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Mana burn

Started by Alex, September 10, 2009, 09:55:50 PM

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Quote from: our4n0s on September 16, 2009, 05:56:25 PM
stop saying everyone he is retarded, it should be more a sarcasme than anything else from you.
stop acting bad boy aswell, that's pity

Look at u,I guess it'll be the 1st time u'll see a mirror.


Quote from: wildpussy on September 16, 2009, 04:40:57 PM
as long as dragon or NM has 0 good bp/wk oly players, i'm fine with the fact it will never be nerfed :>

and your argument about mirage is not an exploit skill proves you only play oly, so why bother arguing with some1 that has no clue of how skills come out elsewhere

anyway:i'm sure drake does care about the fact, you can't play oly anymore!!!

Just an off-topic question: what u gonna do if ur summon is erased and u cant summon a new one with every summon cast switched? kill with 200 dmg nukes from aug? xD
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Kailenaa on September 16, 2009, 06:55:45 PM
What u gonna do with magic blackfire, without haste and ww, and with less than half mana after few secs agains NotKiko on infinity ? Im sure there is nobody who can beat him 1v1 on oly... ok, he loose sometimes but last time he had 70 wins / 0 defeats so...

oh so on infinity I can see th/pp who plays vs bp/wk without MI and spams skills with magical backfire debuff on him? cool I always wanted to see one
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Actually bp/wk has got 0 chances vs classes like ty/de, sws/ee or ee/es.
Spash | l33tpwn4g3


Quote from: Kikolina on September 16, 2009, 08:22:58 PM
ty de? xD taking in count ur signature i though u re a pro :D or wait a secound, nightmare really doesnt have a decent bp wk
celestial aug and bb xd
Spash | l33tpwn4g3


Quote from: cofo on September 16, 2009, 08:36:24 PM
celestial aug and bb xd
does that help vs bane and restore life?


Spash | l33tpwn4g3


Quote from: Kikolina on September 16, 2009, 08:22:58 PM
being wwless makes ur opponent easily overheal lethals, till u run out of mana i d be running around without cat, once u cant MI urself anymore +15 trance lands in max 20 trys, believe me its not hard on 1.6k c speed, summon cat ( not hard even untranced without mana ) and u re down :P

if somehow that wouldnt work, i would try rabbits lv 4, since ure on MI, no dash, no ww, pof, i doubt u could stay in range for switching and i wouldnt be able to summon single cat on 1.6k c speed :P

MI re-use is still faster than 30 sec w/o haste, even if somehow I ran out of mana saving 70 mana for re-MI wasnt a problem at all before retarded mana burn boost.

And you really think lethal was the only way to kill bp/wk? I'd just take icarus bow and make more damage than you and win in the end by time-out since trying to kill you makes no sense anyway. With pof thx to TH stats/passives I still move faster than u without pof and u wont believe, but I have rabbits too! xD

But doh now its anyway pointless, with new mana burn Im out of mana before I manage to land erase on summon, so its useless to argue about that for now.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on September 16, 2009, 10:48:51 PM
MI re-use is still faster than 30 sec w/o haste, even if somehow I ran out of mana saving 70 mana for re-MI wasnt a problem at all before retarded mana burn boost.

And you really think lethal was the only way to kill bp/wk? I'd just take icarus bow and make more damage than you and win in the end by time-out since trying to kill you makes no sense anyway. With pof thx to TH stats/passives I still move faster than u without pof and u wont believe, but I have rabbits too! xD

But doh now its anyway pointless, with new mana burn Im out of mana before I manage to land erase on summon, so its useless to argue about that for now.
that 200 damage nuke will kill you before any timeout .... and your speed with rabbits, zerk, pof is what? 160-170? (with lame attack speed)
bp/wk has over 180 speed with ww+zerk+rabbits (no +dex)
MI won't help you win :>


Quote from: Kailenaa on September 16, 2009, 06:55:45 PM
What u gonna do with magic blackfire, without haste and ww, and with less than half mana after few secs agains NotKiko on infinity ? Im sure there is nobody who can beat him 1v1 on oly... ok, he loose sometimes but last time he had 70 wins / 0 defeats so...
there is no sws/ee ; ee/es on inf or what lol? a wk should never stand a chance against one of these


Quote from: our4n0s on September 17, 2009, 12:54:25 AM
there is no sws/ee ; ee/es on inf or what lol? a wk should never stand a chance against one of these

Wait for it... they are 5x you know, takes a bit longer for them to reroll^^



Quote from: Kailenaa on September 17, 2009, 12:54:05 PM
no way. Bp/wk got mage bane, and magic blackfire/ arcana smth +15 land almost always

Magic Blackfire^^ Thought it was a typo first, but I see you keep calling it that :p
