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Started by Rhae, November 13, 2009, 10:02:18 AM

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Quote from: Curtis on November 15, 2009, 03:54:03 PM
Oh if he kill baium alone its ok i dont knew that ;) but still - i dont saw him with hero status ;)

yea bcouse when i made 170 pts metal transfer to 200 << when i made 210 points metal transfer to 250 so ? i`ll never transfer i dont care for hero by transfer   i want see this month now  all orc have less 100 pts lets me see who will be transfer ;)


Quote from: qwertyzxc on November 15, 2009, 03:56:58 PM
yea bcouse when i made 170 pts metal transfer to 200 << when i made 210 points metal transfer to 250 so ? i`ll never transfer i dont care for hero by transfer   i want see this month now  all orc have less 100 pts lets me see who will be transfer ;)

u will be hero now cuz no one farm its all but u will still one elpy near Szi


Quote from: seboulba on November 15, 2009, 04:05:23 PM
u will be hero now cuz no one farm its all but u will still one elpy near Szi

kk so tell to szi to play vs me at oly if i rmemeber last time i win vs  him 2 times  at oly and vs metal like 10 times

"no one farm" lol just now its more hard play orc and ur monster orcs cant make any pts dude


Quote from: qwertyzxc on November 15, 2009, 10:20:51 PM
kk so tell to szi to play vs me at oly if i rmemeber last time i win vs  him 2 times  at oly and vs metal like 10 times

"no one farm" lol just now its more hard play orc and ur monster orcs cant make any pts dude
you are the best ty de... you just missed a fact, when you killed metal it was me on it, last 2 fights vs metal it was the real owner aka spash and you got rolled, but why would you write it there ah?
You are a pathetic piece of shit, you are worth nothing, you play for attention and just wish you are something or even funnier, someone.
so here is the sum up, you tryed hard to be hero every month, every month you failed harder, against metal or szi it didn't matter : no chance.
you're the ty/de that was stuck at 4 points, only reason you have points now is that you managed after 15 days and camping draks etc to make 120 points (waow...not!) while szi and spash didn't play !
kk, keep wishing, keep hoping and eventually, keep posting !


I don't see the problem tbh, I tested it y-day and I can still train HB as easy as before.

I used to train using only zanken in my skillbar to keep my hp <30% witout vr or vamp dance.

Now I do the same but with the buff and dance (i use anthy also but it works without) and it still works, you just have to equip/remove your jewls to regulate your hp.

p.s, use OE tal glaive+ wb also :D
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: our4n0s on November 15, 2009, 10:40:53 PM
you are the best ty de... you just missed a fact, when you killed metal it was me on it, last 2 fights vs metal it was the real owner aka spash and you got rolled, but why would you write it there ah?
You are a pathetic piece of shit, you are worth nothing, you play for attention and just wish you are something or even funnier, someone.
so here is the sum up, you tryed hard to be hero every month, every month you failed harder, against metal or szi it didn't matter : no chance.
you're the ty/de that was stuck at 4 points, only reason you have points now is that you managed after 15 days and camping draks etc to make 120 points (waow...not!) while szi and spash didn't play !
kk, keep wishing, keep hoping and eventually, keep posting !

lol dude ur best idiot on this server first ur best no life u was every day at oly  EVERYDAY  fuking nol lifer + donator u give ur money for pixels lol2  and the next  me camp draks ? muahahah  ur so funny dude  i never camp no one im not no lifer like u i join everytime if i have my skill rdy and no camp no one l

kk szi dont play so why i see him at oly ?

leave this server dude best idiot transfering  nab on NM  low skiller play who cant make hero w/o transfer for ur other chars

"so here is the sum up, you tryed hard to be hero every month, every month you failed harder, against metal or szi it didn't matter : no chance."  <<< -- H@H@H@H@HH@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@ evrymonth sorry but ur joke now or ur super idiot dude ?:D i enver join oly only last 2 month i start sign so what a bullshits u write o_O


Quote from: Zuluman on November 16, 2009, 03:55:57 PM
I don't see the problem tbh, I tested it y-day and I can still train HB as easy as before.

I used to train using only zanken in my skillbar to keep my hp <30% witout vr or vamp dance.

Now I do the same but with the buff and dance (i use anthy also but it works without) and it still works, you just have to equip/remove your jewls to regulate your hp.

p.s, use OE tal glaive+ wb also :D
but u are subed?? i mean de/ty
Shadow x10 - Rhae Tyrant / WC  - Hero
NM x30 - Rhae Bishop / WC
Gaia x5 - DmG Destro / WC


U have made a nice spam, but track still didnt said a word about it


Quote from: our4n0s on November 15, 2009, 10:40:53 PM

You are a pathetic piece of shit, you are worth nothing, you play for attention and just wish you are something or even funnier, someone.

funny, cause when i read this i feel like reading someone commenting glenn


Quote from: qwertyzxc on November 16, 2009, 06:18:12 PM

lol dude ur best idiot on this server first ur best no life u was every day at oly  EVERYDAY  fuking nol lifer + donator u give ur money for pixels lol2  and the next  me camp draks ? muahahah  ur so funny dude  i never camp no one im not no lifer like u i join everytime if i have my skill rdy and no camp no one l

kk szi dont play so why i see him at oly ?

leave this server dude best idiot transfering  nab on NM  low skiller play who cant make hero w/o transfer for ur other chars

"so here is the sum up, you tryed hard to be hero every month, every month you failed harder, against metal or szi it didn't matter : no chance."  <<< -- H@H@H@H@HH@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@ evrymonth sorry but ur joke now or ur super idiot dude ?:D i enver join oly only last 2 month i start sign so what a bullshits u write o_O

funny, cause when he was @ oly. You were farming your ass off @ HB, in matter fact everytime i went HB you were there back in the old day's.
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


Quote from: FeelmyBow on November 18, 2009, 11:47:14 AM
funny, cause when he was @ oly. You were farming your ass off @ HB, in matter fact everytime i went HB you were there back in the old day's.

ouch yea i  farm everytime hb sorry how i can do it if i have real work everdy + friends + more bla bla ? u stay 24 h on hb near me or what if u say i farm all time hb


Quote from: qwertyzxc on November 18, 2009, 07:56:27 PM

ouch yea i  farm everytime hb sorry how i can do it if i have real work everdy + friends + more bla bla ? u stay 24 h on hb near me or what if u say i farm all time hb

If you would understand what i wrote you wouldn't reply with such a damn response. I said, everytime i went to HB. Wich means that when i went there once in a while i saw you killing Chimera's. Second of all i said "Back in the old day's" this means that you did that @ the start of HB, you were spending there alot of time. So basicly my point is, why are you calling some1 else a no-lifer while he does Oly (wich actually consumes 4h a day) a No-Lifer, if you have spend many more hours in HB.
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord