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D-net slowly dying. Heal D-net ? - Page 2



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D-net slowly dying. Heal D-net ?

Started by Benoth, November 21, 2009, 02:58:15 PM

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Quote from: Benoth on November 21, 2009, 09:39:59 PM
Sorry for my pathetic english  , c4 was just the atmosphere Now they are star wars .
I guess my argument that most of you are pathetic, but there are people who miss and waiting for c4 server, and no one says they want to shut down a server, only 1 c4 open to being tested or something
Yes, but that atmosphere won't be revived by old client and nice loader with Kat the Cat. I also miss the fun, exploring of new, people, but I am not looking for C4 server because of that :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


there are ppl who want to play on old style C4 , anyway i know drake and other will ignore it , so why I even try ? i dont know .
Sword Art Online


You can't revive something that is being destroyed by the very thing that made games so great today, progress.

Lineage 2 is a dead game for new gamers, only those who once played and enjoyed the game still play it.

Memories are priceless, nostalgia...


Sword Art Online


QuoteTopic: D-net slowly dying. Heal D-net ?

dusaka  WC/DE  since 5.5 years

Kondjo   Warsmith/B.Hunter  BEST CRAFTER in NM



Quote from: id8675309 on November 22, 2009, 06:52:17 PM
Hahaah. Slowly dying ... It IS dead. Belive me :D
Nobody is taking this network seriously now.

But it has nothing to do with chronicle. Many things are bugged, too many modded things, im not even mention dnet sets with uber stats but even thing like 7s is modded. Plus u can find many posts about cheats, multiskills, gm coruption, which can be actually ture since they have they own chars in game and can be side in the conflict. All this things works together and gives not so good image of this community.


Ever since the servers opened, there has always been a consistent stream of people saying "server is dying menzzzzs", but it never has. I believe it won't for a long time to come, but if things do go downhill, remember L2 is an aging game, it's stood the test of time already! Irregardless, I don't believe DN will ever die, just transfer to a new game if that becomes necessary to maintain interest and get new players on board.

Davrioza - SK/AW
Davri0za - SK/SH
DavriozaPwns - SpS/EE
Hindu - Future HE/WL, Mohammad Jihad.
(And some more ghey chars + Davrioza, 70 human mage @ WoW)



Quote from: D4vri0za on November 22, 2009, 07:27:04 PM
Ever since the servers opened, there has always been a consistent stream of people saying "server is dying menzzzzs", but it never has. I believe it won't for a long time to come, but if things do go downhill, remember L2 is an aging game, it's stood the test of time already! Irregardless, I don't believe DN will ever die, just transfer to a new game if that becomes necessary to maintain interest and get new players on board.
+1 menx, and we wont die, cause there is no reason for it, people were coming and leaving and that's in nature of them. However if some people got bored for some reason their leaving will not make us die or close or w/e, life goes on same as server, and believe my words sooner or later they will come back as they always do, happened in past will happen in future too.
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Quote from: GN on November 22, 2009, 10:27:12 PM
since few months activity of server falin down , there is no good updates, economy is one big ruin what makes that new player from other servers or just new come here play few dys and relaise that without donation they can do a shit so in result they just go from here .

Reasons bout it r few :

- GM's :

Dragon server x 15 was always the bigest server with great donation , ppl want play there , donate , bring friends to play together - enjoy even with coruption what evry1 can smell in the air .
HUGE ONLINE makes that game great and makes that Dragon Network was famous compare to other private servers.Economy working very nice , even with OE items around players (new) was able to make alone equipment whats makes them strong(able to kill all enemy ) with a little luck , clan help , devote some time  to his game - for example lets take archer db+f , draco set , tateo + QA ...

that was C4.

After many time of offline Drake appeare and make update to interlude, we met there uber Dynasty Sets for huge price 125 dc (after 1-2 weeks hundreds of ppl have it ) , augument system with imba workin skills like for example wm lvl 9 whats with combination with another bufs + eq gives 100 % m crits , another auguments mostly for Olimpiad players what u was only able to do buying them from Dony, well high lvl 76 for passive might what was Desire of evry fighter was at dony too, BOOM enchants events evrythink to buy in shops for ,,good '' coins price . Walet was huge , but ..ppl are always hungry when they see money so next event was faster as evry1 thinked , with life stones in ,,good price" , boom 2 dc for evrythink = ppl buy but not so much so lets make it for 1 coin ! Rly great marketing strategy , evry 1 was buying stones , enchants weapns , evry 1 wanna enchant his jevs and setS for +6...

Interlude times = Drake become greedy/ $ times . mo money more and more and evrythink was aceptable, buisness still works great and ppl wasnt even hmm nervous dunno how to said it but they still enjoy game coz of Huge online and great wars around (in that moment game started to be imba beetwen ppl in dynasty (called d-net !!!125dc set ) and draco/ic/ dc robe sets players but lets dont spoke bout it ..) ..evrythink was perfect - great times .

epic fall cheapter  ;D

Epic fall of dragon network its our talented buisness man and coder (with all respect)  drake fault , coz .....of well friends from real life.

If drake would be smart menager , he would pay for non playing GM + profesional Coder who have awsome L2 knowledge for exapmple 10 % of donation per month in efect he could :
1. Keep Walet huge
2. still leave in center of Europe without internet and make music - as we know he like it .

but.. he choose friends , ppl who doesnt take any money (gosh ofc they doesnt deserve) just wanna be Awsome Famous Still Play in Game as players and on other window have Panel with last builder and run extremly fast :o + ban ppl for ,,bad words" or enemys .
Without any game knowledge , skills macro , rases  etc ets they took from inactive drake control on Hundreds players so - They Started HAVE AFFECT on his Server .

Results was fast :

1st -  Huge and great clan Final Fate said thank you Drake and move to other private server
2nd -  Huge and great clan Excidium said thank u Drake and move to other private server ( i can tell that in 1st week i log there and they have 60 players online , player bah no lifes playin all the time  ;D - with Final Fate was same , huge online )
3rd  - That 2 clans above had many friends from small clans , what makes that they said thank u drake too .
4th  - many players miss old times and Active players and become inactiv , started log 1 time per week or just make BB topic being bored of whats goin on .

So here we are DRAGON NETWORK CRUSH - people . Key to Sucess is keep activity and makes money , Drake choose only 1 option .

Result is like with cancer , u can try to cure it , but in end u will die . So lets makes more money and dont cre off ppl :

HUGE HELLBOUND TIMES COME (LAST cheapter , here we will all fall in coma )

So hellbound comes , s80 , worst active ever , economy in ass , multi bugs , more unProfesional GM's - friends  Came .

No ideas for change for example : makes subclass system for free (without horn ) - some move for ,,young players " no no no !!!
drake will apere in x-mass with event and atribute system to feed his Dragon x 15 nation  ;D

Im LOLED from idiots who say its old Game , just old system etc etc , u dumb freakers go see other servers with online like 2 k ppl all the time ! if u dont know names of it pm me .

@ Track , the words ,, we will survive " - titanic drama, if u think that for real counting that u will keep server from ppl who only log here for pvp having items and talk with old friends u r just stupid , or dreamer w/e but in that moment u r enemy of our fiture here , coz u dont do nothin .

The end

ps. i love that server , coz of friends and nice pvp system + i have all items + log 1 time a week for pvp.
ps. 2 the end of cancer will come faster as u think - i count on atribute system or on Vespers weps xd


soz for english but i dont care im rich  ;D


Quote from: GN on November 22, 2009, 10:27:12 PM
since few months activity of server falin down , there is no good updates, economy is one big ruin what makes that new player from other servers or just new come here play few dys and relaise that without donation they can do a shit so in result they just go from here .

Reasons bout it r few :

- GM's :

Dragon server x 15 was always the bigest server with great donation , ppl want play there , donate , bring friends to play together - enjoy even with coruption what evry1 can smell in the air .
HUGE ONLINE makes that game great and makes that Dragon Network was famous compare to other private servers.Economy working very nice , even with OE items around players (new) was able to make alone equipment whats makes them strong(able to kill all enemy ) with a little luck , clan help , devote some time  to his game - for example lets take archer db+f , draco set , tateo + QA ...

that was C4.

After many time of offline Drake appeare and make update to interlude, we met there uber Dynasty Sets for huge price 125 dc (after 1-2 weeks hundreds of ppl have it ) , augument system with imba workin skills like for example wm lvl 9 whats with combination with another bufs + eq gives 100 % m crits , another auguments mostly for Olimpiad players what u was only able to do buying them from Dony, well high lvl 76 for passive might what was Desire of evry fighter was at dony too, BOOM enchants events evrythink to buy in shops for ,,good '' coins price . Walet was huge , but ..ppl are always hungry when they see money so next event was faster as evry1 thinked , with life stones in ,,good price" , boom 2 dc for evrythink = ppl buy but not so much so lets make it for 1 coin ! Rly great marketing strategy , evry 1 was buying stones , enchants weapns , evry 1 wanna enchant his jevs and setS for +6...

Interlude times = Drake become greedy/ $ times . mo money more and more and evrythink was aceptable, buisness still works great and ppl wasnt even hmm nervous dunno how to said it but they still enjoy game coz of Huge online and great wars around (in that moment game started to be imba beetwen ppl in dynasty (called d-net !!!125dc set ) and draco/ic/ dc robe sets players but lets dont spoke bout it ..) ..evrythink was perfect - great times .

epic fall cheapter  ;D

Epic fall of dragon network its our talented buisness man and coder (with all respect)  drake fault , coz .....of well friends from real life.

If drake would be smart menager , he would pay for non playing GM + profesional Coder who have awsome L2 knowledge for exapmple 10 % of donation per month in efect he could :
1. Keep Walet huge
2. still leave in center of Europe without internet and make music - as we know he like it .

but.. he choose friends , ppl who doesnt take any money (gosh ofc they doesnt deserve) just wanna be Awsome Famous Still Play in Game as players and on other window have Panel with last builder and run extremly fast :o + ban ppl for ,,bad words" or enemys .
Without any game knowledge , skills macro , rases  etc ets they took from inactive drake control on Hundreds players so - They Started HAVE AFFECT on his Server .

Results was fast :

1st -  Huge and great clan Final Fate said thank you Drake and move to other private server
2nd -  Huge and great clan Excidium said thank u Drake and move to other private server ( i can tell that in 1st week i log there and they have 60 players online , player bah no lifes playin all the time  ;D - with Final Fate was same , huge online )
3rd  - That 2 clans above had many friends from small clans , what makes that they said thank u drake too .
4th  - many players miss old times and Active players and become inactiv , started log 1 time per week or just make BB topic being bored of whats goin on .

So here we are DRAGON NETWORK CRUSH - people . Key to Sucess is keep activity and makes money , Drake choose only 1 option .

Result is like with cancer , u can try to cure it , but in end u will die . So lets makes more money and dont cre off ppl :

HUGE HELLBOUND TIMES COME (LAST cheapter , here we will all fall in coma )

So hellbound comes , s80 , worst active ever , economy in ass , multi bugs , more unProfesional GM's - friends  Came .

No ideas for change for example : makes subclass system for free (without horn ) - some move for ,,young players " no no no !!!
drake will apere in x-mass with event and atribute system to feed his Dragon x 15 nation  ;D

Im LOLED from idiots who say its old Game , just old system etc etc , u dumb freakers go see other servers with online like 2 k ppl all the time ! if u dont know names of it pm me .

@ Track , the words ,, we will survive " - titanic drama, if u think that for real counting that u will keep server from ppl who only log here for pvp having items and talk with old friends u r just stupid , or dreamer w/e but in that moment u r enemy of our fiture here , coz u dont do nothin .

The end

ps. i love that server , coz of friends and nice pvp system + i have all items + log 1 time a week for pvp.
ps. 2 the end of cancer will come faster as u think - i count on atribute system or on Vespers weps xd


soz for english but i dont care im rich  ;D
+1 too  nothing more to add , dont let this thread die ...............................
... From Zenith to Infinity ....
Malandro        BD/PR 79   Infinityx5
Sithar            Big Fat Dorf Infinityx5
Malandro        Druid 60 WoW Official    
Proud To Be Member Of HEAVENGUARDS


Quote from: GN on November 22, 2009, 10:27:12 PM
since few months activity of server falin down , there is no good updates, economy is one big ruin what makes that new player from other servers or just new come here play few dys and relaise that without donation they can do a shit so in result they just go from here .

Reasons bout it r few :

- GM's :

Dragon server x 15 was always the bigest server with great donation , ppl want play there , donate , bring friends to play together - enjoy even with coruption what evry1 can smell in the air .
HUGE ONLINE makes that game great and makes that Dragon Network was famous compare to other private servers.Economy working very nice , even with OE items around players (new) was able to make alone equipment whats makes them strong(able to kill all enemy ) with a little luck , clan help , devote some time  to his game - for example lets take archer db+f , draco set , tateo + QA ...

that was C4.

After many time of offline Drake appeare and make update to interlude, we met there uber Dynasty Sets for huge price 125 dc (after 1-2 weeks hundreds of ppl have it ) , augument system with imba workin skills like for example wm lvl 9 whats with combination with another bufs + eq gives 100 % m crits , another auguments mostly for Olimpiad players what u was only able to do buying them from Dony, well high lvl 76 for passive might what was Desire of evry fighter was at dony too, BOOM enchants events evrythink to buy in shops for ,,good '' coins price . Walet was huge , but ..ppl are always hungry when they see money so next event was faster as evry1 thinked , with life stones in ,,good price" , boom 2 dc for evrythink = ppl buy but not so much so lets make it for 1 coin ! Rly great marketing strategy , evry 1 was buying stones , enchants weapns , evry 1 wanna enchant his jevs and setS for +6...

Interlude times = Drake become greedy/ $ times . mo money more and more and evrythink was aceptable, buisness still works great and ppl wasnt even hmm nervous dunno how to said it but they still enjoy game coz of Huge online and great wars around (in that moment game started to be imba beetwen ppl in dynasty (called d-net !!!125dc set ) and draco/ic/ dc robe sets players but lets dont spoke bout it ..) ..evrythink was perfect - great times .

epic fall cheapter  ;D

Epic fall of dragon network its our talented buisness man and coder (with all respect)  drake fault , coz .....of well friends from real life.

If drake would be smart menager , he would pay for non playing GM + profesional Coder who have awsome L2 knowledge for exapmple 10 % of donation per month in efect he could :
1. Keep Walet huge
2. still leave in center of Europe without internet and make music - as we know he like it .

but.. he choose friends , ppl who doesnt take any money (gosh ofc they doesnt deserve) just wanna be Awsome Famous Still Play in Game as players and on other window have Panel with last builder and run extremly fast :o + ban ppl for ,,bad words" or enemys .
Without any game knowledge , skills macro , rases  etc ets they took from inactive drake control on Hundreds players so - They Started HAVE AFFECT on his Server .

Results was fast :

1st -  Huge and great clan Final Fate said thank you Drake and move to other private server
2nd -  Huge and great clan Excidium said thank u Drake and move to other private server ( i can tell that in 1st week i log there and they have 60 players online , player bah no lifes playin all the time  ;D - with Final Fate was same , huge online )
3rd  - That 2 clans above had many friends from small clans , what makes that they said thank u drake too .
4th  - many players miss old times and Active players and become inactiv , started log 1 time per week or just make BB topic being bored of whats goin on .

So here we are DRAGON NETWORK CRUSH - people . Key to Sucess is keep activity and makes money , Drake choose only 1 option .

Result is like with cancer , u can try to cure it , but in end u will die . So lets makes more money and dont cre off ppl :

HUGE HELLBOUND TIMES COME (LAST cheapter , here we will all fall in coma )

So hellbound comes , s80 , worst active ever , economy in ass , multi bugs , more unProfesional GM's - friends  Came .

No ideas for change for example : makes subclass system for free (without horn ) - some move for ,,young players " no no no !!!
drake will apere in x-mass with event and atribute system to feed his Dragon x 15 nation  ;D

Im LOLED from idiots who say its old Game , just old system etc etc , u dumb freakers go see other servers with online like 2 k ppl all the time ! if u dont know names of it pm me .

@ Track , the words ,, we will survive " - titanic drama, if u think that for real counting that u will keep server from ppl who only log here for pvp having items and talk with old friends u r just stupid , or dreamer w/e but in that moment u r enemy of our fiture here , coz u dont do nothin .

The end

ps. i love that server , coz of friends and nice pvp system + i have all items + log 1 time a week for pvp.
ps. 2 the end of cancer will come faster as u think - i count on atribute system or on Vespers weps xd


soz for english but i dont care im rich  ;D
+1   drake should read this


Quote from: GN on November 22, 2009, 10:27:12 PM

@ Track , the words ,, we will survive " - titanic drama, if u think that for real counting that u will keep server from ppl who only log here for pvp having items and talk with old friends u r just stupid , or dreamer w/e but in that moment u r enemy of our fiture here , coz u dont do nothin .

First of all, thank you for calling me stupid, but i don't mind you too much since you don't even know me nor you are playing on NM therefor i can understand your hate regarding o GM-s, whatsoever most of people on my server disrespect me too and insult me 10 times more then you do so ill consider this as a introduction hello thing.
About all this essay of yours , i can just add that obviously you are a player of x15 server and that you have some frustrations regarding most of GM-s there (which i prefer not comment here, i don't defend them but i cant attack them if u know what i mean), but if you read your own text few times, you will notice main problem regarded to DN history, and that is: GM-s simply cant play on server where they are working cause it does conflicts their objectivity for real, and that was the thing that was striking the x15 from its own being.
Regarding to other things you said, you have to consider other servers under DN who didn't have history like x15, thats why i said we gonna survive and we will not close, things you said about economy is messed up new players log off etc... is not really true, is the message you people send to other people which is really not so much true cause tbh most of time (which is ok normal in human being) watch only your side of story ignoring some things that had to be done.
And i will repeat myself once again and again, DN is not only x15 server, there are 3 more options under this roof that are not so bad at all and in my opinion wont have problems that bothered you on x15, so why not give a try? All those people who were saying we suck we are "bugged" "notwork" etc... actually are bored of l2 itself or actually came to next stage of their life (university,college,marriage,girlfriends,babys,etc...) where they simply cant be old hardcore players like they were back then, so only thing that they can do is is a)leave in peace and have nice memory or b)flame and try ruin everything that remains here cause of their selfish jealousy  , and believe me they didn't found any other happiness on other servers , since server wasn't the problem in 1st place.
We had bad moments in the past and we passed it, there is no reason to not pass it again. Problems will always come and go, and now we don't need criticism ,analysts and philosophers  we need a solution and assist of whole community (< This is what i am saying to my people on NM so don't get me wrong).
And about of amount of players, well if we merge all we would have like 4k+ players ,therefor don't be so offensive regarding to DN what we have accomplished many of them can only dream, be a proud member of DN even if you are an Ex one.
I am proud to serve here.
Take care dude.
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