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Started by dusaka, August 26, 2009, 10:50:55 PM

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There are a lot of ppl from DN that play in the free server.


Quote from: Kaylaar on October 01, 2009, 05:28:09 AM
He asked where we play :) that's teh server. And ofc it's preferable to have the graphics up when u play a game

If you can play crysis on your box, you can play Aion. It uses the same engine.

Quote from: Kaylaar on October 01, 2009, 03:10:18 PM

U can get the client from anywhere but u can't play unless u buy it (u need the CD key for the official server). Dunno about dnet players, i hope not lol (but i dont play often enough to know).

I can get you the downloader for the old beta client, then just update and you'll have most recent official.

Quote from: Kaylaar on October 01, 2009, 03:10:18 PM

U can get the client from anywhere but u can't play unless u buy it (u need the CD key for the official server). Dunno about dnet players, i hope not lol (but i dont play often enough to know).

If you buy online, you can download it instead of getting a cd.

Quote from: kuko on October 01, 2009, 03:40:29 PM
There are a lot of ppl from DN that play in the free server.

And they're all morons. private servers are nothing like Aion and probly garbage.


The man asked if he can use the same game client as his friend. Yes he can but they won't play together, only share an account, IF he doesn't have another CD key. And actually i dun need anything cause i have it installed, i have 2 CDs and a game key, thanks anyway ^_^


Quote from: Kaylaar on October 01, 2009, 05:09:02 PM
The man asked if he can use the same game client as his friend. Yes he can but they won't play together, only share an account, IF he doesn't have another CD key. And actually i dun need anything cause i have it installed, i have 2 CDs and a game key, thanks anyway ^_^
ty for all infos kylar!
btw im still looking for clan on ISRAPHEL !!!!! :)


I dont play much i'm barely lvl 10, but go to http://www.aionsource.com/forum/israphel-east/ and check out the legions (depending on ur race ofc) and see what suits u best. And hf ;)


Quote from: Kaylaar on October 01, 2009, 05:09:02 PM
The man asked if he can use the same game client as his friend. Yes he can but they won't play together, only share an account, IF he doesn't have another CD key. And actually i dun need anything cause i have it installed, i have 2 CDs and a game key, thanks anyway ^_^

Wrong. They can use the same cd and the same client. He needs to buy another key to attach to his own account.

So in essense just goto ncsoft, make an account if you don't have one. Buy the game and get a key. No need for another cd. I have no cd at all, i downloaded it upon purchase... well would have if i hadn't already had the beta client installed.


Quote from: LinK187 on October 02, 2009, 03:20:36 AM
Wrong. They can use the same cd and the same client. He needs to buy another key to attach to his own account.

So in essense just goto ncsoft, make an account if you don't have one. Buy the game and get a key. No need for another cd. I have no cd at all, i downloaded it upon purchase... well would have if i hadn't already had the beta client installed.
that's what she said anyway... ::)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: LinK187 on September 23, 2009, 03:36:08 PM
Where did prince of persia enter the thread? What is it relevant to?

Quote from: dusaka on September 22, 2009, 06:21:50 pm
better go try  " Prince of Persia "
but this 2 games - hmm,they are so different from Lineage

p.s. Lineage = always inovation,never imitation

the quote about Prince of Persia was for dusaka


u link tarded  go to play Zelda 187 times and still Game Over
go keep trying  Link to the past

and if u dont like my weasel GTFOUT i dont care


Quote from: lilmayer on October 02, 2009, 03:39:23 AM
Quote from: dusaka on September 22, 2009, 06:21:50 pm
better go try  " Prince of Persia "
but this 2 games - hmm,they are so different from Lineage

p.s. Lineage = always inovation,never imitation

the quote about Prince of Persia was for dusaka


u link tarded  go to play Zelda 187 times and still Game Over
go keep trying  Link to the past

and if u dont like my weasel GTFOUT i dont care

FesFes ?


Israphel is offical aion server right i can play on it only with orginal cd that i buyed on my own and with game card buyed from plaync?!

PS: i was thinking to join one of this server's http://aiononline.com/forums/ but now i dont rly know :/


Quote from: Lovroo on October 02, 2009, 11:23:52 AM
Israphel is offical aion server right i can play on it only with orginal cd that i buyed on my own and with game card buyed from plaync?!

PS: i was thinking to join one of this server's http://aiononline.com/forums/ but now i dont rly know :/

U can make only the Elyos now on israphel but yeap, if u by the game u can play on any of those. U can use a game card or p2p (pay/month), depends how much u're planning 2 play :) Go ranger not assasin lol


Quote from: lilmayer on October 02, 2009, 03:39:23 AM
Quote from: dusaka on September 22, 2009, 06:21:50 pm
better go try  " Prince of Persia "
but this 2 games - hmm,they are so different from Lineage

p.s. Lineage = always inovation,never imitation

the quote about Prince of Persia was for dusaka


u link tarded  go to play Zelda 187 times and still Game Over
go keep trying  Link to the past

and if u dont like my weasel GTFOUT i dont care

Sense....this makes none. Learn a language before speaking it please. One  thing I love about playing on Aion NA is that there's none of u foreign freaks. Everyone understands eachother without speaking like a caveman. You simply can't achieve that in L2 priv. I really hope you start playing aion, at least then you would be far away on a euro server where i wouldn't have to hurt my eyes reading your text.

PS, zelda is no more/less relevant to Aion/L2Gracia than prince of persia lol

Quote from: Lovroo on October 02, 2009, 11:23:52 AM
Israphel is offical aion server right i can play on it only with orginal cd that i buyed on my own and with game card buyed from plaync?!

PS: i was thinking to join one of this server's http://aiononline.com/forums/ but now i dont rly know :/

You don't need any cd. Just a key/serial to apply to your ncsoft account.