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drama ps: draks edit your sig

Started by our4n0s, September 01, 2009, 01:31:10 AM

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Quote from: SysTemHacK on September 02, 2009, 12:32:29 PM
20 coins from Kobra enough for altheo to rent his own mother vagina not tricking you lol
that's sad you hate me so much, although you're trully dumb for what you post in forum or even worst ig, so concerning money i dont claim being some emiel but i do have Ks of € on my own, now if 20 € is what you expect to earn in ur 1 month work thats what iearn in 1 h, and i wouldn't sell anything of my mother for any shitz, i would be pleased if you stfu about it


Quote from: lucifsg on September 02, 2009, 12:23:37 PM
Since everyone is stating something here i d have to state that there is no more oly crew (cause of me having some issues with the egowhore) , just altheo asslicking spash atm cause he just found out he is useless alone .

moreover i have to say that furesys char was blocked from beeing heroe just cause the egowhore sold ee status and told me that he has 600 pts and going ee, so basically made me switch to  sws...
anyway there is a oly crew, you re just not part of it, suggest you go pimp drakslord <3


TrackZero our GM just remember that ur not GOD to punish ppl here like that, dont forget that ur just a GM not a GOD, be ur self and focus on this sh1tty server and fix these sh1tty bugs... and for these ppl who hate that person who called Draks ... ,,,l,, for u guys envy him more cuz hes already a HERO now on forum from ur silly topics bla bla bla, get a life and be ur self f4gs and stop this stupid drama


Quote from: TrackZero on September 02, 2009, 01:48:30 AM
because u lie hard, 100h more ban, u hero? u are not even H of here u are such a disgrace for NM and l2 itself, so better go in corner and pray that i dont catch u on allegro, cause im about to.

delete all my chars and accounts in exchange for his 360 hours ban 
Hardcore from cradle to the grave


Quote from: our4n0s on September 02, 2009, 01:15:45 PM
anyway there is a oly crew, you re just not part of it, suggest you go pimp drakslord <3

dude i dont need to be part of any team . u do weak oly farmer. so go farm for me till i explain my girlfriend im "an 80 lvl paladin"


Quote from: lucifsg on September 02, 2009, 01:46:25 PM
dude i dont need to be part of any team . u do weak oly farmer. so go farm for me till i explain my girlfriend im "an 80 lvl paladin"
oh cut the crap you farmed just like i did, you stoped for holidays just like i did, but you will be back most likely, hence 'weak oly farmer' is pretty weak from you


Quote from: our4n0s on September 02, 2009, 01:11:56 PM
that's sad you hate me so much, although you're trully dumb for what you post in forum or even worst ig, so concerning money i dont claim being some emiel but i do have Ks of â,¬ on my own, now if 20 â,¬ is what you expect to earn in ur 1 month work thats what iearn in 1 h, and i wouldn't sell anything of my mother for any shitz, i would be pleased if you stfu about it
what u just said is pure BS,   It's like again mi pro money maker u looser and u bad don't say any thing about my mama  :'(

xDDD dunno but you really make me feel your jewish or at least got some jewish roots , all what you do is farming oly for making more money selling hero stats to make more money lol kiddo who told you that l2 is arichness race deceived you
any way made me really lol hard thanks  ;D :-*


Quote from: SysTemHacK on September 02, 2009, 02:44:27 PM
what u just said is pure BS, made me really lol hard thanks  ;D :-*  It's like again mi pro money maker u looser and u bad don't say any thing about my mama  :'(



Now i know why he's such a farmer ig...... he kinda sux irl!!

Wtt Rl for L2world


Quote from: cofo on September 01, 2009, 03:44:21 PM
Draks if u're so pro try to get hero in any other class, I am making 6 heroes every month + more for other ppl. You're no lifing with ur th / pp playing it all the time its possible.

And to all haters - you can suck cokc. Most of you dont know a shit about playing oly.

u made 6 heroues becouse everyday join same ppls lol2 u dont have enemy at oly ( transfering pwnd lamers )


Quote from: qwertyzxc on September 02, 2009, 03:01:32 PM

u made 6 heroues becouse everyday join same ppls lol2 u dont have enemy at oly ( transfering pwnd lamers )
says a guy who can't reach more than 30 pts with ty / de :))))
Spash | l33tpwn4g3


Quote from: cofo on September 02, 2009, 04:14:14 PM
says a guy who can't reach more than 30 pts with ty / de :))))
dude he is already under8, he gave me 2 yersterday....
wondering why he doesn't appear in oly list?
he doesn't have enough pts to make 15 fights on his ty / de :))


Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 02, 2009, 12:46:54 AM
I fought them all.
SaddamI - dangerous th, one of the few to see active in mass pvp. not very powerfull, but quite skilled.

Kr1k - he's ok, i had many pvp with him, won like half. he has a big mouth tho  ;D

Emtee - he was my oly nemesis a long time in c4/IL... dunno if it was gear or skill but he was very good. i finally started to defead him shortly before he quit/rerolled. maybe what draks said is true, he forgot how to play, he seemed rusty.

Insolin - great th/wl. just like Yoshimo... argh, forgot his name, sheva TH/wl, also very good.

Drakslord.... gear more than skill, no offence. slowed with warrior bane and blizzard he didnt even dashed/re-ww himself... i dont want to insult him, but his skill.. can be improved  ;D

Lets not forgot other very good th i fought along the time, like Camitzescu - imo the best th/pp, at least against me, i hardly defeated him once or twice out of countless games. or Ac/dc, also quite good, or even lineage2l, played by Benne/Vein or Ch4risma, Suicidal and others... the list could go on....

And before some will come with some wise ass replies that i am not oly farmer, nub  and whatnot, i play on this server for 3 and a half years and i met all the good th ingame.. and one thing is sure... what Tomek says is right. The gap the gear makes nowadays between donators and some sad cases of hardcore nolifers on one hand and "average" players on the other if bigger than ever.

Duxel's top gear in c4 Altheo? he was biting dust from players with A grades (i remember when Skylineer killed him, it was the 1st month in which heroes were implemented with glow and all).

nowadays... compare an icarus bow +3 with a draconic bow +3

There is a group of the "chosen few" with insane gear, old players (or those who got the gear of older players) on one hand, and the rest of the server on the other hand.
Add to that choosing some imbalanced oly classes, designed to farm it, add some augmentations and the (in)famous clan transfers, and voila, you have the typical Nightmare hero.

Skill? tactics? knowing how to counter a specific class and how to exploit the enemy's weaknesses? the importance of those things died in c4/IL, along with the meaning of being a hero and the olympiad itself.


tbh VonVein was the best th playing on nm  ;)
Soltys - Shillien Templar / Storm Screamer
Pallenan - Wind Rider / Sword Muse
Beafort - Elemental Master / Eva's Saints
