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1 Word about Dagger since I'm back



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1 Word about Dagger since I'm back

Started by zthrx, September 23, 2009, 02:15:43 PM

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-mage has almost same p. def
- same archers
- almost no1 plays a dagger, me feel like orphan at the battlefield....
- me fullbuffed blows fullbuffed mage for 600- >1k, same archers... L.A.M.E talking about fact that both attack from distance
- lame that dagger makes SAME DMG or LESS as a Melee class
- lethal is kinda joke now- useless
(fadeaway: Lethal aint a joke to me, it lands pretty much and trust me it doesnt feel tight when ur on 4,5k p def and 15k hp and all goes away with 1 fcking blow ) - Ye I was chasing  Funkeh like 2 min at pvp, and made 1 - o.n.e. lethal on him. I knoe its mage/tank but wtf hitting mage/tank for 400-900 is more than a lame joke.... Daggers should make rly more dmg to be able kill a mage. Mage has his own debuffs skills to safe his ass, but now needs to be fullbuffed and reach almost same p.def as dagger to be almost impossible to kill....

and my stats aren't pretty good beeing shitload buffed...
- Hate aura is a shiit now
- Low dmg
- Arrest landingrate is a bullshit coz most of ppl has resist
- agression is weak, doesn't work well, every1 can escape from that
- crit wounds is a joke

in fact almost of my skills are pretty USELESS, Is even useless to make UD coz I do shiit with my bow, and 90% of ppl went out of range and easily pwn me...

playing a dagger nowdays is a one big joke...   it's just a fact, I wrote a facts of a normal dagger not some faken uber mutant...

and my stats are lame that typical mage has similar I think:
I'm using here Guard Stance, that's why 2.8k def, normally I don't use it often coz it takes TONS of mana same VS, and after couple blows I'm out of mana, and the funniest part is that even mage is so "hard" that I should have like 20k mana to kill one....


what can i say?

but u should tnx god about your focus death skill. think about a th that doesnt have it----> even lesser landing

(nice p def )
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Quote from: zthrx on September 23, 2009, 02:15:43 PM
-mage has almost same p. def
- same archers
- almost no1 plays a dagger, me feel like orphan at the battlefield....
- me fullbuffed blows fullbuffed mage for 600- >1k, same archers... L.A.M.E talking about fact that both attack from distance
- lame that dagger makes SAME DMG or LESS as a Melee class
- lethal is kinda joke now- useless
(fadeaway: Lethal aint a joke to me, it lands pretty much and trust me it doesnt feel tight when ur on 4,5k p def and 15k hp and all goes away with 1 fcking blow ) - Ye I was chasing  Funkeh like 2 min at pvp, and made 1 - o.n.e. lethal on him. I knoe its mage/tank but wtf hitting mage/tank for 400-900 is more than a lame joke.... Daggers should make rly more dmg to be able kill a mage. Mage has his own debuffs skills to safe his ass, but now needs to be fullbuffed and reach almost same p.def as dagger to be almost impossible to kill....

and my stats aren't pretty good beeing shitload buffed...
- Hate aura is a shiit now
- Low dmg
- Arrest landingrate is a bullshit coz most of ppl has resist (SAME WITH SHACKLE :P)
- agression is weak, doesn't work well, every1 can escape from that
- crit wounds is a joke

in fact almost of my skills are pretty USELESS, Is even useless to make UD coz I do shiit with my bow, and 90% of ppl went out of range and easily pwn me...

playing a dagger nowdays is a one big joke...   it's just a fact, I wrote a facts of a normal dagger not some faken uber mutant...

and my stats are lame that typical mage has similar I think:
I'm using here Guard Stance, that's why 2.8k def, normally I don't use it often coz it takes TONS of mana same VS, and after couple blows I'm out of mana, and the funniest part is that even mage is so "hard" that I should have like 20k mana to kill one....


It is? seems to be working pretty well to me

Few things... Funkeh is one of the most defensive mages on NM in my opinion + he plays on full def setup (most mages dont use CoV...)
Leave a pm or something with your dyes, because i'm curious wich ones you use :p.

My conclusion about dagger chars: Increase damage of blows, but decrease lethal rate by pretty much % aswell...

To primus... Could you please change ur avater and signature? it show's some nice, and when someone is at work and ur boss walks by and he see's it... it aint really cool you know... (thank god my boss could laugh about it)


they can also totally remove lethal, if just they increase output damage of blows
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


dyes same from over 4 years :>
+dex +con - str


for me lethal can even doesn't exist (I never count on it, I preffer using my "skill" and blows). Just make skills usable and make fair Dmg, to be able kill a mage at least...


Well if there would be a voting topic with the option:

Remove lethals but increase the certain ammount of dmg by blows

i Would vote yes.

Zthrx check ur private inbox in few mins.


Yep removing lethals and boosting the damage from daggers would be a good update together with fixing icarus bows to have the same reuse delay as draco bows...
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Yeh, I'm happy if full buff vs full buff I manage to hit my target for 1k+ xD while archer can kite and heal up with CP pots and mage simply spams heal, it even wouldnt be such a problem, but my mana isnt damn endless
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


lethal rate is ok in pvp and a tk talking about pdef is bullshit, it's all about shield and you know it, get 2.8 or 1k pdef, doesn't matter


Quote from: our4n0s on September 23, 2009, 03:28:31 PM
lethal rate is ok in pvp and a tk talking about pdef is bullshit, it's all about shield and you know it, get 2.8 or 1k pdef, doesn't matter

shield rly helps vs. mage  ::)

as I said, remove lethal, increase dmg as it should be


Quote from: zthrx on September 23, 2009, 03:31:45 PM
shield rly helps vs. mage  ::)

as I said, remove lethal, increase dmg as it should be
i said its not a matter of pdef but shield..... since when did you say mage is a matter of pdef? yes you didn't, so stop acting like you're smart while your answer to me was stupid


daggers make good damage since hellbound (compared to others)
Quote from: zthrx on September 23, 2009, 02:15:43 PM
- crit wounds is a joke

and your stats are low cause either you'r setup or gear is newb