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Dager boost effect on infinity

Started by RaV3NCLaW, November 03, 2009, 09:55:23 PM

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Mr. Emiel

Quote from: mark_elesse on November 07, 2009, 12:10:53 PM
mkay, got my answers :D and buah...the back of the CLK sucks big time xD c180 got more sixy ass  ::)
No dude you gotta lower it and it's sixy as hell. The CLK DTM AMG one is freaking nice.

The CLK 63 AMG is nice aswell.

But they're in a way different price category I guess.




Quote from: Mr. Emiel on November 07, 2009, 12:18:34 PM
No dude you gotta lower it and it's sixy as hell. The CLK DTM AMG one is freaking nice.

The CLK 63 AMG is nice aswell.

But they're in a way different price category I guess.

The car of my dreams :D


Quote from: mark_elesse on November 07, 2009, 08:20:58 PM
you should buy a Truck fo' your fat gay ass ! also, you wanna sell your Harley  ? :D:D:D

You got Harley FAG !!burububrubrburbuburburbrburburburbuburrbubur !!!!


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Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


Quote from: RaV3NCLaW on November 03, 2009, 09:55:23 PM
Ello NM ppl ;

Track plz... if you listen to NM noobs that dunno how to play daggers dont apply the same updated on every other server.. or at least in this case infinity, cause now archers/tyrants/glads etc use daggers instead of bows/fists/duals and actually do massive dmg.

A friend is a dager and he can reach 6k p atk... i can reach 7,4 k with bow... so he has 1,4k p atk less then me with a FCKING DAGGER :) and there are no resist buffs for daggers ; for archers you have songs with lame boosted reuse and this incredibly stupid instant dance that makes archers not playable at least on server wher good players play i dunno the case on NM.

Track your doing a great job with other updates but plz when you dicide to nerf/boost chars dont ask random ppl or i dunno how you do it... but seams you have no idea what chars are capable of or what gear/buffs etc they must/can use.

On infinity dagers are the new DE/TY's... with 350 run speed ;

This may work for NM... but it doesnt work for us.... mybe we need a GM like you?

There's a time for every class in this game at DN severs. Raven i've never been thinking that u'll be crying on forum. As a matter of fact u had ur time for a lonnnnnnnng period. Let them be.............

HOOP IS MY RELIGION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


Quote from: TrackZero on November 06, 2009, 05:25:41 PM
I wonder who have bigger tool , Kidicarus or Mr. Emiel  ;D

I have the bigger tool, but Emiel is the bigger tool.

Quote from: Mr. Emiel on November 07, 2009, 10:00:50 AM
Is that a challenge? if it is you're on.
We don't need any challenge when you're tossing out beautifull sentences like;  "You're 4 years older as me"  "Everybody could had done it"  your texts are full of theese small grammatical errors that shows you're not as fluent in english as you think.

Quote from: Mr. Emiel on November 07, 2009, 10:00:50 AM
Maybe it's not a symbol of status with the people you call friends. Seriously dude... I saw your picture and you're one those guys that stays single till he's 40/45 and then marrys a Polish chick with 3 childeren.
Seriously dude how hard can it be to look at the right picture? I've told you for like a year that it's very kind of you to say I look 30+ but you are looking at the wrong picture.

Quote from: Mr. Emiel on November 07, 2009, 10:00:50 AM
You're 4 years older as me. lol. Besides I can get girlfriends in a sec two on the right two on the left. You just have to remind them once a while that they're with you, and that you're not with them.
Emiel just because you finally got a girlfriend and lost your cherry it doesn't mean that we all are out looking to get hitched up.

Quote from: Mr. Emiel on November 07, 2009, 10:00:50 AM
I don't call it cheating. If someone else is smarter as you and you both make a test it's cheating because he has more knowledge? Everybody could had done it, they just didn't find the right way to do it. And till this day nobody succeeded in doing it, only me and a real life friend so yes, I think I can state that I'm smarter then the avarange player here. About the walker. You want to say that you never used walker? 99% of the server does/did it.
No I never used walker.... But Herami sent me your walker back in c3 so I started it once to sell items since the server DC'd every 15 mins. And what you are describing is actually the definition of an exploit/cheat... So yeah. And your simile about knowledge on a test is just freaking retarded lol.
I can also draw retarded parallels look; If you succesfully rob a 7/11 you are smarter then everyone else cause they just never figured out how.

PS. I wouldn't even want to drive a Mercedes.... Thats the type of car desperate rich folks buy to compensate for their tiny genetalia.
My last car was a Honda Civic 1992 that I bought for like 300$, I honestly couldn't care less as long as it gets me from A-B.


Mr. Emiel

Quote from: kidicarus on November 08, 2009, 01:21:06 PM
I have the bigger tool, but Emiel is the bigger tool.
Only to bad that you never use your tool, ain't it?

Quote from: kidicarus on November 08, 2009, 01:21:06 PMWe don't need any challenge when you're tossing out beautifull sentences like;  "You're 4 years older as me"  "Everybody could had done it"  your texts are full of theese small grammatical errors that shows you're not as fluent in english as you think.
as or then who cares.

Quote from: kidicarus on November 08, 2009, 01:21:06 PMSeriously dude how hard can it be to look at the right picture? I've told you for like a year that it's very kind of you to say I look 30+ but you are looking at the wrong picture.
Im looking at the wrong picture... You posted it yourself and said "me blablabl after blablabla with no shower" or something like that. So uhm...

Quote from: kidicarus on November 08, 2009, 01:21:06 PMEmiel just because you finally got a girlfriend and lost your cherry it doesn't mean that we all are out looking to get hitched up.
I don't have any girlfriends there are just girls that believe that I am her boyfriend, big difference.

Quote from: kidicarus on November 08, 2009, 01:21:06 PMNo I never used walker.... But Herami sent me your walker back in c3 so I started it once to sell items since the server DC'd every 15 mins. And what you are describing is actually the definition of an exploit/cheat... So yeah. And your simile about knowledge on a test is just freaking retarded lol.
I can also draw retarded parallels look; If you succesfully rob a 7/11 you are smarter then everyone else cause they just never figured out how.
You never used walker and 1 line further you did, so what is it? Well yes if you don't get caught it shows that you've done it smarter then others. I still don't call it exploiting.

Quote from: kidicarus on November 08, 2009, 01:21:06 PMPS. I wouldn't even want to drive a Mercedes.... Thats the type of car desperate rich folks buy to compensate for their tiny genetalia.
My last car was a Honda Civic 1992 that I bought for like 300$, I honestly couldn't care less as long as it gets me from A-B.
Everybody wants a Mercedes just not everybody can afford one then they say "I don't wanna drive one". You're really a poor excuse of a male with you Civic. Not because it was only 300$ but because it's Japanese. Oh and of course many many more things like spending more money on a remote controll then as for your car. Go hire a car and maybe you can use that "bigger tool" of you once a while.


Quote from: Mr. Emiel on November 06, 2009, 12:39:44 PM
I don't give a jackshit about anyone here if someone would die, care. I have something you don't have, friends, girlfriend, and a nice automobile!

Quote from: Mr. Emiel on November 08, 2009, 02:18:26 PM
I don't have any girlfriends there are just girls that believe that I am her boyfriend, big difference.
You need to keep track of your lies, contradictions just makes you look stupid. And you live with your dad in your mansion whilst I live with 2 friends. Not really sure why you assume I don't have any friends... Is it so hard to believe that not everyone likes your lifestyle, and being an elitist asshole is not something we all want to achieve?

Quote from: Mr. Emiel on November 08, 2009, 02:18:26 PM
You never used walker and 1 line further you did, so what is it? Well yes if you don't get caught it shows that you've done it smarter then others. I still don't call it exploiting.
My statement stands... I never use walker, but yes I have tested it once in town to auto-login a dwarf that was selling pots. This went on for a total of 6 hours 3 years ago. Is that explanation satisfactory to you?

Quote from: Mr. Emiel on November 08, 2009, 02:18:26 PM
Everybody wants a Mercedes just not everybody can afford one then they say "I don't wanna drive one". You're really a poor excuse of a male with you Civic. Not because it was only 300$ but because it's Japanese. Oh and of course many many more things like spending more money on a remote controll then as for your car. Go hire a car and maybe you can use that "bigger tool" of you once a while.
My mom drives a mercedes, it's not exactly a statussymbol over here. And now I haven't even had a car for 2 years since i live smack down in the middle of downtown oslo so having a car would actually be a drawback for me.

Quote from: Mr. Emiel on November 08, 2009, 02:18:26 PM
as or then who cares.
LoooL you claim your english is flawless and that you would beat me in a test, and 1 post later it's like "grammar.... pffff who cares"

Quote from: Mr. Emiel on November 08, 2009, 02:18:26 PM
Im looking at the wrong picture... You posted it yourself and said "me blablabl after blablabla with no shower" or something like that. So uhm...
Do I still look 30+? Well thanks mate! Or are you just to stubborn to swallow your pride and say that you've been looking at the  wrong picture?
