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Dager boost effect on infinity

Started by RaV3NCLaW, November 03, 2009, 09:55:23 PM

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and who is kesy? dude if you cant read .... i dont even feel the need to respond to you.. NM gets updates first then WE get YOUR updates.

y i get owned by dagers xD
>Infinity 5x player
>RaV3N --> SR/TK, SORC lvl 78/78 + Nobl
TheScourge --> DE/TY lvl xx/xx

Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. Your culture will adapt to service ours. Your life as it has been is over. From this time forward, you will service ... US ....the AOD!![/glow


Quote from: RaV3NCLaW on November 04, 2009, 05:47:01 PM
........ your a moron?

Track is in charge of our updates... he has contact to drake... Infinity doesnt have a GM, we get NM updates and since the only alive GM with any contact with Drake is Track and he reads NM section i write here. next time dont ask for stupid updates or if you ask for them ask only for NM ; , if you have any more brainless comments plz leave them to yourself... :)
I would say daggers boost was made not because "i have personal criers to make them happy", is more like daggers class was long way forgotten and we wanted to give them a life again, so bottom line all DN servers needed the boost not only the NM, and seriously , do you really think that someone who is QQ forum/msn/game will make us do any "update". We do updates only on places where they are needed.
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Quote from: RaV3NCLaW on November 04, 2009, 06:12:54 PM
and who is kesy? dude if you cant read .... i dont even feel the need to respond to you.. NM gets updates first then WE get YOUR updates.

y i get owned by dagers xD
Yes NM always get updates 1st, because after update period , we use nm as beta test updater , then if all fine all other servers get correct ones after a week, imo there is no problem in it.
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Mr. Emiel

Quote from: RaV3NCLaW on November 04, 2009, 06:12:54 PM
and who is kesy? dude if you cant read .... i dont even feel the need to respond to you.. NM gets updates first then WE get YOUR updates.

y i get owned by dagers xD
Kesy is Dragon GM? Bigcat or what ever his nick is. You don't feel to respond to me because I'm making points, isn't it? It's very unlikely that you inf noobs know something before Nightmare players ain't it? You've just state my point but let's ignore that.

So accept that you get owned by daggers, reroll wait 3,4 months and cry again because some other class will own.


i didnt say there is a problem in updates.... there is a problem with this recent update... for dagger p atk and crit dmg..... how can you say its normall for daggers to do more dmg with normal critical hits then with any of his skills? so why woud they use skills.. ? skills dont have a 100% land rate and also drain mana.

dunno we have many daggers on infinity so there they arent forgotten.

boosting dagger skills instead of P atk and crit dmg woud be way better just for more fun gameplay.. even if they will become owerpowerd ;
>Infinity 5x player
>RaV3N --> SR/TK, SORC lvl 78/78 + Nobl
TheScourge --> DE/TY lvl xx/xx

Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. Your culture will adapt to service ours. Your life as it has been is over. From this time forward, you will service ... US ....the AOD!![/glow

Mr. Emiel

Quote from: RaV3NCLaW on November 04, 2009, 06:20:31 PM
i didnt say there is a problem in updates.... there is a problem with this recent update... for dagger p atk and crit dmg..... how can you say its normall for daggers to do more dmg with normal critical hits then with any of his skills? so why woud they use skills.. ? skills dont have a 100% land rate and also drain mana.

dunno we have many daggers on infinity so there they arent forgotten.
Dude track just said in a nice way; freak OFF. What don't you understand?

Mr. Emiel

Quote from: Kikolina on November 04, 2009, 06:41:37 PM
in fact u didnt get the point of this topic and all points u ve stated are wrong, even track proved u that :P
Jezus freaking christ. Are you freaking blind?

Quote from: Kikolina on November 04, 2009, 06:41:37 PMwhat kind of bullshit is this, to pm gm with it? since when ANYONE was EVER listened by pming GM on dragon network? lol
Like GM's listen to you when you make a whine thread. And yes some GM's actually read their PM's and when you give good points they will reply.

Quote from: Kikolina on November 04, 2009, 06:41:37 PMhe hasnt got a glad th with as+16 so no kiddin he hasnt got a screens from it, and he posted what he has..
Exactly what I said. He talks bullshit with unproven points.

Quote from: Kikolina on November 04, 2009, 06:41:37 PMsince track is seen saying: "i got no time so no updates atm, we have coded it all and updates here" means he has the word, doesnt he? i doubt any dragon GM got any coding skills so again, why pming them?
I doubt that Track does but let's get my opinion out of the picture. As you can see he says "we" can be anybody. And as you probably know Drake is always a part of "we" so why not give a GM a ring and show him what you have so he can contact Drake himself.

Quote from: Kikolina on November 04, 2009, 06:41:37 PMabout "u wont be listened on nm forums", not so long ago olympiad buff was about to be removed because it s "bugged", but after i made a topic track changed his mind, coincidance? :P
You really think you can make a change? How long do you already play on Dragon-Network? 2 months?

But let me guess... You get owned by daggers aswell...

Going to a casino now so have fun whining about daggers.


track since you are responding here can i ask why did you make update to make "daggers more wanted" but why NEVER EVER have we seen any update that would make gladiator wanted? i don't play any gladiator char but i feel sorry for those who made gladiators, mostly they are in noob clans (good clans won't take them), also in most cases it's their 1st chars couse they didn't know the char would suck so much
also why for example sorcerors are so weak :P and shillen elder... (lame not even enchantable heal)

ps. i prefer much more this update where there's no more lethals, at least until players won't realize how to setup their chars,
since most people here are monkeys they still use -8 STR and what's more i still see idiots using demon dagger + MM (lawl), you know, they heard somewhere that having -str is good for dagger and that patk doesnt affect blows, which is simply bullshit and you can't argue with facts, patk does matter on stab damage, and normal hits rocked even before this update (on dagger chars ofc), now will see how much time will take before some higher power will realise it's abit too much


>Infinity 5x player
>RaV3N --> SR/TK, SORC lvl 78/78 + Nobl
TheScourge --> DE/TY lvl xx/xx

Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. Your culture will adapt to service ours. Your life as it has been is over. From this time forward, you will service ... US ....the AOD!![/glow


Quote from: Mr. Emiel on November 04, 2009, 06:49:32 PM
1. Jezus freaking christ. Are you freaking blind?
2. Like GM's listen to you when you make a whine thread. And yes some GM's actually read their PM's and when you give good points they will reply.
3. Exactly what I said. He talks bullshit with unproven points.
4. I doubt that Track does but let's get my opinion out of the picture. As you can see he says "we" can be anybody. And as you probably know Drake is always a part of "we" so why not give a GM a ring and show him what you have so he can contact Drake himself.
5.You really think you can make a change? How long do you already play on Dragon-Network? 2 months?

6.But let me guess... You get owned by daggers aswell...

Going to a casino now so have fun whining about daggers.

1. saying nobody here has a relation with infinity, but yet, changes that are done here, are done on infi, means if we make a change here, it will be done on infi, understood? u re dreaming about a stuff like;" track does updates on infi first and than on nightmare, this is the problem?" where did u pick this?  :-\ .. and thats also the reason that rav3nclaw ignored u since he told u that twice..

2. like u said, we made a TOPIC because pms are 99% IGNORED, exceptions are tuff donators that got robbed +-.. :D
u know what kind of reply i got when i talked personally to one gm, why he doesnt reply my pms? "i got too big flood i just delete all", come on cut the crap, lol

3. he posted a movie when normal hit crit is bigger than blow crit, and the most tuff one, BACKSTAB, what else should be proven here?

4. "i have a lot of exams to do" means whole DN team got them? even posted by TRACKZERO? it means to u drake kotenka everyone got exams? come on another bullshit, lol

5. so tell me, it was posted olympiad acumen will be removed, i made a topic, it got locked and voi-la, it wont be removed after a though of it.. coincidance? ofcourse u will say since u see u were badly wrong :P

6. if u would read all my posts u would see they are mostly objective so "u are owned by someone, QQ about it" wont work here, in fact, i personally would even prefer the boost to stay ;)

and really, i though we passed the stage of "WHO IS NOT FROM OTHER SERVER IS TOTAL NOOB HAHAH WE ARE THE BEST".. and rav3n didnt start with it, he used many IF's :P
Server: Infinity 5x
  NotKiko BP / WK | Kikos SPS / EE


Mr. Emiel

Quote from: Kikolina on November 04, 2009, 07:10:12 PM
1. saying nobody here has a relation with infinity, but yet, changes that are done here, are done on infi, means if we make a change here, it will be done on infi, understood? u re dreaming about a stuff like;" track does updates on infi first and than on nightmare, this is the problem?" where did u pick this?  :-\ .. and thats also the reason that rav3nclaw ignored u since he told u that twice..
kk last reply then I have to leave.

No, Infinity doesn't have any relation with Nightmare. Infinity is a second rank server. That part about "updates on inf before nm" that wasn't ment as it was written down... If you get what I mean.

Quote from: Kikolina on November 04, 2009, 07:10:12 PM2. like u said, we made a TOPIC because pms are 99% IGNORED, exceptions are tuff donators that got robbed +-.. :D
u know what kind of reply i got when i talked personally to one gm, why he doesnt reply my pms? "i got too big flood i just delete all", come on cut the crap, lol
Well I don't know about you, but when I pm'd GM's I always got a decent answer, expect those foony Dragon GM's expect Kesy.

Quote from: Kikolina on November 04, 2009, 07:10:12 PM3. he posted a movie when normal hit crit is bigger than blow crit, and the most tuff one, BACKSTAB, what else should be proven here?
Do it on char instead of a NPC with 0 p.def or god may know how many p.def they have.

Quote from: Kikolina on November 04, 2009, 07:10:12 PM4. "i have a lot of exams to do" means whole DN team got them? even posted by TRACKZERO? it means to u drake kotenka everyone got exams? come on another bullshit, lol
Try this one in English because I don't get a shit what you're trying to say.

Quote from: Kikolina on November 04, 2009, 07:10:12 PM5. so tell me, it was posted olympiad acumen will be removed, i made a topic, it got locked and voi-la, it wont be removed after a though of it.. coincidance? ofcourse u will say since u see u were badly wrong :P
You're really funny if you really think that it wasn't done because of you. Really really funny.

Quote from: Kikolina on November 04, 2009, 07:10:12 PM6. if u would read all my posts u would see they are mostly objective so "u are owned by someone, QQ about it" wont work here, in fact, i personally would even prefer the boost to stay ;)
Nobody does something without gaining something himself here, nor do you.

Gone now


Advice for "infi whiners":
ignore this Mr.Emiel, who for his half year on forum, never made any usefull post, never showed he knows anything about game