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Necro is still overpowered - we should nerf it - Page 7



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Necro is still overpowered - we should nerf it

Started by Shreed, March 02, 2010, 11:04:37 PM

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necro is not any more powered than any other mystic, its just with right buffs & equipment  all mystics will kick ass, same thing with archer if got good buffs & gear & 500 crit rate there awsome, about mage banes ect, there usless up against most chars unless maybe a th as he is close enough, have you ever tried to catch a th or archer or even a mystic on a necro, then how could you get close enough to bane them, if a sps starts to hit me, by time i realise where he is im dead, there are tons chars that can be set up to be really good if got the right gear, like tyr/dest there awsome char when set Up & in god mode.
Im fed up with people that wing because they get beaten by some other type char, I bet they don't winge about another char that is the same as them but has better buffs & gear, there normally the noobs that die in pvp & then call you a noob, & there the one dead on the ground.
I think its wrong that archers have longer range than any other char but thats how all the chars are disighed, all something different, thats what makes this game so great.
So if you keep complaining about being beaten then buy better gear & better buffs to fight back or pick a better char that you have a better chance to win, also there are people with top gear & they are shit on there chars.
leave necro alone he has less matk that others, pick on the others for a change or pick on archers with 500 crit rate
ty/dest, bd/se, nec/pp, th/pp, he/pp, ty/he, ol/nec, bd/pp, sws/wc, bp/wk, wc/bd, ol/bd, tyr/sp, nec/ee, nec/ee,th/sws, th/sws, th/pal, tyr/pali,Glad/Pali, sps/ee,nec/sorc,sh/se


Quote from: Ungolianth on March 06, 2010, 07:33:56 PM
so this leads to that i need 4 dyna sets to have goode ressist vs all elements...and this is ok for u huh?

ofc not , but on the other hand it leads to the clue that necro is not OP. he makes same dmg as any other mage when using a same power skill.
thats what i care about not what dyna set u ll use. i cant fit all attributes on my armor as well ... and ye attributes working. dunno if thats the way it should work , but they work.

my major problem is to choose vs what i ll have to resist. cause having just 1 of each element resist on each part isnt enough . u ll have to go same attribute on 2 or more parts to see some result ...


Quote from: kuko on March 06, 2010, 10:03:39 PM
this is fresh one
You tell me is it ok necro

u have 0 dark resist buffs, not even magic barrier but u had gloom and vortrex . what less did u expect ?


Quote from: lucifsg on March 08, 2010, 11:49:32 AM
u have 0 dark resist buffs, not even magic barrier but u had gloom and vortrex . what less did u expect ?
If u check one more time u will notice m def buff
and my dark resist is 8 coz of that vortex(-30)
gloom remove 23 of m ef so that hit should be 7,7k without.
So it's normal right?
I want answer not from half necros in NM


somebody cry ;)  but Necromancers was fall into disgrace since C4
Powerman and best Necro Player  > P1NaCoLaDa was from this small group of peoples who continue play with this chars

dusaka  WC/DE  since 5.5 years

Kondjo   Warsmith/B.Hunter  BEST CRAFTER in NM



Quote from: dusaka on March 08, 2010, 01:11:14 PM
somebody cry ;)  but Necromancers was fall into disgrace since C4
Powerman and best Necro Player  > P1NaCoLaDa was from this small group of peoples who continue play with this chars

p1na raped asses lol.. too bad he quit and he got hacked after :(
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


I bet a necro with lvl 4 dark attribute on weapon will make more dmg then a Sorc with lvl 4 fire if they both have identical gear and m.atk.

No facts... just a hunch, I would like someone to proove me wrong though.



xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


NM x30
Emek - ne/bp
iEmek - ne/pp
HeYYa - ne/da
xEmekx - bd/se
Skatawa - sps/ee
PokaCycki - ee/sws
NeedForWeed - ss/wk


Basic matk lvl at lvl 78 & no dyes, armor ect
sps 124
Necro 128
sorcerer 128
sh 132
ty/dest, bd/se, nec/pp, th/pp, he/pp, ty/he, ol/nec, bd/pp, sws/wc, bp/wk, wc/bd, ol/bd, tyr/sp, nec/ee, nec/ee,th/sws, th/sws, th/pal, tyr/pali,Glad/Pali, sps/ee,nec/sorc,sh/se


Quote from: Blackcobra on March 09, 2010, 01:02:20 AM
Basic matk lvl at lvl 78 & no dyes, armor ect
sps 124
Necro 128
sorcerer 128
sh 132

i bet nobody expected that!  :o :o
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"