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~Transformers, Remove Aguments from Oly ? (only oly ofc) - Page 4



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~Transformers, Remove Aguments from Oly ? (only oly ofc)

Started by =^TrackZero^=, September 24, 2009, 11:58:07 PM

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Remove Aguments from Olympiad

145 (84.8%)
26 (15.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Voting closed: October 01, 2009, 11:58:07 PM




Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 01:08:23 PM
he was olying many months.. he got ban recently
only place i saw him was HB he spila all the time chimeras on triple :P but i don't watch oly coz it's so boring xD


Quote from: our4n0s on September 25, 2009, 01:31:12 AM
bp/wk mostly, all other combo will have the weakness, as pp/th and orcs for ee/es, and as ee/es nad ty/ol for pp/wk, but bp/wk shall remain ALLMIGHTY !!!
ty ol cant do shit vs pp wk even without aug xd

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PS. altheo g4y log on msn
Spash | l33tpwn4g3


this is how it all started

Quote from: elcharro on September 25, 2009, 12:05:29 AM
orc kill me with 11k damage, and th or pw lethal me fast. But if they play fair...
U have a horrible char, support char MUST NOT play on oly, it's a nosense and I want block this. And u ench skill like xmatx and other, so pls...

1 noob (also GM) gets hardly owned by augs, so he started same thread on Dragon section
Then Track created same thread for NM

If delete augs from oly, cause they are OP(poor sps/ee, no more 2x WM pwnge xD), why not delete DNet sets either(like on arena in IL Arena sets were forbidden on oly)?
(I'd add: remove Ica bows, but they need only repair bug and they will be normal weapons.)


track better remove auguments from oly and make fight's possible only on retail..... it will be 1000x better than just removing oly and more fair for ppls :P  and more more ppls will join cuz fight on simple retail must be funny and fair for all
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: flamingAwe on September 25, 2009, 01:25:17 PM
why not delete DNet sets either(like on arena in IL Arena sets were forbidden on oly)?


i just sold my draco set :D

btw i still think that
1: ok remove augment np
2: think about a option loke in past (but not class based, simply fighter or mage based)
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


make doanted items forbiden in oly :) and its gonna be fair.... its same like with walker :D some players play nice and making self and good and others just buy :D


Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 12:52:49 PM
Track , before taking any fast decision , think !
There always was and will be overpowered chars in oly , augs wont change that. Some arrogant-emo-hoe ppl allready dreaming of next farmer (bp/wk which btw explain me how u ll win a ty/ol with no m burn and aug ), which confirms that there always ll be oly farmers...
Not to mention that u want to change aug system for 1-2 ppl on server ? U said it ur self augs was ment to be that way , blame ncsoft.
Guys who can win 1vs1 a de/ty today in oly having him on frenzy, zealot , bison , over the body , rage and celestial ? Noone except if altheo is playing the de/ty (then even niori or a 76 lvl de/ty can win). So why noone cry abou de/ty ?

PS mammon cant see dynasty blunts , so u cant add sa

So my point, supose u remove augs (for 2ppl ? omg) another farmer class will jump up
Oh and there is the other side ofc ...1st to get thoose augs u need coins in the 1st place. Why should i loose the coins i spend on it ?
2nd and most important. Many ppl made chars with augs thinking they ll rock oly . Why didnt they became farmers ? (1st name in my mind 20dollarwhore)
who said no mana burn? ill win ty/ol with reflect/cat, but you don't know one cat can reflect right? i ll use a decent mana burn and macical backfire, warior bane, and orcs are down, not mentioning they will start on 60% hp cuz restore goes on celestial


Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 12:52:49 PM

Guys who can win 1vs1 a de/ty today in oly having him on frenzy, zealot , bison , over the body , rage and celestial ? Noone except if altheo is playing the de/ty (then even niori or a 76 lvl de/ty can win). So why noone cry abou de/ty ?

you mean, everyone can win except if spash is playing the ty/de, since spash is the only one that plays ty/de good at oly, yet then altheo on his char laymedown ll kick any ty/de...even spash.... but wait...
any BP/wk or most of bp even tk/ee, as ee/es, rapes ty/de, for pretty obvious reasons i dont even need to write there, just stop QQing about augments lol, every good thing has an end

Btw lucif you can see its 85.1% vs 14.9% for removing augments, this reason should be enough for you to gtfo and just let the majority have what they want lol, you know it's about stoping being a selfish brat and give up on what you currently have for the greater community's good (lol xd)


Quote from: our4n0s on September 25, 2009, 01:50:18 PM
you mean, everyone can win except if spash is playing the ty/de, since spash is the only one that plays ty/de good at oly, yet then altheo on his char laymedown ll kick any ty/de...even spash.... but wait...
any BP/wk or most of bp even tk/ee, as ee/es, rapes ty/de, for pretty obvious reasons i dont even need to write there, just stop QQing about augments lol, every good thing has an end

Btw lucif you can see its 85.1% vs 14.9% for removing augments, this reason should be enough for you to gtfo and just let the majority have what they want lol, you know it's about stoping being a selfish brat and give up on what you currently have for the greater community's good (lol xd)

spash is best ty/des on oly ? lol dont joke me man pls :D


Quote from: qwertyzxc on September 25, 2009, 02:27:06 PM
spash is best ty/des on oly ? lol dont joke me man pls :D

dont say you are the best coz even bd/se could win you with some luck

Nightmare (30x)


Quote from: Marinella on September 25, 2009, 02:33:06 PM
dont say you are the best coz even bd/se could win you with some luck

no im not the best but metal is low skilled orc btw u meanme vs nimradel yesterday ? oh yea u dont see i dont hit him, dont use any skil ? lag ownage GG