 09, 2009, 12:12:51 AM
I thought it's topic about Aion and L2. Not about English knowledge. :o
Go back to your mountain. ;)


Quote from: LinK187 on August 29, 2009, 05:11:51 PM
the aion pic you chose wasn't exactly using top settings.... here chek these randoms:
























your char is just ugly or its this pokemon colors that dont impress me... donno really... i prefere something more natural then this.
"ПроÑ,,ессор Mijamoto!  Ð' прикидывании дурачком, лукавсÑ,ве и заумныÑ... высказыванияÑ... Ñ,ебе неÑ, равныÑ...!"
ИмÑ...о, Mijamoto адекваÑ,нее и разумнее большей часÑ,и населения русской веÑ,ки.[img]

DNx15 / l2inc - Dievs, Stalingrad
HRx25 - Dievs, Severance


Quote from: Mijamoto on October 09, 2009, 12:27:34 PM
your char is just ugly or its this pokemon colors that dont impress me... donno really... i prefere something more natural then this.

I've actually noticed since official launch with each update the textures are becoming more well done. As well still frames don't quite give you a good idea as there are many light effects that improve the realism... like wavy vision in extreme heat, etc...

Quote from: vasu on October 08, 2009, 09:21:49 PM
Indeed. Well, actually a lot of people of this community aren't able to pull out a perfect english, so it's natural for them to grab the opportunity and get to talk to others on an international board. Also it's the fastest way to let others know your opinion, or just find an answer for your question  - since most of the language boards are rather inactive.

So believe it or not, reading texts in english speeds up the method of learning the language, yet it would be rather boring (unless it's a book), if you don't participate in it.
PS.: IE sucks.

I said nothing about reading the board. If one finds they are making no sense when they speak, it's not a good idea to try and talk to someone in english. In game is not always the best place to learn because most of your friends are of your nationality and when you speak to people who speak other languages, you use very abreviated L2 shorthand.

End of the day, I don't want to have to try to read posts like that when the board specifies it's an english board.

Quote from: TheLox on October 09, 2009, 12:12:51 AM
I thought it's topic about Aion and L2. Not about English knowledge. :o



new L2 part called   " Lineage 2 Gracia Final Plus "  I read on L2mediaNews that some of 40 lvl 'monster areas' will be replaced by 80 lvl ++in this graci part->(like field of whispers, field of silence, giants cave etc.) > check the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X7Jjp6v6AA&feature=related and new mobs in Giant cave shall looking like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGBicWVnzAQ&feature=related  and mages can do trains http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzoANU7eINk&feature=related
but fighters can do it better http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzi69r35nq0&feature=related

dusaka  WC/DE  since 5.5 years

Kondjo   Warsmith/B.Hunter  BEST CRAFTER in NM



Quote from: dusaka on October 10, 2009, 11:21:25 PM
new L2 part called   " Lineage 2 Gracia Final Plus "  I read on L2mediaNews that some of 40 lvl 'monster areas' will be replaced by 80 lvl ++in this graci part->(like field of whispers, field of silence, giants cave etc.) > check the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X7Jjp6v6AA&feature=related and new mobs in Giant cave shall looking like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGBicWVnzAQ&feature=related  and mages can do trains http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzoANU7eINk&feature=related
but fighters can do it better http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzi69r35nq0&feature=related



I suppose the structure of the giants cave was just too cool and they couldn't make a new area that looked better :p


Quote from: LinK187 on October 11, 2009, 01:56:37 PM
I suppose the structure of the giants cave was just too cool and they couldn't make a new area that looked better :p
i thought the same about IC Sets , but they made better once ;D