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Dagger blows dmg

Started by legendaryvicious, January 25, 2010, 03:49:01 AM

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Quote from: legendaryvicious on January 25, 2010, 03:49:01 AM
This is a remake of the lost post misiek created, but this time with pics about dagger blow dmg.  Tested on pp/th with draco set +3/4 as the receiving end of the attacks and a pw/sws as the attacker with as+cd+3.

You can see in the pics the buffs and stats of both the receiver and the attacker, as well as the baium and aq rings and enchant values of backstab and vicious stance.




First no critical wound



Now with critical wound



Now with critical wound and expose weakpoint



That would be all for today, the rest is up for you track to make a decision.

P.S: we  had to spend 7 minutes trying to make expose weak point land  :-X

again cry topic about dagger...

and u think 1,5k dmg from backstab is low? w8 for enchant atribute after cry


Quote from: legendaryvicious on January 25, 2010, 03:49:01 AM
This is a remake of the lost post misiek created, but this time with pics about dagger blow dmg.  Tested on pp/th with draco set +3/4 as the receiving end of the attacks and a pw/sws as the attacker with as+cd+3.

You can see in the pics the buffs and stats of both the receiver and the attacker, as well as the baium and aq rings and enchant values of backstab and vicious stance.




First no critical wound



Now with critical wound



Now with critical wound and expose weakpoint



That would be all for today, the rest is up for you track to make a decision.

P.S: we  had to spend 7 minutes trying to make expose weak point land  :-X

+1 to u men :)

Quote from: smerfik on January 25, 2010, 12:10:19 PM
again cry topic about dagger...

and u think 1,5k dmg from backstab is low? w8 for enchant atribute after cry

Track say that he dont fix enchant blow on atribut bcs we are OP :o

ps- be cerfull  bcs that noob Deathpussy or cthon start flame here ( they have so many to say when they play Archer's)
1 of the oldest player on NM
Misiek3 pw/es <-- try it 1 vs 1
and many others...


Quote from: smerfik on January 25, 2010, 12:10:19 PM
again cry topic about dagger...

and u think 1,5k dmg from backstab is low? w8 for enchant atribute after cry

yeah its extreamly high, blows dont use mana, their range is 100000, and they hit 10x faster than mage and archer with icarus. so f00k 1,5k? make it 150.

Quote from: MisiekIII on January 25, 2010, 01:21:04 PM
Track say that he dont fix enchant blow on atribut bcs we are OP :o

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: smerfik on January 25, 2010, 12:10:19 PM
again cry topic about dagger...

and u think 1,5k dmg from backstab is low? w8 for enchant atribute after cry

Read my post again, then tell me in wich sentence i'm crying about daggers dmg; all i'm trying to do here is to show that daggers aren't op. And yeah i was waiting for enchant atributes to work on daggers and daggers blows, but when track said something along the lines of "i won't implement that for daggers 'coz they're op" (correct if i'm totally wrong though) i decided to make these tests just for him to see and take an more informed decision on the matter.
You Can't Kill the Messiah.


Quote from: MisiekIII on January 25, 2010, 01:21:04 PM
+1 to u men :)

Track say that he dont fix enchant blow on atribut bcs we are OP :o

ps- be cerfull  bcs that noob Deathpussy or cthon start flame here ( they have so many to say when they play Archer's)

::) ::) ::) ::)


Quote from: WscieklyWaz on January 25, 2010, 01:36:31 PM
yeah its extreamly high, blows dont use mana, their range is 100000, and they hit 10x faster than mage and archer with icarus. so f00k 1,5k? make it 150.

nie wiem o co jeczenie, mnie jedynie co dobija to m kryty od nuka

na temat dmg lucznikow tez by mogl ktos narzekac bo w tanka bije tylko za 100-200 normale i 500 - 1k kryty (odrazu pisze ze tym nie gram)

na pal/aw bez wiekszych problemow klade magow i lucznikow (ale wiadomo sa wyjatki)

Moim zdaniem nie bardzo lezy w interesie dragona zeby koksac daggerow do tego stopnia aby kladli na 1-2 skille

jedyne co bym chcial to to aby przywrocili co zycia postacie takie jak glad / tyr / des

Trzeba tez wciac pod uwage ze na offie dagger ma malo hp/cp/p def/m def wiec nic dziwnego ze lepiej bije niz inne klasy, to samo tank jest twardy i trudny do ubcia wiec sam nie padnie na 1 cios ale nie ma tez takiego dmg zeby klasc jak des na frenzy ( na tym polega balans - jedna postac jest przeciwienstwem drugiej ). Ponadto na offie nie ma mp potek, combatek, tatuazy i innego gowna na p def i m def, modyfikowanych skilli oraz stack sub ( glowna przyczyna braku balansu na DN ). Chcecie offa? to grajcie na nim... dragon dazy do balansu (co widac) a nie do gry jak na offie. Kto tego nie rozumie jest po prostu idiota
< Requiescat in pace >

RPG club



just 1 thing, notice most of tests are made at mages, so dont boost daggers but nerf mages p def bcos as Courtis said> lol at mage having more p.def than fighter in light
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Wizjoner on January 25, 2010, 07:14:18 PM
nie wiem o co jeczenie, mnie jedynie co dobija to m kryty od nuka

na temat dmg lucznikow tez by mogl ktos narzekac bo w tanka bije tylko za 100-200 normale i 500 - 1k kryty (odrazu pisze ze tym nie gram)

na pal/aw bez wiekszych problemow klade magow i lucznikow (ale wiadomo sa wyjatki)

Moim zdaniem nie bardzo lezy w interesie dragona zeby koksac daggerow do tego stopnia aby kladli na 1-2 skille

jedyne co bym chcial to to aby przywrocili co zycia postacie takie jak glad / tyr / des / des

Trzeba tez wciac pod uwage ze na offie dagger ma malo hp/cp/p def/m def wiec nic dziwnego ze lepiej bije niz inne klasy, to samo tank jest twardy i trudny do ubcia wiec sam nie padnie na 1 cios ale nie ma tez takiego dmg zeby klasc jak des na frenzy ( na tym polega balans - jedna postac jest przeciwienstwem drugiej ). Ponadto na offie nie ma mp potek, combatek, tatuazy i innego gowna na p def i m def, modyfikowanych skilli oraz stack sub ( glowna przyczyna braku balansu na DN ). Chcecie offa? to grajcie na nim... dragon dazy do balansu (co widac) a nie do gry jak na offie. Kto tego nie rozumie jest po prostu idiota

L2 to nie jest gra zbalansowana jak to napisales i nie miala nigdy taka byc!!!
Dziala to na zasadzie papier nozyczki.Np dager szybko zabija maga, za to glad szybko powinien zabic dagera.Lucznik>mag itd.
Problemem jest to,ze faktycznie tutaj mam suby i dosc ciezko jest np zbalansowac klase dager/tank czy lucznik tank.Ale w c 4 np w robe ud prawie nie dzialalo a teraz taki bp/pal w zasadzie jest nie do ubicie przez dagera.
Jesli mag ma prawie taki sam pdef jak dager czy lucznik ,to jak mozemy tu mowic o balansie?
Dagerem na oly da sie pograc, fakt nie zaprzeczam ale na mass pvp dager jest slaby i tyle.Jesli lucznik bije dagera po 1-3k a dager bije lucznika po 1.2k max lub i mniej jesli to tank, to o jakim balansie mozemy mowic gdzie dager uzywa skili i predzej mu sie mana skonczy niz zdola kogos ubic.
Credo - SPS / EE
Gisman - PW - SWS
Hesi - HE / WK


Quote from: Kailenaa on January 25, 2010, 07:21:50 PM
Yes, with 2 debuffs, so its still a shit dmg for a  close-range Killer, which imo dagger should be.
dude, this close ranged fighter have 15k hp 10 k cp and multistuns, so what ur talking about? look at ty/de, he deal crazy dmg but he can do a shit not being at 30%, so this is somehow balanced, not that daggers will blow for 10k and no1 will be able to kill them
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sali on January 25, 2010, 07:59:56 PM
dude, this close ranged fighter have 15k hp 10 k cp and multistuns, so what ur talking about? look at ty/de, he deal crazy dmg but he can do a shit not being at 30%, so this is somehow balanced, not that daggers will blow for 10k and no1 will be able to kill them

LOOOOOOL Sali again speak bullshit and Archer's can't have 15k hp and 10kcp ? Make he/wl then u get the same stat LOOOOL and stop SPAM here...

Quote from: Deavon on January 25, 2010, 06:53:31 PM

Show picture from  puffy side and we be sure that its will be a blow no NORMAL HIT(IC+F+7+dye str+ many p.atk + atribut make big dmg from normal hit's) bcs i dont belive U (Deathpussy)!
1 of the oldest player on NM
Misiek3 pw/es <-- try it 1 vs 1
and many others...


Quote from: MisiekIII on January 25, 2010, 08:41:57 PM
Show picture from  puffy side and we be sure that its will be a blow no NORMAL HIT(IC+F+7+dye str+ many p.atk + atribut make big dmg from normal hit's) bcs i dont belive U (Deathpussy)!

I personally dont care if you believe me or not ,i never have lied to community , unluckyly you did  with ur lame topics and ur lame screens ,thing which explains which you deleted it by urself ,prolly cause of shame .

Edit: You claiming that you playing ur char 4 years ,if its true you the biggest looser at ur class since you should know that PW is not famous for his damage but for stuff like evasion,speed,m.def .
If you want to hit hard make something like AW or TH .
Thanks and bye,does nt worth even to answer on your bullshits anymore .


Quote from: Deavon on January 25, 2010, 08:54:17 PM
I personally dont care if you believe me or not ,i never have lied to community , unluckyly you did  with ur lame topics and ur lame screens ,thing which explains which you deleted it by urself ,prolly cause of shame .

Edit: You claiming that you playing ur char 4 years ,if its true you the biggest looser at ur class since you should know that PW is not famous for his damage but for stuff like evasion,speed,m.def .
If you want to hit hard make something like AW or TH .
Thanks and bye,does nt worth even to answer on your bullshits anymore .

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHBUHAHAHAHHAHA Sorry but i cant hehe men pls pls stop shame on you. Noob like u tell me smth about dmg Dager omg. To cleare youre mind(learn) i make the same DMG like TH(ask puffy) i test it many times bcs i play this class and noob like u can only spam here nothing more.

Men learn rly learn first how to play(F1,F2 - pro style) next how to stop spam...

ps- if u are so pro make any PW/xx and we tray pvp(if u take down my cp i give u 10 dc ;D)
1 of the oldest player on NM
Misiek3 pw/es <-- try it 1 vs 1
and many others...