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Mana burn

Started by Alex, September 10, 2009, 09:55:50 PM

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Quote from: Mitzahd on September 15, 2009, 09:13:21 PM
i piss on ur post  ;) get it ?
And that's all you will ever be able to do.


if EVEN laser says mana burn is overpowered, it means its rly rly strong lol


Quote from: Sephiroth on September 15, 2009, 09:33:23 PM

U'r a tard,all the classes u posted r the best at Oly,and Alex made this topic cos he plays several daggers at Oly and he realised Mana Burn should be nerfed once again,the same Lethal chance is low.
And u play a char that in Oly is as useless as any archer nowadays.

wow, you understand, that some chars are for oly, and some not
so leave focking skills nerfs, and leave as is, some chars for oly, some for mass pvp
if  Alex became so lame cause of 1 skill, which came in IL with many "bad for mage" dagger skills, he should try other chars


Quote from: Sephiroth on September 15, 2009, 09:33:23 PM
U'r a tard,all the classes u posted r the best at Oly,and Alex made this topic cos he plays several daggers at Oly and he realised Mana Burn should be nerfed once again,the same Lethal chance is low.
And u play a char that in Oly is as useless as any archer nowadays.
well thx alot for enlighten me, i did not know that the classes i have posted are the best classes for olympiad, i did also not know that alex made this topic cause he gets owned in oly by elven elders, and what can i do now with me he/wl ? i must reroll?? :( should not all the daggers and elven elder be nerfed to a level where he/wl can beat them? they are all overpowered in oly!!!


Quote from: wildpussy on September 15, 2009, 07:41:38 PM
you made this topic cause you get defeated in oly

I want that my he/wl can win with a fair chance against sps/ee, bp/wk, es/ee, th/pp in olympiad.

Ah so you wouldnt make a topic if lethal rate would be risen to 50% and oly became unplayable for any other chars except daggers? Or you would reroll? Come on you'd go on forum and make topic even worse than this one.

Quote from: flamingAwe on September 15, 2009, 10:37:11 PM
wow, you understand, that some chars are for oly, and some not
so leave focking skills nerfs, and leave as is, some chars for oly, some for mass pvp
if  Alex became so lame cause of 1 skill, which came in IL with many "bad for mage" dagger skills, he should try other chars

Oh I must have missed something! Since when daggers became chars for mass pvp? Maybe only dagger/wl and barely dagger/tank. Daggers on dragon were always oly chars and when there was lethal nerf I said nothing tho I really need lethals vs such "oly-bot-type" chars as support/support or support/tank.

But now this mana burn is extremely lame. Even if it won't crit you have approximately 20-30 seconds to kill mana burn-mage with dagger if it will crit u have 4x less time xd. Im not speaking about gladiators and mages w/o mana burn cuz they are totally freaked up now since they cant kill that fast.

And mana burn now is even worse than lethal. If you get lethal you can heal yourself and win if you are lucky, and mana burn just leaves you a "countdown" untill you are defeated, it doesn't leave any damn chance since most of "ex-oly classes" cannot do a shit without mana.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Mitzahd on September 15, 2009, 10:37:26 PM
depends on ur classes, if ur ee-xx with wm augument u have nice crit rate, if ur ee sws ,bp wk u have nice reuse time etc,its not about it being overpowered, it was bugged before coz 99% was failing and it shouldnt fail almost at all, just like other magical skills ,i mean take a sps ee for example lv 85, and got hit some1hydroblast, how many times u get 'attack failed' ? i think 1 from 1k hits or so,the point is the aim of the skill mana burn is to burn enemies mana, and since now its reuse was nerfed once,coz on IL start u could use burn non stop ,i mean 1 sec reuse even on sux mage ( low cast/ low reuse) ,but like i said before, im not counting on mana burn too much, nerf it i dont care , make it 50% land rate or 1/2 its power, rly dont care coz i can pwn w/o it too ,w/o any problem ;)

p.s all the time all cry about mages, why dont u look at archers with icarus bow or at ty/de,or even at daggers with dmg on blows which i think is too high anyway ;)

i lol'd


Quote from: Kikolina on September 16, 2009, 08:18:35 AM

his point is, stop changing outer game for something that is fuked up at olympiad cos at the moment, mana burn outside town is as it should be, usefull skill, when at olympiad its pretty overpowered :P (sorry awe but fuk ur burn crits xD)

Maybe its ok for mages who can run L2W bot-recharger during open-field pvp, but for everybody else is it? I got 900 (~30% of my mana pool) mana burned on oly with crit. Outside of oly I get all mana burned up (just 2x mana burn crits) before I even reach the target if we're both on full buff cool, huh? Oh ps. I have ~240 speed on dash.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Kikolina on September 16, 2009, 11:23:22 AM
thats how its ment to be lol, talking "im just 2 burn crits", like u arent 2 high power skill crits.. atm outside town mana burn is balanced ..

and with 240 speed i doubt ppl make 2 mana burn crits (risking IF it will crit) rather than trying to slow u down

Actually Im not mage and I have waay more HP than mana and there are 4 resists against each element and 0 against mana burn so yeah Im kinda not "2 high power skill crits" if I got that part right, though I dont know maybe on infinity ppl dont use resists in pvp...

Yep, right after landing 100% blizzard they burn my mana 2 times with 80% mcrit rate and Im done. This is the real pvp, play hard go pro!
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on September 16, 2009, 11:57:51 AM
Actually Im not mage and I have waay more HP than mana and there are 4 resists against each element and 0 against mana burn so yeah Im kinda not "2 high power skill crits" if I got that part right, though I dont know maybe on infinity ppl dont use resists in pvp...

Yep, right after landing 100% blizzard they burn my mana 2 times with 80% mcrit rate and Im done. This is the real pvp, play hard go pro!
Well...Blizzard isn't 100% but even 80% is quite high to make almost every blizzard landing.Just remove aug from oly or reroll to pp/he,the only class that seems to have good chances against sps/ee with sniper+icarus


Quote from: Dadghamor on September 16, 2009, 12:05:36 PM
Well...Blizzard isn't 100% but even 80% is quite high to make almost every blizzard landing.Just remove aug from oly or reroll to pp/he,the only class that seems to have good chances against sps/ee with sniper+icarus

Slow lvl 3 with 80% land rate (as its said but since the announcement it always lands anyway) and 900 range thats already too much and now this mana burn too. As for he/pp even with +15 icarus its impossible to win sps/ee on oly, u simply can tank with a shield lol.

Quote from: Kikolina on September 16, 2009, 12:12:21 PM
there are non attribute skills which does ~1k dmg on 2.6k m def non crit..

mhm here on infinity m crit rate is max 1/3, gl criting burns :P...

Lol are you speaking about those noob skills like aura symphony and so on? xD I never had a problem with such skills except extremely overpowered debuff from blizzard, skilled mage never starts pvp vs dagger with these skills.

I heard infinity "doesnt have GMs" and all the changes come up on NM first so infinity should have most of settings "by default". And why would u have different mcrit rate since it never changed in HB anyway.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on September 16, 2009, 12:27:25 PM
Slow lvl 3 with 80% land rate (as its said but since tlhe announcement it always lands anyway) and 900 range thats already too much and now this mana burn too. As for he/pp even with +15 icarus its impossible to win sps/ee on oly, u simply can tank with a shield lol.
got some points, although mana burn outside oly is balanced, at least it is on NM, and you will never make me believe you get mcrited for 1 k + outside oly on full buffs, except if your opp as some so called jedis weapons from DN.
Also, at least on NM, it is true that pp/he has very good chance vs sps ee while using ic bow +++, they can't even tank with a shield.
Also, we got an sr/sws that kills about 90% of Sps/ee joining oly.
Mana burn is clearly OP in olympiad though, making it reuse x4 seems a correct solution to me.

