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Dager boost effect on infinity

Started by RaV3NCLaW, November 03, 2009, 09:55:23 PM

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Quote from: TrackZero on November 04, 2009, 06:15:43 PM
I would say daggers boost was made not because "i have personal criers to make them happy", is more like daggers class was long way forgotten and we wanted to give them a life again, so bottom line all DN servers needed the boost not only the NM, and seriously , do you really think that someone who is QQ forum/msn/game will make us do any "update". We do updates only on places where they are needed.

I would say daggers boost was made not because "i have personal criers to make them happy"   

So if you dont listen to the people that play ingame who do you listen to?

And how do you know where updates are needed if not from players? as far as i know GM's are not allowed to play on the servers, so by default you should know sh1t about the server situation, so all info you get is from other players like  zthrx witch is a total noob and doesnt know how to play his char and the result was this stupid update. witch freaked things up.

" is more like daggers class was long way forgotten"

Check infinity many daggers play there probably more then archers little less then mages enemy clans have 50% dagers we have little less but still there are many daggers.

Quote from: TrackZero on November 04, 2009, 06:15:43 PM"Yes NM always get updates 1st, because after update period , we use nm as beta test updater , then if all fine all other servers get correct ones after a week, imo there is no problem in it."

Well all isnt fine, you freaked up.. beta testing failed thats why this post was made, if problem isnt found in a beta test it isnt a problem latter?

Iam sure all woud agree if you just boost skills instead of p atk that this will make a more fun gameplay for all... not only daggers but also for other chars. Or soon skills will be forgotten in total and this will be noob-network that only press F1. mybe you shoud make autobuffers also so nobody will have to get buffed and unlimited buffs so we can take all ;
>Infinity 5x player
>RaV3N --> SR/TK, SORC lvl 78/78 + Nobl
TheScourge --> DE/TY lvl xx/xx

Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. Your culture will adapt to service ours. Your life as it has been is over. From this time forward, you will service ... US ....the AOD!![/glow


Quote from: RaV3NCLaW on November 06, 2009, 07:19:48 AM
I would say daggers boost was made not because "i have personal criers to make them happy"   

So if you dont listen to the people that play ingame who do you listen to?

And how do you know where updates are needed if not from players? as far as i know GM's are not allowed to play on the servers, so by default you should know sh1t about the server situation, so all info you get is from other players like  zthrx witch is a total noob and doesnt know how to play his char and the result was this stupid update. witch freaked things up.

" is more like daggers class was long way forgotten"

Check infinity many daggers play there probably more then archers little less then mages enemy clans have 50% dagers we have little less but still there are many daggers.

Well all isnt fine, you freaked up.. beta testing failed thats why this post was made, if problem isnt found in a beta test it isnt a problem latter?

Iam sure all woud agree if you just boost skills instead of p atk that this will make a more fun gameplay for all... not only daggers but also for other chars. Or soon skills will be forgotten in total and this will be noob-network that only press F1. mybe you shoud make autobuffers also so nobody will have to get buffed and unlimited buffs so we can take all ;

go qq to infinity gm not  to track lol
  Nightmare 30x


We joking after RB , me and davy..  im on Guts 30%  songs pdef COV and pdef pot    he did 8k  WHILE JUST HITTING WITH DAGGER!
So if Dagger isant Strong too much now... why a good dagger coud kill anyone b4? isant enough  to have  2 good daggers on party of pvp ?  now dagger is something like SPS ? TY/DE ?  will kill all alone ?   i tell u its BULLXIT!   

Make blows land more... make lethal land more  but dont make a stupid daggger hit  8k on ty/de with 4k pdef

Quote from: ylim on March 28, 2013, 10:19:02 AM
setup with bp/wk only with diego, the best bp/wk in dn others would die easy.


this again shows that admins should stop trying to balance things, players will balance game their own way
admins should fix stuff that doesn't work, really many things that were reported on arena test still are not fixed
and really many things could be fixed by just copy/paste/change  stat.
Admins, ofc we could uderstand that it is hard, if you buy/get from somewhere working server, and using reverce engeneering methods update code, but you always say that you code servfer.... so fix, add new stuff, don't try to lol-balance


i see that th/glad is like superstar there xD
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


And as usual Emiel is only blowing smoke out his ass.... Back in the days when you played dagger you cheated your ass off, so I don't see how you can even utter an opinion at all in this matter (have you even played since c3?)

But then I read a few of your responses, and I realise that your way of "arguing" is based on just prooving the other person to be less intelligent then you. Something you just failed horribly with, you still sound and write like you're a little brat who's afraid ppl are gonna forget him.

Got news for ya son, barely anyone knows who you are anymore, and why you keep writing theese long-ass responses will forever be a riddle to me.
And if you write "I like to argue with ppl, and prove dumb ppl wrong" I ain't buying it cause right now you are stuck in your "you are to dumb to explain it to" loop wich means you know you have absolutely no arguements left, and you try to muster up your most advanced english (epic fail btw) to make it look like you're intelligent (epic fail again).

Newsflash turd, noone likes you so go sodomize a shotgun dkweed.


Mr. Emiel

Quote from: kidicarus on November 06, 2009, 12:00:53 PM
And as usual Emiel is only blowing smoke out his ass.... Back in the days when you played dagger you cheated your ass off, so I don't see how you can even utter an opinion at all in this matter (have you even played since c3?)
I never cheated. I just understand this game better as you do, that's all. Yea I played a while in C4 but it sucked.

Quote from: kidicarus on November 06, 2009, 12:00:53 PMBut then I read a few of your responses, and I realise that your way of "arguing" is based on just prooving the other person to be less intelligent then you. Something you just failed horribly with, you still sound and write like you're a little brat who's afraid ppl are gonna forget him.
Actually most of the replys were based on own experience, so facts. I don't have to argue with anyone here to show he's less intelligent, everybody knows he is already so no point to talk about it. Why would I be afraid of some people I don't know to forget me? Do you even see what you're writing? About the little brat stuff. Call me what ever you like just remember in the end of the day I'm not a sad old 30+ year old guy with no wife/gf and sellings playstations.

Quote from: kidicarus on November 06, 2009, 12:00:53 PMGot news for ya son, barely anyone knows who you are anymore, and why you keep writing theese long-ass responses will forever be a riddle to me.
And if you write "I like to argue with ppl, and prove dumb ppl wrong" I ain't buying it cause right now you are stuck in your "you are to dumb to explain it to" loop wich means you know you have absolutely no arguements left, and you try to muster up your most advanced english (epic fail btw) to make it look like you're intelligent (epic fail again).
Like I care if people don't know who I am, if I want I can change that matter in a week. I already explained to you a dosen times why I'm writing here so I don't get why you keep asking that question... I already explained that guy two times what I ment with it, so yes he is to stupid to explain it to. Just like you with the writing here stuff. I don't need it to look intelligent, I am intelligent it's big difference my boy. But let us throw something from the left corner in the ring shall we? You keep asking me "Why u write here zomg!" Didn't you tell me that you quit player? Oh yes son, you did. So lets get this straight. You blaim me in a kind of way that I write here because I don't play L2 anymore, but arent you doing the exact same thing?

Quote from: kidicarus on November 06, 2009, 12:00:53 PMNewsflash turd, noone likes you so go sodomize a shotgun dkweed.
That's the difference between you and me. You think you are loved here, hell I'll even rephrase it. You are loved here. So it's quite common you prefer talking to people on the internet that "love" you, instead of real-life. On the otherhand we have me. I don't give a jackshit about anyone here if someone would die, care. I have something you don't have, friends, girlfriend, and a nice automobile! lol. I don't care what people think about me here it's all about the real-life son, I already understood that the time that I was 15, you're like what? 30? 31? You havent achiefed anything in your life if you compare it to mine. Maybe you are more known here as me, maybe you have better items as me, maybe you have better chars as me. Who cares? Server gone, your so called life gone. Mine wont son, mine wont.


Quote from: Mr. Emiel on November 06, 2009, 12:39:44 PM
I never cheated. I just understand this game better as you do, that's all. Yea I played a while in C4 but it sucked.
Actually most of the replys were based on own experience, so facts. I don't have to argue with anyone here to show he's less intelligent, everybody knows he is already so no point to talk about it. Why would I be afraid of some people I don't know to forget me? Do you even see what you're writing? About the little brat stuff. Call me what ever you like just remember in the end of the day I'm not a sad old 30+ year old guy with no wife/gf and sellings playstations.
Like I care if people don't know who I am, if I want I can change that matter in a week. I already explained to you a dosen times why I'm writing here so I don't get why you keep asking that question... I already explained that guy two times what I ment with it, so yes he is to stupid to explain it to. Just like you with the writing here stuff. I don't need it to look intelligent, I am intelligent it's big difference my boy. But let us throw something from the left corner in the ring shall we? You keep asking me "Why u write here zomg!" Didn't you tell me that you quit player? Oh yes son, you did. So lets get this straight. You blaim me in a kind of way that I write here because I don't play L2 anymore, but arent you doing the exact same thing?
That's the difference between you and me. You think you are loved here, hell I'll even rephrase it. You are loved here. So it's quite common you prefer talking to people on the internet that "love" you, instead of real-life. On the otherhand we have me. I don't give a jackshit about anyone here if someone would die, care. I have something you don't have, friends, girlfriend, and a nice automobile! lol. I don't care what people think about me here it's all about the real-life son, I already understood that the time that I was 15, you're like what? 30? 31? You havent achiefed anything in your life if you compare it to mine. Maybe you are more known here as me, maybe you have better items as me, maybe you have better chars as me. Who cares? Server gone, your so called life gone. Mine wont son, mine wont.

Quick reply since all your text is just empty nonsense like i pointed out earlier.

1. Im 25... Ain't that hard to check before you make the assumption im 30+
2. Yeah im recently singel..... Don't see why thats something you find that negative... Is status determined whether or not your in a relationship in the neatherlands?
3. You have posted way more on this forum then I have the past months.... And I have never said I quit. And I haven't uttered my opinion about the daggerupdate since I haven't tried it yet.
4. You have never exaplined to me once while you are writing here. What you are telling me are lies to save your ego, but the real reason is rather obvious.
5. Yes you cheated... You already said yourself that your th/wlk had edited skills (cry for attention imo but thats what you said) and I know for a fact that you made an L2walker for DNet.
6. Not caring whether ppl die or live is a sure sign of mental problems. Empathy is something we all should have.
7. Anyone in my clan can confirm that I haven't really been active in this game for the past year.
8. You have no idea what I've done in my life so you shouldn't assume I haven't done shit cause that only makes you look like a fool to the ppl that actually knows me here.

Last but not least @Kikolina I've done your misstake before... And believe me Emiel has absolutely no life at all and he won't ever stop with the same arguements no matter how many times you tell him he's wrong. So it's totally up to you how much time you wanna waste on him.




Quote from: Mr. Emiel on November 06, 2009, 12:39:44 PM
I never cheated. I just understand this game better as you do, that's all. Yea I played a while in C4 but it sucked.
Actually most of the replys were based on own experience, so facts. I don't have to argue with anyone here to show he's less intelligent, everybody knows he is already so no point to talk about it. Why would I be afraid of some people I don't know to forget me? Do you even see what you're writing? About the little brat stuff. Call me what ever you like just remember in the end of the day I'm not a sad old 30+ year old guy with no wife/gf and sellings playstations.
Like I care if people don't know who I am, if I want I can change that matter in a week. I already explained to you a dosen times why I'm writing here so I don't get why you keep asking that question... I already explained that guy two times what I ment with it, so yes he is to stupid to explain it to. Just like you with the writing here stuff. I don't need it to look intelligent, I am intelligent it's big difference my boy. But let us throw something from the left corner in the ring shall we? You keep asking me "Why u write here zomg!" Didn't you tell me that you quit player? Oh yes son, you did. So lets get this straight. You blaim me in a kind of way that I write here because I don't play L2 anymore, but arent you doing the exact same thing?
That's the difference between you and me. You think you are loved here, hell I'll even rephrase it. You are loved here. So it's quite common you prefer talking to people on the internet that "love" you, instead of real-life. On the otherhand we have me. I don't give a jackshit about anyone here if someone would die, care. I have something you don't have, friends, girlfriend, and a nice automobile! lol. I don't care what people think about me here it's all about the real-life son, I already understood that the time that I was 15, you're like what? 30? 31? You havent achieved anything in your life if you compare it to mine. Maybe you are more known here as me, maybe you have better items as me, maybe you have better chars as me. Who cares? Server gone, your so called life gone. Mine wont son, mine wont.

u kinda sound like an dumb hater that needs to swear at some ppl to stand in a better light =D reallife problems? =D

Quote from: J4cKDan13L on July 13, 2009, 01:28:36 PM
all server know kasanowa for his stupidy and cry attitude


Quote from: kidicarus on November 06, 2009, 02:39:00 PM
Quick reply since all your text is just empty nonsense like i pointed out earlier.

1. Im 25... Ain't that hard to check before you make the assumption im 30+
2. Yeah im recently singel..... Don't see why thats something you find that negative... Is status determined whether or not your in a relationship in the neatherlands?
3. You have posted way more on this forum then I have the past months.... And I have never said I quit. And I haven't uttered my opinion about the daggerupdate since I haven't tried it yet.
4. You have never exaplined to me once while you are writing here. What you are telling me are lies to save your ego, but the real reason is rather obvious.
5. Yes you cheated... You already said yourself that your th/wlk had edited skills (cry for attention imo but thats what you said) and I know for a fact that you made an L2walker for DNet.
6. Not caring whether ppl die or live is a sure sign of mental problems. Empathy is something we all should have.
7. Anyone in my clan can confirm that I haven't really been active in this game for the past year.
8. You have no idea what I've done in my life so you shouldn't assume I haven't done shit cause that only makes you look like a fool to the ppl that actually knows me here.

Last but not least @Kikolina I've done your misstake before... And believe me Emiel has absolutely no life at all and he won't ever stop with the same arguements no matter how many times you tell him he's wrong. So it's totally up to you how much time you wanna waste on him.


:) actually this the way how i heard/ know the things :D  +1

Es/Pw is  the real power Reloaded Bass is Back
ShockEffect >>> ty/pal <3

http://www.myvideo.de/watch/6719938/Mein_18 DANCEE WITH ME SOMEBODY!!! :D:D:D:D

Mr. Emiel

Quote from: kidicarus on November 06, 2009, 02:39:00 PM
Quick reply since all your text is just empty nonsense like i pointed out earlier.

1. Im 25... Ain't that hard to check before you make the assumption im 30+
2. Yeah im recently singel..... Don't see why thats something you find that negative... Is status determined whether or not your in a relationship in the neatherlands?
3. You have posted way more on this forum then I have the past months.... And I have never said I quit. And I haven't uttered my opinion about the daggerupdate since I haven't tried it yet.
4. You have never exaplined to me once while you are writing here. What you are telling me are lies to save your ego, but the real reason is rather obvious.
5. Yes you cheated... You already said yourself that your th/wlk had edited skills (cry for attention imo but thats what you said) and I know for a fact that you made an L2walker for DNet.
6. Not caring whether ppl die or live is a sure sign of mental problems. Empathy is something we all should have.
7. Anyone in my clan can confirm that I haven't really been active in this game for the past year.
8. You have no idea what I've done in my life so you shouldn't assume I haven't done shit cause that only makes you look like a fool to the ppl that actually knows me here.

Last but not least @Kikolina I've done your misstake before... And believe me Emiel has absolutely no life at all and he won't ever stop with the same arguements no matter how many times you tell him he's wrong. So it's totally up to you how much time you wanna waste on him.


#1 - Well you look like 35 that's why I thought you were 30+
#2 - Yes, it's' negative. You're from Norway so it can't be that the girls arent pretty enough. Of course it's a status symbol to have a gf, atleast a hot one. A girlfriend is like a expensive car, to show off with it.
#3 - Like I care how much you posted, you did post that's were it's all about. You litterly said to me "I quit for like 3 months now" So uhm... Who cares if you didn't try it yet, like I did.
#4 - Well let me explain this to you once again real quick. I'm rich, my friends arent. My friends work, I don't. I'm home alone bored so I come here to have some conversations that I think are amusing.
#5 - I never said that my char wasnt edited, I did it myself. Like I said before I understand this game better then the most around here. I don't call that cheating but being smarter as someone else. So if you make walkers for a server you're a cheater?
#6 - Empathy for what? If a stranger would come to you and said "Hey, my brother died" would you care? Well I don't and I think most of us wont.
#7 - Not really active or not active at all is a big difference.
#8 - Well from what I heard is; You left Sweden to sell Playstations, that's a real case you can be proud of. It can't be that you're rich, otherwise you wouldn't be working. It can't be that your high educated otherwise you wouldn't sell Playstations. So I'm pretty sure I can say that you didn't achieve anything at all.

lol @ you. I'm lifeless here? If I could stand you and would look decent I would invite you once to my rich & famous life but since you're a complete tard it will never happen.


I wonder who have bigger tool , Kidicarus or Mr. Emiel  ;D
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