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UK brothers why you do nothing to stop This islamic/muslim disease? - Page 8



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UK brothers why you do nothing to stop This islamic/muslim disease?

Started by zthrx, October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM

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I see here many good common sense replies to this topic. Yes people around the globe are different. Islamic/muslims ppl are more tolerant towards yours christianity than you are to them and the muslims community have about 1,5 bilion people.  Wonder why ?
A strong principle: "As long I can't kill all my enemies, I use to run away"
When I was young I believed that money and power will make me happy. I was right (Bill Gates)


funny thing more is that france peoples they was has a Maginot Line and they give up first ;) In Poland you can see much of Paradoks and the biggest one was that we were almost like Spratans :)

[url=http://tnij.org/poprawnie]Piszę poprawnie po polsku[/url]


Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 07:00:07 PM

For those people saying that the Islam isn't bad. Why do you think that Wilders his political party has grown faster and bigger then any party before? Think about it.
Are you actually saying that the fact this party grew bigger and bigger than any other party before (and the fact this party leads a struggle against Islam) has the following signification : Islam is bad ?
Either i am dumb either this is what you mean, then what about Hitler's party who grew bigger and bigger back in the 19's ?


Quote from: our4n0s on October 19, 2009, 11:42:01 PM
Are you actually saying that the fact this party grew bigger and bigger than any other party before (and the fact this party leads a struggle against Islam) has the following signification : Islam is bad ?
Either i am dumb either this is what you mean, then what about Hitler's party who grew bigger and bigger back in the 19's ?

do not mislead hitler with this topic, this is completely different story, focused on a man who got a power and used it to his own  purpose. That was mainly racist basis. Hitler was Christian, he thought he is a hand of the god sent to punish Jews for killing Jesus - google abit or read his speeches. Richard Dawkins writes rly good about it in " god's delusion"


Quote from: zthrx on October 19, 2009, 11:46:26 PM
do not mislead hitler with this topic, this is completely different story, focused on a man who got a power and used it to his own  purpose. That was mainly racist basis. Hitler was Christian, he thought he is a hand of the god sent to punish Jews for killing Jesus - google abit or read his speeches. Richard Dawkins writes rly good about it in " god's delusion"
that's not the point,  emiel said that the fact a prty grew faster and bigger than any other party before means this party is right and this is total, complete bullshit, that's the only reason i wrote the previous post ..... but w/e


freak this hate topic, check out this, is far more interesting :
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 20, 2009, 12:45:54 AM
freak this hate topic, check out this, is far more interesting :
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=det7TUsLy8U

1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and    establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you  

WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!

Patriotism IS NOT a racism


Quote from: BOM on October 20, 2009, 08:44:07 AM

hey that ain't nice to say. Typical behaivour  ::)

To keep the topic rolling, long convo's and all, but let's think what we could do about the currient situation (saying stuff like: shoot them all aint a option xD).


Quote from: Loatheof all the things i lost i miss my mind the most ^^
Proud family member of Ambrosia


Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=det7TUsLy8U

1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and    establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you  

WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!

Patriotism IS NOT a racism
This is pure amalgame,  it is not because of a few people u can judge all muslim or u can judge islam.
There is 53 million muslim in Europe, 18M in UE : how many terrorists ?
Notice there is not 1 islam, but many kind, and muslim population can be very diferent from one place to another.
Looking to present and past history, it is not hard to see how muslim population are not well considered by our governement
irak, oil, afghanistan, israel/palestine, parting of Ottoman empire in 1919, colonisation, slavery, racism.
Islam is the biggest religion and it was un-considered and frustrated since more than 100 years.
So i can understand that a few people in that big community become radical and extremist.

Another important point here is the personality of Geert Wilders : he is, maybe like u : an anti-islamic politician able to say " islam is terrorim "
This is again pure populist, amalgame. He is like french Le Pen, italian Bossi etc  
So in your video, we see stupid bearded muslim extremist arguing against a racist aryan politician extremist  : best would be they kill each other for once, after will be quiet  !!!
Those kind of people are extremist, they are NOT representative of global population.

One prob here is media society, News always show the bad point : they cry about a black guy raping a white girl, but they will never speak about all the mixed couple having happy six the same day.
To see, just shut off the TV.

For European, the big deal is to manage integration of people comming from Afghan/Irak, and Africa. We used and abused there ressource during years and we continue. So it is normal we get immigration. Most of those travelers have good studing level, it is not that hard to integrate them, the descent way, they are very motivated to have a simple job & house. Don't forget it is our companies that take the more advantages of cheap illegal workers ....

For Muslims, the big deal is about Islam modernisation, like christian did in 1975 with Vatican II council. Somes texts, like haddits  was okay for shepherd in desert 1300 years ago, but now they don't feet with our civilisation.

But for both side, it is totally stupid to say that the other is only evil etc ...
It will be easyer to live together in peace than in war.

In the end your post is stupid, racist, and it shows brainwach is still working.
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« if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we’d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music. »


5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!?  this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and    establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women

I cant read all this topic and post ... but i know te answere on 5 part .

You were in UK right? Do you saw britan women ??    I am not surprised that UK men sit quietly. I would also prefer to look on ninja than on those monsters :P